Unit 9 Have you ever been to an auseent park测试题

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 9 Have you ever been to an auseent park? (Period 1第一课时)
Class___________ Nae___________
学习课题:The words of Unit 9
学习目标:Learn to read the words of Unit 9 and know the usages, try to use the to finish the
学习重点:Read the words correctly and use the.
学习难点:Use the words and phrases to finish the exercises.
Step 1. Word-learning
1. Check (√) the words you can read, then read the loudly.
2. Learn together and learn the iportant usages

Step 2. Iportant usages:
1. auseent park ( ) 链接:翻译以下地点名词——water park ( )
space useu ( ) aquariu ( ) zoo ( ) water world ( )
Disneyland ( ) thee park ( ) Ocean Park ( ) Chielong Paradise ( )
Xiangjiang Safari Park ( ) Window of the World ( ) the ysterious Island ( )
2. neither ①作副词 ( )
例如:ary doesn’t like the sweater. e neither. / Neither do I. / Nor do I. / I don’t, either.
注意:跟neither相对应的是____________, 用于肯定句。
②作代词或形容词 ( ) 例如:--Which do you like, tea or coffee? --Neither.
③作连词 ( ) 常用短语:neither… nor… ( )
类似的短语是either… or…( ),这两个连词短语后面所接的词或短语必须保持词性一致,并遵循“就近原则”。翻译:
To既不喜欢英语也不喜欢数学。To likes _______________English _____________ ath.
要么Jack是医生,要么他父母亲是医生。___________ Jack ________ his parents ______ doctors.
On weekends, he likes _________ shopping __________ watching TV.
3. on board ( ) = on a boat/ship
4. end up ( ) 常用于:end up with sth. / end up doing sth.
翻译:他以一个笑话结束了他的演讲。He___________________ his speech ________________.
5. island ( ) 翻译:一个岛屿____________________
6. exchange student ( )
7. discover ( ),是指第一次看到或找到前人没有看到的事物、现象或规律。
find ( ), 指找到或发现自己所需要的东西或丢失的东西,着重指找到的结果。
find out ( ), 指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相。
8. tour guide ( ) 链接:tourist ( ) touristy ( ) guide dog ( )
9. fil ( ) = _________ 常有短语:看电影see a fil =______________ =________________
10. southeast ( )
链接:“八方”中的另外“七方”—— east(东)、_______(西)、________(南)、________(北)、
11. wonderful ( )、excellent ( )
链接:你所学过的表示“好的”的形容词还有great ( ), very good ( ), pretty good( ),
fantastic ( ), terrific ( ).
12. holiday ( ), 常有have/ take a holiday = on vacation ( )
13. quarter ( ), a quarter ( ), two quarters = a half ( ), three quarters ( ).
翻译:9:45 ________________________ 7:15________________________
例如:1/3 one third, 1/7________________, 3/5_________________, 7/9____________________
14. population ( ) 人口的“多”和“少”分别用___________ 和_______________修饰。
翻译:我国的人口越来越多。In our country, the population is getting _________________________.
15. brave ( )
The an was very __________ to jup into the water and saved the kid.
16. dark ( ) darkness ( )
“黑暗”均是不可数名词,“在黑暗中”:in the dark=in the darkness
dark 还可以表示“黄昏”、“傍晚”、“黑夜”等,此时不用 darkness。
17. daytie ( ), 常有短语during the daytie ( )。
18. wake up ( ), wake sb. up ( )。注意区分wake up和get up ( )。
19. fox ( ),其复数形式是____________。链接:请写出你所知道的动物____________________
20. natural ( ),其名词形式是______________(自然)。an and Nature ( )
21. environent ( ),______________________________(保护环境)。
22. all year round ( ): the whole year
23. whenever ( ),类似的词有:wherever ( ), whoever ( ), however ( ).
翻译:无论你何时离开,都要告诉我。_______________ you leave, please tell e.
无论你在哪里,我都会找到你。______________________________, I will find you.
24. season ( ) “四季”分别是_____________________________________________________
25. awake ( ),反义词的asleep ( ),常有短语:be awake( ), fall asleep ( )

Step 3. Exercises
1.电影___________ 2.勇敢的_____________ 3.二者都不________________ 4.黑暗_______________
5.狐狸___________ 6.东南部______________ 7.春天__________________8.卓越的_______________
9.醒着的_________10.交换生__________________ 11.无论何时_____________ 12.一刻钟_________
13.在船上___________ 14.秋天____________ 15.岛屿______________ 16.季节_______________
17.四分之三_______________________ 18.白天_______________ 19.以……结束________________
20.印度的_____________ 21.假期_____________ 22.醒来_____________ 23.印度的______________
24.人口____________ 25.极好的___________ 26.发现____________ 27.一年到头________________
28.teperture_______________ 29.natural_________________ 30. environent__________________
( ) 1. ?When _____ you _____ playing basketball? ?In 2000.
A. did, start B. has, been C. have been
( ) 2. ?How long ______ she ______ in the factory? ?Since 2000.
A. did, work B. was, working C. has, been working
( ) 3. He ______ Canada already. He ________ there last year.
A. went, went B. has been to, has been C. has been to, went

Step 4. Hoework 1. 抄写Unit 9单词; 2. 预习Unit 9 Section A。
Unit 9 Have you ever been to an auseent park? (Period 2第二课时)
Class___________ Nae___________
学习课题:Unit 9 Section A
学习目标:Talk ahout past experiences, and focus on the places and the activities you enjoyed.
学习重点:Use the Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时) to talk about the past experiences.
学习难点:Know the differences aong “have been to”, “have gone to” and “have been in”.
Step 1. Lead-in
Free talk: Do you like traveling? _____________________________________________________
Where did you go? ______________________________________________________
What did you do there?_____________________________________________________
Did you enjoy your trip?____________________________________________________

Step 2. Conversations
Conversation 1:
A: Have you ever been to an auseent park/ a water park/ a space useu/ … ?
B: Yes, I have. I went to an auseent park/ a water park/ a space useu/ … last onth/….
/ No, I haven’t. I have never been to an auseent park/ a water park/ a space useu/ …
Conversation 2:
A: I have ever been to …/ I have never been to …
B: e, too. / e neither. /… (我也去过。/ 我也没去过。/…)

注意:1) ever曾经,never从未;
2) have been to + 地点(去过某地),区分have been to, have gone to和have been in:
have been to + 地点(去过某地,已经回来)
have gone to + 地点(去了某地,还没回来)
have been in + 地点(去了某地,呆在那里)
3) 现在完成时:表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。
结构:have / has + 动词的过去分词 否定式:haven’t / hasn’t + 动词的过去分词

Step 3. Listening tie
Section A——1b, 2a ≈2b
Use the listening inforation to ake conversation like this:
A: Has Claudia /… ever been to…?
B: Yes, she / he has. / No, she / he hasn’t.

Step 4. Survey
Have you ever done the following things? ake a survey in your group. Take soe notes and report:
Have you ever…?I
copied others’ hoework
said soething you didn’t want to say
stayed up late surfing the Internet
argued with your parents
said “I love you” to your parents
Report: In y group, ___________________ have/has ever ____________________________________.
____________________ have/has never ___________________________________________________.

Step 5. Reading tie Section A —— 3a
Pre-reading: answer the following questions.
1) What Disney characters are talked about in the article? ______________________________________
2) What kind of park is Disneyland? _______________________________________________________
3) What’s the thee of Disneyland? _______________________________________________________
While-reading: get inforation to fill in the chart.
What can you do in Disneyland?What can you do on board?
1. We can ride a roller coaster.
2. We can find _____________________________
3. We can watch ___________________________.
4. We can eat ______________________________.
5. We can buy _____________________________.
6. We can _________________________________
_________________________________________.1. We can take a ride on the boat.
2. We can ______________________________.
3. We can ______________________________.
4. We can ______________________________.
5. We can ______________________________.
6. We can ______________________________.
Have you ever been to Chielong Paradise / the ysterious Island ? Can you say soething about the?
1) hear of = hear about听说 2) around the world = all over the world 全世界,世界各地
3) see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 see sb. do sth.看到某人做某事的全过程
4) take a ride 兜风 5) on the boat = on board在船上
6) end up with sth. / end up doing sth. 以(做)某事结束
7) travel to + 地点 = tour/ go to / visit + 地点 到某地旅游

Step 6. Exercises
用have/has been to/in, have/has gone to。
1. Where is Tony? He __________________ his hoetown.
2. Kate _______________ England since she cae back.
3. How long ____________ you __________________ this village?
4. The Siths ____________________New York for years.
5. --____________ you ever ____________ Japan? --Yes, I __________________ there any ties.
6. I _________________ this city since three years ago.
7. r. Sith ___________________ Tokyo and he will be back in a week.
8. r. Green isn’t in the office. He ___________________ the library.
9. She ______________________ this beautiful beach three ties.

Step 7. Hoework
1. have been to/in和have gone to的用法; 2. 复习Section A; 3.预习Section B。

Unit 9 Have you ever been to an auseent park? (Period 3第三课时)
Class___________ Nae___________
学习课题:Unit 9 Section B
学习目标:Talk ahout past experiences, and know how iportant learning English is.
学习重点:Use the Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时) to talk about their own learning experiences.
学习难点:ake the students realize that learning can change their lives.
Step 1. Revision
Read Section A 3a once again, and try to finish the following passage. (每空一词)
Disneyland is not only an ____________ park but also a ____________ park. And there are several different Disneyland parks ____________ the world. ickey ouse and Donald Duck are ___________ Disney characters. In Disneyland, we can see roller coasters which Disney characters are all __________. We can also watch Disney ovies and buy Disney ____________. Besides the, there is a Disney Cruise. We can take a ____________ on the huge boats. We can even eat dinner __________ ickey ouse. This is Disney’s ___________ island. What __________ it is!

Step 2. Free talk —— Why do you study English?
1st:_______________________________________ 2nd :_____________________________________
3rd:_______________________________________ 4th :_____________________________________
5th:_______________________________________ 6th :_____________________________________

Step 3. Listening —— Section B 2a ≈ 2b

Step 4. Reading —— Section B 3a
Pre-reading: answer the following questions.
1) Which school are talked about in the article? _____________________________________________
2) What language can the two students speak? ______________________________________________
While-reading: fill in the inforation cards

Post-reading: use the coplete sentences to answer the 8 questions on your English books.

Notes(笔记):1) change one’s life 改变某人的生活
2) the best way to do sth. is to do sth.做某事的最好的途径或方法就是做某事
3) It was because I could speak English that I got the job.正因为我会说英语,我才谋得了这份职业。
It is/was +被强调部分+that从句。(是强调句)
It was y other that called the police. 正是我妈妈报了警。
It wasn’t y brother that stole the oney. 真不是我弟弟偷了钱。
4) think about = think of + sth./ doing sth. 考虑(做)某事
5) rather than 而不是,与其……不如……,宁愿……也不……
The boy borrowed soe oney fro friends rather than his parents.____________________________
ost students like surfing the Internet rather than studying.___________________________________

Step 5. Writing
你为什么学习英语?学习英语对于你来说意味着什么呢?你有什么梦想?以“Learning English ( Can/Can’t) Change y Life”为题,介绍一下你的学习经历,并展望一下未来。字数60—80词。
Learning English ( Can/Can’t) Change y Life

Step 6. Self-check
Notes(笔记): need to do sth.________________ iprove sth._______________
start/begin doing sth.___________ not…yet___________________(一般用于现在完成时)

Step 7. Exercises 一. 选择正确答案
( ) 1. I’ feeling better, so I want to start ___. A. taking lesson B. to take lesson C. taking lessons
( ) 2. Australia is ________ country.
A. an English-speaking B. a speaking-English C. a speaking English’s
( ) 3. —Which park would you like to visit, People’s Park or West Hill Park?
— _____ . I would like to visit Seaside Park. A. Both. B. Either C. Neither
( ) 4. Have you ________ heard of Disneyland? A. always B. ever C. never
end up, go on, such as, wake up, rather than
5. Jenny likes to eat lots of fruits, ______________ bananas and oranges.
6. I want to be a teacher ____________ a scientist in the future.
7. The two runners took different routes, but they both____________ in the sae place.
8. When I___________ this orning, it was already nine o’ clock.
9. We are____________ a school trip next Sunday.
10. 他们作为交换生在新加坡学习英语已一年了。
They have been learning English as ________ __________ in Singapore_______ a year.
11. 你喜欢和什么样的人交朋友?What_________of person do you like to ake_________ with?
12. 我现在最想做的事情是睡觉。Now all I ever___________to do is_____________.

Step 8. Hoework
1.复习本单元的所有知识;2.完成《学习辅导》Unit 9的相关练习。
Unit 9 Have you ever been to an auseent park? (Period 4第四课时)
Class___________ Nae___________
结构:have/has +动词的过去分词 (肯定式) haven’t/hasn’t +动词的过去分词 (否定式)
例如:I have had breakfast. (现在我不饿了。)
I have already finished y hoework. (现在我不用为作业烦心了。)
have/has left—have/has been away have/has arrived—have/has been in
have/has joined—have/has been in/a/an have/has coe—have/has been in
have/has died—have/has been dead have/has bought—have/has had/owned
have/has borrowed—have/has kept have/has begun(放映)—have/has been on
have/has opened—have/has been opened
例如:They have lived here for 3 years. = They have been living here for 3 years
How long have you worked in this library? = How long have you been working in this library?
He has left Beijing. / He has been away fro Beijing for 5 years.
The an has arrived in China. / The an has been in China since 2000.
标志:already___________ just_______________ ever_____________ never_____________
yet______________ before_____________ for +时间段 since+时间起点
(注意:already, just, ever, never常位于have/has与过去分词之间,
区分:have been to, have gone to和have been in:
have been to + 地点(______________________________)
have gone to + 地点(______________________________)
have been in + 地点(______________________________)
现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和表示过去的时间状语连用;而一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生联系,它可以和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday,last night,three weeks ago,in 1990等。
例如:I have taught here for 8 years.我在这里教书已经8年了。(我现在还在这里教书。)
I taught here for 8 years.我在这里教过8年书。(不涉及现在我是否还在这里教书。)
She has bought a new coputer.她买了一台新电脑。(现在她有了一台新电脑)
She bought a new coputer last year.去年她买了一台新电脑。(只说明买的动作发生在过去。)

( ) 1. --Has he handed in his hoework ___________? --Yes, ___________.
A. yet, already B. already, yet C. yet, yet
( ) 2. You don’t need to introduce her. I ____________ her several ties.
A. eet B. will eet C. have et
( ) 3. _____________ you ___________ the book for 5 years?
A. Did, have B. Have, had C. Have, bought
( ) 4. The twins can speak good Chinese because they __________ China for 6 years.
A. have been to B. have been in C. have gone to
( ) 5. Uncle Wang __________ in factory since it opened in 1989.
A. worked B. have worked C. has worked
( ) 6. He’s ________ back hoe since 3 days ago.
A. been B. got C. coe
7. Tina _______________________(go) to the space useu last year.
8. John ____________ never _______________(be) to the space useu before.
9. They __________________(take) the subway to school toorro
10. Linda _________________(be) to the aquariu three ties.
11. Linda __________________(go) to the zoo three ties last year.
12. Harvey ________________(have) a great tie at Water World last weekend.
13. Harvey _____________ never ___________(be) to River Park before.

London has a population of over 7,000,000. Fro about the year 1800 until World War Two, London was the biggest city in the world. But now there are any cities which are uch bigger than it.
London is faous for any things. Tourists coe fro all over the world to visit its faous buildings and hear the faous clock, Big Ben.
Like any big cities, London has probles with traffic and pollution which stop the city fro developing. Over one illion(百万) people a day use the London underground, but there are still too any cars on the streets. The air isn’t clear, but it is anyhow cleaner than it was 100 years ago.
For e, the best things about London are the parks. There are five in the city center. But y children’s favorite place is Haleys, the biggest toy shop in the world.
( ) 1. What’s the Chinese for “underground” in the passage?
A. 隧道 B. 地铁 C. 地下 D. 通道
( ) 2. When was London the biggest city in the world?
A. In 1750. B. In 1850.
C. In 1950. D. In the 21st century.
( ) 3. What’s Big Ben in London?
A. It’s a toy shop. B. It’s a park.
C. It’s a clock. D. It’s a useu.
( ) 4. How any people use the London underground every day?
A. Over half of its population.
B. Over three quarters of its population.
C. Over 100,000.
D. Over 1,000,000.
( ) 5. How was the air in London 100 years ago?
A. It was uch cleaner than it is no
B. It was the sae as it is no
C. It was the cleanest in the history of London.
D. It was not as clean as it is no

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/208743.html

相关阅读:Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park测试题