
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

2.全卷共六大题, 总分120分.
第一部分 听力测试 (共计20分)
I. Listening (本题共20分, Part One?Part Four每小题1分, Part Two?Part Three每小题1.5分)
Part One Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.
( ) 1.What kind of person can’t the an stand?
A. B. C.

( ) 2.What pets does the woan think are better for a twelve-year-old boy?
A. B. C.

( ) 3.Where did To coe back fro?
A. is waiting in Hong Kong.
B. has been to the new useu in Beijing.
C. hasn’t been to Hong Kong.
D. felt Hong Kong is a boring place.
E. will be there for about 20 days.
F. has been there for four ties.
Part Two atch the best choice fro A to F according to the passage you hear.
( ) 1.ike
( ) 2.ike’s other
( ) 3.ike’s father
( ) 4.ike’s faily

Part Three Choose the right answer according to the passage you hear.
( ) 1. What was Ea doing when Bill cae in?
A. Reading a book.B. Doing her hoework.C. Reading a newspaper.
( ) 2.What did Bill ask Ea to take away?
A. Her backpack.B. Her books.C. Her newspaper.
( ) 3. Why did Ea feel uncofortable?
A. Bill read her newspaper.
B. Bill sat very close to her.
C. Bill and Ea read together.
( ) 4. Why couldn’t Ea stand?
A. Because Bill read her newspaper.
B. Because Bill kept talking to her while she was reading.
C. Because Bill borrowed her things.
Part Four Fill in each blank with one word according to what you hear.

TV Watching Habits
AgeAverage (平均) hours of watching TV in the dayAverage (平均) hours of watching TV at nightFavorite shows
Four to six(1) OneCartoons
Seven to twelve/(2) and a halfTV (3)
Thirteen to (4) /One and a halfQuiz (5)
第二部分 语言知识运用 (共计45分)
II. ultiple choice (本题共15分, 每小题1分)
Choose the best choice fro A B or C according to the eaning of the sentence.
( ) 1. —He was tired he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.
—Oh, we can go out and let hi have a good rest.
A. too, toB. so, that C. such, that
( ) 2. —Which would you like to have, tea or juice?
— is OK. I’ really thirsty.
A. Either B. Neither C. Both
( ) 3. —Hello, ay I speak to your father, please?
—Sorry, y father to Shanghai. He went there this orning.
A. goes B. has gone C. has been
( ) 4. —You watched the fashion show last night, didn’t you?
— Yes, I issed the beginning.
A. soB. and C. but
( ) 5. you read, you will feel in J.K Rowling’s books.
A. ore, ore interesting
B. The ore, the ore interesting
C. The ore, the ore interested
( ) 6. If it toorrow, I hiking in the ountains.
A. rains, will go B. won’t rain, will goC. doesn’t rain, will go
( ) 7. Everyone except Bill and Ji there when the eeting began.
A. wasB. is C. were
( ) 8. The old an has collected over 100 different kinds of kites the year 2000.
A. since B. by C. fro
( ) 9. Traveling by train is cheaper and enjoyable than by car.
A. ore, uch ore B. uch, even oreC. quite, uch too
( ) 10. Do you know at this tie yesterday?
A. what she was cooking B. what she is cooking C. what was she cooking
( ) 11. y aunt played the light usic to ake the baby crying.
A. stopped B. to stop C. stop
( ) 12. I a vary thirsty no But there is little water in the glass, ?
A. is there B. isn’t there C. isn’t it
( ) 13. —Oh, rs. King, your dress looks nice. Is it new?
—No, I it since two years ago.
A. bought B. have had C. have bought
( ) 14. —It’s too hot. Would you ind y the window?
— . Do it as you like, please!
A. open, Good idea B. closing, Of course C. opening, Certainly not
( ) 15. —ay I put y car here?
—Sorry, you ustn’t. Please look at the sign. It says “ ”.
III. Cloze test (本题共15分, 每小题1分)
Have you ever seen advertiseents saying “Learn a foreign language in 6 weeks, or your oney back?” Of course, it never happens like that. It is easy to learn the other language. And just think how uch practice is given for that. Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language in order to 1 the literature (学) of the country. Now 2
the foreign language is 3 ost people want. Every year illions of people start learning 4 . How do they do it?
Soe people try at hoe, 5 books and radios; soe 6 coputers or TV prograes; others go to evening classes. 7 they use the language only 2 or 3 ties a week, learning it will 8 a long tie, like language learning at school. 9 people try to learn a language 10 by studying for 6 or ore hours a day. It is clearly easier to 11
the language in the country because it 12 there. But ost people don’t have a 13 to do this.
achines and good books will 14 you, but they cannot do the student’s work. Whatever the language is learned quickly or slowly, it is 15 work.
Choose the best answer to coplete the passage.
( ) 1. A. see B. readC. watch
( ) 2. A. saying B. telling C. speaking
( ) 3. A, what B. that C. which
( ) 4. A. that B. it C. one
( ) 5. A. with B. without C. by
( ) 6. A. listen to B. watch C. use
( ) 7. A. When B. If C. Until
( ) 8. A. spent B. cost C. take
( ) 9. A. Few B. A few C. No
( ) 10. A. fast B. happily C. slowly
( ) 11. A. learn B. teach C. use
( ) 12. A. was spoken B. will be spoken C. is spoken
( ) 13.A. chance B. place C. tie
( ) 14. A. use B. needC. help
( ) 15. A. nice B. hard C. great.
IV. Counication (本题共15分, A题每小题1分, B题每小题2分)
(A) Choose the best response fro A to F in the box according to the sentence given.
( ) 1. What were you doing when the big fire broke out?
( ) 2. What did your ath teacher say?
( ) 3. How long have you been swiing?
( ) 4. Why don’t you buy hi a digital caera?
( ) 5. I have never been to Hong Kong.
A. If you do, you’ll have a great tie. B. For about three hours.
C. e neither. D. That’s too expensive.
E. I think you should borrow soe. F. I was standing in front of the library.
G. He said I could do better.
(B) Coplete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.
A: I haven’t seen you these days. What’s happened to you?
B: y granda is ill in hospital.
A: (1) . What’s wrong with her?
B: Her leg has been hurt for a long tie. She had to see a doctor. The doctor said there was soething wrong with it.
A: (2) ?
B: A little better. She was operated on yesterday.
A: (3) ?
B: I looked after Granda there.
A: But the nurses could do it, I think.
B: (4) . She’s taken good care of e since I was a baby. I should do soething for her, too.
A: I see. (5) ?
B: Nothing, thanks. See you.
A: See you.
第三部分 阅读理解 (共计40分)
V. Reading coprehension (本题共40分, A.B题每小题1分,C?D?E题每小题2分)
( ) 1. Put a sausage in a bun (面包) and what have you got? A hot dog, of course!
( ) 2. Aericans eat a lot of hot dogs. Around seven billion(十亿) hot dogs will be eaten in July alone this year. People living in the city of Los Angeles eat ore hot dogs than those in any other US city.
( ) 3. Soe people like hot dogs better than haburgers because they’re easier to eat. This is because the bun is thin and long and the sausage cannot fall out easily.
( ) 4. Aericans like to eat hot dogs at baseball atches and other sports events. But they also buy the in the street and eat the as they walk along!
( ) 5. ost Aericans like ustard (芥末) on their hot dogs. Aerica’s President (总统), George Bush’s favorite topping (蛋糕上的奶油等) is ustard with relish. Kids like ketchup (番茄酱) uch better. Leonade and iced tea are the best drinks to have with hot dogs.
Choose the best topic fro A to F according to the eaning of the passage.

A. Why do people like haburgers? B. How to ake a hot dog?
C. Topping on the hot dogs. D. Where and when do people eat hot dogs?
E. People prefer hot dogs to haburgers. F. Billions of hot dogs are eaten in the USA.
French doctors and Aerican scientists have reported doing an operation (手术)in which the doctor was outside the operating roo. This kind of operation is known as robots operation.
Doctor arescaux did the operation in an office in New York City last onth, while a sixty-eight-year-old woan patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France.
A doctor in Strasbourg got the patient ready. He placed edical tools and a sall video caera in her stoach (腹部). Doctor arescaux in New York City watched the patient in a video screen. Then he used the coputer to send essages to the robot achine.
The robot oved the tools that cut the woan’s gallbladder (胆囊) away. The woan got well soon after the operation and left the hospital two days later.
Experts say the ain proble with such a robotic operation is based on high-speed telecounications (通讯系统) between the doctor and the robot. Technology ust be able to send a doctor’s order to a robot to ove the tool quickly.
Experts also say a successful robotic operation will iprove an operation. For exaple, the robot can ake uch saller oveent than a person can. A robot achine can turn tools in ways that a doctor’s hand cannot.
Doctor say such a robotic operation will ake safer and better operations possible in the future. They say it will iprove doctor training. It’ll also ean that doctors could do an operation on people in dangerous places far away. And it could ean that people could have operations done by top doctors without having travel to the city where the doctors work.
Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F).
( ) 1. “Robotic operation” eans an operation done with the help of a robot.
( ) 2. We use the robot in the operation because it can ake the operation safer and better.
( ) 3. If we want to use the robot in the operation, we ust solve the proble of high-speed telecounications.
( ) 4. If the saller oveent can’t be done by doctors in the operations, we ay use a video caera to solve it.
( ) 5. The robot is used to watch the patient clearly.
There are soe easy things you can do to protect the environent and the earth. Choose ideas fro the list or coe up with a few of your own.
●Plant flowers, grass or trees.
●Whenever you visit a park or beach, take away what you bring there—keep rubbish in a bag until you can put it in a dustbin.
●Turn off the lights, TV sets when you leave the roo. This saves a lot of electricity (电).
●Turn off the tap (水龙头) when you brush your teeth. You can save soe water by not letting it run. Also, use a glass cup instead of a paper cup because this saves paper.
●Keep the doors and windows closed in winter to keep war air in.
●Give your old books and agazines to a library instead of throwing the away.
●Give your old clothes to poor children you know instead of throwing the away.
●Use both sides of paper.
●Stop pouring dirty water into the rivers or lakes nearby.
●Encourage all your friends to do the sae things you do to help protect the earth.
You don’t have to wait until Earth Day to do these things. ake every day Earth Day.
If everyone akes a contribution to protecting the environent, the world will becoe uch ore beautiful.
Choose the best Choice fro AB or C according to the passage above.
( ) 1. Fro the passage above, we know that this is .
A. a signB. a proposal (倡议书)C. an advertiseent
( ) 2. The writer tells us .
A. to throw rubbish into a dustbin
B. to pour dirty water into the rivers
C. to save water by not letting it run while brushing our teeth
( ) 3. We can to save paper.
A. use a paper cup
B. use both sides of paper
C. give old books to a library
( ) 4. Which of the following is wrong according to the writer?
A. Turn off the lights when you leave the roo.
B. Close the doors and windows in winter.
C. Use a paper cup when you brush your teeth.
( ) 5. What’s the best title (标题) of the passage?
A. Protect the Earth.
B. Save Water and Electricity
C. ake Better Use of Old Things
There was a boy called Dick. He had no father or other and he had no friends to help hi. He was very poor. One day he heard soeone saying, “London is a very big. In the streets there is gold here and there. Everyone in London is very rich.” Then Dick wanted to go to London. When he got to London, Dick cannot see any gold in the streets. But he couldn’t go back hoe. He had no oney. Dick was walking in the street. It was snowing. He was so cold. He had no house to go to. He had no food to eat. Night cae. Dick saw a light in the window of a house. He went there and sat down near the door. Just then the door opened and cae out a servant. She saw Dick sitting there and said, “Go away! What are you doing here?” Dick was so hungry and so cold. He couldn’t stand up. The bad woan threw soe cold water over Dick. Dick thought he was alost dying of cold and hunger.
Fill in the blanks according to the passage you read. Only one word for each blank.
Dick was a hoeless poor boy. He had no (1) or even a good friend. One day Dick wanted to go to London to look for gold when he (2) that there was gold everywhere. But when he got there, he couldn’t see a piece of gold but white (3)______ in the street. Dick had to go up and down in London. He had nothing to eat. He had no (4) to live in. he was cold and (5) . He thought he would die.
Join us for a 10-ile country walk on Sunday, Noveber 12th. Children and dogs welcoe.
Call Jerry on 333469 for ore inforation.COE TO THE WORLD CRAFT FAIR
Saturday 23rd Septeber
10:00~4:00 Oxford Town Hall
Over 50 stalls--crafts, gifts, books,
usic, inforation, food
*Are you between 12 and 16?
*Are you interested in joining a new Youth Club?
*Coe along to the Clubhouse.
arket Road at 7 p. on Saturday 27th October
Further details: Tony Hanson
Telephone:324788Fun Day
On Saturday 23rd Sept. 10:00~6:00
eet the anials
Rides “Displays” Entertainent
Tel:0241 641463 ADISSION£2
Answer the questions according to what you read above.
1. Where ay you go if you like walking?

2. What nuber ay you dial if you want to know ore about the youth club?

3. Where can we go bringing our dog with us?

4. Where can we buy books?

5. Where can we have a great tie with anials?

第四部分 书面表达 (共计15分)
VI. Writing (本题共15分, A题5分, B题10分)
(A) 母亲是伟大的,母爱是无私的。现在就让我们给我们的母亲写封信,感谢她对你多年的生活照顾与关心,感谢她为家庭付出的辛苦,并说出你心中对妈妈的爱。(假设你是Alice)

(B) 假设你是班主任,针对现在学生进网吧成风的现象,你在下周班会上,要谈论这个话题。请你根据所给的要点用英语写一篇80词左右的讲话稿。开头已给出。
Hello! y dear friends,
As we know, a coputer is one of the ost useful inventions in the world.

英 语 试 题 答 案
I. Part One 1—3 BAC
Part Two 1—4 BCAE
Part Three 1—4 CABCB
Part Four 1.two 2. two 3. plays 4. sixteen 5 prograes
II. 1—5 BABCC 6—10 CAABA 11—15 CABCB
III. 1—5 BCACA 6—10 CBCBA 11—15 ACACB
IV. (A) 1—5 FGBDC
(B) 1.I’ sorry to hear that
2. How is she feeling now
3. What did you do in the hospital/ Who looked after her
4. You’re right/ That’s right
5. What can I do for you
V. (A) 1—5 BFEDC
(B) 1—5 TTTFF
(C) 1—5 BABCA
(D) 1. parents 2. heard 3. snow 4. house/roo 5. hungry
(E) 1. I ay go to Rablers’ Club.
2. I ay dial 324788.
3. To Rablers’ Club we can bring our dog with us.
4. We can buy books at World Craft Fair.
5. We can have a great tie with anials in Deeside Anial Park.
VI. One possible version:
(A) To Dear other,
I ay be saying this every day, but I want to thank you for doing everything for e, and ost iportantly, for the wonderful person that you are, and for the ost working-hard person in our faily. I would like to say “I love you, u!”
Fro your loving daughter Alice
(B) Hello, y dear friends,
As we know, coputer is one of the ost useful inventions in the world. As the coputer goes into ore and ore failies, any of you begin to use it and begin to get on line. Internet is very convenient for us. For exaple, we can learn ore knowledge, we can read the news and we can know better about the world on it. But soe of you haven’t used it very well. You have spent too uch tie in playing gaes. Or you ake net friends online, and chat with the all night. It has taken you too uch tie. And you do worse and worse in your lessons. Can you listen to y opinions? I think you’d better not spend too uch tie on school days. And you’d better do soething useful and healthy online. I hope all of you will learn a lot fro the Internet.
That’s all. Thank you.

Part One
Choose the right picture according to the dialogue you hear.
No.1 W: What kind of an can’t you stand?
: I can’t stand the an who is talking for a long tie on the phone. What about you?
W: I can’t stand the an soking in the roo.
Q: What kind of person can’t the an stand?
No.2 W: What do you think is the best pet for a twelve-year-old boy?
: Dogs are the ost popular pets for kids, I think.
W: But I think birds are better.
Q: What pets does the woan think are better for a twelve-year-old boy?
No.3 : To cae back fro Sydney, didn’t he?
W: No, he cae back fro Italy.
: Ha, he changed his idea later.
Q: Where did To coe back fro?
Part Two
atch the best choice fro A to F according to the passage you hear.
W: Hi, ike. Have you ever been to the new park in Beijing?
: No, y other has. But I have been to the new useu.
W: Who have you been there with?
: y father. He said it was very interesting. But I don’t think so.
W: Where are you going during the vacation?
: I’ going to fly to Hong Kong. You know it’s a wonderful place for traveling.
W: Oh, have you ever been there before?
: Yes, this is the third tie. But y father is there no He is waiting for y other and e. And we will be there for three weeks and will be back together. y other is preparing for her first vacation there.
Part Three
Choose the right answer according to the passage you hear.
: Excuse e. Would you ind y sitting here, Ea?
W: Not at all. Sit down, please.
: Would you ind taking away your backpack?
W: OK, I’ll do it right away.
: Is there anything new in today’s newspaper?
W: Yes, look at this article.
: Yeah! Exciting news! Let’s read together.
W: OK, but I think you are sitting very close to e. I’ feeling uncofortable.
: Oh, sorry. Do you ind giving e a piece of paper?
W: Here you are.
: Could you please pass e your pen? ine doesn’t work.
W: Sure.
: Thanks. Here’s another wonderful article. I really want to read the ost wonderful part. Would you ind listening to e?
W: Oh, I can’t stand! Bill. Would you please not talk to e? I can’t read at all.
Part Four
Fill in each blank with one word according to what you hear.
I asked children about their TV watching habits in three different groups-fro four to six, fro seven to twelve and fro thirteen to sixteen. The children in the first group watch TV for an average of two hours in the day and an average of one hour at night. The children in the second group watch it for an average of two and a half hours at night. The children in the third group watch it for an average of one and a half hours at night.
Cartoons are the favorite shows of the first group. The favorite shows of the second group are TV plays and the favorite shows of the third group are quiz prograes.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/34301.html
