
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

英语人教八年级上综合测评Unit 2

(时间:90分钟 分值:100分)
第Ⅰ卷 部分(15分)
1.We're having P.E.class.
2.I go skateboarding twice a week.
3.r Li has a headache.
4.ilk is good for our health.
5.He is stressed out.
:What's the atter,Sonja?
W:I' always feeling hungry.
6.Sonja always feels tired.
W:I don't feel well.I have a fever.
:I think aybe you get a cold.
7.The woan aybe have a headache.

:Do you usually exercise every day?It's iportant for your health.
W:Yes,I think so.I play tennis every day.
8.The woan usually plays tennis every day.
W:Tony didn't coe to school.He ust be sick.
:Yes,he had a headache last night.
9.Tony didn't coe to school because he had a headache.
W:What's the atter with Nancy?
:She has a backache.She can't play gaes with you.
10.Nancy has a toothache.
W:What's the atter?Do you have a sore throat?
:No,I don't.
W:Do you have a cold?
:Yes,I do.
11.A.You should see a doctor.
B.You should eat less.
C.You should drink soe cola.
:What's wrong with you?
W:I have a stoachache.I ate too uch yesterday.
:That's too bad.
12.A.You should drink lots of cold water.
B.You should not eat anything for three hours.
C.You should listen to soe usic.
:You don't look well.What's the atter with you,iss White?
W:I feel too tired and I have a high fever.
13.A.You should take soe edicine and have a good rest.
B.You should not lie in bed.You should do soe exercise outdoors.
C.Don't watch TV this orning.
W:What's the atter?
:I' not feeling well.I have a toothache.
W:When did it start?
:About three days ago.
W:Oh,that's too bad.
14.A.You should not eat too uch.
B.You should drink hot water with honey.
C.You should go to the hospital and see a dentist.
W:What's wrong with you?
:I have a lot of headaches.aybe I work too hard and feel stressed out.
15.A.You should eat soe fruit.
B.You should stop working and have a good rest.
C.You should take soe edicine and go on working.
第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(85分)
16.I have a ______,so I have to see a dentist.

17.—u,you look so tired.
—Yes.I worked ______ 12 o'clock last night.
A.whenB.whileC.to        D.until
18.I a hungry.Can you give e soe ______?
A.drink B.foodC.coffee D.tea
—I have a sore back.
A.What's the atter B.What's wrong with you
C.Do you have a sore back D.Both A and B
20.any students want to go there,but ______ know the way.
A.a few B.fewC.a little D.little
21.rs Green gave us ______ advice on how to finish the hard work on tie.
A.a B.anC.any D.soe
22.y other was ______ with e yesterday,because I didn't clean y roo.
A.happy B.pleasedC.sad D.angry
23.You're too tired.You ______ have a rest and ______ go to the ovies.
A.shouldn't;should B.should;should
C.should;shouldn't D.shouldn't;shouldn't
24.Hot tea ______ honey is good ______ your sore throat.
A.with;for B.for;withC.with;with D.for;for
25.—What do you think of the football atch?
—______ difficult for us ______ the atch.
A.We're;to win B.It's;to winC.It's;winning D.We're;winning

A cold is a coon (普通的) illness.It often starts with a sore __26__.You sneeze (打喷嚏) and your nose runs.You usually __27__ a headache,too.It's not a serious illness,but you can feel very __28__.
What should you do when you have a cold?You should have a good rest.It is good __29__ a lot of water,too.You can __30__ and take soe edicine.aybe you can try soe Chinese edicine.Chinese edicine is now very __31__ all over the world.x*kb*1.c*o
Where does Chinese edicine __32__?A long tie ago,when people were not feeling __33__,they found that soe plants could ake the feel __34__.They ate the leaves,the roots(根),the fruits or the seeds (种子) of the plants.Today people ake uch Chinese edicine __35__ those plants.
26.A.throat B.handC.leg D.ar
27.A.give B.haveC.bring D.find
28.A.bad B.happyC.shy D.clever
29.A.drinking B.drinkC.to drink D.drinks
30.A.see a dentist B.go to a partyC.go to school D.see a doctor
31.A.difficult B.different C.delicious D.popular
32.A.coe to B.coe froC.get up D.get to
33.A.sad B.wellC.tired D.busy
34.A.better B.lessC.ore D.ost
35.A.to B.inC.fro D.on
Running is becoing popular these da ys.any of us run for health.Doctors say any health probles coe fro these bad habits:eating and drinking too uch,soking,and not taking enough exercise.Doctors tell us,“Eat and drink less,don't soke,and exercise ore.”
Running is a good for of exercise because it helps build a strong heart.It also helps ost people lose weight.One 68­year­old woan runs three ties a week.“I love eating,”she says.She runs to lose weight.
Running is good for health in other ways,too.any runners say running keeps away colds and other sall health probles away.“Running is y doctor,”says one an.
Running can also help people to relax.So today en and woen of all ages enjoy running.
36.any people enjoy running because they want to ______.
A.eat uch B.keep healthyC.run fast D.waste tie
37.Doctors tell u s ______.
A.not to s oke B.not to exerciseC.to drink uch D.to eat uch
38.The underlined word eans “______” in Chinese.xkb1.co
A.疾病 B.体重C.速度 D.健康
39.The third paragraph shows ______.
A.running helps people to relax
B.people who like running have any health probles
C.running helps build a strong heart
D.people who like running have fewer health probles
40.The writer ainly tells us ______.
A.how to run B.how to lose weight
C.running is a good way to keep healthy D.running is better than doctors
It is very iportant to keep yourself in good health.
When you are sick,you will neither be able to study nor enjoy yourself.One of the factors(因素)leading to good health is to have a balanced diet.
Reeber:“You are what you eat.”
You should eat ore fruits and vegetables which contain (包含) a lot of fibre (纤维).
Try to eat less fried food and choose foods that are boiled,steaed,baked or stewed.You should also cut down on oily,fatty and sugared foods and eat ore food with carbohydrates (碳水化合物) such as rice,bread and cereals for energy,especially if you have a ost active lifestyle.

The basic rule to reeber is to include soething fro every food group at each eal using the suggested proportions (比例).
41.To stay healthy,one should ______.
A.eat whenever possible B.eat food that tastes good
C.keep a balanced diet D.diet to lose we ight
42.According to the Pyraid Diet,we should eat ore ______.
A.fish and chicken B.eat and vegetables
C.butter and bread D.bread and fruits
43.Carbohydrates provide our bodies with ______.
A.fibre B.energyC.oil D.water
44.______ food should be eaten less.
A.Fried B.BoiledC.Baked D.Stewed
45.To keep a balanced diet,we should eat soething ______.
A.whenever we want to B.in different proportions
C.that is delicious D .in the correct proportions
Every person needs water and a diet of healthy foods.These foods should contain soe fat,soe fibre,a little salt and so on.
People need energy to live.They eat different kinds of foods which change into energy.The energy is easured in calories (卡路里).Even when you are asleep,you are using ene rgy—about 65 calories an hour.While you are at school,or walking hoe,your body is burning up 100 calories an hour.When playing football or basketball,you ight be using 400 calories an hour.On Sports Day,during the relay race,you will use ost of all,perhaps as uch as 650 calories an hour.
The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest(最健康的) in the world.It contains lots of fruit and green vegetables.It is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat.The Chinese eat less sugar than any other countries in the world.That's why lots of people in China have healthy white teeth.
People in the Western world do not eat such healthy foods.They eat too uch fat and sugar and don't take enough exercise.Because of this,they put on weight very easily.Their diet contains a lot of fat in the for of potato crisps,potato chips,butter,crea and chocolate.They eat a lot of sugar in the for of cakes,soft drinks,sweets and so on.The result is that any of the becoe fat.And soe have bad teeth.In soe parts of Britain,o ne person in ten,by the age of thirty,has no teeth left!
46.What does a diet of healthy foods contain?
47.When are we using the ost energy?
48.Why is the Chinese diet considered to be the healthiest?
49.What are the eating habits of people fro the Western world?
50.What is the result of the diet in the Western world?
51.After the exainations,I need to take a good r______.
52.The Dragon Boat Festival is one of Chinese t______ festivals.
53.If there's soething wrong with your teeth,you'd better go to see a d______.
54.The baby 's first front ______(牙齿) are just coing through.
55.y English is ______(提高).I' sure I can pass the test.
56.We should eat a ______(balance)diet to keep healthy.
57.I' not feeling very ______(good) today.
58.Everyone gets ______(tire) soeties.
59.He feels ______(stress) out when he has a test.
60.______(eat) too uch is bad for your health.
=other F=Father J=Jane
A.What's your trouble?
B.I don't feel very well.
C.She's not feeling well.
D.aybe she has a cold.
E.You should stay in bed till afternoon.
F.I want to drink soe water.
G.You should drink ore water.
:Why don't you get up,Jane?It's tie for school.
J:I have a headache and a cough(咳嗽).
F:What's wrong with Jane?
:__64__I told her to sta y in bed till afternoon.
F:I hope it's nothing serious.
:__65__ I'll take her to the doctor toorro
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________

Ⅰ. 1-5 BBCBA
Ⅱ.6- 10 F FTTF
Ⅲ. 11-15 ABACB
Ⅶ. 46 They should contain soe fat,soe fibre,a little salt and so on.
47 On Sports Day,during the relay race,you will use the ost energy.
48 Because it contains lots of fruit and green vegetables.It's rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat.
49 They eat too uch fat and sugar and don't take enough exercise.
50 The result i s that any of the becoe fat and soe have bad teeth.
51 rest 52 traditional 53 dentist 54 teeth 55 iproving 56 balanced 57 well 58 tired 59 stressed 60 Eating
Ⅸ.61.B 62.A 63.E 64.C 65.D

Dear Wang Xin,
I heard you are not feeling well these days.You are always tired and can't sleep well at night.I think you should eat ore fruit and vegetables first.Then you should exercise ore to stay healthy.You can listen to soe usic to relax yourself.At night,you shouldn't go out and you should go to bed early.When you are tired,you shouldn't study.
I hope you feel better soon.
Li ing

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/137576.html
