初二英语Unit 6 I'm more outgoing than my sister期中复习测试

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

 初二英语Unit 6 I'm more outgoing than my sister期中复习测试

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成单词。
  1. What do you think of the p________ Animal World?
  2. It’s a good h________ to go to bed early and get up early.
  3. China is in Asia(亚洲) and Spain is in E________.
  4. My home is about three k________ from the train station.
  5. How many m________ are there in an hour?
  6. Last night I watched a b asketball m_______ on TV. Yao Ming played well in it.
  7. I live in a small town where there’s a river. And I usually go to school by b________.
  8. People can get i________ about everything on the Internet.
  9. What are you doing the day after t________?
10. The man took out a knife(刀子). This made all the _________(乘客) on the bus surprised.
11. Of all the subjects, I like ________(化学) best.
12. Drinking ________(牛奶) every morning is good for your he alth.
13. Yesterday Mr Smith had a ________(发烧) and didn’t go to work.
14. Please take the ________(药) three times a day.
15. How about going to the ________(音乐会) this evening?
Ⅱ. 用括号中词汇的恰当形式填空。
  1. It took him lots of ________(time) to finish drawing the picture.
  2. Every year I visit the USA many ________(time).
  3. There’s only one ________(different) between these two hats.
  4. I hurt(弄伤) both of my ________(foot) in the accident(事故).
  5. The old man has an ________(ill). He lies in bed every day.
  6. Jodie is my pen pal. She comes from _________(American).
  7. I have to go to the dentist today because I have a ________(tooth).
  8. Those five ________(woman) are talking in front of the bank.
  9. Paul has a great ________(interesting) in math and physics.
10. Junk food is bad for your ________(healthy). So don’t eat it very often.

  1. My elder sister ________(exercise) in the park every morni ng.
  2. To stay healthy, Miss Liu tries ________(eat) lots of vegetables every day.
  3. My healthy lifestyle helps me _______(get) good grades.
  4. If you want ________(keep) in good health, you must eat and sleep well.
  5. What do you plan ___ _____(do) for vacation?
  6. You must ________(wear) the seat belt(安全带) when you are driving.
  7. Mike has a sore throat. I think he should ________(drink) some hot tea with honey.
  8. The students have to ________(walk) there, though it’s a bit far.
  9. I have a cold. It ________(start) two days ago.
10. It’s very difficult for me ________(play) the piano well.
11. It usually takes the boy forty minutes ________(get) home from the school.
12. I’m sorry ________(hear) that you’re not feeling well.
13. Next w eekend I ________(stay) at home with my parents.
14. Let’s go ________(fish) tomorrow.
15. My father thinks about ________(go) to Greece this summer.
16. Thank you for ________(send) me this beautiful card.
17. Are you good at ________(play) soccer?
18. Do you know when Cindy can finish ________(write) the book?

Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示,完成单词。
  1. The twins are ________(积极的) in playing sports.
  2. Your dress is the ________(同样的) as mine.
  3. I don’t want to have any food; I wan t to have some water. I’m so ________(口渴的)!
  4. ________(传统的) Chinese doctors often use the words “yin” and “yang”.
  5. The article in the newspaper made the mayor(市长) very ________(生气的).
  6. It’s ________(重要的) for you to have a balanced diet.
  7. Albert Einstein is ________(著名的) as a scientist(科学家).
  8. After a ________(快速的) lunch, I went out to the museum.
  9. What do you usually do in your ________(空闲的) time?
10. When you travel in England, an umbrella is ________(必要的).
Ⅱ. 从方框中选用恰当的形容词,并用其正确形式填空。

  1. Linda’s home is ________ from the school than mine.
  2. As we know, cars are ________ than bikes and buses, but slower(更慢的) than planes.
  3. I spend ________ time on the project than he.
  4. It’s as ________ today as yesterday in Beijing.
  5. Although this blue bag is more beautiful than that one, it’s ________.


1. Mr White ______________________(总是很严肃). Children are afraid of him.
2. I ______________________(通常六点起床). Then I run outside.
3. Mike ______________________(经常乘公共汽车) to school.
4. Helen ______________________(有时帮助妈妈) to cook dinner.
5. The boy is very healthy. He ______________________(几乎不去看医生).
6. My younger brother likes talking. He ______________________(从来不安静).
7. I surf the Internet ______________________(每周两次).
8. She is a primary school student. ______________________(然而), she can speak four languages.

  1. What does your father usually do ________ weekends?
  2. I’m visiting my grandparents ________ Sunday morning.
  3. We are going to the zoo ________ the school bus.
  4. Yesterday I went to the countryside ________ my mother’s car.
  5. It takes us fifty minutes to get there ________ train.
  6. What time can we get ________ the town if we take this train?
  7. Mrs Green is arriving ________ Beijing next Tuesday.
  8. My brother is better ________ math and physics than me.
  9. Running often is good ________ your health.
10. Are you good ________ kids? We need you to teach children of 5-10.
11. My little dog is lost. My parents and I are looking ________ it everywhere.
12. Larry’s mother is ill. He has to look ________ her at home.
13. My deskmate gets the same grade in the Chinese test ________ I.
14. My lifestyle is very different ________ hers.
15. It’s not easy(容易的) ________ him to learn history well.
16. I’m leaving Shanghai ________ Sydney to-
17. I can’t go to the zoo with you. I have to study ________ tomorrow’s test.
18. We look the same ________ some ways.
19. I can’t see anything ________ common between the twin sisters.
20. My home is about four miles away ________ our school.
21. What’s the matter ________ that old wo man?
22. —Are you going hiking on 12th?
—Oh, it depends ________ the weather.
23. Hello, this is Mary. What are you doing _______ the moment?
24. You should take things ________ tents(帐篷), videos, and sports shoes with you.
25. Eric does well in tennis. He always beats others ________ it.

1. My(A) English is better(B) than she(C).
(   )________
2. Can(A) you see different anything(B) between(C) these two books?
(   )________
3. Those two men(A) are(B) all(C) outgoing and funny. (   )________
4. Everybody here have(A) an(B) interest in(C) the UFO. (   )________
5. This(A) is necessary for(B) you to arrive(C) there early.(   )________
Ⅰ. 英汉互译
  1. keep in good health  _____________
  2. 考虑;打算    _____________
  3. lie down         _____________
  4. 顺便来访      _____________
  5. ride the bicycle    _____________
  6. 患感冒          _____________
  7. hardly ever        _____________
  8. 一些有趣的事  _____________
  9. a small number of   _____________
10. 乘火车        _____________
11. surf the Internet   _____________
12. 一整天        _____________
13. be stressed out     _____________
14. 上钢琴课      _____________
15. as for            _____________
16. 和……一样    _____________
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示,完成下列英语句子,每空一词。
  1. 让我们去另一个地方吧,海滩上人太多。
Let’s go to another place. There are ________ _ _______ people on the beach.
  2. 不要在这个项目上花太多的钱。
Don’t spend ________ ________ money on the project.
  3. 那个城市的房子实在太贵了,我买不起。
Houses in that city are ________ ________ expensive. I can’t afford one.
  4. 请不要为我担心,我会照顾好自己的。
Don’t ________ ________ me, please.  I’ll look after myself.
  5. 这个单词以字母f开头。
The word ________ ________ the letter “f”.
  6. 桑迪的书柜里有40多本名人传记。
There are ________ ________ forty books about famous people in Sandy’s bookcase.
  7. 你返回中国时,请给我打电话。
Please call me when you ________ ________ ________ China.
  8. 游客应该带些什么东西呢?
What should the tourists ________ ________ them?
  9. 她六点起床后,匆忙吃了早餐,便去学校了。
She got up at six, had ________ ________ ________, and then went to school.
10. 我家离奶奶家很远。
My home is very ________ ________ my grandmother’s.
11. 这款车比那一款便宜点儿。
This car is ________ ________ cheaper than that one.
12. 那家餐馆出售许多不同种类的面条。
That restaurant sells many different ________ ________ noodles.

Ⅰ. 对画线部分提问,每空一词。
  1. I go to the gym once a month.
________ ________ ________ you ________ to the gym?
  2. Holly is staying in Hawaii for two weeks.
________ ________ ________ Holly ________ in Hawaii?
  3. It’s two kilometers from the hotel to the bus station.
________ ________ ________ ________ from the hotel to the bus station?
  4. The bridge is around 200 meters.
________ ________ __ ______ the bridge?
  5. Alan went to Mr White’s home by bus.
________ ________ Alan ________ to Mr White’s home?
  6. Molly  has to babysit her little brother this Saturday.
________ ________ Molly ________ ________ ________ this Saturday?
  7. My father is visiting Japan next week.
________ ________ your father ________ next week?
  8. Miss Morgan has a sore back.
_________ _________ _________ with Miss Morgan?
  9. I had a bad cold yesterday.
________ ________ you ________ a bad cold?
10. It’s Friday the 13th today.
________ today?
Ⅱ. 写出下列句子的同义句,每空一词。
  1. Eat an apple every day.
________ ________ eat an apple every day.
  2. I spend about an hour doing my homework every day.
It ________ ________ about an hour ________ ________ my homework every day.
  3. The old man is in good health.
The old man is ________.
  4. My parents are both workers.
________ ________ my parents are workers.
  5. Little Helen walks to school every day.
Little Helen ________ to school ________ ________ every day.
  6. My elder brother is heavier than I.
I am ________ ________ my elder brother.
  7. I’m fourteen years old. My sister is seventeen years old.
I’m ________ ________ ________ ________ my sister.
  8. Mary isn’t so beautiful as Linda.
Linda is ________ ________ ________ Mary.
  9. Friendship is more important than money.
Money is _______ _______ ______ friendship.
10. I have a bike, but I often walk to work.
_______ I have a bike, I often walk to work.
11. What’s wrong with him?
________ ________ ________ with him?
12. Every morning I arrive at the hospital at about seven.
Every morning I ________ ________ the hospital at about seven.



















Ⅰ. 1. program      2. habit     3. Europe
4. kilometers    5. minutes    6. match
7. boat     8. information   9. tomorrow
10. passengers  11. chemistry   12. milk
13. fever        14. medicine    15. concert
Ⅱ. 1. time       2. times       3. difference  
4. feet        5. illness    6. America 
7. toothache    8. women     9. interest 
10. health
1. exercises    2. to eat       3. (to) get     
4. to keep      5. to do  6. wear 
7. drink        8. walk        9. started   
10. to play   11. to get     12. to hear 
13. am staying    14. fishing    15. going
16. sending    17. playing    18. writing 
19. doing      20. feel  21. to call  
22. come
Ⅰ. 1. active        2. same       3. thirsty 
4. Traditional   5. angry      6. important
7. famous     8. quick     9. free
10. necessary
Ⅱ. 1. farther    2. faster    3. less 
4. cold     5. more expensive
1. is always very serious   
2. usually get up at six
3. often takes the bus 
4. sometimes helps her mother 
5. hardly goes to the doctor  
6. is never quiet
7. twice a week         
8. However
1. on     2. on          3. on          4. in            5. by 
6. to           7. in           8. at          9. for       10. with
11. for     12. after    13. as     14. from     15. for
16. for     17. for     18. in     19. in       20. from
21. with    22. on     23. at     24. like       25. in
1. C; hers   2. B; anything different 
3. C; both   4. A; has     5. A; It
Ⅰ. 1. 保持健康         2. think about  3. 躺下
4. come over      5. 骑自行车   6. have a cold
7. 几乎不          8. something interesting 
9. 一小部分    10. take the train 
11. 上网冲浪    12. a whole day    13. 有压力的
14. have a piano lesson       15. 至于 
16. the same as
Ⅱ. 1. too many        2. too much   
3. much too        4. worry about     
5. begins with         6. more than 
7. get back to        8. take with 
9. a quick breakfast     10. far from
11. a little       12. kinds of
Ⅰ. 1. How often do; go 
2. How long is; staying   
3. How far is it    
4. How long is 
5. How did; go    
6. What does; have to do
7. What is; doing  
8. What’s the matter
9. When did; have 
10. What’s
Ⅱ. 1. You should     2. takes me; to do 
3. healthy      4. Both of 
5. goes; on foot     6. thinner than
7. three years younger than   
8. more beautiful than
9. less important than  
10. Although 
11. What’s the matter   12. get to 
13. am free        14. by car   
15. the same as


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/313344.html
