
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 3
Class_____________ Nae ______________ No.________
( ) 1. Where are you going for vacation?
A. B. C.

( ) 2. How’s the weather in Beijing?
A. B. C.

( ) 3. What is Ji doing for vacation?
A. B. C.

( ) 4. When is Lucy going?
A. B. C.

( ) 5. What kind of food does Lucy want to eat?
A. B. C.

Note book
Where to go: 6.______________
When to leave: 7.______________
How to get there :8.______________
Lunch : 9.______________
Teacher's phone nuber:10.______________
( ) 6. A. A school B. A park C. A town
( ) 7. A.At 8: 30. a B. At 8:00 a C. At 3:00 p
( ) 8. A. By bus B. By train C. By subway
( ) 9. A. Pancakes B. Sandwiches C. Haburgers
( ) 10. A. 13736986520 B. 13763896520 C. 13336988550
( ) 1. -- ________ is he staying? -- He's staying for two onths.
A. How uch B. How often C. How long D. How old
( ) 2. -- ______ are you doing for vacation, Jack? -- I' going to Tibet.
A. What B. When C. How D. Where
( ) 3. -- I' flying to Hainan Island for y vacation this suer.
-- Wonderful! _______
A. Have a good tie. B. I hope so. C. Why not? D. With pleasure.
( ) 4. He is____ his younger sister this evening.
A. look at B. look after C. babysitting D. babysiting
( ) 5. ary is going ______ Deceber, and she's staying_______ three weeks.
A. on; for B. in; for C. at;in D. in;on
( ) 6. I have a neatch. I'll show______ .
A. you it B. it you C. it to you D. it with
( ) 7.--How's the weather there? -- ______
A. It's good. B. Sunny
C. There's a beautiful park. D. The beach is beautiful.
( ) 8. I want to cook ______ for y parents.
A. anything different B. different anything
C. soething different D. different soething
( ) 9. All the students plan to have a very _____ vacation.
A. relax B. relaxing C. relaxed D. relaxes
( ) 10. The suer vacation is coing. You can ask her_____ her plans.
A. for B.at C. in D. about
( ) 11. -- How about _____ fishing there? -- That's a good idea.
A. go B. going C. to go D. goes
( ) 12. Peter wanted to go to Japan, but finally decided ______ China.
A. on B. at C. in D. about
( ) 13. -- Don't forget ______ the windows when you leave. -- I won't.
A. close B. closing C. to close D. closed
( ) 14.--What does your other want you to do? --She hopes _____ a doctor.
A. e to be B. I can be C. e being D. I be
( ) 15. Can you finish the book in about a week?
A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads
What do the people usually do on the weekend? Soe people like to 1 at hoe, but others like to go out for a walk or play football. r Sith 2 hard in a factory during the 3 .On the weekend, he usually 4 the sae thing. On Saturday he washes his car and on 5 he goes with his faily to a village(村庄)by car. His uncle and aunt 6 a far there. It isn’t a big one, but there is always 7 to do on the far. The children help with the anials and give the soe 8 .r and rs Sith help in the field. At the end of the day, they are all 9 and r Sith’s aunt 10 the a big eal.
( ) 1. A. play B. stay C. be D. so
( ) 2. A. works B. does C. akes D. studies
( ) 3. A. day B. year C. week D. onth
( ) 4. A. does B. do C. ake D. has
( ) 5. A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Thursday D. Friday
( ) 6. A. have B. has C. bring D. find
( ) 7. A. uch B. any C. any D. ost
( ) 8. A. food B. rice C. cakes D. fruit
( ) 9. A. hungry B. angry C. full D. sad
( ) 10. A. gives B. puts C. akes D. does
The Blacks are Aerican tourists. They visit now in Beijing. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for three onths. They want to visit soe big cities and villages. They hope to learn soe Chinese, too.
r Black is a taxi driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. rs Black is a school teacher. She is visiting a city school today and a village school toorro Their daughter is a iddle school student. She is going to eet soe Chinese students.
They are taking a lot of pictures in China. When they return to Aerica, they are going to show the pictures to their friends. They want the Aerican people to know ore about China.
( ) 1. The Blacks are fro________.
A. China B. England C. Canada D. the USA
( ) 2. The Blacks are staying in________ no
A. England B. Beijing C. Shanghai D. New York
( ) 3. r Black is________.
A. a teacher B. a doctor C. a taxi driver D. a worker
( ) 4. There are ______ people in r Black's faily.
A. two B. three C. four D. five
( ) 5. Why are they going to show the pictures to their friends when they go back to Aerica?
A. Because the pictures are very beautiful.
B. Because they like China.
C. Because they want the Aerican people to know ore about China.
D. Because they want the Aerican people to coe to China.

五.词汇运用: (10分)
1. Please ___________(送,寄)e a postcard fro Hong Kong.
2. Ben Labert is a _____________(著名的)French singer.
3. I always take vacations in _______________(欧洲).
4. He loves ______________ (大自然).
5. I hope I can _______________(忘记) all y probles.
6. She just _______________ (完成)aking her last ovie.
7. y sister wants to be a ________________(游客)guide.
8. I’ _______________(计划)to spend tie in the beautiful countryside.
9. Would you like ________________ (某物)to eat?
10. His cousin has a nice _______________ (自行车).
Welcoe to Beijing! I’ very happy to guide you to visit this great city. Beijing is the capital (首都) city with any interesting places. The first day, we are visiting Tian’anen Square, the Palace useu and the Teple of Heaven (天坛). They are in the center of the city. So we are just walking there. On the second day, we are going to the Great Wall and the ing Tobs (明十三陵) by bus. They are quite far fro Beijing. So the trip is taking about two hours. The last day we are visiting the Suer Palace, the Ruins of Yuaningyuan and the Fragrant Hills (香).They are in the suburbs (郊区), and we are getting there by taxi. It’s just half an hour’s bus ride. In a word, all these places are worth the tie. I’ sure you are enjoying yourselves.
placestransportationTie spend on the way
The first day(1)(2)?
The second day(3)bus(4)
The last daythe Suer Palace(5)Half an hour
A vacation plan

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/37944.html
