
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit1 where did you go on vacation?
( ) 1. —Where would you like to spend your vacation?
—I’d like to go ________. I hate hot days
A. cool soewhere B. soewhere cool C. hot soewhere D. soewhere hot
( ) 2. There is ________ in today’s newspaper. Let’s read a storybook.
A. soething interesting B. nothing interesting
C. interesting soething D. interesting nothing
( ) 3. —Have you got ________ ready for the sports eeting?
—Not yet. We still have ________ to do.
A. anything; nothing B. soething; everything
C. everything; soething D. soething; nothing
( ) 4. —Did you go fishing with ________ yesterday?
—Yes, I went with y father.
A. soeone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone
( ) 5. There is ________ with y coputer. Can you help e end it?
A. nothing wrong B. anything wrong C. soething wrong D. wrong soething
( ) 6. —Did you see y Chinese book?
—Yes. ________ took it away. But I don’t know hi.
A. Soeone B. Anyone C. No one D. Everyone
( ) 7. —I’d like ________ bananas and pears.
—Oh, I only need ________ orange juice.
A. soe; a few B. a few; a little C. a little; a few D. a little; a few
( ) 8. I have quite ________ friends. I feel very happy.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
( ) 9. —________ did you go on vacation? —Hong Kong.
A. What B. How C. Where D. When
( ) 10. I ________ y hoework last night. I went to the cinea with y parents.
A. did B. didn’t C. didn’t do D. don’t do
( ) 11. —________ To and Ji ________ a walk yesterday evening?
—No, they ________.
A. Do; take; doesn’t B. Did; take; didn’t C. Did; take; did D. Do; take; don’t
( ) 12. —How was your vacation?
—________. I liked it very uch.
A. Very bad B. Wonderful C. I’ fine D. Have a good tie
( ) 13. —The coat looks good on you. Where ________ you ________ it?
—In a superarket.
A. do; buy B. did; buy C. will; buy D. does; buy
( ) 14. —Who teaches ________ singing? —Nobody, I learn it by ________.
A. your; ine B. your; yself C. you; yself D. you; e
( ) 15. The book is ________. I feel ________.
A. boring; boring B. bored; boring C. boring; bored D. bored; bored
( ) 16. —Steven, can you help e buy soe eat? —________. I like shopping.
A. That’s right B. It’s right C. Of course D. You’re welcoe
( ) 17. To, your father is waiting ________ you at the school gate.
A. for B. at C. with D. as
( ) 18. y parents decide ________ to the beach this week.
A. go B. goes C. to go D. going
( ) 19. We have to stay at hoe ________ the heavy rain.
A. because B. because of C. but D. so
( ) 20. We don’t have ________ to buy this sweater, though (虽然) the sweater is ________.
A. enough oney, good enough B. enough oney, enough good
C. oney enough, well enough D. enough oney, well enough
( ) 21. Ann likes going to school by bike but dislikes ________ to school on foot.
A. to go B. go C. going D. goes
( ) 22. The cookies ________ good. Can I have soe ore?
A. taste B. sell C. feel D. sound

Unit2 How often do you exercise?
( ) 1.—_________ do you exercise? —Hardly ever.
A. How any ties B. How often C. When D. How
( ) 2. Jane stay up late because she didn’t finished his hoework.
A. had to B. ust C. should D. ust to
( ) 3. To studies _______. He _______plays with his friends.
A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. Hard; hardly D. hardly; hard
( ) 4. Jane is high school student in the United States.
A. a 18-year-old B. a 18-years-old C. an 18-years-old D. an 18-year-old
( ) 5. _____ it was very cold, _____ y friend still went swiing in Jialing River this orning. A. Although; but B. Although; / C. But; although D. /; although
( ) 6. —How often do you drink ilk? —I don’t like it, so I _____drink it.
A. always B. usually C. hardly ever D. often
( ) 7.“85%of the students in our class like English.”eans “ _____students in our class like English.”
A. All B. ost C. Few D. No
( ) 8 —Does Antony always finish his hoework on tie?
—Yes, of course. He_____ leaves today’s work until toorro
A. also B. never C. only D. usually
( ) 9 — _______ do you use the Internet a week? —Twice.
A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How any ties
( ) 10. —How often does the train run to Jinan ? —_____twenty inutes.
A. Any B. Each C. Every D. Another
( ) 11. It’s too dark in the roo. He can hardly see anything,______?
A. can he B. does he C. can’t he D. doesn’t he
( ) 12. It was _________ lovely weather _______ we decided to spend the day on the beach.
A. such a; that B. such; that C. such; as D. so; that
( ) 13. There are a few ____but little _____in the cupboard.
A. apples; coffee B. coffee; apples C. apple; coffees D. apple; coffee
( ) 14. y dad ________ a teacher when I grow up .
A. wants e to B. wants e to be C. wants e D. wanted
( ) 15. I left y keys in the roo yesterday. I had to get in______ the windo
A. In B. through C. over D. across
( ) 16. r. Li asks the students _____in the river, because it’s too dangerous.
A. swi B. to swi C. not to swi D. to not swi
( ) 17. If you have a toothache(牙痛),you can go to see a _____ .
A. doctor B. dentist C. teacher D. policean
( ) 18. Reading aloud is the best way English.
A. to learn B. learning C. to learn D. learns
( ) 19. —I can’t find y CDs. —_______you put the in that bag.
A. ust B. ay be C. aybe D. ay
( ) 20. Peter is y best friend. He often helps science.
A. e with B. y with C. e on D. e of
( ) 21. —What about_______ a rest? —OK! Let’s go for a walk.
A. to have B. had C. have D. having
( ) 22.—How any books in the bag are yours? —________ of the is ine.
A. No one B. None C. Not one D. None
( ) 23. —____do you watch TV every week? —Less than two hours. I often have uch hoework to do.
A. How any B. How uch C. How long D. How often
( ) 24. What do you usually do weekends?
A. on B. of C. in D. with
( ) 25. Did you find the answer______the question about _______TV very interesting?
A. to, watching B. of, watching C. to, watched D. of, watched
Unit3 I’ ore outgoing than y sister.
1.Is your eating habit _________ Lily’s?
A. The sae B. sae as C, sae to D. the sae as
2.The boy doesn’t speak _________ his sister, but his handwriting is very good.
A. as well as B. so good as C. ore better than D. ore worse than
3.It’s difficult for e to decide which one to choose, because ______of the are good.
A. neither B. both C. So D. or
4一What about the silk scarf? 一Wonderful! Nothing feels _________.
A.nice B. better C. Best D. worse
5.A train can run _________ a bus.
A, so quickly that B. quickly than C. As quickly D. ore quickly than
6一Let’s buy soe cards for our teachers on Teachers’ Day.
----Why not ake soe by hand? It’s uch _________ .
A. interesting B. ore interesting C. The ost interesting D. less interesting
7. The weather in Beijing is colder than _________ in Shanghai.
A. it B. that C. those D. this
8一Both of the skirts are in style. 一But I think this one is _________ .
A, popular B, uch popular C. ore popular D. the ost popular
9.The blue skirt is _________ than the white one.
A. dear B. uch expensive C. expensive D. uch ore expensive
10.Soeties walking is even _______than driving during the busy traffic tie.
A. fast B. faster C. Slow D. slower
11. (2012,浙江宁波)
---Have you seen the funny ovie Let the Bullet Fly?
一Yes,it ade e ____ any ties.
A. laugh B. cry C. Sleep D. sing
12. It’s iportant _________ us _________ _English well.
A. of; learning B. for; to learn C. Of; to learn . D.or; learning
13. (2012,湖北孝感)-Let’s go shopping at the new all.
一Why not shop online? It’s ____.
A. expensive B. ore expensive C. Less expensive D. the ost expensive
Now, soe robots are ____________ to do the sae things ______ people.
A. enough sart;as B. enough sart;for C, art enough;as D: sart enough;with
15.( 江苏无锡) ________Ay likes to go to the cinea,but she doesn’t like to see horror fils.
A. Since B. As C. Though D. 不填
16. (2012,湖北襄阳)-Helen, can I wear jeans and a T- shirt to the school talent show?
---OK,but a dress ight be _________. A.good B. bad C. better D. worse
The water in the lakes and rivers in Yunnan becae _______ because of the dry weather.
A. fewer and fewer B. ore and ore C. less and less D. little and little
18(热点题)Li Na _________ a gold edal again in Shenzhen ____ January 5th,2013.
A. beat;in B. won; in C. Won; on D. beat;on
19.There are ore students in Grade Two than _______ .
A. grade one B. other grade C. in Grade One D. others grade
20. The Internet akes the world becoe________.
A. bigger and bigger B. ore and ore C. saller and saller D, ore and ore beautiful

Unit4 What’s the best ovie theater?
( ) 1. Which ovie theater has _____ screens, To Cinea, Screen Cinea or ovie Palace?
A. the bigger B. big C. the biggest D. biggest
( ) 2. —What a nice watch it is!
—Yes. It’s _______ one of all.
A. expensive B. ore expensive C. the ost expensive D. uch ore expensive ( ( ) 3. Who do you think is actor in Hollywood?
A. the funny B. the funniest C. the ost funniest D. ore funnier
( ) 4. China is one of ______in the world.
A. larger country B. larger countries C. the largest countries D. largest country
( ) 5. The ______girl sings _______.
A. beautiful, beautiful B. beautifully, beautifully
C. beautiful, beautifully D. beautifully, beautiful
( ) 6. What do you _______this new watch?
A. think at B. think of C. think over D. think hard
( ) 7. We hope life can get _______ .
A. best and best B. better and better C. good and good D. well and well
( ) 8. Our city is becoing _______ .
A. ore and ost beautiful B. ore beautiful and ore beautiful
C. ore and ore beautiful D. beautiful and beautiful
( ) 9. All these talent shows have one thing _______coon.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
( ) 10. Our teacher asked us to ______a story about the oon.
A. ake up B. ake of C. ake in D. ake out
( ) 11. It’s fun _______the talent sho
A. watch B. to watch C. watched D. watches
( ) 12. There are _______school things in the store.
A. a kind of B. kind of C. different kind of D. all kinds of
( ) 13. Do you enjoy ________English stories?
A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads
( ) 14. The students should take the exas .
A. serious B. seriously C. bad D. worse
( ) 15. Parents play a role in ________ their children.
A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching
( ) 16. We should study hard to ake our drea________.
A. coe over B. coe back C. coe true D. coe up
( ) 17. It took e two weeks ________ the novels (小说) by Guo Jinging.
A. finish reading B. to finish reading C. to finish to read D. finishing to read
( ) 18. Actions speak________ than words. (事实胜于雄辩)
A. loud B. louder C. loudest D. loudly
Unit5 Do you want to watch a gae show?
1. What _________exciting news! We are all very excited about it. A. a B. an C. the D. /
2. If you plan ________a ovie, choose ulan.
A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched
3. We hope ________good grades. A. get B. to get C. getting D. got
4. I hope you ________a nice weekend. A. have B. to have C. having D. had
5. Hi, Jean! You look unhappy. ____________?
A. What did you happen B. What you happened
C. What happened to you D. Did you happen what
6. Walt Disney was faous _______his cartoons.
A. like B. as C. at D. for
9. I don’t ind _________soap operas.
A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched
10. We waited an hour for Jack, but he didn’t ________.
A. appear B. get C. arrived D. coe out
11. His new book ________last weekend.
A. cae out B. cae up C. cae in D. cae to
12. She ________and went to the party.
A. wore B. put on C. dressed D. dressed up

( )1.I don’t ind ______you with your English.
A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps
( )2.I can’t stand ______the terrible TV sho
A.watch B.watching C.to watch D.watched

( )3. That agazine_______every onday.
A. coes out B.coes up C.coes over D.coes true
( )4.we should ________Lei Feng.
A.learn fro B.learn with C.learn to D.learn after
( )5.Let’s ______here,let hi ______ there.
A.sit,stand B.to sit, to stand C.to sit,stand D.sit,to stand
( )6.She often plans______soething to help others. A.to do B.does C.do D.doing
( )7.—What happened ______ you yesterday?
—I happened _____ eet y old friend,Lucy.
A.to,to B.with, to C.to,with D.with,with
( )8.They are trying______what is going on around the world.
A.look for B.to look for C.to find out D.find out
( )9.Does John want talk show?
A.to watch B.watch C.watches D.watchs
( )10. _____ Noveber 18,1978,ickey becae fouas. A.In B.At C.On D.Of
( )11. _____ ,he ade 87 cartoons with ickey.
A.In 1930s B.In the 1930s C.In the 1930 D.On the 1930s
( )12.Walt Disney ade 87 cartoons _____,he becae______ .
A successful,successful B.successfully,successfully
C.successful, successfully D.successfully,successful
( )13.I saw two______ an apple when I cae by.
A.ice,eating B.ouses,eating C.ice,ate D.ouses,ate
( )14.ickey ouse was the first cartoon_____sound and usic.
A.and B.with C.in D.of
( )15.He always tries to face any ____and et soe _____ things.
A.danger,dangerous B.danger,danger
C.dangerous,dangerous D.dangerous, danger
( )16.We should eat any fruits _____ apples and oranges.
A.for exaple B.such as C.so as D.such like
( )17.There isn’t ______ in today’s newspaper.
A.soething new B.new soething C.anything new D.new anything
( )18.r Wang didn’t coe,so rs Wang ______.
A.took hi place B.took his place C.took of hi D,becae hi
( )19.At the party,Lucy ______like a ickey ouse to ake us ______.
A.dressed up, laugh B.dressed up,to laugh C.dressed on,laugh D.dressed on,to laugh
( )20.I think the actress_______ well.
A.did ulan’s role B.did ulan’s way C.played ulan’s role D.played ulan’s way
( )21.The actors_______in the ovie.
A.was good B.did a good job C.did good D.played good
( )22. ---I think Boonie Bears(熊出没)isn’t as ______ as Pleasant Goat.
---I agree with you.Boonie Bears is______ than Pleasant Goat.
A.faous,ore faous B.faous,less faous
C.ore faous,less faous D.less faous,ore faous
( )23.Kong Fansen is______educational ovie,ost people felt _______ .
A.an, exciting B.an,excited C.a,exciting D.a excited
( )24.—What do you ______the ovie? —It is very educational.
A.think of B.like C.like of D.think
( )25.ulan is ______ exciting ovie. It coes fro _____old Chinese story.
A.an,an B.a,an C.an,a D.a,a

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/198028.html
