2014八年级英语上册Module 3 unit1练习题(附答案外研版)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

第十二讲  M3 Sports 
Unit 2 This year we are training more carefully

1、重点句型。  2、综合语言能力。
§words and expressions
beat  v.(beat)打败;战胜           careless  adj.粗心的;疏忽的
cheer...on  用欢呼声激励;为...加油            coach  n.教练
fan club 球迷(或影迷、歌迷)俱乐部 
against  prep.(在比赛或战斗中)对(某人或某事物)
train  v.(体育)训练,操练                   practice  n.练习
warm  v.使暖和;使温暖             warm up  热身;做准备活动
usual  adj.通常的;平常的                    better  adv.更好地 adj.更好的                          pleased  adj.开心的;满足的
after-school  adj.下午放学后的;课外的         pass  v.传递;传送                           pity  n.可惜;遗憾                        confident  adj.自信的
chance  n.可能性;机会             loudly  adv.响亮地;大声地
Training hard
                     By Li Daming
 It is Saturday tomorrow, but I am going to school. I am not going for lessons, but to play football. I am in our school team and we are going to play against another school next week. The practice starts at 10am.We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up. We are training harder than usual because the other team beat us last year. This year we want to do better.
It is more difficult to practise in winter because the days are short and the weather is cold too. It gets dark earlier, so it is important not to be late for after-school practice.
Our coach is pleased because we are playing better as a team now . Last year we were sometimes careless when we passed the ball and we lost to the other team in the final match. What a pity! This year we practise more carefully. That means we have a better chance of winning.
The fan club has fewer people this year. We hope to play well so that we have more fans to watch the matches. It is good to have our fans around. They cheer us on loudly and we feel more confident to win the game.
What Why
1.We arrive______________ 
2.We are training ______than ______. 
3.It's _________ to practise in winter. 
4.Our coach is ___________. 

1.Do you like playing________(排球)?
2.I don’t want to________(错过)the early bus. 
3.I’m________(已经)on my way home.
4.There will be a football match in the________(体育场)this weekend.
5.It is________(令人厌烦的)to see the same film.
1.I enjoy________(listen)to pop songs.
2.If you try your best,I believe nothing________(be)impossible.
3.________(swim)in deep water is dangerous.
4.Cycling is tiring but table tennis is________(relax).
5.________(come)and have dinner with us tomorrow.
1.Look!The boys are playing______baseball.
A.the     B.a       C.one        D./
2.______it rained,______we didn’t go out.
A.Because;so  B./;because   C.Because;/  D.Because;and
3.The old man fell down and______when he was climbing the hill.
A.hurted his leg       B.hurt the leg
C.hurted the leg       D.hurt his leg
4.His factory is becoming______.He needs more workers.
A.big and big        B.small and small
C.bigger and bigger      D.smaller and smaller
5.—Would you mind if I use your computer?
A.Not at all       B.No,I wouldn’t  
C.Yes,I would     D.Of course not,you can’t
________ ________ ________with your computer,Wei Hua?
Li Xiaoxia________ ________ ________table tennis.
Do you like______basketball matches______ ______?
Is skating________popular________skiing?
______ ______came to the house______ ______.
1.He didn’t finish his homework because he watched a tennis match on TV yesterday evening.(对画线部分提问)
______ ______he______his homework?
2.My parents bought me a ticket to tomorrow’s football match.(改为同义句)
My parents______a ticket to tomorrow’s football match______me.
3.What’s the matter with you?(改为同义句)
______ ______with you?
4.Swimming is more popular than running.(改为同义句)
Running is______ ______than swimming.
5.Don’t worry.There is much time left.(改为同义句)
Don’t worry.There is______ ______time left.
  Some people say,“Extreme(极限的)sports are so dangerous.Why would anyone want to do them?”But the danger is what makes them so①(excite). 
  Bungee Jumping(蹦极):People on some South Pacific islands have been bungee jumping for hundreds of years.In 1979,some people bungee jumped off a bridge in England and made the sport popular around the world.Bungee jumping came to China about②(15年以前).

  ③Skydiving:This is probably the scariest(最可怕的)extreme sport.Skydivers jump out of airplanes about four kilometers up in the sky.They usually free-fall(自由降落)for a while and then open a parachute(降落伞)to slow down for a safe landing.
  Snowboarding(单板滑雪):④This became a winter Olympic sport in 1998.People tied their feet to the board with special shoes.They don’t use any ski sticks.Then they ride down hill,jump high and do tricks.
3.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word“skydiving”?
A.从空而降        B.空中潜水
C.跳伞运动        D.高空跳水
5.The passage mainly talks about________.
A.exciting sports       B.extreme sports
C.the scariest sport      D.dangerous sports
Ⅰ.答案:1.volleyball 2.miss 3.already 4.stadium  5.boring
Ⅱ.答案:1.listening 2.is 3.Swimming 4.relaxing  5.Come
Ⅳ.答案:1.What’s the matter 2.is good at
3.watching;on TV 4.more;than 5.No one;at all
Ⅴ.答案:1.Why didn’t;finish 2.bought;for
3.What’s wrong 4.less popular 5.lots/plenty of
Ⅵ.答案:1.exciting 2.fifteen years ago 3.C
4.在1998年,这成了一项冬奥会的运动。 5.B

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/254629.html
