
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

第一部分 听力(共五大题;满分30分)
(  )1.A.fix               B.fit             C.fat
(  )2.A.tour              B.tool            C.tower
(  )3.A.fair              B.fear            C.fire
(  )4.A.head              B.held            C.heard
(  )5.A.take              B.make up         C.look up
(  )6.What will the girl do right away ? (   )7.What was the boy doing when the rainstorm came? 

         A.        B.         C.                 A.        B.         C.
          打扫房间    洗碗碟      遛狗               看电视     做作业     睡觉
(  )8.What are they talking about?     (   )9.Which place hasn’t the man been to ?

         A.        B.         C.                 A.         B.        C.
              山       森林       河流               长城      故宫        鸟巢
(  )10.What has been in the town for at least 20 years ?

         A.        B.         C.
           图书馆     博物馆      医院
(  )11.Where did Nancy find the key ?
         A.On the desk .        B.At the door .       C.In the box .
(  )12.How many times has Cindy been to the beach ?
         A.Never.               B.Twice.              C.Many times.
(  )13.Who was watching TV when the earthquake happened ?
         A.Eric.                B.Eric’s mother.     C.Eric’s father. 
(  )14.When will Clean—Up Day be ?
         A.In one week.         B.In two weeks        C.In three weeks.
(  )15.How tall is Tony ?
         A.183 centimeters.     B.185 centimeters.    C.187 centimeters.
(  )16.How did the man get the news ?
         A.He got the news from his friend .            B.She has a headache.
         C.Her hand was hurt by a stone.
(  )17.What did the doctor ask the woman to do ?
         A.Have a good rest.   B.Take more exercise.    C.Take medicine three times a day.
(  )18.How did the man get the news ?
         A.He got the news from his friend.             B.He got the news from TV.
          C.He got the news from the newspaper.
(  )19.Why do the world-famous singers hold the concert ?
         A.Because they want to make a lot of money for themselves.
         B.Because they want to collect money for the poor people in Africa.
         C.Because they want to make themselves more famous.
(  )20.Why will the two speakers go to the concert this evening ?
         A.Because the singers are world-famous
         B.Because they want to do something for the poor people.
         C.Because they have nothing interesting to do.
(  )21.When were Jill’s best holidays ?
         A.Staying with her grandparents.    B.Staying with her friends.   C.Staying at home.
(  )22.Where did Jill’s grandparents live ?
         A.In the college.                   B.In London.                 C.In Ireland
(  )23.What did Jill go to the countryside for ?
         A.For holidays.                     B.For a picnic               C.For study.
(  )24.What did they do in the evening ?
         A.Watched TV.                       B.Listened to stories.       C.Rode a bicycle.
(  )25.What did Jill think of these holidays in Ireland ?
         A.Dangerous.                        B.pleasant.                  C.Boring.
Travelling plan in Taiwan
Days (26)           days
Ways of transportation By(27)            .
Weather Cool and wet in the north
 (28)           and wet in the

Things to take  always take an umbrella or a raincoat
 take a (29)          
The guide’s phone number (30)0931543          .
第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分50分)
(  )31.—I didn’t see you at the meeting yesterday.Why ?
         —I     for an important telephone call at that moment.
         A.will          B.have waited              C.was waiting       D.am waiting
(  )32.Mike has     been to the Great Wall before,so he is going to visit it soon.
         A.just          B.already                  C.never             D.ever
(  )33.She was ill for a long time       ,she has caught up with others without any help.
         A.To be honest  B.To our surprise          C.on the one hand   D.In fact
(  )34.—Would you like to watch the 3D film Titanic with me ?
         —Certainly .I don’t mind seeing it again although I      it twice.
         A.saw           B.was seeing               C.have seen         D.will see
(  )35.Most of them have gone to sleep .Why are you still       ?
         A.afraid        B.asleep                   C.awake             D.alive
(  )36.I will meet Jane at the station .Please      what time she will arrive .
         A.count         B.understand               C.check             D.allow
(  )37.—My sister hurt her leg while playing basketball yesterday. —        .
         A.No problem    B.I’m sorry to hear that  C.That’s all right D.It doesn’t matter
(  )38.—What’s your plan for the summer holidays ?
         —I’ll go to Beijing       the school term ends .
         A.whether       B.so that                  C.as soon as        D.even though
(  )39.—How was the youth club last night .Mike ?
         —It was great fun .You       come .
         A.must          B.can                      C.should            D.may
(  )40.Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day.      Give our English teacher some flowers ?
         A.Would you mind    B.Why don’t           C.How about         D.why not
(  )41.To protect the environment,supermarkets don’t       free plastic bags for shoppers.
         A.invent            B.show                 C.provide           D.carry
(  )42.We lost the match because they had       players.They had 11and we had only 9.
         A.stronger          B.weaker               C.fewer             D.more
(  )43.—Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow ?—Well,it all      the weather.
         A.belongs to        B.happens to           C.depends on        D.compares with
(  )44.What a nice day!We should go sightseeing       watching TV in the hotel.
         A.because of        B.instead of           C.in the face of    D.out of
(  )45.—Which skirt do you like better,the blue one or the green one ?
         —       .They don’t look good  on me .
         A.Either            B.Both                 C.Neither           D.All
     Once there were three trees on a hill.They were discussing their hopes and   46  .The first tree said ,“I wanted to be a   47   box.I could be filled with gold ”Then the second tree said,“Someday I will be a ship. I will take the king across the    48   ”Finally ,the third tree said ,“I want to grow to be the    49   tree in the forest. People will see me on the top of the hill.”
Several years later ,their dreams   50   .However,the first tree was made into a wooden box for animals.And the second tree became a fishing ship.The last tree was still there ,and nobody knew him.Then one day ,a    51   mother wanted to make a wooden(木制的)bed for her baby .She had no money but to   52   the wooden box .The tree could feel the baby is the greatest treasure of all the time.The second tree helped a man in the stormy rain(暴风雨) .And when villagers were tired,they could   53  under the third tree in hot days .
S0metimes,when things don’t seem to  be as you like ,don’t lose   54   .Wherever you are ,please remember the decision you’ve made   55  .Hold on to (坚持)it !That’s what we called“dream”.
(  )46.A.inventions       B.hobbies       C.dreams        D.researches
(  )47.A.record           B.treasure      C.music         D.shoe
(  )48.A.street           B.desert        C.sea           D.bridge
(  )49.A.thickest         B.wildest       C.youngest      D.tallest
(  )50.A.came true        B.cut out       C.work out      D.die down
(  )51.A.modern           B.perfect       C.honest        D.poor
(  )52.A.choose           B.throw         C.forget        D.sell
(  )53.A.shoot            B.hide          C.rest          D.marry
(  )54.A.weight           B.hope          C.interest      D.beauty
(  )55.A.at first         B.right away    C.so far        D.all year round
How’s it going ?Are  you busy with your study these days ?
I’ve been back at school   56  nearly (将近)four weeks. I’m very glad to tell you that great          
   57   have taken place(发生)in our school this term. First of all, we’re asked to “clear our plates” when having our meals and say   58   to wasting. Some of us used to order more than what we could eat. That was a big waste of food. Now we need to    59   the food we order. We should also stop wasting in some other ways. For example, we should turn off the lights when we
    60    the classroom. And our school has opened up some fields for us to learn how to grow vegetables.Our school gives each class a small garden and our class has decided to grow some vegetables in our    61   time. I think that’ll be very interesting. Maybe I’ll be able to post    you some vegetables we’ve grown by   62    next time! What’s more, we have only two classes in the afternoon   63   we have more time for after-school activities. I’m one of the traffic safety (安全)volunteers in our school. After school, we take turns to  go to the streets near the school and ask people to    64   the traffic rules.
I think we are having a different school life now!
Please write back soon and tell   50   more about your school.                                                    
(  )56. A. in         B. for            C. on         D. at
(  )57. A. changes    B. accidents      C. interests  D. memories
(  )58. A. yes        B. hello          C. no         D. thanks
(  )59. A. clean      B. pay            C. cook       D. finish
(  )60. A. leave      B. reach          C. open       D. build
(  )61. A. busy       B. free           C. safe       D. sweet
(  )62. A. herself    B. yourselves     C. ourselves  D. themselves
(  )63. A. because    B. when           C. while      D. so
(  )64. A. follow     B. make           C. break      D. copy
(  )65. A. explain    B. talk           C. say        D. Tell
Ⅷ. 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
A: Hi,Lucy!Long time no see!(66)          B:I have just come back from a trip.
A:(67)                                    B: China.
A:Wow!(68)                             B:For a week.
A:Was it your first time to visit there ?       B:(69)        
A:That is great!I’ve always wanted to visit there.(70)
B:Certainly.I visited many places of interest.
A:You are lucky.
          A.How long did you stay there ?       B.Did you have a good time there ?
          C.No,I have been there before.        D.How many times have you been there ?
          E.Where have you been ?               F.Where did you do ?     G.Sounds great.
          66.          67.          68.          69.          70.           
第三部分 阅读理解(共一大题,满分40分)
   According to a new survey.Students’ safety(安全)has become a big problem.About half of students say they are worried about robbery (抢劫) on the way to and from school. Now in main big cities. in China some schools have taught all unusual lesson: self-protection(自我保护). Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.
Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No 25 Middle School .give young students advice on how to deal with danger.
    ★If you are robbed (被劫)
    Keep calm. If you can not cry for help or run away. Give the robber(劫匪) your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later.
    ★If you are in a traffic accident.
    If a car hits you. You should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle. Try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don't know how seriously you are hurt.
    ★If it is raining hard and there is lighting. (闪电)
    Don't stay in high places and stay away from trees.
    ★When there is a fire.
    Get away as fast as yon can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit(安全出口). Do not lake the lift(电梯).     
    ★If someone is drowning(溺水)
    If you can’t swim, don’t get into water. Cry out for help.
    Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care or yourself at all times!
(  )71. Why do students like the self-protection lesson?
           ①Because there are no tests.       ②Because the lessons are boring.
           ③ Because they can learn how to save lives.
           ④Because they know how to slop danger before it happens.
           A. ①②            B. ②③              C. ①②④           D. ①③④
(  )72. What will you do if a bicycle hurts you?
          A. I will remember the bicycle number. B. I won't let the rider go until I rail my parents.
          C. I will let the rider go before I call my parents.
          D. I will let the rider go because I know how seriously I am hurt.
(  )73. If your house is on fire, you must ________.
          A. put dry things on your body        B. run quickly and take the lift
          C. run away and find an exit as quickly as you Can
          D. take everything you have and then run away
(  )74. The best title for this passage is ________.
          A. How to Keep Calm     B. Self-protection     C. An usual lesson     D. Danger
Dear Chen Jie,
     How is it going? Last Monday, we talked about our dreams in the class meeting. Some students didn’t know what they wanted to be in the future. But I said that I wanted to be an English teacher. I hope to be a good teacher like Mr Wu. He makes his math class interesting. He often tells us to work hard and try our best to achieve our dreams.
     What are you going to be when you grow up?
                                                               Yours ,Li Ming                                                                                                                                            

Dear Li Ming.
     Thanks for your letter. My dream is to be a voluntary(志愿的)doctor. But my parents don’t agree with me. They think the job will sometimes be very difficult. This week I wrote to my Chinese teacher, Miss Liu. I asked her for some advice. She said that a good doctor could help more people and she told me not to give up my dream. Now, I’m sure of my dream job and maybe I will go to work in a poor place one day, but I will always be your friend!
                                                                 Love,Chen Jie

(  )75.What did Li Ming and his classmates talk about in the class meeting?
         A. Their teachers.    B. Their dreams.    C. Their parents.    D. Their friends.
(  )76.What subject does Mr Wu teach?
         A. Chinese.           B. English.         C. Math.             D. P. E.
(  )77.What do Chen Jie’s parents think of the job of a voluntary doctor?
         A. Very difficult.    B. Very easy.       C. Very interesting. D. Very boring.
(  )78.Chen Jie wrote a letter to Miss Liu because he wanted       .
         A. to give up his dream                   B. to be poor
         C. to make friends with Li Ming        D. to get some advice
         Surveys(调查)show that about 90% of junior high school students use QQ.Their QQ spaces
    tell a lot about their personalities(个性).
     Three students are showing off(炫耀) their QQ spaces here. Let's see how different their QQ spaces are!
     Cool and popular   12, Shenzhen:
     "Being cool" is my lifestyle(生活方式). You can find only two colors in my QQ space: black and white.
     You can also find lots of cool things in my zone like magic tricks (魔术). I find popular magic trick videos on the Internet and put them on my QQ zone(空间). Magic trick fans leave messages in my zone. We can discuss a trick and find out how it works. I also do magic tricks myself. It makes me popular with girls.
     Dreamy poet (梦想诗人) 13, Beijing:
     I like dreams and poems (诗歌). I've made my QQ zone a dreamy place.
     My QQ zone is pink, the color of a dream. You can read beautiful stories there. I collected them from other people's QQ zones. I also put touching (感人的) poems there. I hope my zone can
give visitors a warm feeling.
     Call me an adventurer 13, Anhui:
     I love adventures (冒险). I'd like to live a different kind of life. In fact, it seems I can't. But in my QQ zone, I make my dreams come true by playing games like QQ Farm. I'm so happy when the vegetables and animals in my farm grow bigger. It's also exciting to "steal" (偷) vegetables from my friends' farms. 
(  )79.From the passage, we can guess "dreamy poet" must be a _____ person.
      A. Wild                   B.honest           C.emotional (感情丰富的)    D.truthful
(  )80.If you like magic tricks, you can visit _____QQ space.
      A. Cool and popular's     B. Dreamy poet's   C. Call me an adventurer's  D.A and B
(  )81."Call me an adventurer" wants a _____ life.
      A. dangerous              B. different       C. relaxing                 D.fun
(  )82. The best title (题目) of the passage may be _____.
      A. I want to be cool   B.My dream    C.My QQ space     D.I’m cool
Peter is a thirteen-year-old boy .He began to study in a middle school two years ago.He lives in a small village and it’s nearly five kilometers away from his school.He has to get up early in the morning ,after a quick breakfast he has to run to school to get there on time .His father hopes to borrow some money to buy a bike for him ,but he knows his mother is always ill and his father spends much money on medicine .He doesn’t agree with his father and keeps running to school every day .Now he is very strong and never late for class and his teachers often praise him.
Last week there was a sports meeting in his school,Peter ran faster than any other boy and won the boy’s 800-meter race ,1500-meter race and 3000-meter race .The whole school knew him.He told his grandma the good news as soon as he got home .
“I broke two school records today ,Grandma,”called out the boy .
To his surprise ,his grandma wasn’t happy .She thought for a while and said , “I’m sorry to hear that .We have no money to pay for them ,you  know !” 
(  )83.We learn from the passage that Peter’s home is        .
         A.far away from his school    B.near the school    C.in a small town    D.in a big city
(  )84.Peter doesn’t want his father to buy him a bike because          .
         A.he doesn’t have breakfast every day        B.his mother has lots of money
         C.his father is very old                      D.his family is poor
(  )85.The underlined word ?praise?means"          "in Chinese.
         A.表扬                 B.惩罚                 C.鼓励                 D.帮助
(  )86.Peter took part in all these Except        in the sports meeting .
         A.the 800-meter race    B.the 1500-meter race   C.the 3000-meter  race    D.swimming
(  )87.Peter’s grandma wasn’t happy because she thought           .
         A.Peter didn’t get any money                B.Peter only broke two records
         C.Peter had to pay for the records he broke  D.Peter should tell her earlier
This summer,Wang Haoming is going to leave the school .He really misses the days he has passed with his friends in the school.He especially misses the unusual experience in Junior Two.
His school held an art festival last May. There were many interesting activities during the whole month. They could draw pictures on T-shirts, cook dishes or take nice pictures with their own cameras. Wang enjoyed drawing, so he took part in drawing pictures on T-shirts.
The last day of the festival was the show time for all the activities. The students got together on the playground. Drawing pictures on T-shirts started at 2 p. m. as the last show. They were given 2 hours to draw what they liked.Wang drew a monkey on his T-shirt, because it was his favorite animal. Then they put on their own T-shirts. When Wang  wore the T-shirt with the cute monkey, his classmates all said he looked cool. He felt so proud,
though no prize went to him.
88.What Does Wang Haoming especially miss?(不超过10个词)
89.When did Wang’s school hold an art festival? (不超过3个词)
90.What did Wang Haoming draw on his T-shirt?(不超过3个词)
91.Can you i            (想象)the life without computer and Internet?
92.I fell down and h             (伤害)my arm when I played football.
93.I often feel n            (紧张)before the big exams.
94.China has the largest            (人口)in the world .
95.W               (无论何时)she comes ,she brings a friend .
组员 理想职业 原因
Mary 时装设计师(fashion designer) 喜欢漂亮衣服,擅长绘画
Kate 园艺工(gardener) 喜爱植物,向让城市更美
Mike 作家 愿意与别人分享精彩故事
Tom 厨师 为别人煮健康美味的事物
你 ? ?

      Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas.
Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.


第一部分  听力(共五大题,满分30分)
1-5BAACC  6-10ABCCA 11-15CABAC  16-20BACBB  21-25ACABB
26 .seven  27 .bus  28 .hot  29 . camera   30 . 1275
第二部分  英语知识运用(共三大题,满分50分)
VI . 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
     31-35CCBCC   36-40CBCCD   41-45CDCBC
Ⅶ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 . 5分。满分30分)
  (A)46-50CBCDA  51-55 DACBA  (B)56-60BACDA   61-65BCDAD
第三部分  阅读理解(共一大题,满分40分)
   (A) 71-74DBCB  (B)75-78BCAD   (C)79-82. CABC  (D)83-87ADADC
   (E) 88. He especially misses the unusual experience in Junior Two.  
   89. Last May.  90. A monkey.
   91. imagine  92. hurt    93.nervous  94. population  95.Whenever 
    Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas.
    Mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing. Kate wants to be a gardener, she loves plants, she wants to make the cities better. Mike would like to be a writer. He’d like to share his wonderful stories with others. Tom would like to be a cook. He’d like to cook delicious food for others. I would like to be a policeman. I want to protect the people safe.
    Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/1193173.html
