
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

1. If you give e tie, I ________ (find) the solution.
2. If you want to pass, you _________ (have to) study hard.
3. What _________ (happen) if they don’t agree with each other?
4. Beckha is a faous football ________(play).
5. y father ade a living by _______(sell)sall toys when he was young.
6. Did the children enjoy_______(they)in the party last Sunday?
7. The college graduate enjoyed _______(teach)in the poor ountain area
8. He______(have)a great tie if he ______(coe)to the party toorro
9. I think toorrow is a good tie______(have)the party, Everyone______(have)
fun at that tie.
10. Half the class _______(stay)at hoe on the weekend no
11. I will also be able _______ (work)outside soeties.
12. What about _______(listen)to the radio?
13. The______(three)shirt is the nicest of all.
14. This bag is uch_______(big)than that one.
15. ost students spent ore than one hour_______(write)the coposition.
16. All of us were surprised____(see)how Aericans abused the Iraqi prisoners.
17. I don't know if he __(coe)toorrow, but if he __(coe)toorrow, I'll let you.
18.________ (join)the Lions, and you_______(becoe)a great soccer player.
19. In the past, Peter ______(spend )a lot of tie every day_______(play)football.
20. If he_____(stay)at hoe, he'll be sorry.
21. I a learning how_______(swi).
22. any of y friends are_____(lawyer).
23. ______(watch)TV too uch is bad for your eyes.
24. Could you tell us the ______(different)between these two styles of usic?
25.Did you decide ___________________(visit) your grandparents?
26.There are any ____________________ (different) between the.
27.I can’t stand _________________ (hear) the bad news.
28.Lucy and Lily are the ____________________ (win) of the talent sho
29.This shirt isn’t as ___________________ (good) as that one.
30.He is the ________________________ (bad) student in his class.
31.The news _____________________ (be) so terrible that we all can’t stand.
32.I really enjoyed ____________________ (walk) around town.
33.It is good to relax by ___________________ (use) internet.
34.Did you have fun __________________ (play) at the party?
35. I a going to ___________ (be) a doctor when I grow up.
36. Jack plays the violin very well. He ust be a (violin) when he grows up.
37.He goes back hoe (week).
38.What’s the (ean) of what he said?
39. The (begin) of the eeting is a video about anials.
40.I can’t stand (listen) to the noisy usic.
42.There (be) soe exciting news in today’s newspaper.
43.Would you ind (open) the window?
44.Did you watch (sport) show on TV yesterday?
45.Where do you plan (go) this Sunday?
46.Do you want (watch) the news?
47.Sally thinks soap operas are (educational) than sitcos.
48.I hope (watch) the action ovie one day.
49.Yao ing is a (success) player in NBA.
50.I think Xi Yangyang is as (faous) as ikey ouse.
51. ike goes to see his grandparents _________(one) a week.
52. He spends ore than an hour __________(exercise) every day.
53. He didn’t go to school. He could ____ ____(hard) read or write.
54. It’s a good habit to brush your (tooth) every day.
55.To keep healthy,I decide _______ (exercise) half an hour every day.
56.Look! Your pet dog is (die).
57.Exercise is (health) for the ind and the body.
5 8. Your sweater is beautiful. I want _________(buy) one,too.
59. How about (go) shopping on Sundays?
60. He usually study English by (read) it in the orning.
61. ike goes to see his grandparents _________ (one) a week.
62. He spends ore than an hour __________ (exercise) every day.
63. He didn’t go to school. He could ________ (hard) read or write.
64. It’s a good habit to brush your (tooth) every day.
65. To keep healthy,I decide _______ (exercise) half an hour every day.
66. Look! Your pet dog is (die).
67. Exercise is (health) for the ind and the body.
6 8. Your sweater is beautiful. I want _________(buy) one,too.
69. How about (go) shopping on Sundays?
70. He usually study English by (read) it in the orning.
71.We decided (go) to the beach near our hotel.
72.I really enjoy (walk) around the town.
73.We wanted (walk) up to the top.
74.y faily (go) to the beach every suer.
75.Did you have a great tie (talk) in groups?
76. Lucy usually_ ______to school early. But today she ________to school late. (go)
77. ---Where did you______ (study) last night?
---No, I__________(help)y other_______(clean) the roo.
78.Do you feel like (drink) soe orange?
79.Our teacher often keeps us (read) English in the orning.
80. It’s very interesting _____ ( feed) the pets.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/136749.html
