
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit7 单元检测题测试题
面对(问题、困难等)___________________        即使;虽然______________________
出生时________________ 到达;至多有;不多于______________________ 大约____________
走路时撞着________________绊倒________________  成功做某事__________________________
实现某人的梦想_______________________ 放弃做某事__________________ 每两年_______________
死于疾病_________________  10千克竹子____________________
Asia(形容词)________ tour(名词)______    protect(名词)________     wide(副词)_________
achievement(动词)________    include(介词)__________  succeed(名词)________(形容词)_________ (副词)_________________excite(名词)____________ (形容词)____________________
(   )1. Tom is taller than ___________ student in his class. 
 A. any  B.the other  C.any other  D.other any 
(   )2. —What’s ___________ mountain in the world?  
—Qomolangma. It’s 8,844.43 meters high.
     A. highest    B. the highest    C. higher    D the higher
(   )3. He is as __________ as me.
 A. tall        B. the tall       C. taller        D. the tallest
(   )4. —Which one do you like_________?— Neither, thanks.     
     A.better     B.the better     C.best     D .the best
(   )5.She is __________ than me.
     A. fast     B. the faster      C. faster    D. the fastest
(   )6. —Did you know China is one of the oldest countries in the world? 
—Yes, I did. It’s_________than the US.
      A. much older   B. more older   C. much elder   D. more elder
(   )7.—Which is __________, Town Cinema, Screen City or Movie Palace?  —Movie Palace.
     A. popular   B. more popular   C. the most popular   D. much more popular
(   )8.You are ________ now, Tom. So you should wash your clothes by yourself.
     A. enough young   B. young enough    C. enough old   D. old enough 
(   )9. — How far is it from school?  — About ___________.       
     A.5 minutes on feet  B.5 minutes walk  C.5 minutes’ walk  D.5 minutes-walk
(   )10.China is about 9,600,000 square kilometers_____________.
A.big              B.large           C.size            D.in size
(   )11. —How does your father go to work?  —On foot. Our house __________ his office.
     A. is different from    B. is close to    C. is far from     D. is the same as 
(   )12.— __________ do you think is the best performer?  —Mary. Of course. 
A. Who   B. When    C. What      D. Why
(   )13. ________all the students in his class, Mary is the shortest. 
A. In         B. For       C. From       D. Of 
(   )14. The teacher said 20 students passed the test in our class_________. 
     A.include me         B. include I     C. including me    D. including I
(   )15. In the past most people died________ illness.  
A. in       B. by      C. off      D. from
(   )16. Do you think there __________ no students at school in the future? 
    A. are          B. will      C. will be       D. will not 
(   )17. The elephant can eat_______ more than the panda.
A.many        B.many times         C. many time    D.more times 
(   )18. English is one of _______ important subjects in our class.  
A. most        B.the most    C. more       D. much more  
(   )19. —I think Li Ming is the strongest student in our class.    
—I agree with you, but who is the second _________one.  
A. strong        B. stronger      C.the strongest    D. strongest 
(   )20. It will take you ________ time to travel to Japan than to the USA. 
 A. little        B. few      C. less        D. fewer
(   )21. My brother has ____ books than I.   
A. much        B. more    C. many          D. most 
(   )22. The more you smile, the _____ you will feel.   
 A. happy         B. happier     C. happily       D. more happily
(   )23. She is ___ careful as I,  but I’m ____than you.    
A. as…much careful     B. so…more careful   C. as…much more careful   D. so…very careful       
(   )24. The huge stone________ about 2 tones (吨).  
A. weight            B. weigh         C. weighing        D. weighs
(   )25. China is _________ larger and older than Japan.  
A. very             B.a lot of             C. much             D. quite
(   )26. The ___ he is, the ___ he feels.  
    A. busy; happy      B. busiest; happiest     C. busier; happier  D. busy; happily
(   )27. That building is about 100 meters ___.   
    A. tall    B. high   C. taller   D. higher 
(   )28. Jone Smith is ___ of the two young men.   
A. strong                B. stronger         C. the stronger       D. the strongest
(   )29. The Himalayas_______ the southwestern part of China..  
    A. is long            B. along       C. runs along             D. run along
(   )30. Who runs ___, Lily or Michelle?   
A. slow         B. slower       C. slowest
(   )31.When it is going to rain,there are thick clouds______ the top of the mountain.
     A. in                 B. on                C.over              D.at
(   )32.Planting more bamboo trees is one way_________ the pandas.
     A.to help saving         B.to help save       C.of help save      D.of helping save
1.Tom is quiet. Jim is quieter.(用than 连成一句) 
2.An old man moved the mountains many years ago.(改为一般疑问句)
  ________an old man _________ the mountains many years ago?
3.Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.(划线提问)
4. This is a 25—meter—deep well(井).(同义句转换) 
This well is 25___________  ___________.
5.Mike is the tallest boy in our class.(同义句)
    Mike is  _______than _________  __________boy in our class. 
6.I think Tom is the youngest student.(改为否定句) 
I __________________________________________.
7.I am 160 cm and my sister is 160 cm,too. (改为同义句) 
I am________ _________ ____________ my sister.
8.The desk is three feet(英尺) wide.  (划线部分提问)
  ________ _______is the desk?
9.No city in China is as big as Shanghai. (同义句)
Shanghai is  ________  __________ city in China.
10.The Nile is 6,671 kilometers long.(对划线部分提问)
_________  __________ is the Nile?
11.The Sahara desert is about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size.(对划线部分提问)
__________  ____________is the Sahara desert?
12.There is no man---made object in the world as big as the Great Wall.
The Great Wall is_____ ________ man---made object in the world
1. Jim is very ______(hungry). Li Lei is _______________(hungry) than Jim.
2. Kate’s mooncakes(月饼) are __________________(nice) of all. 
3. Your box is _______ than mine. But his is _______________ (heavy) of the three.
4.Qinghai lake is not so________(big) as the Caspian Sea.
5. KunMing is one of the most popular places for__________ (tour).
6. My mother is very __________ (busy). She is _________________ (busy)  in my family.
7. Lingling gets to school __________(early) than the others. 
8. She speaks English _________ (well)  in our class. 
9. I think English is as _______________(important)  as Chinese.
10. This picture is _____________________ (beautiful) of the four.
11. Lucy did _________ (bad) than Lily.
12.China has________(big) population than any other country in the world.
13.Lucy is the___________(tall) in our class.
14.China is as_________(big) as the US.
15.Your advice sounds______________(interest).
16.More and more animals are in________________(dangerous).
17.The Sahara is the_______________(big) desert in the world.
18.China has much______________(long) history than Japan.
19.How many_________________(child) are there in your family?
20.All the students went to the party__________(include) Tom and Jim.
21.Zhang Hai is a good___________(keep) in the zoo.
22.Marry__________(be) born in 2001.
23.It’s important__________(stay)healthy for everyone.
24.The kid ran to his mother with______________(excite).
25.I often spend two hours____________(do)my homework every day.
26.Car is more and more popular.You’d better___________(learn) to drive.
27.Tom_____________(visit) his sister in New York this summer holiday.
28.A tiger is much___________(strong) than a man.
29.Her hair is longer than______________(I).
30.It is very important for us_______________(finish) our homework.
31.Tom succeeded in_______________(pass) the test.
32.My mother asks me_______________(go) home on time every day.
33.Parents shouldn’t force their children_____________(do) the things they don’t like.
34.The old woman died from__________(ill) at last.
35.The baby panda is so cute and___________(love).
36.I spent two dollars in___________(buy) an English dictionary.
37.Many people don’t realize the____________(important) of saving animals.
38.You look a little____________(thin) than last year.
39.Our school is becoming ___________(many) and__________(many) beautiful.
40.The__________(many) vegetables you eat,the__________(healthy) you will be.
41.The blue shirt is________________(cheap) of the two.
42.Tom is__________(tall) than any other boy in his class.
43.Which is_____________(big),the sun or the moon?
44.He is________________(tall) in our class.  
45.Who is_________________(thin),Tom,Jim or Ben?
46.Beijing is one of________________(big) cities in China.
47.The Yellow River is the second_______________(long) river in China.
49.Li Jia is___________(short) than the other students in her class.
50.We shoud never give up in the face of_________________(difficult).
51.The scientists said there were only a few tigers___________(live) in our country.
52.We are planning to travel to the_________________(southwest) part of China.
long__________ _____________  high____________ ____________  deep______ _____________
many\much__________ ____________large___________ _____________  big________ ____________
beautiful________________ ___________________ stong__________ _______________
good\well___________ __________  badly________ ___________  thick__________ ________________
funny____________ ___________  far_____________ _____________  hot________ _____________
heavy__________ ____________ popular_________ __________  old________ ___________
famous_________ ____________dangerous______________  _________________ little_____ ______
red________ _________ wet__________ __________ fat________ _______ early_________ _________
easy___________ _____________ nice___________ _____________ small___________ __________
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/1123887.html
