2013年八年级英语上册odule 8 Accidents测试题(附答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

英语外研八年级上综合测评 odule 8
(分数100分 时间90分钟)
第Ⅰ卷 部分 (15分)
Ⅰ.听句子,选择与之相匹配的图片,有一项多余 (5分)
1.The square is very large.any people like dancing here.
2.You can see the bank on your right.
3.The sign eans you can't go straight.
4.There is a sea­crossing bridge in Qingdao.
5.It's so hot.Let's go swiing. X Kb 1. Co

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

Ⅱ.听小对话,选择正确答案 (5分)
W:Did you watch TV yesterday orning,Walter?
:No,I didn't.I went to the superarket.
6.What did Walter do yesterday?

W:I usually go to school by bus.What about you,To?
:y house isn't far fro y school.I usually go there by bike.
7.How does To usually go to school?

:Have you ever been to Shanghai,ary?
W:No,never.But I want to go there this suer vacation.
8.Where does ary want to go this suer vacation?

:Excuse e,ada.Could you please tell e how I can get to the library?
W:Go along this road and you'll find it on your left.It's opposite the City Park.
9.Where is the library?
A.It's behind the City Park. B.It's opposite the City Park. C.It's next to the City Park.

:Excuse e,could you please tell e where the hotel is?
W:Sorry.I' new here.You'd better ask the an under the tree.
10.Does the woan know the way to the hotel?
A.Yes,she does. B.No,she doesn't. C.We don't kno

Ⅲ.听短文,选择最佳答案 (5分)
W:Excuse e,I want to go to Beihai Park.Which bus should I take?
:No 16 bus.I think it will coe soon.
W:Thank you.That's very nice of you.
:Is this your first tie here?
:So what do you think of our city?
W:I like it.It's big and beautiful.But I also think the traffic is too bad,and soe places are so crowded.Anyway,are you a student?
:Yes,I' a junior high school student.Why do you want to go to Beihai Park?
W:y son and his wife live near there,and I' going to visit the.
:Oh,I see.You'll find your way around before long.Oh,your bus is coing.
W:It's really nice to talk with you.Thanks for your help again.
:You're welcoe.Bye!
11.Where does the woan want to go?
A.Beihai Park. B.Beichuan Park. C.Beijing Park.

12.Which bus should the woan take?
A.No 6.  B.No 16.  C.No 60.

13.What does the woan think of the city?xkb1.co
A.Sall and beautiful. B.Big and beautiful.
C.Big,beautiful but crowded in soe places.

14.Why will the woan go to the park?
A.Because she wants to have a rest there.
B.Because she wants to go and have a look at it.
C.Because she wants to visit her son and his wife.

15.Who are the two speakers?
A.A woan and a driver. B.A woan and a student. C.A woan and a policean.

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分 (85分)
Ⅳ.单项选择 (10分)
16.Which one is a faous building in England?

17.—Where are you going?
—I' going to the ______ to buy soe vegetables and fruit.

18.After you turn around,you will be back ______ you started.
A.where       B.at C.when D.as

19.There is a post office ______ the fruit shop and the hospital.
A.at B.with C.between D.aong

20.Let's cross the street fro school.There is a park ______ the school.
A.far fro B.next to C.at D.opposite

21.They ______ the hotel at seven.
A.got to B.arrived C.arrived to D.reached at

22.The water in the river is ______.We can see fish in it.
A.dirty B.clear C.white D.salty

23.Go ______ the square and you will find the theatre.
A.above B.at C.across D.on

24.—Where is your hoe,Betty?
—Let e ______ you on this ap.
A.ask B.show C.find D.see

25.—I see to be lost.Could you tell e ______?
—Sure.You can take the No 3 bus to get there.
A.where is the nearest hospital B.how long it will take e to the airport
C.how far is y trip to the Olypic Village D.how I can get to the National useu

Ⅴ.完形 (10分)
Good orning,everyone!Welcoe __26__ Chicago,the windy city.I' ark Chan and I'll be your __27__ today for your first tie to tour __28__.We're driving along the Lake ichigan.It's one of __29__ lakes that you can see,and it looks like __30__ ocean.Chicago is an iportant city.In the 19th century,it was the central eat __31__ for the whole country.The city is also faous __32__ its fine useus.There are ore than 15 excellent useus here.Now we __33__ the Chicago Lear Opera House.Here you can hear __34__ by faou s si ngers fro all over the world.Please __35__ e if you would like any ore inforation.I hope you'll enjoy your stay in Chicago.
26.A.for B.about C.of D.to

27.A.doctor B.visitor C.guide D.student

28.A.the USA B.England C.France D.China

29.A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest

30.A.a B.an C.the D.\\

31.A.bookstore B.arket C.bus stop D.restaurant

32.A.about B.as C.for D.with

33.A.were passing B.are passing C.go across D.passed

34.A.ovies B.operas C.reading D.speaking

35.A.show B.call C.answer D.ask

Ⅵ .理解 (30分)
When you travel in Hong Kong SAR,you ust be careful of the traffic rules,because the traffic (交通) keeps to the left.Before crossing the street,you ust look to the right and then to the left.If the traffic lights are red,the traffic ust stop,and people can go across the zebra line (斑马线).If the traffic lights turn green,the traffic can go,and people ustn't cross the road.
In the orning and in the evening,when people go to or coe fro work,the streets are very busy.The traffic is the ost dangerous.
When you go soewhere by bus in Hong Kong SAR,you have to be careful,too.A lways reeber the traffic keeps to the left.Have a look first,or you ay go the wrong way.In Hong Kong SAR,there are a lot of big buses with two floors.You'd better sit on the second floor.Fro there you can watch the city very well.How interesting!
36.In Hong Kong SAR,the traffic oves ______.
A.on the right B.on the left C.in the iddle D.in the park

37.When you cross the street,you ust look to ______ first.
A.the front B.the right C.the left D.B and C

38.If the traffic lights are red,______.
A.the people ust stop B.the traffic ust stop
C.the people and the traffic ust stop D.the traffic and the people ust wait

39.It is ______ to cross the streets in the orning and in the evening.
A.dangerous B.interesting C.easy D.safe

40.You can see the city very well on the ______ floor of the bus.
A.first B.second C.third D.fourth

Wal­art Superarket
★on—Fri 11: 00 a—10: 00 p
★Sat—Sun 10: 30 a—10: 30 p

41.Rita is at the train station noHow can she get to Wal­art Superarket?
A.Go straight along No 1 Rd and it's just opposite Sun Hospital.B.Go straight along No 2 Rd. C.Go along No 3 Rd. D.Go along No 4 Rd and turn left into No 3 Rd.

42.Jason arrived at Wal­art Superarket at 5 p on Sunday afternoon.He didn't leave until Wal­art Superarket was closed.How long did he stay there?
A.Five hours. B.Five and a half hours. C.Six and a half hours. D.Twelve hours.

43.The coffee shop is ______.
A.across fro the restroo B.next to the elevator
C.next to Caves Bookstore D.behind Custoer Service Centre

44.r Lin needs to buy soe en's clothes.It is ______.
A.next to Caves Booksto re B.across fro the restroo
C.between”Jewellry”and”Ladies' Shoes” D.in front of the Custoer Serv ice Centre

45.Which is true about Wal­art Superarket?
A.There's no restaurant in it. B.You can swi here.
C.rs Brown can't get any shoes in it. D.It opens at 10: 30 a on Thursday.

rs Davies was a teacher in India.One suer she got a job as a teacher in an international school.But the school was in London.After she discussed with her husband,they decided to ove to London.
One day,after dinner,r and rs Da vies told their son,att,the decision about oving to London.The boy felt surprised and upset.He didn't want to leave his friends.He said that he would rather live with his classate,ike.His parents thought that he would change his ind later.Soon,it was August.r and rs Davies were busy packing.However,att refused to go together with his parents.
When the day cae for the to leave India,r and rs Davies found their son lost.They were anxious and they called ike,but he didn't know where att was,either.In fact,at that tie,att was walking alone on the street.He walked past a park.He reebered that he and his father often played tennis in the park.He walked past a superarket.It reinded hi of shopping with his other.He realised that those things would be eaningless (毫无意义) without his faily.att quickly ran hoe to say sorry to his parents.He told the he was looking forward to living in London with the and aking new friends there.
46.Where did the Davies live before they oved to London?

47.How did att feel when his parents told hi about oving to London?

48.Who did att's parents call when they couldn't find hi?

49.What did att and his father often do in the park?

50.Did att want to ove to London with his parents at last?

Ⅶ.词汇题 (10分)
51.There's not uch of a ______ (市场) for that kind of car.

52.She is very noisy,but her sister is just ______ (相反).

53.The _____ _ (绘画) by Zhang Daqian are very expensive no

54.The table stood in the c______ of the roo.

55.They're going on a world t______.

56.The best way ______ (learn) English is using it.

57.Lots of ______ (tour) fro all over the world coe and visit the Great Wall.

58.Everyone here ______ (know) the way to the zoo.

59.The ______ (chairan) of the copany presented the annual report.

60. There is a sall ______ (swi) pool in rs Read's garden.

Ⅷ.情景交际 (10分)
A.Then walk on until you reach the People's Square.
B.It's just down the road,I think.
C.You can't iss it.
D.I see.
E.Let's ask hi.
A: Where's the useu?
B: 61.______
A: Look!There is a policean over there.62.______
B: Excuse e.Can you show e the way to the useu,please?
C: Yes.Go down this street,and take the second turning on the right.63.______
B: The Square?
C: Yes.There is a tall building opposite the People's Square.It is the useu.64.______
B: How far is it?
C: About half an hour's walk.
B: 65.______ Thanks a lot.
C: That's all right.

Ⅸ.书面表达 (15分)
3.他向我询问去温泉饭店 (the Hot Spring Hotel) 的路。
5.他非 常感谢我,我也为能帮他而感到高兴。
提示词语:go out for a walk,on the road,the way to,walk along,thank for,be happy that
_____________________________________________________________________ ___

Ⅰ. 1.E 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C
Ⅱ.6- 10 CBABB
Ⅲ. 11-15 ABCCB
Ⅵ. 36-40 BBBAB 41-45 ABCCA
46 In India./They lived in India./India.
47 Surprised and upset./He felt surprised and upset./He was surprised and upset.
48 ike./His classate ike./They called ike.
49 They (often) played tennis.
50 Yes./Yes,he did.
Ⅶ.51 arket 52 opposite 53 paintings 54 corner 55 tour
56 to learn 57 tourists 58 knows 59 chairan 60 swiing
Ⅷ. 61.B 62.E 63.A 64.C 65.D
I went out for a walk with y other yesterday evening.On the road,we et a foreigner.He wanted to go to the Hot Spring Hotel,but he didn't know the way.So he asked e to tell hi the way to the Hot Spring Hotel.I said to hi,“walk along the road,and turn left at the third turning,and you can see it.”He thanked e for helping hi.I was very happy tha t I could help others.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/114882.html
