
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

教学质量单元测评(Unit3—Unit 4)
(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)
( )1. A. outgoing B. loud C.should
( )2. A. ost B. coffee C. body
( )3. A. truly B. ubrella C. hungry
( )4. A. close B. worst C. worse
( )5. A.both B. though C. nothing
( )1. John is outgoing boy and ary is shy girl.
A. a;a B. an; an C.an ; a
( )2. Which TV show do you like ,CCTV News or Anial World.
A. good B. well C. better
( )3. It is hard to say who will the copetition.They’re both talented in
A. decide B. win C. take
( )4. Jenny was very shy and quiet when she was young. But now she is .
A. serious B. fantastic C. outgoing
( )5. If you want to be healthier, you should eat junk food and take
A. ore; fewer B. ore; less C. less; ore
( )6.Tina’s sister is than her.
A. ore uch popular B. uch ore popular C.ore any popular xK b1.C o
( )7. I have two children, and of the are working in the restaurant.
A. all B. both C. each
( )8.Jenny has long hair, but y hair is than .
A. shorter; she B. longer; her C. longer; hers
( )9. This classroo is than that one.
A. any bigger B. uch big C. uch bigger
( )10. -How did you school this orning? -I rode y bicycle.
A. get B. reach C. arrive
( )11.Which is ________ onth of the year? —July, I think.
A.hot B.hotter C.the hottest
( )12.Of all the students, Li ing is ________ to r Wang.
A.closer B.the closest C.the ost closest
( )13.An elephant is ________ heavier than a tiger.
A.very B.so C.uch
( )14. He's going to college after he leaves school.
A. the;\ B. a;a C. the;the
( )15. -Is English than history?-No, English isn’t as as history.
A. easier; ore difficult B. Difficult; ore difficult C. ore difficult; difficult
I a a iddle school student. I a grade eight no I live near our school. I live 1 our school student in our class. I have two good friends.ike and Jack. ike is 13-year-old
and Jack is one year 2 than Jack.. I a three onths younger than ike. So Jack is 3 of us. But ike is the 4 of us.I a 5 than ike. Jack is 6 in our class. He has any friends.
Yesterday we went shopping,I wanted to buy a T-shirt. ike and Jack wanted to buy sport shoes. We went to a clothes store. But the things in it is very expensive. ike 7 a pair of shoes. It cost $258. That’s too expensive! I think it is 8 in this store. Then we went to another clothes store. This store is 9 than the first one. I bought a green T-shirt and Jack bought his sport shoes, it take us just about $50. Finally, we went hoe. I enjoyed 10 a good tie with y friends.
( )1. A. near B. nearer C. the nearest
( )2. A. older B. oldest C. the oldest
( )3. A. older B. oldest C. the oldest
( )4. A. taller B. tallest C. the tallest
( )5. A. quiet B. quieter C. quietest
( )6. A. outgoing B. ore outgoing C. the ost outgoing
( )7. A. bought B. buy C. To buy
( )8. A. expensive B. cheapest C. the ost expensive
( )9. A. cheaper B. expensive C. ore cheaper
( )10. A. have B. having C. had
I have a good friend. His nae is Allan. Allen is of ediu build and he likes to help others. And he likes telling jokes(笑话).I like being to help others. And he likes telling e laugh. But yesterday we had a fight because of the baseball teas. During the break tie(在课间时间),we argued about which tea was the best. I thought it was Atlanta Braves and he thought it was Redsocks. After that, he said goodbye to e and talked with other students loudly. I was so angry(生气的)with hi.
Then he still didn’t talk to e during the next break tie. He didn’t look at e. I started to feel sad(伤心的). When it was tie to go hoe I asked hi if he wanted to go with e. But he said “no” to e and went away.
Then Allan called e just before I went to bed. He said he was sorry about what he did. I said I never inded(介意). We are still good friends now and I feel uch better. I hope we won’t argue any ore.
( )6. Fro the passage, we know Allan is .
A. quiet B. friendly C. serious
( )7. The writer likes to be with Allan because .
A. Allan likes telling jokes B. Allan is of ediu build
C. Allan can ake hi laugh
( )8. What does the underlined word “argue” in Chinese?
A. 思考 B. 争论 C. 希望
( )9. After the writer argued with Allan, .
A. The writer said sorry to Allan B. Allan said goodbye to the writer
C. The writer began to talk with others
( )10. The writer began to feel when Allan didn’t talk to hi.
A. sad B. angry C. bored
Dear To,
I have a day off today. Now let e tell you soething about Beijing. In our country people drive cars on the left side of the road, but here in Beijing, on the right side. any people of London go to work by car, while ost people of Beijing go to work by bike. The weather of Beijing is better
than ours. It's fine for long here, but we have so any cloudy days in London.Students here work hard at their lessons and a lot of people can speak English. It's a pity that students in our country don't work hard and few people know Chinese. That's all for today. Please write to e soon.
Your ever, Peter
( )1.This letter is fro an English boy to his friend To.
( )2. Peter is a farer, not a student.
( )3.To ay be a iddle school student in London.
( )4.In England cars go along the road on the right side.
( )5.Peter thinks the Chinese students work harder than English students.
A. Are you popular in your school?
B. What kind of friends do you like?
C. Can I ask you soe questions?
D. Yes, I like aking friends very uch.
E. Thanks for your answers..
F. How old are you?
A: Hi, Jenny! (1)
B: Of course.
A: Do you like aking friends?
B: (2) I a an outgoing boy.
A: (3)
B: I like friends who are outgoing,
interesting and very funny. I don’t
like to ake friend who are difference e.
A:I agree with you.(4)
B: I think so. You know, I a the best player on our school basketball tea.
A: Yes, and you are handsoe, too. (5) .
B: You are welcoe.
1. Eating ore vegetables will keep your (health).
2. To plays the piano (well) than iller.
3. She cae into the roo very (quiet).
4. Please tell e soe (inforation) about the trip.
5. y granda was very happy (see) us yesterday.
6. Just as an old (say) goes: it is never too late to learn.
7. Are you (true)happy in your work?
8. y brother is good at (sing)
9. You don’t need a lot of the (long as) they’re good.
10. It was Septeber (fifteen) yesterday.
1. He can speak English b_________ than I.
2. any children go to p school at the age of seven in China.
3. y sister is a p girl, she has a beautiful face and long hair.
4. Lucy win the first p of the gae.
5. We watched a f TV show yesterday evening.
6. This book is (类似的)to that one. So I only buy one.
7. I think the perforer has a good (天赋).
8. r iller is a funny an, but he is (严肃)today.
9. The (镜子)is very special.
10. y aunt is a (记者).
quiet ; outgoing; share; good; expensive

11. y best friend is and ore serious than e.
12. Jenny Sith enjoys everything with her good friends.
13. He is than his brother.
14. iller is in our class, he like to ake friends.
15. This green T-shirt is of all.
Welcoe to y hoetown(家乡). It’s a newer city near a river. But it is saller than the other cities. It is quiet, clean and nice. So ost people think it is a good place. When you coe to y hoetown, I will show you around a big and beautiful park. It is in the center of the city. It is y favorite place. I usually go to the park on Sundays with y faily or friends. any people exercise in it every day. Kids can play gaes in the park and they can also play sports in it. There are pay phones, a library, a superarket, a arket and restaurants near it. The library is open fro 8:00 a to 9:00 p every day. People can read books, watch videos(录像带) and learn new things in it. People can buy things in the superarket and the arket. If people are hungry, they can go to the restaurants for a eal. Do you like y hoetown?
1. Why do ost people think the city is a good place? (根据短文内容回答问题)

2. Where is the big and beautiful park? (根据短文内容回答问题)

3.any people exercise in it every day. (对画线部分提问)

4. Kids can play gaes in the park..(对画线部分提问)

5. The library is open every day. (根据短文内容完整句子)
JennyWang Li

Unit 3-4参考答案
一、辨音(5分) C A A A B

二、单项选择(15分) C C BC C B B B C C C A C A C

三、完型填空(10分) C A C C B C A C A B

四、理解(20分) A) B C B B B B) T F T F T
五、情景交际(5分) C D B A E
1. health 2. better 3. quiet 4. inforations 5. to see
6. saying 7. truely 8. singing 9. as long as 10. Fifteenth(15th)
1. better 2. priary 3. pretty 4. prize 5.fantastic
6. Siilar 7. talent 8. ore serious 9. irror 10. reporter
11. quieter 12.sharing 13.better 14.the ost outgoing 15.the ost expensive
1. Because it is a quiet, clean and nice place
2. It’s in the center of the city
3. How often do any people exercise?
4. What do kids can do?
5. 13(thirteen) hours
九.书面表达(10分) 略

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/210155.html
