
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

(    )1. A: Can you see _____ man under the tree talking to Mr. Wang?
          B: Yes. He’s ______ friend of ________.
          A. a; a; Mr. Wang         B. the; a; Mr. Wang     C. the; a; Mr. Wang’s   D. a; the; Mr. Wang’s
(    )2. ---When will the wedding(婚礼)_______?
          --- ______ the evening of May 1st next year.
          A. take place ; In            B. happen ; In        C. take place ;On     D. happen ; On
(    )3. —— Please don’t make any noise in the reading room.
——    ______________
          A. Sorry, I won’t         B. Sorry, I can’t     C. Yes, I won’t            D. Ok. I didn’t
(    )4. The teacher told us to write an ____________ story.
A.800-word             B. 800 words        C.800-words              D.800 word
(    )5. --- He’s never late for school,______ he?
          --- ________ , He gets to school on time every day.
          A. isn’t ; No, he isn’t         B. isn’t ;No, he is    C. is ; No, he isn’t      D. is; Yes ,he is
(    )6. Our teacher often advises us          homework alone .
A. finishing                  B. finish          C. to finishing           D. to finish
(    )7. Daniel is a careful driver. He drives _______ of my friends.
 A. more carefully       B. the most carefully     C. less carefully          D. carefully
(    )8. The trip from our school to Shanghai _________ us three hours by bus last week.
          A. spent              B. cost              C. took                 D. takes
(    )9. The model buildings look like the _______ in my hometown.
A. those               B. that              C. one                 D. ones
(    )10.Do you know Shanghai is _______ city in China, and it is larger than _____ city in Japan.
A.largest; any other    B. the largest; any       C. the largest; any other    D. largest; the largest
(    )11. --- I have nothing to do this evening. Shall we go for a walk?
           --- It’s foggy. We’d better ________.Why ______ the film Ant-Man.
 A. not walk; not see  B. not to walk; not to see  C. not to walk; not see    D. not walk; not to see
(    )12. Bob skates_______ than I, but he doesn't swim_______ I.
        A. much well; as well as      B. better; so good as
        C. better; as good as         D. better; as well as
(    )13. Our teacher is coming. Please stop _________ and keep __________.
A. talking; quiet      B. to talk; quiet       C. talking; quietly          D. to talk; quietly
(    )14. The big hall is__________ students from different schools.
         A. full with          B. fill with          C. full of                  D. filled of
(    )15. _______ Lucy ______ her cousin think it boring to stay at home all day.
A. Not only ;but also       B. Both ;and      C. All .and              D. Between ;and
In Shanghai, the Bund(外滩) is one of the most popular places of interest. With a light show set to begin at    1    around the Bund, a large crowd of people got together for an    2    New Year’s Eve. They became    3   .
 “We were just trying to    4    up the steps to see the light show, and then people at the top    5    pushing their way down,” said a young man    6    glasses. “Then I heard someone scream(尖叫), and people began to cry in   7   .” The man, who spoke    8    waiting a friend at Shanghai No. 1 People’s Hospital, said, “Some of us fell over.”
    By Thursday afternoon, at   9   thirty-six people had died in the accident and forty-seven were hurt. It was one of the most terrible public accidents. It’s a pity that people didn’t know how to    10    themselves. Remember the easiest but best way— to shout “go back” together with people around.
(   )1. A. morning  B. noon  C. afternoon D. midnight
(   )2. A. indoor B. outdoor C. inside D. outside
(   )3. A. bored  B. boring  C. excited  D. exciting
(   )4. A. walk B. jump C. ran D. ride
(   )5. A. remembered B. forgot C. began D. stopped
(   )6. A. wears B. with C. wear D. wore
(   )7. A. surprise B. hurry C. fear D. danger
(   )8. A. after B. before  C. if  D. while
(   )9. A. last B. first  C. least D. most
(   )10.  A. protect B. improve C. teach D. understand

  Are you hard—working? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is “Yes”, then we have a job for you as a waiter. Call AL Hotel at 556779.
  Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? If you want to work for our magazine as a reporter, please call Karen at 558366.
  Do you like babies? Can you look after one baby for two days? If you are sure that you can take good care of it, call us at 766588, $80 or more. 
  Can you make a large house clean and tidy? If you hope to get the job that pays you $20 once, call us this evening 18:20---20:00.
(     )1.The above job ads are maybe from ___________.
      A. a newspaper   B. a story-book    C . a science book   D. a guidebook
(     )2.If you like children and have two days free, you can call _______ for a job.
      A. 556779          B. 558366         C. 766588         D. 63380
(     )3. If the owner asks the cleaner to tidy his house twice a week, how much will the cleaner get in a month?    
 A. $120           B. $160         C. $200          D. $240  
If there is an “Olympics for Eating”, the days from Halloween in October to Super Bowl Sunday in January are it. Kids always get at least 7 pounds heavier over these holidays.
Well, what do we have in the “Olympic for eating”? The first activity is the Halloween Candy. You can try any way to collect candies.
Next is the Thanksgiving food. You have dinner around a turkey with family and friends on Thanksgiving Day. Eat the delicious food as much as you can. About one month later there is Christmas and then the New Year’s celebration. Go on eating delicious porridge(粥) and peas. You are so lucky to have so many holidays and get so close to each other. At last, the game ends with Super Bowl Sunday. On this day, you don’t have dinner. You have mountains of snacks!
Who wins the game? Those who don’t get heavier! Start practising now! You must be more careful about what you can eat!
(     )4. “Olympics for Eating” is ______.
A. a festival                                B. not the real Olympic Games
C. from Thanksgiving to Super Bowl Sunday     D. a game for kids exercising
(     )5. What’s the special food for Thanksgiving Day?
      A. Candies.            B. Snacks.            C. Turkeys.           D. Porridge.
(     )6. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. If the kid eats the most food, he wins the game.    
B. If the kid gets the heaviest, he wins the game.
C. If the kid is heavier after the eating game, he can’t win.
D. If the kid doesn’t eat the food during the game, he wins.
On my eighth birthday, Dad bought me an accordion(手风琴) and said excitedly, "Once you learn to play, it'll stay with you for life." But I didn't want to play it. I just wanted to play games, But Dad asked me to take accordion lessons.
  One day, I found a box in a corner. When I opened it, I saw a beautiful violin. "It’s your father's," Mum said. "His parents bought it for him. I guess he got too busy on the farm to learn to play it."
I had to practice half an hour every day, and every day I tried to get out of it. But Dad didn't allow. I asked why. He answered, "Because you can bring people joy. You can touch their hearts." He added softly, "Someday you'll have the chance I never had: you'll play beautiful music for your family. And you'll understand why you've worked so hard." I was speechless.
The lessons stopped after I finished high school. When I grew up, I got married and moved into a new house. I put the accordion in the attic(阁楼).
One afternoon, my two children found the accordion by accident (偶然). They got very excited. "Play it. Play it," they laughed and said. I started to play some simple songs. I was surprised I could still remember them. Soon the kids were dancing. Even my wife was laughing and clapping to the beat.
At that moment, my father's words came back to me, "Someday you'll have the chance I never had. And you'll understand." I finally knew why Dad had asked me to practice hard. Dad never learnt to play his violin. But I told my family, "This is my father's music."
(     )7. My father didn't learn to play his violin when he was young because _______.
      A. he didn't like to play the violin        B. he had to support his family
      C. he wanted to play games             D. he didn't keep on practicing
(     )8. How might the writer feel when he had to practice playing the accordion?
      A. Delighted.        B. Excited.        C. Bored.      D. Relaxed.
(     )9. "Dad didn't allow" means "_______".
A. Dad didn't let me do it.             B. Dad didn't stop me doing it.
C. Dad didn't help me do it.            D. Dad didn't see me do it.
(     )10. Dad asked me to learn to play the accordion so that _______.
 A. I could go to a better school          B. I could give myself much joy
C. I could be a useful man              D. I could make people happy
四、词汇(10分) 单词拼写,一格一词,根据句意注意其正确形式。
1.---What is the          of the building ?---About 50 metres tall .
2. Make y           at home, girls! Here is some food and drinks for you.
3. Amy kept  ________ (讨论)with Millie to find a way to solve the math problem.
4. Look! Amy seems _____________(幽默) today, she always tells funny jokes.
5. Put on more clothes, it’s ____________(可怕的) cold today.
6. Did you ___________(参加)your son's parents' meeting yesterday?
7.All of the Grade 8 students take a __________ (课程) in Physics
8.Now, our school __________(提供) free textbooks to us every year.
9.. My answer is not c ___________. I will ask the teacher for help.
10.Most schools in China are          schools,boys and girls have lessons together.
1.If you       (not be) careful with dogs,they may bite you.  
2.My teacher often advises us       (read) English aloud every morning.
3.The Greens               (visit) Beijing in a week,aren’t they?  
4.Be quiet! Bob with his classmates             (prepare) for the English test.
1. 我的表弟对打棒球很着迷。
2. 我打算自学DIY而不去参加DIY课程。
3. 没有你们支持,我们将不会赢得那场比赛。
4. 林涛长大后想当一名社会工作者。
5. 我认为说别人坏话是不礼貌的。
I knew l   1   about English when I first came to America.So I went to a l   2    school every day except Sunday to learn English.One day, during the b   3   ,  I asked Alice,one of my classmates,a question that I didn’t u   4   .When I thanked her for it,she said,“You are
w   5   ,it is a piece of cake.”I said to m   6   ,“America is really a country for m   7___   because people do everything for pay.”So I said to her,“I haven’t taken any piece of cake with me today, what about something else?”She looked at me with a big s   8   ,saying,“What I mean is‘no
p   9  ’,and it is only a small matter.”From then on,I came to learn that“a piece of cake”is not only a piece of cake but also means a thing that is very e  10   to do.
Jeremy Cowart, a professional(专业的) photographer, usually turns his camera on the stars like Britney Spears. But in December,2009,he and a group of photographers around the world concentrated on people who probably can’t afford a family photograph at Wal-Mart.
Cowart began his plan months ago .And the idea was quickly spread. On December 12th, more than 6000 volunteers from 60 different countries joined this group to help create free photographs for people who couldn’t pay for them .
Many of the people photographed were homeless or single mothers. One of the women who took a photo had a son who was in Iraq. She was excited that she would be able to send him a professional photo of herself for Christmas. She believed it would bring his son happiness. Another family, the Nelsons, received a beautiful family photo, which they would never be able to afford. The photograph had a special meaning to them because their youngest son had cancer, which can make him leave his family for ever.
Although Cowart and other photographers didn’t receive any pay for their work, they feel happy to have the chance to help others discover the best in themselves.
1. What is Jeremy?      (1’)
2. How will the son in Iraq feel when he receives his mother’s photograph? (2’)
3.Do you think Cowart’s group did a meaningful job? Why or why not?(3’)
上个星期五你们学校组织了一次去凤凰山(Fenghuang Hill)的外出活动,并且玩得很开心。请根据以下信息写写所见所闻,写一篇日记。
1. 凤凰山是张家港第二高的山,有很多树木。
2. 早上8点,我们在校门口集合乘车去凤凰山。路上大约花了30分钟的时间。
3. 我们在那爬山,拍了很多照片。
4. 但有些学生乱扔垃圾,那里的水很脏。你的感想(自拟两点)
5. 在下午4点,我们回到了学校。每个学生费用大约是50元。每个学生都玩得很开心。
   3、相关词汇:扔throw(过去式 threw)   保护环境protect the environment
Last Friday we went on a school trip to Fenghuang Hill.

A) 听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。
(    ) 1. What will the woman do this weekend?
(    ) 2. What does the girl’s cousin look like?
(    ) 3. What does the boy do every day after school?
(    ) 4. How does the boy usually go to school?
(    ) 5. What helps the girl a lot with her English?
        A. Speaking English.
        B. Thinking in English.
        C. Reading English newspaper.
(    ) 6. What is Davis?
        A. A film star. B. A basketball player. C. A baseball player.
(    ) 7. What does the man mean?
        A. Saving water.  B. Doing it yourself.  C. Washing hands clean.
(  ) 8. What will the woman do?
      A. She will stay home. 
B. She will visit Venice. 
C. She will go to see the film.
(  ) 9. What was the weather like most of the time?
        A. Cool. B. Wet.     C. Warm.
(  ) 10. Why didn’t the woman’s mother recognize the man at first?
        A. Because he is thinner.
        B. Because she hasn’t seen him for a long time.
        C. Because he becomes fatter.
(  ) 11. What did the man do during the last summer vacation?
        A. He traveled around.   B. He played sports.
   C. He watched the Olympic Games on TV.
(    ) 12. What sports does the man like best?
   A. Badminton.    B. Swimming.   C. Football.
Tony’s life
He studies at a school near    13  
He can    14    now.
His school has a reading week in    15  
(  ) 13. A. Sydney    B. Paris     C. London
(  ) 14. A. drive a car   B. cook nice food  C. repair a bike
(   ) 15. A. September   B. October     C. November
听第二篇短文,回答第16-20 小题。读两遍。
(  ) 16. Where is Linda from?
   A. From the USA.   B. From England.  C. From Australia.
(  ) 17. How old is She?
   A. 23 years old.   B. 24 years old.   C. 28 years old.
(  ) 18. What does she do?
        A. She is a nurse.  B. She is a doctor.  C. She is a teacher.
(  ) 19. How long does it take her from home to the working place?
   A. About 30 minutes by car.
   B. About 30 minutes by bus.
   C. About 30 minutes by underground.
(  ) 20. What does she think of her job?
   A. Boring.    B. Busy.     C. Helpful.
听力部分答案请填写在这里: (共20分,每小题1分,共20小题) 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/1131049.html
