
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 7
Class __ __ Nae ______________ ______ _______
( ) 1. What are they talking about?
A. B. C.

( ) 2. Where would Judy like to go if she is free?

A. B. C.

( ) 3. Hoill the weather be toorrow?
A. B. C.

( ) 4. How does To usually go to school?

( ) 5.What do we need to ake fruit salad?
A. B. C.


Brian’s Card
School 6
Country 7
Date of Birth 8
Age 9
Club 10
( ) 6. A. No. 1 iddle B. No. 2 iddle School.C. No. 3 iddle School.
( ) 7. A. Aerica.B. Australia.C. the United Kingdo.
( ) 8. A. October 25th.B. October 15th.C. October 5th.
( ) 9. A. Eleven.B. Twelve.C. Thirteen.
( ) 10. A. The usic club.B. The chess club.C. The English club.
( ) 1、How ________ relish do we need for the shake?
A. soe B. any C. any D. uch
( ) 2、_______ the books in the bookcase, Jerry.
A. Put B. To put C. Putting D. Puts
( ) 3、Don’t eat too uch _______. It can ake you ill.
A. vegetables B. fruit C. eat D. yin food
( ) 4、Here’re two bowls noodles for you.
A. for B. of C. at D. on
( ) 5、I want to watch the ball gae. Can you _______ the TV?
A. turn on B. turn off C. open D. close
( ) 6、Look! There are __________ on the desk.
A. four glasses of ilk B. four glasses of ilks
C. four glass of ilk D. four glass of ilks
( ) 7、A: How do you ake fruit salad?
B: ______ cut up three bananas and a waterelon. Next put the in a bowl.
A. First B. Next C. Then D. Finally
( ) 8、—Why not have a drink in the bar? — _________.
A. Right. B. It’s OK. C. You’re welcoe. D. Good idea.
( ) 9、What do western people eat on Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)?
A. B C D

( ) 10、Do I need _________ for London tonight?
A leave B to leave C leaving D leaves
( ) 11、Cut the apples and then put the the blender.
A. in, up B. on, up C. up, in D. up, on
( ) 12、Put the ingredients in the bowl and _________ , please.
A. ix up it B. ix it up C. ix up the D. ix the up
( ) 13、Which is a good eating habit?
A. Not washing hands before eating B. Eating different foods
C. Talking uch during eals (餐,饭) D. Eating chocolates before eals
( ) 14、How teaspoons of yogurt do you need?
A. any B. uch C. long D. often
( ) 15、—Would you like soe yogurt? — ________________.
A. Yes, I would. B. No, thanks. C. Thank you. D. It doesn’t atter.
The word “sandwich” is an English word. Sandwich was an English _1_. He lived in England about two hundred years ago. Sandwich had a lot of _2_. He was very rich (富有的). But he liked _3_ cards for oney. He often played _4_ day and night. _5_ day he played for twenty-four hours without stopping. He did not _6_ the card table to eat. He asked his an to _7_ hi soe eat and _8_. So he put soe eat between two pieces of bread. He did not want to stop _9_ playing cards. Fro the nae of this an, Sandwich, we have the word “sandwich” _10_.
( ) 1、 A woan B an C place D book
( ) 2、 A oney B food C bread D cards
( ) 3、 A aking B keeping C playing D selling
( ) 4、 A every B only C one D all
( ) 5、 A One B Soe C Next D This
( ) 6、 A hold B leave C put D show
( ) 7、 A use B take C bring D throw
( ) 8、 A ilk B tea C fruit D bread
( ) 9、 A before B when C after D because
( ) 10、 A in shops B at school C today D this year
Every country has its favorite food. Italians like to eat pizza. Indians like to eat hot food. Japanese like to eat fish. Often they don’t cook it.
In England, one of the ost popular kinds of food is fish and chips(炸薯条). People usually buy it in a fish and chip shop. They put it in paper bags, and take it hoe, or to their workplace. Soeties they eat it in the park or on the road. The world’s favorite food is Aerican fast food. If you go to soe iportant cities in the world, you can find people eating haburgers and chips.
Fish and chips, and Chinese take-away(打包) food are very popular in England. But they are less popular in the USA, they eat take-away food, too, like chicken. But the ost popular kind of take-away food is the haburger. It looks like bread with eat in it. Ha (火腿) is a kind of pork, but the haburger does not have any pork in it. The beef is inside a kind of cake haburgers are delicious. They are also popular in England and Australia.
( ) 1. Italians like to eat __________.
A. duplings B. pizza C. hot food D. fish
( ) 2. Fish and chips are very popular in ________.
A. England B. Australia C. the USA D. Canada
( ) 3. In different countries people eat ______ food.
A. different B. the sae C. the different D. sae
( ) 4. The haburger does not have any _______ in it.
A. beef B. pork C. fish D. chips
( ) 5. Haburger is a kind of ______.
A. eat B. drink C. food D. vegetable
"You are welcoe to have dinner with e on Sunday," said John. "But I don't knohere your house is." said Herry.
"It's easy. You get off the bus. Then you cross the road. You take the first on the left. You walk for five inutes. Then you coe to a big tree. You take the second on the right after the tree. About hundred eters down this road there is a big red house. You go past the big house, and after about hundred eters, you'll see a sall yellow house beside a little tree. Open the door with your foot."
"With y foot?" said Henry.
"Why yes," said John, "well, you won't coe to y house with epty (空的) hands, will you?"
( ) 6. Fro the story we know that John asked Henry _______.
A.to go to the cinea B. to have supper with Ji C. to go to the bus stop
( ) 7. "You take the first on the left" eans _______
A. go ahead on the left B. take the first bus on the left
C. take the first road on the left.
( ) 8. How far is it fro the big tree to the big red house?
A. about one hundred eters away. B. five inutes' walk.
C. about five hundres feet
( ) 9. Where was John's house? It was ____.
A. on the right after the big house B. a sall yellow house
C. beside a little tree.
( ) 10. Why did John asked Henry to open the door with his foot? Because henry _______.
A. had no hands B. was afriad to open with his hands
C. would carry a lot of things in his hands.
五.词汇运用: (10分)
1. Please (关掉)off the light before you leave the roo.
2. Don’t _____________(切)up the bananas.
3. Please pass e the ________________(盐).
4. Aericans like to eat _______________ (面包)for breakfast.
5. y o ade a chicken (汤)for e last Sunday.
6. There’s soe snow on the _____________(顶部)of the ountain.
7. Would you like a __________(杯)of green tea?
8. y brother likes ________(三明治)best.
9. Not everyone likes ______________(黄油)in y faily.
10. Can you understand the _________________ (指示)?
arian Well, I love vegetables, all vegetables. I think this is why I like Chinese food so uch.
Graha y favorite is…er…I always have it as soon as I coe…is a full English breakfast. I like eggs, sausage and toatoes best. I love the, not every day but when I’ at hoe.
Lucy Oh, no question, I know exactly what y favorite food is. Spaghetti—Italian noodles —with toato sauce and I like it best when I’ in Italy. The food was wonderful.
Gavin …er…I’ not sure. y…favorite…food is Indian food. Friday night we always go to an Indian restaurant and I have a chicken. It’s the best! I like it ore than chips!
Sally Shh! But y very, very favorite food is chocolate. Chocolate anything, especially just a big box of chocolate. y friend brought it back fro Switzerland for e


Favorite food
七.书面表达(15分): 请你根据提示词,写出制作水果沙拉的过程。
提示词:first, next, then, finally, apple, pear, grape, banana, orange, salad ,crea, sugar, wash, peel, cut, add…to, ix…up, put

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/37767.html
