
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 9 Can you coe to y party?

1.I have to______for the ath test.
A.study     B.studying
C.learning D.studied
2.y best friend often invites e ______ delicious food.
A.enjoy B.enjoying
C.enjoyed D.to enjoy
3.I a going to ______ you on Sunday and go bike riding.
A.catch B.accept
C.refuse D.delete
4.Do you know ______ I iss you?
A.how any B.how uch
C.how long D.how far
5.Please reply to the invitation ______ by next Tuesday.
A.call B.in call
C.in calling D.for calling
6.Joe______go to the doctor.His leg is broken.
A.have to B.can
C.has to D.ay
7.—Sorry,but I have to look after y brother.
—That's too______.aybe______tie.
A.bad;another B.bad;other
C.good;another D.good;other
8.—Would you like to visit the useu?
A.Yes,pleas e. B.Sure,I'd love to.
C.Sorry,I wouldn't. D.Yes,I would.
9.Can you look at the ______ and tell e the activities?
A.enu B.calendar
C.clock D.phone
10.Sorry,I' busy today.I have ______ housework to do.
A.uch too B.too uch
C.too any D.any too
11.Can you play football ______ us this afternoon?
A.with B.at
C.on D.around
12.Thanks a lot for______e______your house.
A.invite;for B.invite;to
C.inviting;for D.inviting;to
13.—______I watch TV,u?
—Sure,but you______finish your hoework first.
A.ust;needn't B.Can;ay
C.Can;ust D.ay;ustn't
14.The students are very ______ at the ______ news.
15.—y other is ill.I have to look after her at hoe.
A.Thank youB.Oh,I don't know
C.Bad luckD.I' sorry to hear that
Soe people in Britain or Aerica like to invite friends to dinner at hoe.But this is ore coon in Aerica __16__ in Britain.Don't worry __17__ your English friends don't invite you hoe.It doesn't ean that they __18__ you.
When you __19__ to an evening eal,ask your friends what tie you should __20__.It is a good idea __21__ a sall present when yo u arrive,and it is __22__ to say how uch you like the house __23__ the roo,or the pictures in the roo.But don't ask how uch these things __24__.
In this way,__25__ you and your friends will have a pleasant get­together.
16.A.that B.then
C.than D.ore than
17.A.what B.where
C.who D.if
18.A.don't like B.unlike
C.like D.doesn't like
19.A.asked B.are asked
C.are asking D.were asked
20.A.arrive at B.get to
C.arrive D.arrive in
21.A.takes B.to take
C.taking D.to lend
22.A.polite B.worried
C.sad D.afraid
23.A.or B.and
C.but D.so
24.A.spend B.cost
C.takes D.pay
25.A.both B.neither
C.all D.none
In Canada and the United States,people enjoy entertaining(请客)at hoe.They often invite friends over for a eal,a party,or just for a coffee and conversation.
Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite soeone to their hoe:
“Would you like to coe over for dinner Saturday night?”
“Hey,we're having a party on Friday.Can you coe?”
To reply to an invitation,either say thank you and accept,or say you're sorry,and give an excuse:
“Thanks,I'd love to.What tie would you like e to coe?”or “Oh,sorry,I've tickets for a ovie.”
Soeties,however,people use expressions that sound like invitations but which are not real invitations.For exaple:
“Please coe over for a drink soetie.”
“Why not get together for a party soetie?”
“Why don't you coe over and see u s soetie soon?”
They are really just polite ways of ending a conversation.They are not real invitations because they don't ention a specific(确定的)tie or date.They just show that the person is trying to be friendly.To reply to expressions like these,people just say “Sure,that would be great!”or “OK,yes,thanks.”
So next tie when you hear what sounds like an invitation,listen carefully:Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?
26.Why do Canadians and Aericans often invite friends for eals at hoe?
A .Because they can save tie.
B.Because they can spend less oney.
C.Because they enjoy entertaining at hoe.
D.Because they have odern and beautiful house.
27.Which of the following is a real invitation?
A.“If you are free,let's go for a dinner soetie.”
B.“Please go to the cinea with e soeday.”
C.“Would you like to have a cup of tea with us soetie?”
D.“I've two tickets here.Can you go to the ovie with e?”
28.If people say “Let's get together for lunch soe day.”,you just say “______”
A.That would be nice.
B.How about this weekend?
C.Oh,sorry.I' very busy.
D.That's great.I'll be there on tie.
29.People us e “an unreal invitation” in order to(为了)show that ______.
A.they're trying to be friendly
B.they're trying to be helpful
C.they're trying to ake friends with others
D.they haven't got ready for a party yet
30.The passage is ainly about______.
A.entertainent at hoeB.real invitations or not
C.expressions of starting a conversationD.ways of ending a conversation
Johnson is a young soldier(士兵)in a big cap.On weekdays he and the other soldiers are always very busy.They can only have a good rest on weekends.It is Sunday.All the young soldiers are free,and their officer says to the,“You can go to the town this afternoon,but first I want to check(检查)all of you.”
When Johnson coes to the officer,the officer says to hi,“Your hair is too long.Go to the barber's shop(理发店)and then coe back to let e have a look.”
Johnson runs to the barber's shop,but it isn't open.Then he reebers it's Sunday.Johnson is very sad,but a oent later he gets happy and goes back to the officer.
“______”Johnson asks when he coes in front of the officer.
The officer doesn't look at John's hair.He looks at his shoes and says,“Yes,they are better noYou can go out.Reeber,next week clean your shoes before coing to e.”
31.Before the soldiers go to the town,the officer ______.
A.asks the to have their hair cut(修剪)
B.asks the to clean their shoes
C.wants to check the
D.wants to clean their roos
32.Why isn't the barber's shop open?
A.Because it's too early.B.Because it's too lat e.
C.Because it's Sunday.D.Because it's Saturday.
33.We can put“______”in the blank(空白处)of the passage.
A.Is y hair clean now,sir?B.Is y hair short now,sir?
C.Are y pants clean now,sir?D.Are y shoes clean now,sir?
34.Fro the passage,we know Johnson______.
A.doesn't like the officerB.is very fun
C.is very cleverD.doesn't work hard
35.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Johnson and the other soldiers are busy fro onday to Friday.
B.Johnson cleans his shoes before he coes back to the office.
C.The officer thinks Johnson's h air is too dirty.
D.Johnson can't go to the town that afternoon.
B:Hello,Sion.Can you coe to y party this Saturday?
A:Party?What party?
B:It's y 15th birthday.
A:Really?Happy birthday to you,Peter.I'd love to.What tie?
B:At 6 p..,October 25th,at y hoe.Do you know y address?No.108 Green Street.If you can't find it.Give e a call,24606776.By the way,can you ask Ann to coe together?
A:OK,I will.Thanks for asking us.
It's a 36.______ party!
For who:37.______ Tie:38.______
Place:39.______ Phone nuber: 40.______
Coe and have fun!
41.Please a______ y invitation.
42.They're going to the cinea the day after t______.
43.We study very hard on w______.
44.Can you help e p______ this letter?
45.Every year our school has several e______.
46.I' looking forward to ______(hear) fro you soon.
47.To______(can)coe to y party because he is ill.
48.Thank you for your______(invite).
49.Please keep quiet!y sister's trying______(study).
50.He would love______(have)a cup of tea.
A.What do you like to do in your free tie?B.y uncle is very good at fishing.C.I like eating fish.D.We soeties go fishing.E.Dad is taking us out in the car.F.Who cooks the fish?G.I will go out with y father.
(J=John L=Li Lei)
J:Hello,Li Lei!
L:Hi,John.Can you coe and play football with us on Sunday?
J:Sorry,I can't.51.______
L:Do you like going out in the car?
J:Yes,I do.We soeties go out in the car on Saturday.
L:Oh,we usually go and see y uncle on Saturday.52.______
J:I like fishing.What about you?
L:I like fishing,too.53.______ He always catches a lot of fish.We often take the fish hoe for supper.54.______
L:y dad.I help hi.We like cooking fish!
J:And eating it,too.
To 邀请Li Ping参加他这周的生日宴会,但Li Ping 的父母出差要到下个月回来,奶奶又卧病在床,需要人照顾。再说英语考试即将来临,因此无法前去参加生日宴会。Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好写辞谢信。
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1. 答案:A 点拨:考查动词的形式。have to意为“必须;不得不”,其后接动词原形。
2. 答案:D 点拨:invite sb.to do sth.意为“邀请某人去做某事”,故选D项。
3. 答案:A 点拨:根据句意“我打算星期天去找你一起骑车旅行”可知A项符合。B项意为“接受”;C项意为“拒绝”;D项意为“删除”。
4. 答案:B 点拨:表示“多么”用how uch。句意为“你知道我多么想念你吗? ”
5. 答案:C 点拨:in doing sth.意为“以……方式”。句意为“请以打电话的方式于下周二前答复这请柬”。
6. 答案:C 点拨:考查情态动词。句意为“Joe不得不去看医生,他的腿受伤了”。have to意为“不得不,必须”,符合句意,又因为主语Joe为第三人称单数,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。
7. 答案:A 点拨:考查词义。句意为“——很抱歉,我必须得照看我弟弟。——那太糟糕了,下一次吧”。“糟糕”用bad表示,“再一,又一”用another表示。
8. 答案:B 点拨:考查应答语。对would you like to do 的回答为:Yes/Sure,I'd l ike/love to.
9. 答案:B 点拨:A项意为“菜单”;B项意为“日程表;日历”;C项意为“钟表”;D项意为“电话”。根据“告诉我活动”可知B项正确。
10. 答案:B 点拨:考查短语的差别。housework是不可数名词,故用uch短语修饰。A项意为“太”,修饰形容词和副词,故选B项,意为“太多”。
11. 答案:A 点拨:考查介词。表示“和我们一起”用with us,故选A项。
12. 答案:D 点拨:考查固定短语,“invite sb. to+地点名词”意为“邀请某人去某地”;介词for后接动词­ing形式,故选D项。
13. 答案:C 点拨:考查情态动词。表示请求用can或ay;据答语“当然可以,但是”可知“你必须先完成你的作业”,故选C项。
14. 答案:A 点拨:“学生”是人,故用surprised;news是物,故用surprising修饰,A项正确。
15. 答案:D 点拨:因为“妈妈生病”,故对方报以歉意。

答案:16.C 点拨:由前面的ore可知本句是比较级,用than来连接。
17.D 点拨:本句意为“如果你的英国朋友不邀请你到家里去,你也不要担心”。是if引导的条件状语从句。
18.A 点拨:由前句可知,本句意为“那并不意味着他们不喜欢你”。因主语是复数,故用don't like表示。
19.B 点拨:此处为一般现在时的被动语态,且主语为you,故用are asked表示,意为“被邀请” 。
20.C 点拨:由于此处没有宾语,故用不及物动词arrive作谓语。
21.B 点拨:句意为“当你到的时候带个小礼物是很好的主意”。用的是It's a+adj.+名词+to do sth.结构。
22.A 点拨:句意为“说一下你有多么喜欢那座房子和里面的房间是很有礼貌的”,polite 有礼貌的。
23.A 点拨:并列连词,连接the house 和the roo。根据下文“or the pictures”可知选A项。
24.B 点拨:句意为“但不要问这些东西花了多少钱”。物作主语,表“花费”的动词用cost。
25.A 点拨:both...and...意为“……和……两者都”。

答案:26 .C 点拨:由第一句可知“他们喜欢在家里请客”。
27.D 点拨:A、B、C三项都没有明确的时间及事由。
28.A 点拨:邀请语中没有具体的时间,说明不是真正的邀请,故选A项。
29.A 点拨:非真实的邀请是为了表明人们很友好。
30.B 点拨:综观全文可知本文是关于“人们是否真正地邀请”。

答案:31.C 点拨:由第一段最后一句可知“军官是想检查一下那些士兵”。
32.C 点拨:由第三段第一、二句可知“星期天理发店不开门”。
33.D 点拨:由最后一段军官说的话可知“军官是看的士兵的鞋”。
34.C 点拨:通观整篇可知“这个士兵很聪明”。
35.A 点拨:由第一段第二、三句可知“士兵们平日很忙,只有周末可以好好休息一下”。
答案:36.birthday 37.Peter 38.Saturday,October 25th,at 6 p.. 39.Peter's hoe 40.24606776

答案:41.accept 42.toorrow 43.weekdays 44.print 45.events

答案:46.hearing 47.can't 48.invitation 49.to study 50.to have

答案:51.E 52.A 53.B 54.C 55.F

答案:Dear To,
Thank you very uch for inviting e to your birthday party.I'd love to go but I can't.y parents are out on business.They are coing back next onth.And now I have to look after y grandother because she is ill in bed.And I also need to study for y coing English exa.I' very sorry but I can't go to your party.Thank you for asking e.I hope you can have a good tie.
Li Ping

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/101360.html
