2013年八年级英语上册odule 10 The weather检测题(有答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

英语外研八年级上综合测评 odule 10
(分数100分 时间90分钟)
第Ⅰ卷 部分 (15分)
Ⅰ.听句子,选择与之相匹配的图片 (5分)
1.The cup is full of coffee.
2.r Sith's interest is agic shows.
3.y parents offer to take e to see Beijing Opera.
4.I plan to see a fil with y friend Lily next Sunday.
5.His uncle lives on the twentieth of that building.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

Ⅱ.听对话 ,选择正确答案 (5分)
W:Would you like to go to Lao She Teahouse to see Beijing Opera this afternoon?
:I'd love to.Beijing Opera is y favourite.
6.Where are they going this afternoon?

W:What do you want to be in the future?
:I want to be a singer.I' good at singing folk songs.
7.What is the boy good at?
A.Playing pop usic.
B.Playing Beijing Opera.
C.Singing folk songs.

W:Are you a fil fan?
:No,I' not a fil fan,but an opera fan.
8.What does the an like seeing?
A.Fils.   B.Operas.  C.TV plays.

W:I went to Guanging Cinea last Friday.
:What did you see?
W:Let The Bullets Fly.
:How was it?
W:It was great.There were lots of faous stars in it.I hope to see it again.
9.When did the girl go to the cinea?
A.Last Friday.
B.Last Saturday.
C.Last Sunday.

10.What did the girl think of the fil?
A.It was so­so.
B.It was great.
C.It was boring.

Ⅲ.听短文,填写表格 (5分)
Chickens can talk?Cows can dance?They are all in Louis Black's books.,Louis was born on a far.The quiet young an spent ost of his life helping his parents on the far.When he was nine,he started to draw the anials on the far.Later,he put the in his books.But he only showed the to his faily.,The shy farer's books becae faous after he died.He died in a fire when he was only 35.To reeber hi,his faily showed his books in the town useu,and people liked the very uch.
Where was Louis Black born?He was born __11__.
What did Louis begin to draw when he was nine?He began to draw __12__.
What did he do with his pictures?He put the in his __13__.
When did Louis die?He died at the age of __14__.
How did his faily deal with (处理) his books?They showed his books in __15__.

第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分 (85分)
Ⅳ.单项选择 (10分)
16.—Have you decided ______ with her?
A.go; Certainly      B.to go; Not yet
C.going; Have already D.to go; No yet

17.Lao She is ost faous ______ his play ______ a writer.
A.for; as B.as; for C.for; is D.as; as

18.Do you enjoy ______ pictures outside?
A.draw B.to draw C.drawing D.to drawing

19.He wanted ______ to the arket to buy soe vegetables.
A.go B.to go C.goes D.going

20.I'd love ______ clib the hills.
A.to B.for C.with D.in

21.—Who cae to school earliest yesterday orning?
—______.You can ask Linda.She ay kno
A.I' afraid not B.I think so C.I've no idea D.You're welcoe

22.—Is this book yours?
—No, it's Tony's.Please give it ______.
A.hi B.to hi C.e D.to e

23.—The stone looks like an elephant.Do you think so?
—Yes, I ______.
A.understand B.know C.ean D.agree

24.—When did you learn ______ a bike?
—Two years ago.
A.riding B.to ride C.rides D.ride

25.—Betty, please put these books in the box.
—But it is ______ noWe have to find another box.
A.big B.full C.expensive D.light

Ⅴ.完形 (10分)
r Lee had never been in an airplane before and he had read a lot about accidents.So one day when a friend cae to his house and  26  to take hi for a ride in his own sall plane, r Lee was very  27 .He thought to hiself, “If I don't agree, y friend ay not be happy. 28  if I agree, I a really afraid that there ight be soe danger.”  29 ,however, his friend ade hi believe that it was  30 ,and r Lee got on the plane.

His friend  31  the engine (发动机) and the plane began to ove along on the ground of the  32 .r Lee was very frightened and closed his eyes.After a inute or two, he opened the  33 ,looking out of the window of the plane, and said to his friend, “Look  34  those people down there.They look as  35  as ants (蚂蚁) , don't they?
“Those are ants,” answered his friends, “we're still on the ground.”
26.A.offered B.allowed C.agreed D.afford

27.A.excited B.grateful C.worried D.glad

28.A.As B.For C.So D.B ut

29.A.Finally B.First C.Last D.But

30.A.interesting B.safe C.cofortable D.enjoyable

31.A.began B.carried C.oved D.started

32.A.airport B.town C.station D.yard

33.A.again B.once C.quick D.easily

34.A.up B.at C.over D.after

35.A.show B.big C.strange D.sall

Ⅵ.理解 (30分)
In 1933 an unknown Aerican called Clarence Nash went to see the filaker Walt Disney.He had an unusual voice and he wanted to work on Disney's cartoon (动画片) fil for children.When Walt Disney heard Nash's voice, he said “Stop!That's our duck!”

The duck was the now­faous Donald Duck, who first appeared in 1934 in the fil The Wise Little Hen.Donald lived in an old houseboat (水上住家) and wore his sailor jacket and hat.Later that year,he becae a star after an eight­inute ickey ouse fil.The cinea audience liked hi because he was lazy and greedy (贪婪的), and because he lost his teper (发脾气) very quickly.And they loved his voice when he becae angry with ickey's eight nephews (侄子).Soon Donald was ore popular than ickey ouse hiself, probably because he wasn't a goody­goody like ickey.
In the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, Donald and his friends ickey, Goofy and Pluto ade hundreds of Disney cartoons.He also ade educational fils about the place of the USA in the world, and safety in the hoe.Then in 1966, Donald Duck and his voice disappeared — there were no ore new cartoons.
Clarence Nash died in February, 1985.But today's children can still see the old cartoons on television and hear that faous voice.
36.Who ade Donald Duck fil?
A.ickey ouse. B.Clarence Nash. C.Walt Disney. D.Pluto.

37.When was the first Donald Duck fil ade?
A.In 1933. B.In 1934. C.In 1966. D.In 1930.

38.Who was Clarence Nash?
A.A cartoonist. B.Donald Duck's voice.
C.A fil­aker. D.A fil star.

39.Where do today's children s ee Donald Duck?
A.In new fil. B.At the cine a. C.On television. D.At concerts.

40.The underlined word “audience” in the second paragraph eans______.
A.reads B.foral interview
C.law freedo D.the people who watch a fil at a cinea

r and rs Sith had always spent their suer holidays in New Jersey in the past, staying in a sall inn (旅店) at the foot of a hill.
One year, however, r Sith ade a lot of oney in his business, so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went touring around that faous city.
They flew to London and arrived at their hotel late one evening.They had expected that they would have to go to bed hungrily, because in that sall inn in New Jersey, no eals were served after seven.They were surprised when the waiter asked whether they would take dinner there that night. “Are you still serving dinner?” asked r Sith. “Yes, certainly, sir,” answered the waiter, “we serve it until half past nine.”
“What are the ties of eals then?” asked r Sith. “Well, sir,” answered the waiter,“we serve breakfast fro seven to half past eleven in the orning, lunch fro twelve to three in the afternoon, tea fro four to five, and dinner fro six to half past nine.”
“But that hardly leaves any tie for us to see the sights of London,” said r Sith.
41.r and rs Sith had always spent their holidays in ______.
A.New York   B.London C.New Jersey  D.Washington

42.When r and rs Sith had a lot of oney, they decided to go to ______.
A.their hoetown  B.the capital of England 
C.New Jersey   D.a sall city in England

43.They went to London by ______.
A.sea B.plane C.train  D.bus

44.Fro the story we know that this was the ______ tie for the Siths to go to London.
A.first    B.second    C.third  D.fourth

45.What does the sentence “But that hardly leaves any tie for us to see the sights of London” ean?
A.We can go to see the sights of London at any tie.
B.We have enough tie to see the sights of London.
C.We can see ore sights of London.
D.We have little tie to see the sights of London.

Hot ovies in 2010

Alice in
WonderlandShrek Forever
AfterToy Story 3Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows ( Ⅰ )
Release datearch 5ay 21June 18Noveber 19
CopanyWalt Disney
PicturesDrea Works
PixarWarner Bros
DirectorTi Burtonike itchellLee UnkrichDavid Yates
inforationAn extension of
Lewis Carroll's
original storyThe fourth Shrek ovieA story about Andy and his toysPart Two of the final ovie to be released in 2011
Word box: release发行 aniation动画制作 extension 延伸 original 原先的 director 导演
46.The ovie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Ⅰ) was released on____________.

47.The fil ade by Disney Pixar is ____________ .

48.____________ directed Alice in Wonderland.

49.Toy Story 3 tells us a story about ____________.

50.Which of the following is NOT true according to the inforation above?
A.Alice in Wonderland is an extensi on of Lewis Carroll's original story.
B.Shrek Forever After was ade by Walt Disney Pictures.
C.We can watch Part Two of the final Harry Potter ovie in 2011.

Ⅶ.词汇题 (10分)
51.It is ______ (不可能的) for an ordinary plane to fly to the oon.

52.A lot of ______ (观众) went to a concert last night.

53.He has ______ (失去) his job.

54.The ring is ade of ______ (银).

55.The boy wants to be a table tennis ______ (大师).

56.Her brother Ji is a ______ (wait) and he works in a five­star hotel.

57.We had a very ______ (enjoy) experience in Hangzhou.

58.ike hopes ____ __ (visit) the ars one day.

59.We all agreed ______ (go) hoe at once.

60.I bought a science book for y son, but he has no ______ (interesting) in it.

Ⅷ.情景交际 (10分)
A.It's y favourite play.
B.we decided to see Roeo and Juliet.
C.Yes, I' sure they will.
D.We went to the Globe Theatre last night.
E.I tried to understand it but it was very difficult.
A: Hello, Daing.Are you enjoying your visit to London?
B: Thank you for asking, Betty.I' having a great tie.61.______

A: Oh, yes, it's great.A lot of tourists want to go there.
B: Yes, y uncle offered to take us, and 62.______
A: Did you understand the play?
B: Well, 63._ _____ But I know the story.
A: I hope to see Roeo and Juliet, too.64.______
B: Will your parents agree to take you?
A: 65.______

Ⅸ.书面表达 (15分)
参考词汇: 感人的 touching 病人 patient 恶化 worsen
A touching ovie
Last week I went to see a ovie, which was very touching.
_______________________________________________________________________ __
He wanted to call her other, but it was too late. Everybody in the theatre was oved to tears.

Ⅰ. 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.B
Ⅱ.6- 10 ACBAB
Ⅲ. 11.on a far  12.the anials  13.books  14.35  15.the town useu
Ⅵ. 36-40 C BBCD
41. -45. CBBAD
46 Noveber 19
47 Toy Story 3
48 Ti Burton
49 Andy and his toys
50 B
Ⅶ.51 ipossible 52 audience 53 lost 54 silver 55 aster
56 waiter 57 enjoyable 58to visit 59 to go 60 interest
Ⅷ. 61.D  62.B  63.E  64.A  65.C
A Touching ovie
Last_week_I_went_to_see_a_ovie,which_was_very_touching.It was a sad ovie about a other and her son.When the child was young,his other was so poor that she had to send hi to a rich faily who had no child.The boy received a very good education and twenty years later he becae a doctor.In his hospital, he had a patient, who was an old lady.He didn't care too uch about her, for she could hardly afford the edical care.One evening,the lady died after her illness worsened and on her bed the doctor found a letter,in which he discovered the truth and felt the love of a great other.He wanted to call her other,but it was too late.Everybody in the theatre was oved to tears.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/203829.html
