
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(满分7.5分)

( )1.
Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(满分7.5分)
( )6.A.Often.B. Two days.C. About an hour.
( )7.A.Go swiing.B. Go skiing.C. Go fishing.
( )8.A.Because it’s interesting.B. Because it’s wonderful.
C. Because it’s boring.
( )9.A.I used to listen to usic.B.I enjoy dancing.
C.I like fishing.
( )10.A.Good idea!B. You are right.C. Thank you.

( )11.They are talking about _______.
A. robotsB. coputersC. UFOs
( )12.What’s a UFO like?
A.A plate.B.A plane.C. He doesn’t kno
( )13.Is he sure he will have a robot in 20 years?
A. Yes, he will.B. He is not sure.C. No, he won’t.
( )14.What does the girl want to know?
A. What to look up on the Internet.B. How to use the Internet.
C. Where to buy coputers.
( )15.The boy wants to be _______.
A. a teacherB. a robotC. a scientist

Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。(满分7.5分)
( )16.Where is Lily?
A. She is at school gate.B. She is at the bookshop.
C. She is in the library.
( )17.What is Lily going to do then?
A. She is going hoe.B. She is going to catch a bus.
C. She is going to buy a newspaper at the post office.
( )18.Where is the post office?
A. Next to the bookshop.B. At the second turning.
C. In the next street.
( )19.Is she going to stay in the post office for a long tie?
A. No, she isn’t.B. Yes, she is.C.I don’t kno
( )20.When is she going back hoe?
A. At six o’clock.B. At five o’clock.C. Before five o’clock.
Ⅰ. 单项选择。(满分30分)
( )21. -----What’s _____atter with you?
------I have_____ flu
A. the, / B . /, the C. the, the
( )22. Would you ind _____ the roo?
A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean
( )23. .As we know, water is very iportant _______ us.
A. ofB. toC. on
( )24. There _______ a school sports eet next weekend.
A. is going to have B. is C. is going to be
( )25. Why _______ clib ountains this weekend?
A. don’tB. didn’tC. not
( )26. It’s cold outside, you’d better not _____ out.
A. to go B. go C. going
( )27.I _____ ask y father to give up soking. It’s bad for his lungs.
A. ust B. need C. shouldn’t
( )28.-----_______ do you brush your teeth ?
----- Twice a day.
A .How uch B. How often C. How long
( )29. -----What’s your hobby?
-----I _______ listen to usic, but now I enjoy dancing.
A. a used toB. used toC. a used
( )30. _____ lovely dog!
A. How B. What a C. What
( )31.Winter is coing. The weather is getting_____.
A. colder and colder B. cold and cold C. ore and ore colder
( )32.----- I a sorry I broke your pen. Let e buy you a new one.
-----_____. I have another one.
A. Never ind B . OK C. Thanks
( )33. -----You are going to visit the Great Wall,_____?
-----That’s right.
A. are you B. aren’t you C. don’t you
( )34._____ is necessary for us _____ read good books.
A. It, to B . Tha t, to C. It, \
( )35._____ is bad for your health.
A. Stay up late B. Staying up late C. To stay up late

Ⅱ. 完形。(满分10分)
Once there was a poor woan. She lived by herself in a little house in a village. She didn’t have uch oney_ 36_ she was very kind and happy.
One day a young an naed Sith cae to her door. He was a little thin and tall. He was very _37_ and asked the old woan for help.
The old woan said,“Coe in and have dinner with e, but I only have _38_.” They had dinner together. After dinner, the old woan told Sith to _39_ soe potatoes with hi. He _40_ her and then left.
Ten years later, Sith cae back to the old woan’s door again and _41_ her a bag of oney. She was very _42_.
Sith said, “Ten years ago you gave e soe potatoes. I _43_ soe potato plants . Fro those plants, I grew soe ore plants. Now I a a _44_ farer because I have enough oney to live, but I never_45_ how kind you are to e.”

( )36.A. so B. or C. but
( )37. A. full B. hun gry C. tired
( )38. A. potatoes B. eat C. apples
( )39. A. take B. buy C. plant
( )40. A. thanked B. helped C. loved
( )41. A. threw B. asked C. gave
( )42. A. interested B. sad C. surprised
( )43. A. ate B. grew C. found
( )44. A. busy B. happy C. rich
( )45. A talked B. forget C. wrote

(A) 根据短文内容,判断正( T )误( F ) (5分)
Early to bed, early to rise, akes a an healthy, wealthy and wise. This is an old English saying. It eans that we ust go to bed early and get up early in the orning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich and clever.
This is true. The body ust have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours’ sleep every night. People who do not have enough sleep can’t do their work very well. They won’t be wise and they ay not becoe healthy!
The body also needs exercise. Walking , running , swiing and playing gaes are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood (血液)ove around inside the body. This is very iportant. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also has blood. Exercise helps us think better.
( )46. If we get up early and go to bed early, we shall be healthy.
( )47. Children of young age shouldn’t have ten hours’ sleep every night.
( )48. A person needs exercise because it akes hi strong.
( )49. Exercise also helps the blood (血液)ove around inside the body
( )50. Exercise can’t help our head think better.

Sydney Tower
Address:100arket St, Sydney
Phone:02 9333 9222
Fax(传真):02 9333 9203
Open tie:9:00 a to 10:30p(Saturdays 9:00a to 11:30p)
Ticket:$60(for an adult) $30(for a child)
Website: ww Sydney tower. co. Au
How to book tickets: by phone\fax or through the web
Attraction: Sydney’s best views are just the beginning! Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360° views of our beautiful city.

( )51. Sydney Tower is _____ in Sydney, Australia.
A. the busiest street B. the biggest station C. the highest point
( )52. If you want to book(预定) a ticket to Sydney Tower, you can not_____.
A.eail Sydney tower @ hotail.co
B.fax02 9333 9203
C.phone 02 9 333 9222
( )53.Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children, he will pay_____.
A. $60 B. $90 C. $120
( )54.Last Saturday, Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower. He had to get down the tower______.
A. after 11:30p B. before 11:30p C. at 10:30p
( )55.The passage above is probably______.
A. a piece of news B . an ad . C. a story
( C ) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案(10分)
Rose is an Aerican schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents.
It’s Sunday orning. Rose gets up early in the orning. After breakfast her parents take her to the zoo. They go to see the pandas and other anials. The pandas live only in China. There are not any pandas in Aerica. So they like the pandas best. Outside the zoo gate there is a picture. It’s a picture of panda with “welcoe”. In the zoo, Rose sees not only panda but also any other anials.
The panda is round and fat. It looks like a ball. It always oves slowly like a ball rolling. There are also elephants. The elephant is the biggest anial on land. There are any onkeys on the hill. Soe of the are sitting in the trees. Soe are picking nuts. And the others are running or clibing up the trees. Rose and her parents have a good tie in the zoo.
( )56.Rose coes fro______ .
A. China B. Beijing C. Aerica
( )57.When does Rose go to the zoo?
A. On Sunday B. On Saturday C. Before breakfast
( )58.What does the panda look like ?
A. It’s like a onkey. B It’s like a ball. C. It’s like a nut.
( )59.any onkeys are_____.
A . sitting in the trees B. picking nuts C. both A and B
( )60.Rose and her parents are_____ on that day.
A. very busy. . B. very free. C. very happy

Ⅳ. 情景交际。(满分10分)

( )61. Did you enjoy yourself last Sunday, Li Hui?
( )62. ust we coe to school toorrow?
( )63. Who’s speaking?
( )64. What kind of usic do you like?
( )65. Knowledge is iportant to us.

A. No, you don’t have to.
B. This is Ted speaking.
C. I agree with you.
D. I like folk usic.
E. Yes, I read any stories at hoe.

A: Good orning, Jane!
B: _______66_________, To!
A: Jane, you don’t look well. _____67________?
B: I have a headache.
A:_____68_________.Did you see a doctor?
A:You should see a doctor. I hope you will get well soon.

Ⅴ. 词汇运用。(满分15分)
A .从方框中选择正确的词,补全句子。(满分5分)
closed, fly , share , sheep, popular

71. I often see soe children_____ kites in the park at weekend.
72.Yao ing is _____ with young people.
73.We the world wi th plants and anials.
74. The bookshop is _____ at this tie everyday.
75. y uncle keeps any_____ on his far.

B . 根据汉语意思完成句子。(满分10分)
76. ozart is __________ __________(因…而出名)his classical usic..
77._________ _________(事实上), he is a scientist.
78.I __________ 50$_________(在… 花费) this coat last ont h.
79. _________ ________ (成千上万)visitors coe to visit the Great Wall every year.
80.Soe anials are __________ __________(处在危险之中).


81 82 83 84 85
81. he, be interested in

82. piano, at 8:00p yesterday

83. go skating , next week

84 . should, plenty of ,every day

85. feed on, baboo


shouldn’t, ore, for, study, akes, help, new, jobs, enjoy ,leaving
The Internet is wonderful. It __86___ our life nicer, easier and __87___ interesting. The Internet can __88___ us to do a lot of things. ___89___ exaple, we can do soe shopping without __90___ our house, we can __91___ on the Internet and we can use the Internet to find __92___. Wh en we want to visit a __93___ place, the Internet can help us find the way. On the Internet, we can also __94___ any interesting songs, ovies and gaes. But we __95___spend too uch tie on the Internet.

86.___________ 87.___________ 88.____________ 89 _________ 90._________

91.___________ 92.___________ 93.____________ 94.___________95._________

VIII. 书面表达。(满分15分)
以“y Hobby”为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文。内容提示:1.你的爱好是什么?2. 你为什么喜欢它?3.你平时是怎么做的?

听 力 材 料
Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(7.5分)
1. y hobby is collecting staps.
2. The boy likes playing on the coputer.
3. In the fall, they used to clib ountains.
4. I was doing soe washing when y other cae back.
5. I really enjoy the usic. How sweet and pleasant!
Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(7.5分)
6. How long do you speak English every day?
7. What do people often do in winter?
8. Why don’t you like the book?
9. What hobbies did you use to have two years ago?
10. Why don’t you go out and do soe outdoor activities?
11.W: Are robots useful?
: Yes. They can do any things, such as dangerous work.
12. W: What does a UFO look like?
: I don’t kno Scientists aren’t sure whether there are any UFOs.
13. W: Are you sure you will have a robot in 20 years?
: No, I’ not sure.
14. W: Hi, Xu Fei. Can you tell e how to use the Internet?
: Certainly. I’ coing.
15. W: What are you going to be when you finish school?
: I would like to be a scientist like y father.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。((7.5分)
Look! Lily is at the bookshop. She’s going to buy a newspaper at the post office. The post office is in the next street. Now she is going along the road, and taking the first turning on the left. She is not going to stay in the post office very long. She ust go back before 5: 00.

建 阳 市 2012-2013 学 年 第 一 学 期 期 末
Ⅰ.1-5. C C B A A Ⅱ. 6—10. C B C A A
Ⅲ.11-15. A C B B C Ⅳ. 16-20. B C C A C
二、 笔试部分(120分)
21-25. C B B C C 26-30.B A B B B 31-35 .A A B A B
36-40. C B A A A 41-45.C C B C B
(A).46-50. T F T T F (B).51-55. C A C B B (C) .56-60 .C A B C C
(A).61-65. E A B D C
(B).66.Good orning
67.What’s the atter with you\What’s wrong with you
68. I a sorry to hear that
69. No, I didn’t
70. Thank you\ Thanks
Ⅴ. 词汇运用。(满分15分)
A .从方框中选择正确的词,补全句子。(满分5分)
71. fly 72. popular 73. share 74. closed 75. sheep
B . 根据汉语意思完成句子。(满分10分)
76. faous for 77. In fact 78.spent on 79.Thousands of 80. in danger
81.He is interested in singing.
82. He was playing the piano at 8:00p yesterday.
83. He will go skating next week.
84. You should drink plenty of water every day.
85. Pandas feed on baboo.
86 . akes 87 . ore 88 .help 89 .For 90 .leaving
91 .study 92.jobs 93. new 94.enjoy 95. shouldn’t
y hobby
Different people have different hobbies .For exaple ,soeone likes reading, soeone likes swiing and soeone likes collecting and so on. y hobby is to listen to usic. When I was a child I enjoyed listening to usic .Now I often listen to usic. When I a in trouble, usic can ake e happy. When I a very tired , it can ake e cofortable . Listening to usic keeps e in a good ood and it's good for y health.
Do you like listening to usic? If not, I hope you can have a try.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/168458.html
