Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister基础练习(附答案人教

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister基础练习(附答案人教新目标)
I. 用所给动词的适当的形式填空:
1. You’d better ____ (grow) some flowers behind the house.
2. Mike _____ (clean) the classroom now.
3. Isabelle always ____ (do) her homework in the evening.
4. I ____ (be) very busy yesterday.
5. Today ______ (be) Sunday.
6. Hi, Tara. Where _____ you ____ (go)?
7. The students _____ (be) busy now. They _____ (have) an exam next week.
8. Pedro’s parents ____ (not be) at home last night.
9. Loretta ____ (be) ill last week. She _____ (be) much better now.
10. Let me ____ (carry) the box for you.
II. 根据句意和汉语提示完成单词拼写:
1. Who is more _____(聪明), Lisa or Jill?
2. There is a small shop on the _____(对面)side of the street.
3. Some boys lose ____(兴趣)in the study.
4. Keep ____(冷静). Don’t be so angry.
5. Mr. Wang is _____(受欢迎)with his students.
III. 按要求变化下列各句:
1. He begins to work at eight. (改为一般疑问句)
 _____ he ____ to work at eight?
2. You’d better do your homework now. (改为否定句)
 You’d _____ ____ do your homework now.
3. Jim’s father is funny. (对划线部分提问)
 _____ _____ Jim’s father?
4. They play football every week. (对划线部分提问)
 ____ ____ do they play football?
5. The park is two kilometers away from here. (对划线部分提问)
 ____ ____ is the park from here?
IV. 根据上句句意写出下句,使两句意思相同或相近:
1.The sisters both are quiet.
 ____ _____ _____ sisters are quiet.
2. She lives in Beijing.
 She lives in ____ _____ ____ Beijing.
3. The building has five floors.
 ____ _____ five floors ____ the building.
4. Class begins at seven forty-five.
 Class begins at _____ _____ _____ _____.
5. I want to go to the cinema.
 I ____ ____ to go the cinema.
V. 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空:
be good for, be away, grow, use, turn, do sport, have a good time, help…with, put on, show
1. Could you ____ me ___ my lessons this evening, please?
2. ___ Ling Feng ____ from school the day before yesterday?
3. The children ____ in the park now.
4. It’s time ____. Let’s begin.
5. Can you ____ your picture to me?
6. --____ taking a walk after supper ____ your health?
  --I think so.
7. Do you enjoy ____ vegetables?
8. Open your books and ____ to Page 50, please.
9. Could I ____ your bike, please, please? Mine is broken.
10. It’s very cold outside. You must ___ your overcoat.
VI. 从B栏内找出A栏相应的答句:
1. Why were you late?
2. How long were you away last term?
3. What day is it tomorrow?
4. Who was away this morning?
5. Were your mother at work last night?
6. How many floors does the building have?
7. He was ill. Do you know?
8. How does he come here?
A. By bike.
B. Yes, she was.
C. It’s Tuesday.
D. No, I’m sorry to hear that.
E. Han Meimei was.
F. It has thirteen.
G. Because my bike was broken.
H. For more than two weeks.

I. 阅读对话,补出所缺单词:
A: ______ (1)me, where is the ______(3) hospital, please?
B: Well, walk _____ (3) this street and _____(4) the third turning _____ (5) the right, and you’ll find a hospital on the left side of that street. It’s between the police station and a bookshop.
A: How ____ (6) is it ____ (7) here?
B: It’s 4 kilometers _____ (8). You’d better _____ (9) a bus.
A: Which _____ (10) do I ____ (11) to take?
B: You need a number 9.
A: thanks a lot.
B: You’re _____ (12).
II. 用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空:
be good for, be away, grow, use, turn, do sport, have a good time, help…with, put on, show
1. Could you ____ me ___ my lessons this evening, please?
2. ___ May Lee ____ from school the day before yesterday?
3. The children ____ in the park now.
4. It’s time ____. Let’s begin.
5. Can you ____ your picture to me?
6. --____ taking a walk after supper ____ your health?
  --I think so.
7. Do you enjoy ____ vegetables?
8. Open your books and ____ to Page 50, please.
9. Could I ____ your bike, please, please? Mine is broken.
10. It’s very cold outside. You must ___ your overcoat.
III. 完形填空:
Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Most American familiar have one or two __1__.
Children in the US will __2__ their parents home when they grow up. They usually live __3__ their parents because they want to find good jobs. They often __4__ to their parents or telephone then. And they often go to visit their parents on __5__.
Parents usually let their children choose(选择)their own(自己的)__6__. Americans thinks it __7__ for young people to decide their lives by themselves.
Children are asked to do some work __8__ their house. And in many families, children are paid for__9__ some housework so that they can learn __10__ to make money for their own use.
1. A. uncles  B. aunts  C. parents  D. children
2. A. leave  B. reach  C. love  D. go away
3. A. near  B. far from  C. next to  D. close to
4. A. come  B. drive  C. move  D. write
5. A. Monday  B. weekdays  C. Friday  D. holidays
6. A. jobs  B. job  C. works  D. thing
7. A. bad  B. beautiful  C. important  D. wrong
8. A. outside  B. around  C. except  D. beside
9. A. to do  B. do   C. doing  D. does
10. A. what  B. when  C. where  D. how
IV. 阅读理解:
In the morning Mr. Smith comes into the garden at the bank of his house. He sees too much snow in the garden. Mr. Smith wants to take his car out, so he asks a man to clean the road from his garage to the gate. He says to the man, “Don’t throw any snow on the flowers, and don’t throw any on the wall, and don’t throw any into the street, or the police man will come.” The he goes out.
When he comes back, the road is clean. There is no snow on the flowers, on the wall or in the street. But when he opens the garage to get his car out, he sees: there is full of snow, the nsow from the road, and his car is under the snow!
1. Mr. Smith’s garden is behind his house.
2. He wants a man to clean the road because he doesn’t like snow at all.
3. He doesn’t tell the man where to throw the snow in the garden.
4. The man throws the snow into the garage.
5. Mr. Smith feels very happy when he opens the garage to get his car out.
Some children are playing a game. They are standing in two rows. The girls stand in the front row, and the boys stand in the second row. Mary stands in the middle. Betty stands on her right hand side. Han Meimei stands on Mary’s left hand side. Lily stands next to Betty, and Lucy doesn’t. Sam stands behind Lucy. In front of Alex is Han Meimei. Bill doesn’t stand in the middle of the second row. On his right stands Tom, and Jim stands on his left.
Row 2 ____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Row 1 ____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Tom and his father, Mr. Smith, always go out for a walk after supper every day. After that, he does his homework and watches TV for half an hour. Then he goes to bed. Now Tom and his father are taking a walk along the road. It begins to rain. Tom wants to run for home. But his father says very slowly, “Don’t run. Isn’t it raining in front of you?”
1. Who’s Mr. Smith?
2. What’re Tom and Mr. Smith doing?
3. Is Tom a student?
4. Why doesn’t Mr. Smith want to run?
5. Is Mr. Smith right?
I. 1. grow  2. is cleaning  3. does  4. was  5. is  6. are; going  7. are; are going to have  8. were not  9. was; is  10. carry
II. 1. intelligent  2. opposite 3. interest  4. calm  5. popular
III. 1. Does; begin  2. better not  3. How is   4. How often  5. How far
IV. 1. Both of the  2. the city of  3. There; are; in  4. a quarter to eight  5. would like
V. 1. help; with  2. Was; away  3. are having a good time  4. to do sport  5. show  6. Is; good for  7. growing  8. turn  9. use  10. put on
I. 1. Excuse  2. nearest  3. along/ down  4. take  5. on  6. from  7. from  8. away  9. take/ catch  10. number  11. need  12. welcome
II. 1. help; with  2. Was; away  3. are having a good time  4. to do sport  5. show  6. Is; good for  7. growing  8. turn  9. use  10. put on
B) Row 2 Tom/ Bill/ Jim/ Alice/ Sam
Row 1 Lily/ Betty/ Mary/ Han Meimei/ Lucy
C)1. He’s Tom’s father.  2. They’re taking a walk along the road.  3. Yes, he is.  4. Because he thinks it’s raining in front of him.   5. No, he is wrong.


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/338020.html

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