
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

(    )  6.  —________? —He is tall.
           A.How is he           B.What does he like
C.What is he like       D.What does he look like
(    )  7.  She’s friendly.Every one of us likes to____her.
           A.make friend          B.make friends 
C.make friends of       D.make friends with
(    )  8.  She doesn’t like us_____her.
           A.trouble       B.troubling       C.troubled        D.troubles
(    )  9.  I hope_____a teacher in the future.
           A.become       B.you to become  C.to become       D.became
(    )  10.  Could you tell me how to____it in English?
           A.say          B.speak        C.tell          D.talk
(    )  11.  He_____ a teacher because he knows a lot.
A.maybe       B.may be       C.may not be    D.may to be
(    )  12.  Hainan is a very large island.It is the second ______island in China.
A.large        B.larger          C.largest        D.most large
(    )  13.  It is important ______ the piano well.
A.of him to play     B.for him to play    C.of him playing     D.for him playing
(    )  14.  We went to Mr Wu for _______.
A.an advice         B.some advices     C.some advice       D.advices
(    )  15.  _______ it is to help the old men clean the houses!
A. What a great fun               B. How great fun 
          C. How great a fun                D. What great fun
(     )  16.  The sign ______ ,“No parking.”
A.reads          B.read         C.reading      D.was reading
(    )  17.  There are so many books that I can’t decide _______.
A.to choose which one             B. Which one to choose   
C. to choose what                 D. what to choose
(    )  18.  Shall I get someone _____ her lessons?
A.help         B. to help       C. help with       D. to help with
(    )  19.  I like reading very much.I went to borrow ______kooks.
A.more four     B.four more     C.many four      D.four many
(    )  20.  The doctor did everything he could ______ the patient.
A. save          B. to save        C. saving        D. saved
F ood is very important.Everyone needs to     1    well if he or she wants to have a strong body.Our minds also need a kind of food.This kind of food is     2   .We begin to get knowledge even when we
are very young.Small children are     3     in everything around them.They learn      4    while they  are watching and listening.When they are getting older, they begin to    5    story books, science books …, anything they like.When they find   6      , they love to ask questionsand try to find out the answers.
  What is the best     7    to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we    8     the most knowledge.If  we are    9    getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well.When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand     10    .
(     )1.A.sleep           B.read            C.drink          D.eat
(     )2.A.sport          B.exercise          C .knowledge     D.meat
(     ) 3.A.interesting      B.interested        C.we ak          D.better
(     )4.A.everything      B.something       C.nothing        D.anything 
(     )5.A.lend           B.read            C.learn           D.write
(     )6.A.something new  B.new something    C.nothing new    D.new anything   
(     )7.A.place          B.with             C.way          D.by  
(     )8.A.are getting      B.getting          C.get            D.will get  
(     )9.A.often          B.always          C.usually         D.sometimes
(     )10.A.harder         B.much            C.better          D.well           
三.阅读理解 (15分)
    Once an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully and said, "Medicine
won't help you. You must have a good rest. Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar
(雪茄烟) a day. Go to the country place for a month."
    After a month the man came to see the doctor again. "How are you?" said the doctor. "I'm glad to
see you ag ain. You look much younger." "Oh, doctor, I feel quite well now,"said the man. "I had a good
rest. I went to bed early, drank a lot of milk and walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me, but that
you told me to smoke one cigar a day almost killed(杀死) me first. It's no joke to start smoking at my

(    )  1. The doctor told the man _______.
A. to go to bed early             B. to drink milk
C. to walk a lot              D. Both A .Band C
(    )  2. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A.  The old man was younger than before after a month
B.  After a month, the man felt better
C.  The doctor didn't tell him what to do
D.  The old man felt worse after a month
(    )  3. The doctor's words were ______ for the man's health.
A. bad       B. good      C. terrible      D. well
(    )  4.  The doctor wanted the old man _______.
A. to go worse                 B. to start smoking
C. to smoke less than before      D. to do nothing
(    )  5.  From what the old man said at last, we know________
A. he didn't understand the doctor's advice
B. one cigar a day was helpful to him
C. smoking made him better than before
D. he was clever
The Blacks are American tourists. They visits now in Beijing. This is their first visit to China.
They are going to stay in China for three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages.
They hope to learn some Chinese, too.
    Mr Black is a taxi driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs Black is a school teacher. She is
visiting a city school today and a village school tomorrow. Their daughter is a middle school student.
She is going to meet some Chinese students.
    They are taking a lot of pictures in China. When they return t o America, they are going to show
the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more about China.
(    ) 6. The Blacks are from ______.
A. China         B. England          C. Canada       D. the USA
(    ) 7. The Blacks are staying in ______ now.
A. England       B. Beijing           C. Shanghai      D. New York
(    ) 8.  Mr Black is ______.
A. a teacher       B. a doctor          C. a taxi driver    D. a worker
(    ) 9.  There are ______ people in Mr Black's family.
A. two           B. three             C. four           D. five
(    ) 10. Why are they going to show the pictures to their friends when they go back to America?
A. Because the pictures are very beautiful.
B. Because they like China.
C. Because they want the American people to know more about China.
D. Because they want the American people to come to China.

Mary had some troubles, so she went to see the doctor.  He was a new doctor, and did not know her.  So he first asked her some questions. One of the questions was, “What is your age?”
“Well...” Mary answered, “I don't quite remember, doctor, but I will try to think.” She thought for a while and then said, “Yes, I remember now, doctor. When I married, I was twenty-two years old, and my husband was thirty then. Now he is sixty, I know, and that is twice thirty. And so I am twice twenty-two. That is forty-four, isn't it?”
(    )  11. Mary went to see the doctor because ________ .
    A. she had a headache           B. she had a fever
C. she had caught a cold         D. she wasn’t feeling well
(    ) 12.  At first the doctor _________ .
A. asked her some questions      B. examined her carefully
C. gave her some medicine       D. asked her to have a rest
(    )  13.  The doctor's first question was “ _______ “.
A.  You are no more than forty, are you?
B.   Do you have a fever?
C.   What is your age?
D.   Have you had any medicine?
(    )  14.   Mary  ________ .
A.   answered the doctor's questioned at once
B.   answered the question after thinking for a while
C.   just kept silent
D.   refused to tell her age
(    )  15.  Mary should be _______ .
A.  forty-four              B.  forty-five
C.  fifty                   D.  fifty-two
四、词汇 (20分 )
1、Do  you  like  the  singer _______(name) Han Hong ?
2、My  sister is a ______(有音乐天赋的) girl.
3、We  all know  the  news , it is a piece of _____(secret的反义词) news.
4、The tree grew to a h_________ of 20 feet.
5、I  wanted to go  fishing , but my father  didn’t  a_____.
6、He listens carefully and he can answer the questions  _______(correct)
7、There are too many __________(广告)in the newspaper every day.
science  close  little  honest  easy  get  act  
8.They are interested in science . They would like to  be ________ when they grow up.
9.Don’t forget _____________ all the windows when you leave school.
10.I hope I ________ a toy plane at Christmas.
11.The _______ you eat, the thinner you will become.
12.I think he is a _________ boy, so I can’t believe him, but I want to help him.
13.In the reserves birds can __________ catch fish for food.
14. . He is _______ in English class .The teacher likes him very much.
    count   be  come   die  arrive  clean  
15. Many of the birds___________because they don’t have enough to eat.
16. My grandfather _______________ 60 years old in two years.
17.Look ! Someone ______________ the birds in the f orest.
18. He is always the first _____________.
19.The heavy rain prevented us from __________ at school on time yesterday.
20. The teacher made me _______ the classroom after school.
1. Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow . (作肯定回答)
Yes , I ________  ________.
2. Lucy is like her twin sister .  (改为 一般疑问句)
3 .I  would like to meet your parents. (改为 一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
--------  ________ you  ________ to meet your parents ?
-------   ________ , I’d ________  __________  .
 4. To speak French in China is very hard.  (改为同义句)
__ _________  very hard __________  _________ French in China .
5. You can come over to my house and have dinner , I hope.(合并为一句)
六.短文填词 (10 分)
  A :  Yesterday my mum bought me a pair of new sports shoes and a new schoolbag.
  B :   Why?
  A :  B_______ it was my birthday .
  B :  What  c_________ are your new shoes?
  A :  They are white and blue.
  B :  I see . You like sports very much . Everyone thinks you look s________ .
  A :  Thank you . By the w_______, do you wear the s________ size shoes as I?
  B :  No, my shoes look l________ than yours. They are d_________ from yours.
  A:  Look, how dirty your schoolbag is ! But mine is very n_______.
  B :  Of course it is new.  Did you have a birthday p_______ ?
  A :  Yes . All my friends came. We were r________ happy.
                           A healthy lifestyle
 Mrs Obama is very good at hula hoop. She held a Healthy Kids Meeting on the South Lawn at the White House. At the meeting, Mrs Obama finished 142 circles before her hoop   1___down onto the lawn.
 Mrs Obama held the meeting to want the children to do more   2    and to eat   3    .She invited about 100 children     4    the meeting with their parents. At the meeting , chefs also showed people how to make healthy ,  delicious food. As for the food, Mrs Obama also had something to say. She first imitated children whi didn’t like to eat vegetables. “ I don’t want to eat it. I don’t like it. It is bad. I don’t want it,” she said in a very ____5____ way. Then Mrs Obama also gave a talk about eating properly. “ I tell my girls: if you are getting the right food most of the time, I’ll let you eat those cakes that you like,” she said.
1. 选择所给词语的适当形式填入短文中的空格内
   exercise  interest  fall  well  take part in   
(1) __________   (2) __________  (3) __________  (4) __________  (5)_________
2. 把短文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。
3. 改写同义句
 Mrs Obama is very good at hula hoop.
Mrs Obama  _________very _________ in hula hoop.
4. 根据英文释义和首字母提示,从短文中找出正确的单词。
i ________:  ask someone to come somewhere ,or to do something
c ________ :  a person who cooks
5. 回答问题。
Why did Mrs Obama hold the Healthy Kids Meeting?
假如你是李明,你的朋友Tim 自从上了八年级后,由于功课多,压力大,身体状况不是很好。请你给他提一些建议,告诉他如何调整好自己的状态。
内容提示:1. 要有一个平衡的饮食习惯。
          2. 坚持每天运动,最好步行上学。
          3. 保证8小时睡眠,不要学习到太晚。

  1 ____________   2___________   3___________   4 ___________  5___________
  6 ____________   7___________   8___________   9 ___________  10___________
11 ____________  12___________  13___________  14 ___________ 15___________
  16 ____________   17___________ 18___________   19 ___________ 20___________
1 ____________   2___________   3___________   4 ___________  5___________
  6 ____________   7___________   8___________   9 ___________  10___________
三.阅读理解 (15分)
1 ____________   2___________   3___________   4 ___________  5___________
  6 ____________   7___________   8___________   9 ___________  10___________
11 ____________  12___________  13___________  14 ___________ 15___________
四.词汇 (20分 )
1 ____________   2___________   3___________   4 ___________  5___________
  6 ____________   7___________   8___________   9 ___________  10___________
11 ____________  12___________  13___________  14 ___________ 15___________
  16 ____________   17___________ 18___________   19 ___________ 20___________
 1. Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow . (作肯定回答)
Yes , I ________  ________.
2. Lucy is like her twin sister .  (改为 一般疑问句) 
  ___________________________________________ ___   
3 .I  would like to meet your parents. (改为 一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
--------  ________ you  ________ to meet your parents ?
-------   ________ ,  I’d ________  __________  .
 4. To speak French in China is very hard.  (改为同义句)
___________  very hard __________  _________ French in China .
5. You can come over to my house and have dinner , I hope.(合并为一句)
六.短文填词 (10 分)
B________  c__________  s___________ w__________  s___________
 l ________  d __________  n __________ p __________  r __________
1. 选择所给词语的适当形式填入短文中的空格内
   exercise  interest  fall  well  take part in   
(1) __________   (2) __________  (3) __________  (4) __________  (5)_________
2. 把短文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。
3. 改写同义句
 Mrs Obama is very good at hula hoop.
Mrs Obama  _________very _________ in hula hoop.
4. 根据英文释义和首字母提示,从短文中找出正确的单词。
i ________:  ask someone to come somewhere ,or to do something
c ________ :  a person who cooks
5. 回答问题。
Why did Mrs Obama hold the Healthy Kids Meeting?
假如你是李明,你的朋友Tim 自从上了八年级后,由于功课多,压力大,身体状况不是很好。请你给他提一些建议,告诉他如何调整好自己的状态。
内容提示:1. 要有一个平衡的饮食习惯。
          2. 坚持每天运动,最好步行上学。
          3. 保证8小时睡眠,不要学习到太晚。

1. 选择所给词语的适当形式填入短文中的空格内
   exercise  interest  fall  well  take part in   
(1) ___fell_______   (2) _____exercise_____  (3) ____better______  (4) ___to take part in_______  (5)__interesting_______
2. 把短文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。
3. 改写同义句

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/318670.html
