
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

1.Vienna is old city the river Danube.
A、the; inB、an; onC、a; atD、an; of
2.I found difficult to talk with a foreigner in English.
3.---Where is John?
---Look! He ____ in the garden.
A. plays B. played C. will play D. is playing
4.There are about ____ people in the hall.
A. two hundreds of B.two hundreds C. hundreds of D. two hundred
5.ike likes ountains and lakes. He hopes to ____ nature when he is free.
A. be far fro B.be interested in C. be close to D.be crowded with
6.We are all here ____ Lily. Where is she?
A. except B.besides C. beside D. as well as
7. We agreed ___________ to see a fil this Saturday evening.
A. go B. going C.went D. to go
8. The nuber of pandas is getting _________ because their living areas are becoing farland.
A. less and less B. larger and larger C. saller and saller D. fewer and fewer
9. It is a story about a young boy ______Harry Porter.
A. call B. calling C. calls D. called
10. It took her uch tie __________ English out of class.
A. practice speaking B. to practice to speak
C. to practice speakingD. practice to speaking
11. He offered __________e around the city.
A. show B. to show C. showing D. be showed
12.Everyone _____ the Spring Festival especially the kids, because they can get oney in red packets.
A enjoy B enjoys C is enjoying D are enjoying
13.---Do you know Lin Shuhao?
---Yes, he is faous_____ playing basketball _____a basketball star.
A. for; as B. as; for C. to; at D. at; to
14.---You shouldn’t forget what he says at the eeting.
---I’ll______his words.
A.write down B.take away C.hear froD.learn about
15.It’s______cheaper and______enjoyable to travel by train than by plane.
A.uch;ore B.very;very uch C.ore;oreD.ore;uch
16.---Would you like______to drink?
---Yes,I’d like a cup of coffee.
A.soething else B.else soething C.anything elseD.else anything
17.y little sister stopped______and played the toy dog.
A.to cryB.criesC.criedD.crying
18.---Who is the an over there?Is it r.Li?
---No,it______be hi.r.Li is uch taller.
A.ustn’tB.ay notC.can’tD.needn’t
19.-----r. Lee ______ to a student when I entered the classroo this orning.
----He is very patient _____ he is young.
A talking; but B talks; though C was talking; though D talked; however
20.---Oh, we issed the last bus to the useu.
--- ____. We can go there by taxi and it’s faster.
A. Never ind. B.I’ not sure about it. C. Bad luck! D. That’s too bad!

What is the best way to study?This is a very iportant question.Soe Chinese students often__1__very hard__2__long hours.This is a__3__habit(习惯),but it is not a better way to study.A good student ust__4__enough sleep,enough food and enough rest.Every__5__you__6__to take a walk or play basketball or ping-pong or sing a song.When you__7__to your studies,you’ll find yourself__8__than before and you’ll learn ore.
  Perhaps we can__9__that learning English is like taking Chinese edicine.We ean that like Chinese edicine,the effects(效果)of your study__10__slowly but surely.Learn every day and effects will coe just like Chinese edicine.
1.A.play   B.study    C.sleep   D.think
2.A.at B.in C.forD.with
3.A.bestB.better C.goodD.bad
4.A.have  B.do   C.want D.ake
5.A.onth  B.week  C.hour D.day
6.A.want B.hope   C.need D.wish
7.A.begin B.return C.go  D.are
8.A.stronger  B.weaker  C.strong D.weak
9.A.say  B.guess C.talk  D.know
10.A.return B.coe C.give  D.get


1. Rocket to Space was written by __________.
A. Diego Rairez. B. Kitty Wolfe. C. Sa cgee. D. We don’t kno
2. Pet Copanies cost ___________ before.
A. $15 B. $39.95 C. $12.50 D. $30
3. The space ship was in space for ___________.
A. Two days. B. Two onths. C. One week. D. Two weeks.
4. Which book can tell you soething about the South Pole?
A. Rocket to Space.B. Pet Copanies.
C. Icy Journey.D. Handiwork ake.
5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Handiwork ake can teach you how to do housework.
B. Rocket to Space is about astronauts’ life in space.
C. Pet Copanies tells the prices of dogs.
D. Icy Journey is the ost expensive of the four books.

Franz Schubert was a faous usician in the world.But he lived a very hard life and often suffered(遭受)fro being hungry.One day he was very hungry and went to a sall restaurant,hoping he ight eet soe friends there.He looked around but found nobody he could borrow any oney fro.Then his eyes fell on a paper on one of the tables.In it was a little poe(诗歌).He read the poe.Then he wrote a piece of usic for the poe and took his work to the owner of the restaurant.He only received a piece of beef and potato for it.Thirty years after his death,this anuscript(手稿)by Schubert was worth 40,000 francs.It was his faous Berceuse(《摇篮曲》).
6.Schubert went to the restaurant to______.
A.write a poe for his Berceuse
B.have his dinner together with his friend
C.see if he could find soe friends who could lend hi soe oney for a eal
D.write a piece of usic for the owner of the restaurant
7.We know the owner of the restaurant______fro this passage.
A.was also a usician B.was very kind
C.hated Schubert very uch D.didn’t understand usic very uch
8.The passage didn’t tell us______.
A.how old he was when Schubert died B.how poor Schubert was
C.why Schubert wrote a piece of usic for the little poe
D.whether Franz Schubert astered the poe
9.What’s the Chinese eaning of “faous usician”?______.
10.The best title for this passage is______.
A.usician and Hunger B.Franz Schubert and His Berceuse
C.Franz Schubert Died D.A Great usician

( )11. Feeling stressed(压力):
Too uch hoework; Don't have enough tie for their hobbies.
( )12. Getting short-sighted(近视):
Too uch hoework; Bad reading and writing habits.
( )13. Fighting(打架) with each other:
Don't know how to get on with classates.
( )14. Feeling tired of study:
Coputer gaes' bad influence(影响).
( )15. Getting fat: Having ore pocket oney to buy snacks(零食); Dislike(不喜欢) doing exercise.
A.Don't be crazy (着迷的) about coputer gaes. Play the just for a short tie when you are tired.
B.ake a plan for study and hobbies.Find tie to relax as possible as you can.
C. Use your pocket oney to do soething eaningful(富有意义的).Spend soe tie doing exercise every day.
D.ake ore friends and understand each other. Share (分担) your probles with the.
E.Do hoework or reading in a correct way.
F. Help students give up soking.


One day, Tina sat on the (1)__________ and watched her other do the dishes in the (2) _________ . Tina noticed that her other had soe (3) hairs on her head. She looked at her other and (4)__________ , “Why do you have soe white hairs, o?”

Her other answered, “Well, every tie you do soething wrong and ake e (5)___________ , one hair turns white. If you don’t ake e sad any ore, I will have black (6)__________.”
The little (7)__________ thought for a while and then said, “o, I a going to listen to your words carefully fro today on and I would like to be a (8)_________ kid. Then you will not have so any white hairs, will you?” Her other siled and nodded(点头).
Tina’s granda was (9)_________TV in the living roo. Tina glanced(看一眼)at her granda and asked, “o, why is (10) _________ hair all white? Her children aren’t good ones, are they?”

A. 信息归纳(共5小题,每小题1分)
We always look forward to World Book Day-it’s a chance to share
our love of books and reading with even ore people! Here are soe of
the activities in different countries and places to celebrate the World
Book Day, April 23rd every year.
School Children’s Books
School Children’s Books are happy that best-selling writer Holly Webb is their World Book
Day writer for 2012. Holly has written a large nuber of books for children and she has written a special agic olly story just for this years World Book Da y!
Reading Package
On the World Book Day, every priary school student in Britain will receive a package fro
their school. Inside, there is a story book, a beautiful card and a reading list. Besides these three
things, there will also receive a special note, which is worth one pound. Children can use it to buy
their favorite books. And they can also enjoy a special price---20% cheaper.
Share of Reading
It is an interesting on-line activity which is for one wee k. People can share their opinions of
a book on line. There are also any reading-aloud activities in libraries. For exaple, in 2010’s
World book Day, U.S. first lady ichelle Obaa read aloud a book called The Cat in The Hat for
ore than 200 children in a library.

Inforation Card
What’s the date of the World Book Day 1.
Who is the World Book Day writer of School Children’s Books 2.
How any things do priary school students in Britain receive on the World Book Day 3.
What can people do in the activity of Share of Reading 4.
Which book did ichelle Obaa read aloud to children on the 2010 World Book Day 5.

1.________________________ 2._____________________________

3.________________________ 4._____________________________


B. 书面表达 (本题15分)根据要求完成下列短文写作,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。
你喜欢阅读吗?请你以 “Reading---A good Habit” 为题写一篇有关阅读的短文。
1. 你的阅读习惯(喜欢的书籍、阅读的时间地点、购书方式等等)。
2. 阅读带给你什么益处(至少两点)。
3. 号召大家都读书。
1. 不能照抄原文,不得在中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。如需使用学校名
称或学生的姓名,一律使用Shantou iddle School 和Jenny.
2. 语句连贯,词数80词左右。

1-5 BBDDC 6-10 ADCDC
11-15 BBAAA 16-20 ADCCA

6-10 CBAAB

6-10 CDADB
11-15 BEDAC
四.看图填空1.chair 2. kitchen 3.white 4.asked 5.sad 6.hair 7.girl 8.good 9.watching 10.granda’s

A.信息归纳:1. April 23rd; 2. Hooly Webb; 3. four things; 4. to share their opinions of a book and reading-aloud activities; 5. The Cat in the Hat.
One possible vision:
Reading---A good Habit
Reading is a very good habit. I like reading very uch. In y eyes, I think that foring a good reading habit is necessary for us. It can not only iprove our knowledge but also ake us to think over ore different things efficiently.
Besides, we can do soe reading every tie when we are free. For exaple, I often read soe of y favorite books in y spare tie both at hoe or in the library. What I like ost are story books because ost of the are quite interesting. Now I often buy y favorite books on line for its big discount.
Finally, I like to share y favorite books with our faily or y classates. Since reading can benefits us a lot, it’s tie for us to have our good reading habit now!

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/181617.html
