
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

UNIT 2 How often do you exercise?检测题
Ⅰ. 听句子, 选出你所听到的单词。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)
1. A. once B. twice C. now
2. A. bag B. pen C. key
3. A. book B. play C. song
4. A. junk B. healthy C. unhealthy
5. A. at B. after C. about
Ⅱ. 听句子,选择你所听到句子的最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)
6. A. I like to exercise.B. Yes, I do.C. Twice a day.
7. A. No, I don’t.B. 9 hours.C. Every night.
8. A. Go to the ovies. B. I like it very uch.C. Yes, I a.
9. A. Yes, she is.B. Yes, she can.C. No, she doesn’t.
10. A. Yes, I can.B. Table tennis.C. Watching TV.
Ⅲ.听对话, 在下列每个小题的空白处填写一个适当的单词。每段对话读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)
11. Sandy can watch TV about ________ties a onth.
12. Jack’s favorite sport is ________.
13. Susan th inks ________a re junk food.
14. The an thinks ________ are good for his health.
15. Lisa didn’t coe to school because she looked after her __________ at hoe.
Ⅳ. 听短文, 选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)
16. Why doesn’t Li ing often see his parents?
A. His parents live far fro hi.
B. His parents have to do exercise every day.
C. His parents don’t like hi.
17. H ow often do Li ing’s faily go to visit his parents?
A. Twice a onth.B. Once a onth.C. Twice a year.
18. How often does Li ing telephone his parents?
A. Never.B. Usually.C. Hardly ever.
19. Li ing’s parents don’t like .
A. exercisingB. flyingC. going on business trips
20. Why don’t Li ing’s parents like the city life?
A. It’s too boring.B. It’s too noisy.C. It’s too bad.
21.________ he is ill, ________he goes to school.
A. Although; but B. /; / C. Although; / D. But; although
22. They watch TV________.
A. one a week B. once a week C. one the w eek D. once week
23. The old an is well because he often_______.
A. exercises B. drinks C. sleeps D. play
24.—________do you read English books?
—Twice a day.
A. How any B. How uch C. How long D. How often
25. Lily usually starts the day ________breakfast.
A. with B. fro C. at D. of
26. Nancy is because she has a good habit.
A. tall B. busy C. interesting D. healthy
27. Xiao Zhang watches TV. He likes surfing the Internet.
A. hard ever B. hardly ever C. doesn’t hard ever D. doesn’t hardly ever
28. Eating a lot of vegetables good for your health.
A. a B. is C. are D. be
29. The boy is too young to hiself.
A. look at B. look after C. look on D. look up
30. He late for school.
A. is often B. often is C. does often D. often does
It’s Septeber 1st, an d we’re all back to school. It’s good to 31 all y teachers and friends again. They all 32 fine.
We’re in Grade Eight this year. We have 33 new subjects. I’ not very 34 at Chinese, but Han ei says she can 35 e. I think I can 36 it better.
I like English very uch. Zhang Hong likes English, 37 . But she needs help. I 38 I can help her.
r Hu is our new English teacher. He 39 know all of us, so he has our naes on a piece of paper and 40 our naes before he begins his lesson.
31. A. see B. watch C. find D. look
32. A. do B. see C. look D. sound
33. A. a lot B. soe C. lot D. uch
34. A. well B. good C. bad D. nice
35. A. learn B. give C. help D. need
36. A. do B. play C. look D. feel
37. A. either B. very C. uch D. too
38. A. a afraid B. think C. a sorry D. want
39. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. does D. do
40. A. gives B. calls C. asks D. tells
Do you like playing soccer? If you do, you ay want to join the school soccer tea. Read on and see how to join the school soccer tea.
The first step is to know the inforation about the tea. You can find ore inforation by asking these questions. How any students are there in the soccer tea? How any new players do they need? How often do they play soccer?
The second step is to practice. Practice soccer with your friends or your faily. Only good players can join the school soccer tea. So you need to practice your skill.
The third step is to study hard. If you always get bad grades in the exa, your teachers and parents won’t let you join the soccer tea.
The last step is to relax. Don’t be too nervous. You can take a deep breath and keep siling. Believe in yourself and you can b e the best player.
41. Which is not the suitable question according to the second paragraph?
A. How often do they play soccer?
B. Can I join the school tea?
C. How any students are there in the soccer tea?
D. How any new players do they need?
42. Which step is about studying hard?
A. The first step. B. The second step.
C. The third step.D. The last step.
43. If you always get bad grades in the exa, won’t let you join the soccer tea.
A. your teachers and parents B. your classates and friends
C. your parents and friendsD. your teachers and your classates
44. What does the underlined word “skill” ean in Chinese?
A. 锻炼 B. 技能C. 实践 D. 方法
45. What’s the ain idea of the passage?
A. It’s about how to join the school soccer tea.
B. It’s about how to be a good soccer player.
C. It’s about how to get good grades in the exa.
D. It’s about how to ake ore friends at school.
ary is an Aerican girl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. ary doesn’t know uch Chinese, but she is studying it. She often speaks Chinese with her Chinese friends. Soeties they can’t understand her, because she can’t speak Chinese very well.
It’s Saturday orning. She goes out. She is walking in the street. She wants to go to the zoo to see the elephants and onkeys, but she doesn’t know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy the way. The boy can’t understand her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy. The boy understands, and shows her the way to the zoo.
46. ary is________.
A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. Aerican
47. ary is in______ with her parents no
A. Shanghai B. Beijing C. New York D. London
48. ary doesn’t know how to get to_______.
A. the zoo B. the park C. her hoe D. her school
49. ary can’t speak_______ very well.
A. English B. England C. China D. Chinese
50. At last the boy________.
A. can understand ary’s Chinese B. takes her to the zoo
C. shows her the way to t he zoo D. draws a picture for ary, too
Ⅳ.词汇运用(每小题1分,满分10 分)
51. Granda is very healthy because she (锻炼) every day.
52. Please speak aloud, I can (几乎不) hear you.
53. We (尽力) to eat a lot of vegetables to keep healthy.
54. Walking helps you to keep in good (健康).
55. Th ere are soe (不同) between the tiger and the cat.
56. Soe students watch TV (two) a week.
57. ost of the play sports three or four (tie).
58. She looks pale(苍白). I think she i s kind of (health).
59. Our teacher wants us (read) English every orning.
60. Can you find five (different) in the two pictures?
61. y sister is ill. I ust take care of her at hoe.(改为同义句)
y sister is ill. I ust______ ______ her at hoe.
62. We usually go to the ovies on weekends.(对画线部分提问)
________ ______ ______ ______ ______on weekends?
63. To goes to bed at ten in the evening.(改为否定句)
To ______ _______ to bed at ten in the evening.
64. They always see a fil on Saturdays.(改为同义句)
They always _______ _______ ________ _______ on Saturdays.
65. I sleep nine hours every night.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ _______ do you sleep every night?
Class 12, Grade 8: Activity Survey
Activity Every Day Twice a WeekFour Ties a Week
Watch TV 60% 20% 20%
Have Sports 10% 20% 70%
Do Hoework 100% 0% 0%
( All students=100% ost students=51%~99% Soe students = 1%~50%
No students = 0%)

UNIT 2 How often do you exercise?检测题原文及参考答案
Ⅰ. 听句子, 选出你所听到的单词。每个句子读一遍。
1. I saw the pandas once.
2. Do you see y key, Peter?
3. ost children like the song.
4. I don’t think it’s healthy food.
5. Can you look after the bike for e, please?
Ⅱ. 听句子,选择你所听到句子的最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。
6. How often do you exercise?
7. How any ho urs do you sleep every night?
8. What do you do on weekends?
9. Does she like ilk?
10. What sports do you play?
Ⅲ.听对话, 在下列每个小题的空白处填写一个适当的单词。每段对话读一遍。
11. : How often can you watch TV, Sandy?
W: Twice a week.
12. W: What do you often do after school, Jack?
: I often play soccer. I like it best.
13. : Would you like a haburger, Susan?
W: Oh, thanks. But I think that’s junk food.
14. W: I often eat soe toatoes for lunch.
: e, too. I think it’s good for y health.
15. : Lisa didn’t coe to school today.
W: Her granda was ill and she looked after her at hoe.
Ⅳ.听短文, 选择最佳答 案。短文读两遍。
Li ing doesn’t often see his parents, because they live far away in a sall town. Soeties his faily go to visit the, but not very often, aybe once a onth. Li ing and his wife are very busy, and soeties Li ing goes on business trips. Li ing, however, usuall y talks to his parents on the phone. They exercise in a nearby gy every day, so they are pretty healthy. Li ing’s parents hardly ever coe to visit hi, because they don’t like flying, and they don’t like the city life, either, because it’s too noisy.
1~5 ACCBB 6~10 CBACB 11. eight 12. soccer 13. haburgers
14. toatoes 15. granda 16~20 ABBBB
Ⅰ.21. C although 表示“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句,不能和but同时使用。句意:尽管他病了,仍然去上学。
22. B once a week一周一次。其他选项本身错误
23. A exercise在这里是动词,第三人称单数形式是在其后加s。
24. D how any提问可数名词的数量; how uch提问不可数名词的数量或价格; how long提问一段时间。提问“频率”用how often。
25. A start with...是“以……开始”的意思,为固定搭配。
26. D 由后文“她有一个好习惯”可知,healthy“健康的”符合题意。
27. B hardly ever意为 “几乎从不”。
28. B 动名词短语作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。
29. B too...to意为“太……而不能……”look after照顾。
30. A 频度副词要放在连系动词之后;be late for迟到。
Ⅱ. 31. A see强调看到的结果。
32. C 由语境可知,此处应用look fine“看起来不错”。
33. B 句意:我们有一些新的科目。
34. B be good at擅长。
35. C help sb.帮助某人。
36. A 句意:我认为我能做得更好。
37. D too表示 “也”时,一般用于肯定句的句末。
38. B 句意:我认为我能帮助她。
39. A 由前后语境可知,表示否定,又因主语是he, 其否定形式要借助助动词does。
40. B call one’s nae叫某人的名字/点名。
Ⅲ. 41. B 由第二段所列举的几个问题可知。
42. C 由第四段第一句The third step is to study hard.可知C项正确。
43. A 由第四段第二句If you always get bad grades in the exa, your teachers and
parents won’t let you join the soccer tea.可知A项正确。
44. B “只有优秀的运动员才能加入学校足球队”,由此可知,你需要锻炼你的 “技能”。
45. A 通读全文及第一段内容可知。
46. D 由第一段第一句ary is an Aerican girl.可知。
47. B 由第一段第二句She is now in Beijing with her parents.可知。
48. A 由第二段第四句She wants to go to the zoo to see the elephants and onkeys, but
she doesn’t know how to get there.可知。
49. D 由第一段最后一句Soeties they can’t understand her, because she can’t speak
Chinese very well.可知。
50. C 由第二段最后一句T he boy understands, and shows her the way to the zoo.可知。
Ⅳ. 51. exercises52. hardly53. try54. health
55. differences 56. twice57. ties58. unhealthy
59. to read60. differences
V. 61. look after 62. What do you usually do 63. doesn’t go 64. go to the ovies
65. How any hours
Ⅵ.On e possible version:
Here are the results of the student activity survey in Class 12, Grade 8. ost students watch TV every day. Soe students watch TV twice a week. Soe students watch TV four ties a week. Soe students have sports ever y day. Soe students have sports twice a week. ost students have sports four ties a week. All the students do hoework every day. No students do hoework twice or four ties a week.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/172354.html
