
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

八年级 英语
(时间:120分钟 总分:150分)

说明:1. 全卷分为A卷和B卷,A卷含测试。2. A卷满分为100分,B卷满分为50分。3. 按题号将答案填入相应的答题卷上,否则计零分。
◆第一部分 测试(共25小题,计25分)
( )1. A. To Chengdu. B. Yes, I did. C. With To.
( )2. A. Of course. B.I had noodles. C. It was delicious.
( )3. A. It was expensive. B. Nothing. C.I went so Sanya.
( )4. A. Help with housework. B. Sorry, I’ busy. C. Hardly ever.
( )5. A. No, he doesn’t. B. He practises a lot. C. He wants to win very uch.
( )6. A. Yes, I do. B. They are boring. C. Twice a week.

7. 8. 9. 10.
( ) 11. A. One. B. Two. C. Three
( ) 12. A. 3. B.9. C.12.
( ) 13.A.He had a good tie. B. He was not happy. C. He was very busy.
( ) 14.A.John’s brother. B. ike. C. ike’s brother
( ) 15.A.Great. B. Terrible. C. Not bad.
( ) 16.A.He watched ovie. B. He took a walk with his dog. C. He played sports.
( ) 17.A.Rainy. B. Snowy. C. Sunny.
( ) 18.A.A sweater. B.A odel plane. C.A jacket.
( ) 19.A.Every day. B. Three ties a week. C. Hardly ever.
( ) 20.A.English. B. History. C. Chinese.
( )21.Sa went to Hong Kong .
A. last winter B. last suer C. this winter
( )22.Tina is Sa’s .
A.sister B. classate C.pen friend
( )23.Tina lives in .
A.Hong Kong B. alaysia C. Thailand
( )24.Sa decided to .
A.stay at hoe B. visit his friend C. visit his grandparents
( )25.Which it TRUE according to the passage?
A. Sa visited Tina for his vacation this winter.
B. Sa’s parents live in the countryside.
C. Sa will stay in the countryside for 20 days.
◆第二部分 基础知识运用(共45小题,计45分)
A. dislike B. reach C. rainy D. wonder
( )26.We stayed at hoe yesterday because it was wet.
( )27.What tie does the train arrive in Chengdu?
( )28.I don’t like those who talk big and do nothing.
( )29.I want to know if we can get there on tie.
( )30.It is fine today. You needn’t take ubrella with you.
A.a B. an C. the
( )31.—Is Toe good sports?
—Yes, he is. He is talented usic, too.
A.at; in B. for; about C. to; with
( )32.r Wang has two sons. Of the are priary school students.
A.Both B. All C. Each
( )33.The girl doesn’t like this book at all, because there is in it.
A. interesting nothing B. soething interesting C. nothing interesting
( )34.Wow! Your house is uch bigger than .
A.e B. y C. ine
( )35.Nobody her because she has a new look.
A.know B. knew C. knows
( )36.—Did have a good tie?
—Oh, yes. was excellent.
A.Soeone; Nothing B. everyone; Everything C .anything; Soething
( )37.I’ afraid that I’ not to reach the book on the bookcase.
A.too tall B. enough tall C. tall enough
( )38.He ate a lot for lunch because the food was
A.awful B. hot C. delicious
( )39. is necessary for us to eat ore fruit and vegetables every day.
A.This B. That C. It
( )40.I usually up late on Sunday ornings, but I up early last Sunday orning.
A.get; got B. got; get C. got; got
( )41.—Where are you going on vacation?
—I don’t care where I go I can enjoy yself.
A.although B. as long as C. because
( )42.I’ taller than y sister, but I can’t sing as as her.
A.loud B. loudly C. ore loudly
( )43.The old an can hardly write his nae, ?
A.does he B. can’t he C. can he
( )44.ike was late for class, so the teacher ade hi at the back of the classroo.
A.stand B. standing C. to stand
( )45.— does Peter go to the ovies?
—Twice a onth.
A.How any B. How long C. How often
( )46.—I was late for work this orning.
— . You started early, didn’t you?
A. Why not? B. How coe? C. Of course.
A: How was your vacation, Ben?
B: 47 I went to Beijing with y parents.
A: Cool! Where did you go in Beijing?
B: 48 Then we visited the Great Wall.
A:What do you think of the Beijing city?
B: It’s really fantastic. There are any people fro all over the world.
A: 49
B: Yes. I had soe Beijing roast duck(北京烤鸭). 50
A: Sounds great! I hope I can visit Beijing next vacation.
A. It was very delicious.
B. First we went to Tian’anen Square.
C. It was great.
D. Did you enjoy any food there?
I’ a iddle school student. In the past, I had soe bad habits. I hardly ever had breakfast, 51 I usually got up late. I didn’ t like exercising, 52 . I only exercised one to two ties a onth. In the evening, I often watched television 53 ore than two hours. Then I 54 the Internet. I liked to play online gaes very uch, so I often stayed up late. y parents thought that it was bad for y health, and they were not 55 with that.
One day, I fainted(晕倒) in a P.E. class. When I 56 , I was in the hospital. The doctor told e that it was y classates that took e there. He also said that I was in poor(差的) 57 . Then he told e to eat breakfast every day and do 58 exercise.
Fro then on, I 59 to give up(戒掉) y bad habits. Now I usually get up early and have a good 60 . After school, I always play sports with y friends. I find it’s fun and good for y health.
( )51.A. because B. although C. if
( )52.A. also B. too C. either
( )53.A. at B. for C. in
( )54.A.used B. watched C. read
( )55.A.afraid B. happy C. bored
( )56.A.stayed up B. put up C. woke up
( )57.A.grade B. health C. progra
( )58.A.ore B. less C. faster
( )59.A.disliked B. stopped C. decided
( )60.A.breakfast B. lunch C. supper
I’ Sue. Kate is y beast friend. She is tall and thin 61 long straight hair. I first et her in the school dining hall.
One day, I had lunch in the dining hall. I knocked over(打翻) y soup and wet 62 . Other students 63 at e loudly but Kate didn’t. What did she do? She poured(倒) water on herself. It really 64 y heart. Then we becae good friends.
I like Kate, 65 we’re different in soe ways. She is very funny, but I’ a little 66 , so she has ore friends than e. She works uch 67 than e, so she can always get better grades. We like different 68 . She likes writing and playing the piano, but I like dancing and playing the drus. Both of us like sports. Kate plays tennis very well, and she always 69 tennis gaes. I’ good at badinton.
Kate 70 everything with e and truly cares about e. How lucky I a to have a friend like her!
( )61.A.fro B. with C. about
( )62.A.yself B. herself C. yourself
( )63.A.juped B. shouted C. laughed
( )64.A.broke B. touched C. reached
( )65.A.if B. because C. though
( )66.A.serious B. lazy C. outgoing
( )67.A.higher B. harder C. faster
( )68.A.activities B. subjects C. facts
( )69.A.isses B. loses C. wins
( )70.A.follows B. shares C. spends
◆第三部分 理解(共15小题,计30分)
Eating lots of vegetables is good for our health. Different vegetables can help our bodies in different ways.
Eating carrots is good for our eyes. Carrots can help us see better at night. Do you want to have strong teeth? If so, you can eat soe peas(豌豆). Peas have vitain(维生素) K in the. Vitain K is helpful to your teeth. Do you like toatoes? They look nice. Doctors call toatoes “healthy vegetables”, because they can help you not to get cancer(癌症). They also have a kind of special vitain PP. It can keep our skin healthy. So it is iportant to eat soe toatoes. Don’t forget about spinach(菠菜). The spinach leaves have vitain A, vitain C and vitain E. They help our bodies ake red blood cells (血红蛋白).
Vegetables are very iportant to us, but we can’t only eat vegetables. We also need to eat other kinds of food to keep healthy.
( )71.Eating carrots is good for our eyes.
( )72.Vitain Pp gives people strong teeth.
( )73.If you want to have healthy skin, you should eat ore toatoes.
( )74.Spinach leaves have vitain A,B and C in the.
( )75.We can keep healthy by only eating vegetables.
Li Lei, Beijing
I found the suer vacation was not so interesting as I iagined(想象). It was very hot, so I had to spend ost of the tie staying at hoe, watching TV, listening to the radio and playing with y dog. Soeties, I went to visit y relatives(亲戚).
Gina, New York
I went to the countryside with y faily and stayed there for about two weeks. The air there was nice and clean. Every day, we fed the chickens, ilked the cows, played with the dogs and went fishing. We enjoyed ourselves very uch. We watched to go there again.
Alice, London
y suer vacation was great. I went to Switzerland(瑞士) with y friends and stayed there for a week. It wasn’t very hot there. We went to a clib the Alps(阿尔卑斯山). We felt very tired but excited. We also saw soe beautiful lakes, went boating and took any photos.
( )76.Li Lei did NOT during the suer vacation.
A.watch TV B. go fishing C. play with his dog
( )77.Where did Gina spend the suer vacation?
A.At hoe B. In the countryside. C. In Switzerland.
( )78.Alice spent her suer vacation with .
A.her friends B her faily C. her relatives
( )79.What can we learn fro the passage?
A. Li Lei didn’t enjoy his vacation. B It was not very hot in the countryside.
C. Gina went boating during her vacation.
( )80.What is the passage ainly about?
A. Activities you can do on vacation. B. Trips to different countries.
C. Three people’s suer vacations.
Five years ago, I et her in a shopping center. I was walking through the shop when I saw her. Then she cae back to y house with e. After that, we becae friends.
Once she had to go into hospital to have an operation(手术) on her leg. I was worried about her and looked after her every day. I ade breakfast for her. I was not good at cooking, but she never coplained(抱怨). I also helped her take showers.
I have to idea why we can be good friends, because she is quite different fro e. I like writing, reading and playing coputer gaes. But she loves outdoor activities. She likes playing balls best. She also loves sleeping.
She will run all around the house to lick(舔) y face if soeone shouts “Kiss for Dad.” That is the only nae she knows e by—Dad, though I call her by any naes—Pickle, issile and Little. But her real nae is Pixar. This week she turns seven years old.
( )81.Where did the writer et Pixar?
A.On the street. B. In a hospital. C. In a shopping center.
( )82.Pixar was years old when the writer et her.
A.two B. five C. seven
( )83.What does the writer like doing?
①Reading ②Playing balls ③Sleeping ④Playing coputer gaes ⑤Writing
A.①②④ B.②③⑤ C.①④⑤
( )84.What can we learn fro the passage?
A. Pixar once had an operation on her head.
B. Pixar doesn’t like playing outside.
C. Pixar is the writer’s dog.
( )85.What’s the best title for the passage?
A.How to ake Friends B. y Good Friend C. How to Be a Good Friend
B卷 (共50分)
A:Hi, ary. Are you doing orning exercise?
B:Yes. I ate too uch delicious food during the Spring Festival and now I a a lot 1 . I have to do sports to lose y weight(体重).
A:What did you do during the Spring Festival?
B:I went to 2 y grandparents with y twin(双胞胎) sister.
A:Twin sister? I wonder if she looks like you.
B:Yes. We look the 3 , so people often istake(弄错) her for e.
A:Is she 4 outgoing as you?
B:No, she is quieter than e. She always stays at hoe to read books and 5 does sports.
A:I think it ust be fun to have a twin sister.
B:You are right. We get 6 well with each other. She is better at schoolwork than e, so she often helps e 7 y hoework.
A:You are so 8 . I a the only one child in y faily, so I often feel lonely(孤单的) and no one can help y with y hoework.
B:Don’worry. You can coe to y house and we three can study 9 .
A:Oh, it’s very 10 of you. Can I go to your house this evening?
B:Sure. See you then.
A:See you.
Why little grow bored interest exciting necessary well sleep grade because do
A few students think studying is interesting and easy. They often do well in their studies and get good 1 in the tests. However, soe are not 2 in their studies at all. Soe of the say there is too uch hoework to do.
The Departent of Education(教育部) has asked teachers to give 3 hoework to students. However, to help their own child study 4 than other children, any parents give the uch hoework. So students usually have to spend uch tie 5 their hoework. That is 6 soeties you ay see a few students sleep in class.
“Every day I have to do lots of hoework. I often go to bed at 11 o’clock in the evening. So, I’ very 7 in the class. I don’t like to have lessons and I think they are 8 ,” said Li Yan, a 14-year-old students fro Beijing.
Wang Lin, a teach fro a iddle school of Chengdu said, “I think there shouldn’t be only studies in students’ life. Soe social(社会的) activities are also 9 . They are not only good for their 10 but also for their studies. Parents shouldn’t give their children so uch hoework.”
y father is of ediu height. His eyes are sharp and full of expression.
A. If you are the first tie to see hi, you ay think he is hard to coe near.
B. He is very strict with y other and e.
C. He does not allow(允许) y other to take anything fro others.
D. When I don’t get good grades in the tests, I can see that he is not very happy with e.
E. At the sae tie, he has high expectations(期望) of e.
F. In fact, he is really kind and cares about others and their feelings.
G. He always sees serious and looks like a judge(法官).
H. When I a doing soething great, however, he is really excited.
I. At hoe y father is a strict parent.
J. He also requires that y other should go to office in tie and leave it last.
Asterda is one of the ost beautiful cities in Holland. It is the capital city(首都) of Holland. 11 Hundreds and thousands of people fro all over the world visit there very year.
Riding bicycles is a fun and easy way to get around Asterda. ost students go to school by bicycle. People ride their bicycles to work. 12 There are any roads and traffic signs(交通标志) for bicycles in Asterda. There are also any places for bicycle parking(停车).
If you travel in Asterda, you don’t need to take a bus or a taxi, just ride a bicycle. You can reach ore places by bicycle than by any other way. It is also fantastic to go for a ride. 13 You can buy yourself a nice bicycle at a good price in the shops. If you don’t wants to buy a bicycle, you can go to a bicycle rental(自行车租赁店). You can find one in alost every place of the city. 14 Because he would take you to soe of the city’s ost beautiful places.
Riding bicycles in Asterda is great fun and relaxing. 15 You should always follow the traffic rules.
A. There are a lot of bicycle shops in Asterda.
B. There are any big squares and nice useus.
C. You’d better find a guide when you are travelling in Asterda.
D. It’s very cheap and you need to pay only ¢10 a day.
E. But there is one thing you ust keep in ind.
F. Even the policeen work on bicycles.
Parents, doctors and teachers want to know how to help children keep healthy. Here are five rules to keep healthy.
Eat different food
If you eat different food, you can get the nutrients(营养) your body needs. You have to eat two kinds of fruits and three kinds of vegetables a day.
Drink water often
When you’re really thirsty(口渴的), water is the No.1 choice(选择). How uch do kids need? If you are older than 12 years old, drink 3 cups a day.
Listen to your body
When you’re eating, notice(注意) how your body feels. Soeties, people eat too uch because they don’t notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too uch can ake you feel uncofortable(不舒服).
Liit(限制) screen tie
What’s screen tie? It’s the tie you spend watching TV or using the coputer. Try to spend at ost two hours a day on the screen.
Be active(积极的)
What activities do you like best? Find ways to be active every day. You can write down lots of things to do, and then you can do the when your parents say it’s tie to stop watching TV or playing coputer gaes!
Rules to Keep Healthy
Eat different foodYou can get 16. your body needs fro different food.
Drink water oftenIt’s best to drink 17. when you are really thirsty.
Listen to you bodyYou should notice when to 18. .Don’t eat too uch.
Liit screen tieYou should spend no 19. two hours a day on the screen.
Be activeDon’t always watch TV or play coputer gaes. Try to find ways to do your 20. activities.
1. what’s his/her nae? 2. what’s he/she like? 3. How often does he/she travel?
4. Where did he/she travel to? 5. What did he/she do?

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/205610.html
