
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

本试题分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分, 共12页,满分150分。考试时间为120分钟。
第I卷 (选择部分  共110分)
I. 听力测试(30分)
A) 听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(7.5分)
1. A. Everything was excellent. B. I always exercise. C. She sang so well.
2. A. I go to the movies maybe once a month.     B. We had a discussion about TV shows.
  C. My friend is more hard-working than me.
3. A. Are you as friendly as your sister?    B. Do you plan to watch a movie this weekend?
  C. Did you do anything fun on your vacation?
4. A. It’s good to drink milk every day.     B. Start exercising before it’s too late.
  C. That’s up to you to decide.
5. A. Where did you go on vacation?          B. What do you want to watch?
  C. How do you like it so far?
B) 听录音,从每题A、B、C中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项每段对话听两遍。(7.5分)
6. A.         B.           C. 

7. A.              B.           C. 

8. A.              B.            C. 

9. A.              B.           C. 

10. A.             B.            C. 
C) 在录音中, 你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。(7.5分)
11. A. Watch talk shows          B. See the movie          C. Go online
12.A. Because he has to visit his grandparents.    B. Because he has to finish his homework.
   C. Because he dislikes the movie.
13. A. They are old.             B. They are hard.          C. They are comfortable.
14. A. By taxi       B. By bike               C. By bus
15. A. In front of the cinema      B. On the way to school     C. At Alice's home
D) 在录音中,你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍。(7.5分)
16. A. For an hour       B. For twenty minutes      C. For two hours
17. A. By bus            B. By car                C. By bike
18. A. At 7:00           B. At 8:00               C. At 6:30
19. A. Every day         B. Never               C. Three days a week
20. A. In the park       B. In the cinema          C. In his office
Ⅱ. 读音选词     根据所给句子的句意及音标选择正确答案。(5分)
21. There are some hens and a baby  ____________ / pig /on Mr. Green's farm.
    A. bag       B.pig    C. pet     D. dog
22. I ____________ /'wʌndə / what life was like here in the past.
    A. won         B. wonder         C. winner    D. wonderful
23. Who ___________ / brəʊk/ the window of our classroom?
A. broke          B. below       C. bring          D. become
24. The best way to relax is __________ / θruː/ exercise.
A. thin            B. together        C. through       D. though
25. Do you like the singing ________________ /kɒmpɪ'tɪʃ(ə)n /, The Voice of China?
A. computer        B. comfortable        C. character       D. competition
Ⅲ. 选择填空   从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案(30分)
26. — I got wet all over because I didn’t have ________ umbrella.
— Poor kid!
   A. a           B. an          C./         D. the
27.?-Did you win the game yesterday?
--Not really. But I still tried _______ best.
A. me       B. mine             C. my        D. us
28. Your box is pretty nice. I hope my box is the same ________ yours.
A. for        B. at              C. as         D. to
29. Next week is quite full for me. And I have to see the _______ for teeth cleaning.
A. dentist   B. reporter   C. musician   D. writer
30. —Who lives together with this old woman?
—________. She lives by herself. Li Jing and I come to see her every Saturday.
A. Everybody B. Somebody  C. Anybody  D. Nobody 
31. —Do you like Sichuan food?
--Yes. My brother and I ________ like hot food very much.
A. all   B. both   C. either   D. none
32.--How often do you eat _______?
--I guess I eat it two or three times a week.
A. junk food  B. vegetable  C. banana  D. hamburger
33. — Boys and girls, who can give us the answer to this question?
— Sorry, Mr. White, I can _________ follow you, could you please say it again?
    A. always         B. usually         C. often        D. hardly
34. My mother is going ________ one day. She hates noise.
A. quiet somewhere   B. somewhere quiet
C. quiet anything       D. something quiet
35. —When did you see the action movie Wolf Warriors II ?
A. Tomorrow   B. In two days  C. Three days ago    D. Next weekend
36. We clean our classroom ________ a week, on Monday and Thursday.
A. first          B. second            C. once            D. twice
37. --What do you think of soap operas?
--__________. But my mother likes them.
A. I can’t stand them.        B. I don’t mind them.
C. I love them.   D. I think so.
38.--How was the food in Georgetown?
   -- Everything ________ really good!
A. sounded   B. tasted           C. looked          D. felt
39. --Why do you look unhappy, Maria?
--I can’t learn math well ______ I always work hard.
A. because   B. and   C. although   D. so
40. ?Can you say it again? I didn’t hear ________.
--Yes. I said you did a good job.
A. hardly   B. quietly   C. clearly   D. loudly
41. Tony is not as clever as Lucy, but he works ________ than her.
A. hard   B. harder C. hardest  D. the hardest
42. --When is the _________ time to visit New York?
--In August and September, I think. Not too cold, not too hot.
A. hottest   B. hotter   C. best      D. better
43. Let’s open the windows to have some ______ air there.
A. cheap    B. necessary          C. careful         D. fresh
44. Jim Smith is interested in Chinese history and culture. If he wants to go somewhere         educational, which place do you think is the best choice?
A.    B.     C.    D. 
45. --Where is Linda?
--She _____ be in the school library, but I’m not sure.
A. might          B. need             C. should         D. must
46. Every day Miss Green makes Jim ________English in class.
A. read       B. reading    C. to read         D. reads
47.--How was the trip to Beijing this summer vacation?
--Pretty good! We _______ quite a few photos there.
A. take      B. took     C. are taking      D. takes
48.--Do you have your own room?
--No. I _________ a room with my sister.
A. appear      B. lose              C. share           D. give
49. --Do you think Mulan is an exciting action movie?
--Yes. It comes from an old Chinese story. The movie is about Mulan, a villager girl.
She takes her father’s place _______ in the army.
A. fighting       B. to fight    C. fights          D. fought
50. — What do you think of Hangzhou? 
   — It’s very beautiful! Many people expect __________ it during holidays.
   A. visit         B. is visiting       C. visiting          D. to visit
51. — ________ useful information! 
   — Yeah, we don’t have to go online for it.
   A. How        B. What a     C. How an     D. What
52. — ______________ does she go to the library?
   — Once a week.
   A. How much       B. How long      C. How often       D. How far
53. — Do you mind if I sit here?
   — ________. It’s for Mr. Green.
   A. Not at all        B. Never mind      C. Better not       D. Of course not
54. — Christmas is coming. Is your father going to ___________ as Father Christmas?
   — Yes. And we can get gifts on that day.
   A. make up         B. dress up          C. put up     D. get up
55. — Wow, is that the Great Wall? It’s really wonderful!
— Yeah, it is ______ famous _______ lots of visitors from all over the world come to visit it every year.
A. so; that       B. such; that       C. enough; that       D. very; that
Ⅳ. 完形填空   (10分)
    It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. John’s parents were not in. John decided to go to the Happy Theater to watch a talent show, so he   56   home. Only Barky, John’s pet   57    stayed at home. Just after John left, a bad man   58    the window, and then he came into the house   59    it. He began looking for expensive things in the rooms. He found some   60   in the box. He took out the money,  61    as he was leaving, he heard a dog’s barking(叫声). He looked around and found Barky looking at him angrily. He was very scared.
Barky was going to bite him when John came home. John let Barky sit down and told the bad man   62    , “ Come with me to the   63    , or Barky will bite you!” So the bad man had to   64   John with Barky close behind. A policeman cuffed(铐) the bad man after John told him the thing.
Barky had a  65    for watching the house. But the bad man didn’t know.
56. A. left         B. stayed     C. reached    D. waited
57. A. cat           B. dog       C. bird        D. duck
58. A. killed      B. acted      C. touched     D. broke
59. A. for          B. through     C. on       D. below
60. A. money      B. mirrors     C. tickets      D. bicycles
61. A. though           B. but          C. if          D. because
62. A. loudly        B. quietly      C. beautifully      D. comfortably
63. A. radio station    B. post office      C. police station   D. theater
64. A. help       B. bring       C. join        D. follow
65. A. reason        B. result         C. talent         D. service
Ⅴ. 补全对话
A: Hello! I’m a reporter from the Spring City Magazine. Nice to meet you.
B: Oh, nice to meet you, too.
A: Can I ask you some questions?
B:         66       
A: Do you often go to the movies?
B: Yes. I like movies very much.
A:        67       
B: Hmm…about three or four times a week.
A:        68        _
B: I think New Century Cinema is.
A: Why do you think so?
B:        69         You know, it’s really great.
A: Yeah, I think so. Is it the cheapest one?
B: No, of course not. Town Cinema is the cheapest and it’s not far. But it’s too crowded.
A: Oh, really?        70       
B: Well, let me think. About 20 minutes’ walk or 10 minutes by bus.
A: Thank you so much. See you.
B: Nothing much. Bye!  
66. A. Sorry.          B. I’m fine, thank you. 
   C. Sure.         D. It doesn’t matter.
67. A. How do you go to the movies?     B. How often do you go to the movies?
   C. Who do you go to the movies with?      D. When do you go to the movies?
68. A. What do you look like?                B. Where are you going on vacation?
   C. Which do you think is the best movie theater? D. What is your favorite subject?
69. A. Because it has boring sound.               B. Because it has hard seats.
   C. Because it is not close to home.    D. Because it has the biggest screens and the best seats.
70. A. How far is it?        B. How do you like it?
   C. How much is the ticket?          D. How long does it take you to get there?
Ⅵ. 阅读理解 (30分)
  Tom was a fat boy when he was ten. He liked watching TV very much. He watched TV at least five hours every day.  Wherever (无论哪里) he went,he would be late.
  One day,he found a pair of special glasses in his post-box(邮箱).He also found a message saying,“With these you can see time.”
  The boy decided to have a try. He put the glasses on,looked at his brother,a tall and thin boy,and saw a big box of flowers on top of his head. And it wasn't just his brother. When he looked at his parents,he also saw the flowers. The three boxes were very large and the flowers were very beautiful. Then,he looked at himself from the mirror. He saw the flowers, too. But his flowers went to the mouth of the television. Its mouth was big. His flowers became fewer and fewer.
  At last,he learned that watching TV was a waste of time. He could learn nothing from it. He decided he would never again let the television eat his time.
71. What did Tom look like?
   A. Tall.           B. Short.         C. Thin.               D. Fat.
72. How often did Tom watch TV?
   A. Every day.      B. Once a week.   C. Twice a week.        D. Never.
73. What does the underlined word “waste” mean in Chinese?
   A.珍惜           B.浪费           C.利用                D.改进
74. Which of the following is TRUE?
   A. Tom found the glasses in the bookcase.
   B. Tom looked the same as his brother through the glasses.
   C. Tom looked at his brother first with the glasses.
   D. Tom didn't have any flowers when he looked at himself.
75. What would Tom do later?
   A. Never wear the glasses.             B. Spend his time on useful things.
   C. Eat less when watching TV.          D. Buy some flowers.
June came and the hottest month of the year began. A lot of travelers came to the city by the sea. All of the hotels were full except(除了)Mr. Johnson’s.  All the rooms were the cheapest in the city but few people stayed there. The fire(火灾)broke out(发生) three times in a year and four travelers died in the accidents. Most workers left there and found jobs in the other hotels. Mr. Johnson had to do most work himself.
   It was eleven o’clock. Most rooms were still empty. Mr. Johnson worked for the whole day and was very tired. He went to close the front door when a young man came in, with a big bag in his hand.
   “What can I do for you, sir?” asked Mr. Johnson.
   “The cheapest room in your hotel.”
   “OK,” said Mr. Johnson, “but it’s on the top floor.”
   “It doesn’t matter. I think you have a lift(电梯) in your hotel.”
   “Of course, sir,” said Mr. Johnson. “It’ll take you right there. By the way, may I keep your bag for you?”
   “No, thanks. There’s nothing expensive in it but a long rope(绳子).”
   “Oh? What do you bring it with you for?”
   “I’m afraid another fire will happen in your hotel. If it does, I’ll throw the rope out of the window so that I’ll be able to escape from(逃脱)it.”
   “Yes?” Mr. Johnson said in surprise. “So you have to pay for the bill(账单) before you go to your room.”
76. Most workers left the hotel because ______.
  A. Mr. Johnson paid them less             B. it was dangerous to work for Mr. Johnson
  C. some travelers stayed there             D. it was too hot there in summer
77. ______, so most rooms were empty.
  A. The travelers liked to stay outside.            B. The travelers went out for supper.
  C. A few travelers died in Mr. Johnson’s hotel.     D. Mr. Johnson was bad to the travelers
78. The young man went in the hotel to ______.
  A. put his bag there            B. look for something
  C. talk to Mr. Johnson          D. stay for night
79. The young man took a long rope with him so that ______.
  A. he could easily leave the hotel if it was on fire     B. he could pay nothing for the room
  C. he could go to work early the next morning        D. he could not lose anything
80. Mr. Johnson asked the young man to pay because he was afraid ______.
  A. the young man could die   B.  the young man would not pay any money and leave
  C. the young man could take something away     D. his hotel would be on fire again
Hi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.
First, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have a favorite food, but you'd better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients(营养物质)your body needs.
Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When you're really thirsty, cold water is the No. One choice(选择). Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium(钙)your body needs to grow strong bones(骨头).
Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach(胃)feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.
Fourth, limit(限制)screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You can't watch TV for more than two hours a day.
Fifth, be active(积极的). One thing you'd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.
Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.
81. You should eat different foods especially ________.
  A. meat   B. junk food C. hamburgers D. fruit and vegetables
82. Which kind of drinks can give you more calcium?
  A. Milk B. Juice C. Cold water  D. Cola
83. According to the passage, you should follow ________ rules if you want to be healthy.
   A. three B. four C. five   D. six
84. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
   A. When you're eating, you don't have to notice how your body feels.
   B. You can eat more your favorite food.
   C. You can watch TV whenever you like to get more information.
   D. We should try to live in an active way in our life.
85. Which is the best title for the passage?
   A. How to make yourself important
   B. How to be a healthy kid
   C. How to be a popular kid
   D. How to make your parents healthy

Ⅶ. 选词填空(10分)
A. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。(每词限用一次)
however,    something,   always,   performers,     creative,

    Greenwood Park is the best place to go to on weekends. I 86. _____________ finish my breakfast the fastest on Saturdays because I want to get there before 10:00 a.m. to meet my friends. Almost everyone goes there to see the street 87._______________. I think they are the most 88._______________ people. 89.________________, the place where you can enjoy your time the most quietly is at one of the small coffee shops near the park. There is 90._______________ for everyone at Greenwood Park.
B. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号。(每词限用一次)
be,   spend,    enjoy,    play,      win,
Kaiden Hunkins is only 13 years old. But he is a top young pool (台球) player in the United States.
    At the age of 5, he picked up a pool cue (台球杆) for the first time. “My dad saw how much I wanted 91._______________ pool,” he said.
    Two years later, he 92.______________ a prize in a game. In 2018年, he took part in the junior world championships (锦标赛) in Shanghai.
    Kaiden 93._________________ about 90 minutes daily practicing on weekdays. He practices up to three hours daily on weekends and in the summer. He often travels with his father to play in big games around the US. While other kids are playing with friends, Kaiden is playing pool.
    For Kaiden, the game of pool 94._________________ something special. “Not a lot of people play it,” he said. “It’s just fun. I like the game. I hope everyone can 95.________________watching the game. ”
Ⅷ. 改写句子       按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)
96. Town City is close to my home. (改为否定句)
   Town City  ______________  ______________ close to my home.
97. Sam went to Hong Kong last summer. (改为一般疑问句)
   ______________ Sam ______________ to Hong Kong last summer?
98. Most students use the Internet three times a week. (就句子画线部分提问)
   _______________  _______________ times do most students use the Internet?
99. Tom and his brother have lots of things in common. (改写句子,句意不变)
   Tom is ______________  ________________ his brother.
100.The other cartoon characters are not so popular as Mickey Mouse. (改写句子,句意不变)
   Mickey Mouse is _______________  ______________ than any other cartoon character.
Ⅸ. 完成句子  根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)
101. 许多人认为英雄离我们很远。实际上,英雄就在我们身边。
Many people think heroes are far from us. ___________  __________, heroes are around us.
102. 当人们观看“中国新歌声”时,他们通常担任着评判优胜者的角色。
When people watch the show “New Songs in China”, they usually ___________ a ___________     in deciding the winner.
103.他在魔术表演上有天赋, 也许他会成为一名出色的魔术师。
   He is ______________ in magic shows, so he might become an excellent _______________.
104. 如果你认真对待每一件事,你的生活将会无限美好。
    If you _______________ everything ________________ , your life will be pretty beautiful.
105. 他总是能做到扬人之长。
     He always ________________  ________________ the best in others.
Ⅹ. 任务型阅读七选五   (5分)
  Do you know that you are not outgoing enough? Do you want more friends, but are you too shy?    106    They will help you.
     Feel comfortable. Always be clean. Shower, brush your teeth, and try to look nice. Dress in clothes .   107   . Those make you feel more confident.
    Smile more often. Try to smile more often at people.  108   . Then they'll talk to you more even if they don't know you.
     Just talk. Some people worry about talking because they think, "What am I going to talk about with that person?"    109   . They just go up to people and say what they think.
     Listen to people. You can't just talk. People will think that you're self-centered. You have to listen to other sand give your opinions. Let them know you care.
     Read the news!   110   . Surf the Internet for news and information, and talk about it when you're with friends.

106. _________  107. _________  108. __________ 109. _________ 110. _________

Ⅺ. 书面表达。 (15分)
校学生会准备在元旦举行征文活动,请根据提示,回想自己在生活中遇到的最好的一位朋友,以“My Best Friend”为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。
喜欢好朋友的原因; 你们两个在外貌、生活习惯、性格、学习、运动、爱好等方面的相同和不同之处。
My Best Friend
1-5 BAABC  6-10 CBCAB  11-15  BACBA  16-20  ABCCA
单词辨音 21-25  BBACD
26-30  BCCAD   31-35 BADBC  36-40 DABCC 41-45 BCDBA  46-50ABCBD
51-55 DCCBA
完形填空  56-60  ABDBA   61-65 BACDC
补全对话 66-70 CBCDA
71-75 DABCB  77-80 BCDAB   81-85DACDB
86. always  87. performers  88. creative  89.  However   90. something
91. to play  92. won   93. spends   94. is    95. enjoy
96.  is, not  97. Did, go  98. How many  99. similar to  100. more popular
101.In, fact  102. play, role  103. talented, magician  104. take, seriously  105. brings, out
七选五  106-110  EBDGC
书面表达 评分标准:
4) 书面表达可分为四个等级:
满分15分 文本长度符合要求,书写规范,涵盖所有要点,结构规范,条理清楚,逻辑严密,词汇丰富,没有任何语法错误。
     (1) 12-14分: 文本长度符合要求,书写规范,涵盖所有要点,结构规范,条理清楚,逻辑严密,词汇比较丰富,有1-2处语法错误。
     (2) 9-11分:文本长度符合要求,书写规范,涵盖所有要点,行文基本连贯,词汇不够丰富,有3-4处语法错误。
     (3) 6-8分: 文本长度与要求有明显距离,书写不够规范,要点不完整,行文不连贯,词汇量不足,错误较多,勉强能看出作文意图。
     (4) 3-5分:能用句子表达,错误百出,只能勉强猜测出作文意图。

 I always exercise.

I go to the movies maybe once a month.

Are you as friendly as your sister?


 Start exercising before it's too late.


How do you like it so far?


Did you do anything interesting, Bob?
Yes. I visited my uncle. We went fishing, but we didn't get any fish.
What a pity!
What do you usually do on weekends?
I usually help with the housework.


 Is there a movie theater near here?
Yes. Screen City is the most popular one near here.
Sounds good. Let's go.


What do you want to do tonight?
I want to stay at home and watch news. I hope to be a TV reporter one day.


 Which girl is your best friend?
   The one with black glasses.


Hello, Alice!
Hi, Tom! How's it going?
Pretty good.
I want to see the new cartoon movie this weekend. Can you go with me on Saturday?
I'd love to. But I have to visit my grandparents this Saturday. What about Sunday?
OK. Let's go to see it on Sunday morning.
Great. Which cinema is the best to go to?
Let's go to Movie World. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats.
How are we getting there?
I think we can ride our bikes.
OK. Let's meet at half past nine in front of the cinema.
11. What does Alice want to do this weekend?
12. Why can't Tom go with Alice on Saturday?
13. What does Alice think of the seats?
14. How are they getting there?
15. Where are they going to meet?


Let me tell you Tony's living habit. Here is what Tony usually does on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. At 6:00 a.m., he gets up and brushes his teeth. Then at 6:30, he goes running for an hour. He leaves home for work at 7:30. It takes him twenty minutes to drive to his office. He starts his work at 8:00. In the afternoon, he usually arrives home from work at 6:30.
  On Tuesdays and Thursdays he gets up at 7:00 a. m. He does some housework and then goes to work. He only has to get up early to exercise three days a week.
 Tony likes to relax on the weekend. He often goes to the park with his friends. He also likes to watch movies.
16. How long does Tony go running?
17. How does Tony get to his office?
18. What time does Tony arrive home?
19. How often does Tony exercise?

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/1113214.html
