
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

试卷总分120分 考试时间90分钟
第一部分 听对话回答问题(计10分)
本部分共有10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。
( )1. Who is illie’s brother?
A. B. C.

( )2. Which is the ost dangerous activity?
A. B. C.

( )3. What subject does the boy learn?
A. .B C.

( )4. Which is Ay’s pencil-box?
A. B. C.

( )5. What kind of bird lives in Zhalong?
A. B. C.

( )6.Who did illie vote for?
A. Sandy B. Andy C. Sion
( )7.What’s Lily’s favourite sport?
A. Cycling B. Caping C. Skiing
( )8.What is John doing?
A. He is lying in bed.
B. He is reading in bed.
C. He is playing with a cat in bed.
( )9.How does the boy go to school on Wednesdays?
A. On foot. B. Ride a bicycle. C. Take a bus.
( )10.What tie is it now?
A. 10:45 B. 11:00 C. 11:15
第二部分 听对话和短答题(计10分)
( )11. What does To’s brother want to be in the future?
A. An anial doctor. B. A teacher. C. A policean.
( )12. Why does To’s sister want to be a singer?
A. She thinks it’s interesting and helpful.
B. She wants to be popular and faous.
C. She likes usic and is good at singing.
听第一篇短,回答第13-15 小题。请根据内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。
Weather Report
Beijing 13 and cold
Hong KongThere’s beautiful 14
New YorkSunny, but there’s a strong wind 15
( )13. A. rainy B. cloudy C. sunny
( )14. A. sunshine B. wind C. frost
( )15. A in the evening B. in the orning C. in the afternoon
( )16. When did the writer live in the countryside?
A. When he was 20 years old. B. When he was young.
C. When he was 10 years old.
( )17. Where did the sparrows like singing?
A. In the bedroo. B. Near the windo C. In their hoe.
( )18. What were the swallows busy doing in the orning?
A. They were busy looking for food.
B. They were busy juping and flying.
C. They were busy singing.
( )19. Can the writer often see the eagles now?
A. Yes, he can see the as usual. B. Yes, and there are ore than before.
C. No, he can’t.
( )20. Why do the birds leave this place?
A. Because the countryside is becoing better.
B. Because they can’t find food easily and people often kill the.
C. Because they can’t give people ore food.
二、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
( ) 21.Nancy played softball after school twice a week last ter..
 A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 22. any people are talking Tiger u and Wolf Dad these days.
A. on B. about C. inD. for
( ) 23.When the traffic lights are red, we stop and wait.
A. ay B. can C. ust D. ight
( ) 24. —u, I’ hungry, ay I have ______ bread?
—Sorry, dear, there isn’t ______ bread at hoe. You can have a banana.
A. soe; soe B. soe; any
C. any; soe D. any; any
( ) 25. I think English is as as Chinese.
A. ore iportant B. iportant
C. ost iportant D. the ost iportant
( ) 26. —What ______ day it is! Why not go hiking to South Hill, ike?
—Good idea! Let’s go.
A. a sunny B. sunny C. rainy D. a rainy
( ) 27.—u, I don’t think you should buy clothes of anial fur.
—I agree with you.
A ake B. ade C. are ade D. aking
( ) 28. r. Black is very poor, _______ he is very happy.
A. and B. but C. or D. so
( ) 29.—Sion, I’ going to Jinshan Park with y parents this coing Sunday.
— .
A. Best wishes B. Have fun
C. Never ind D. Cheer up
( ) 30.—What do you think of your English teacher, Daniel?
—He is a good teacher. He often us to practice reading English ore.
A. lets B. akes C. encourages D. hopes
( )31.— Can you give e soe ______ on how to keep fit?
— Ok, You can go running for half an hour once a day.
A. advice B. advertiseents C. presents D. books
( )32.“I found the article on wildlife interesting.” The underlined(划线)part is .
A. IO B. DO C. P D. OC
( ) 33. Dabao is good at singing and Erbao is good at it .
A. also B. as wellC. either D. as well as
( ) 34. — ay I use your pen, ike?
—Of course, but please don’t ______ .I’ll use it later.
A. take it away B. take it off
C. pick it up D. put it on
( ) 35. .Lucy knew nothing about it her sister told her.
A. because B. until C. if D. after

下面短,根据短内容,从 A、B、C、D四个项中选择最佳选项。
One day ,a baby snail asked his other “Why was I born with a shell(壳) ? It is so __36__ and heavy?” His other said, “Because we do not have 37 to support us. We can only crawl(爬)and ove slowly, so we get a shell to 38 us.” Her baby asked again, “ The caterpillar (毛毛虫) has no bones either, and she can’t ove quickly. Why can she go 39 a shell?” The other snail answered, “That’s because a caterpillar will becoe a butterfly. She can fly 40 to the sky. The sky can protect her.” Her baby had 41 question, “But the earthwor(蚯蚓)crawls like us. He has no bones. And he can’t turn into a butterfly, Why ___42___ he carry a shell?” His other said, “He can drill(钻) a hole into the ground to protect 43 .” The baby snail cried, “What a pity! We have no protection either fro the sky 44 the ground.” His other coforted hi, “That’s 45 we have a shell. We don’t need to depend (依靠)on the sky or the ground for protection. We depend on ourselves.”

( )36. A. soft B. heavyC. lightD. hard
( )37. A body B. bonesC. hoeD. feet
( )38. A. protect B. provide C. preventD. practice
( )39. A. with B. without C. inD. by
( )40. A high B. highlyC. hardD. hardly
( )41. A. the other B. another C. otherD. others
( )42. A. don’t B. isn’t C. doesn’tD. aren’t
( )43. A. yself B. herselfC. hiselfD. yourself
( )44. A. and B. or C. but D. for
( )45.A. because B. why C. whenD. if

阅读下面短,根据短内容,从题后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
Coe and see the new polar bears fro Canada. The pandas are waiting to eet you, and the dolphins are waiting to swi for you. The cranes are waiting to sing for you and the ynahs are waiting to say hello to you. The snakes are waiting to dance for you.
Tickets Opening Tie
Grown ups: $3,00 onday—Friday
Children: Over 12: $2,00 10:00a..—3:00p..
Under 12: Free(免费) Saturday & Sunday
Keep the zoo clean! 9:00 a..—4:00 p..
Do not touch, give food or go near the anials.
( )46. Now rs Brown is in the zoo with her two daughters, one is 14 years old, the other is 10. How uch are the tickets together?
A.$7,00. B.$5,00. C.$3,00. D.$2,00.
( )47. You ay not know the word “ynah”, but you can guess it is good at .
A. singing B. dancing C. speaking D. listening
( )48. We can visit the zoo at .
A. 8:30 a.. Wednesday B. 9:30 a.. Friday
C. 3:00 p.. Sunday D. 5:00 p.. Tuesday
You ay feel curious (好奇的) about students in other countries: Do they also have so uch hoework? What do they do in their spare tie?
On April 8, a report cae out on the lives of high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US. It surveyed around 6,200 students fro the four countries last year. You will find the answers to any of your questions in this report.
Who studies hardest?
Chinese students spend the ost tie studying. Nearly half of Chinese students spend ore than two hours on their hoework every day. That’s uch ore than students of the US (26.4%), Japan (8.2%) and South Korea (5.2%).
Who sleeps ost often in class?
Japanese students fall asleep in class ost often. About 45% of the said they soeties doze off in class. In South Korea, it’s 32%; in the US, 21%; and 5% in China.
South Korean students don’t like taking notes. About 70% said they write down what the teacher says in class, any fewer than in Japan (93%), China (90%) and the US (89%).
Who is the ost distracted (分心的)?
Aerican students are the ost active in class, but also the ost distracted: 64.2% said they chat with friends in class; 46.9% said they eat snacks in class; and 38.9% said they send e-ails or read unrelated (无关的) books in class.
What do they do after school?
In their spare tie, ost Chinese students study or surf the Internet. ost Aerican students hang out with their friends. ost Japanese students do physical exercises. ost Korean students watch TV.
( )49. The report is about .
A .the countries B. the subjects
C. the students’ lives D. the high schools
( )50. Who studies hardest?
A. Chinese students B. Japanese students
C .Aerican students D. South Korean students
( )51. The underlined phrase doze off eans .
A. be half asleep B. get up
C. eat snacks D. send eails

When the earthquake hit Japan on arch 11, 2011, workers in a superarket in Japan didn’t run away when they felt the shaking. They held on to the shelves and tried to stop the goods fro falling down.
Reporters fro NHK, the country’s largest TV station, stayed cal in front of caeras during the earthquake, even though soe were facing real danger.
The earthquake was the ost powerful one to hit Japan in the country’s history. But Japan’s reaction(反应)to the earthquake has shown that it is the ost earthquake-prepared country in the world. The cal that Japanese showed during and after the quake has ipressed (给…留下印象)the world.
This is because Japan has an earthquake culture. Japanese people are taught how to prepare for and react to an earthquake fro a young age. They ake students becoe failiar (熟悉的) with being in an earthquake.
Japan also has a good earthquake warning syste. Warnings were broadcast on TV, radio and obile phones nine seconds after experts first knew about the earthquake on arch 11. The warning syste is unable to predict (预言)an earthquake, but it can usually alert (提醒) people about 15 seconds before they feel the effects. Even 15 or 20 seconds can be enough to save people’s lives.
( )52. How did Japanese people react when the big earthquake hit Japan on arch 11,2011?
A. They felt angry. B. They were afraid.
C. They stayed cal. D. They ran outdoors in a hurry.
( )53. Fro this passage, we know that NHK is a .
A. bus stop B. TV station
C. faous ovie D. five-star restaurant
( )54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Japan’s reaction to the earthquake ipressed the world.
B. Japanese schools organize earthquake practices every day.
C. Japanese has a warning syste that can predict earthquakes.
D. Japanese people learn about earthquake safety only fro TV.
( )55. Which is the BEST title for the passage?
A. How terrible the earthquake is B. Japan’s earthquake culture
C. Japanese people are very brave D. The earthquakes can be predicted

56. When the baby giant pandas are born, they look like little white __________ (ouse).
57. There are any fish in the wetlands, and the birds can (easy) catch the for food.
58. We’re still not sure of the (clib) naes.
59.---Why don’t you believe what Sion told you?
---Because I found hi (honest).
60.---You look unhappy, what’s wrong with you ?
--- I scored the (few) points in our class.
61. Every year, lots of t (旅客) coe to Zhenjiang.
62. y father will go fishing (代替)of going shopping.
63. any anials have (厚的)fur to keep theselves war in winter.
64. Two friends walked (穿过) the forest and found the way to the village at last.
65. With no trees, ost wild anials will have _________ (没有地方)to live and no food to eat.
C) 用所给动词的适当形式填空。
66. The zookeeper told us (not frighten) the birds.
67. illie hopes to (be) a policewoan when she grows up.
68. If it (not rain), we will go on a school trip next Sunday.
69. Daniel has poor eyesight because of (work) on the coputer too uch at night.
70. The children were running out when it suddenly _________ (begin) to rain.
71. 她很乐意与她的朋友分享她的东西。
She is willing to her things her friends.
72. 你对研究不同的鸟类有兴趣吗?
Are you studying different kinds of birds?
73. 他的自行车在路上坏了,所以他上学迟到了。
His bike on the way, so he was late for school.
74. 老虎的数量正在变的越越少。
The of the tigers getting saller and saller.
75. 如果处于危险中,你应该寻求帮助。
If you are in danger, you should __________ __________ help.
You work hard to learn English. Do you know Aerican kids are t 76 to learn andarin(普通话)?About 50000 US students now study Chinese. “ Because of China’s f 77 growth, Chinese is 78 useful than the other languages,” said Scott c Ginnis,
a Washington language expert. For exaple, in 1999, only three Chicago schools had Chinese
c 79 . This year ore than 20 do. In any US cities, students take andarin lessons after school or a 80 weekends. But Chicago schools teach Chinese during the regular(常规的)day. Last year China g 81 the 3000 textbooks because they did a good j 82 . Although Chinese classes are becoing p 83 , it is one of the ost difficult languages. It
t 84 an English speaker about 1320 hours to becoe good at Chinese. He n 85 only 480 hours for French, Spanish or Italian.
76. 77. 78. 79. 80.
81. 82. 83. 84. 85.
八、 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
A fire happened in a restaurant on the 15th of Noveber. It was on No.12 Zhongshan Road. There were three victis in this accident. They were Bill Brown, Nancy Black and Sa Sith. Bill was all right but he was frightened. Nancy ‘s left ar and neck were seriously burnt(烧伤), Sa hurt his right hand.They were trapped. So Bill called the police at once. Ten inutes later, at 2:50 p., the policeen got to the restraurant. Luckily, the fireen put out the fire at last. Fire can be dangerous soeties, and we ust be careful enough.
Accident A restaurant caught fire, soe people were trapped
Date of call 86 15th
Tie of call 87 p..
Nae of 88 Bill Brown
PlaceNo.12 Zhongshan Road

Conditions of victisBill: OK, but felt frightened.
Nancy: burnt her left ar and neck; it was 89
Sa: burnt his right hand.

ActionThe police 90 at 2:50p..and sent the victis to the nearest hospital. Finally, the fireen cae and put out the fire.

86. 87. 88. 89. 90.
Two students wanted to do a report on traffic around the school. For the report, they decided to count the nuber of cars driving past the school during the day. It took the students seven days to collect the inforation for their report. They had to get help fro other students to count the cars during free tie at school.
In the report, the students found ost of the traffic was early in the orning or late in the evening. In the orning, parents drove children to school. In the evening, any people were coing hoe fro work or going to other places. The teacher thought the report was very interesting. She gave the students a good grade.

91. The report is about __________ near the school.
92.__________ the cars was difficult for the two students, so they had to get help fro other students.
93. Between 9:00 and 15:00, about seven __________cars passed the school.
94. The students spent one ___________in collecting the inforation for their report.
95. The heaviest traffic was in the __________ because any people were returning fro work or going to other places.
Personal inforation个人信息school, grade, favourite subject, hobbies...
The reason why you want to join the club
为什么要参加保护大熊猫俱乐部would like to...because...
be iportant to do soething to...
The things that you can do for the club
你能为保护大熊猫俱乐部做些什么事activities to protect...(至少两点),
free tie: be free fro…to…
Your telephone nuber/your e-ail address联系方式TEL:0511-87654321
E-ail: lifeng@sohu.co


Dear r. Wang
Yours sincerely

Li Feng

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/34299.html
