
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

仁爱八年级下 期末英语 练习二
1.r.Fat is a r an. He can buy everything he wants.
2.Ji Green is a foreigner. But he can travel to China easily because he has a p .
3.Yaoing is an e basketball player. He plays basketball very well in NBA.
4.The beautiful glass is b , so rs.Green has to buy another one.
5.aria’s Father is a good worker. He can c the achine(机器) easily.
6. The teacher cae in with a big s_____. She was so happy.
7 Stupid is another way of saying s_____.
8. The edicine tasted b_____ and the boy spat it out(吐出)。
9. Follow the doctor’s a______ and you will get well soon.
10. Think it over before aking iportant d_____, especially when you are in a bad ood.
1.You can (打电话给)e if you get to Fuzhou. I will eet you.
2. (起初),we didn’t like swiing at all.
3.rs.Lee is (对……严格要求)us. Sh e often akes us do lots of hoework.
4.I a not a child any ore. I can (处理) y own business(事情).
5.Don’t (放弃),you’ll succeed soon.
6. y father ______ ______ ______ (对……感到满意) y good results at school.
7. We will ______ ______(轮流) to clean our classroo.
8. You can ______ ______(打电话给) e if you get to Fuzhou. I will eet you.
9. Our ath teacher is very patient and explains things to us _____ _____ _____ _____. (一次又一次)。
10. ______ ______ ______ (别急)! We will help you.
()1.The boring fil on TV ake e to sleep.
A.wantsB.to wantC.want
()2.ichael often spends his weekends his grandparents.
()3.“It’s a piece of good news.” “Yes. good news it is!”
A.WhatB.What aC.How
()4.Love e Once ore, o is so that I cry again and again.
()5.The an is so sad because the poor business.
()6.A: Why is the woan worried? B: she lost her little son.
()7.r.Lee will be happy because he will have tickets Titanic.
()8.Jane looks so because she has a wonderful pet dog.
()9.A: What Helen ? B: She is helpful. She always helps others in need.
A.is; likeB.does; look likeC.looks; like
()10.Study hard, or your other will worry about falling others.
()11.There is in Today’s newspaper. It’s dull.
A.nothing newB.new nothingC.everything new
()12.It is iportant for us English well.
A.studyingB.studyC.to study
()13.A: Tony won 200 etres race in our school sports eeting B: .
A.Do wellB.Well doneC.Does well
()14.r. Lee wants e to give in front of the class every day.
A.speakB.speechC.a speech
()15.We can’t ake before we think it over carefully.
A.decideB.decisionC.a decision
( ) 16. The dish _____ nice.
A. sounds B. sells C. feels
( ) 17. I felt tired ______ I worked late last night.
A. because B. whenC. if
( ) 18. He is not as ______ as his younger brother.
A. strongB. strongerC. strongest
( ) 19. — y watch ______. — Don’t worry. Let’s go to the Lost and Found.
A. is lostB. is brokenC. has found
( ) 20. Don’t worry. There is ______ tie to go.
A. soeB. fewC. little
( ) 21. He said ______ his English teacher last year.
A. thanks toB. thanks for C. thank
( )22. y other usually gets used to ______ late.
A. go to bedB. go ing to bedC. getting to the bed
( ) 23. The sile on her face shows that she is ______ her work.
A. worried about B. pleased with C. sorry for
( ) 24. All the children like r. White very uch because he often akes the _____.
A. laughedB. laughC. laughing
( ) 25. We ust ______ our classates at school.
A. got along withB. get along with C. get along
( ) 26. The old an feels ______ and ______.
A. alone; disappointed B. lonely; disappointed C. lonely; disappointing
( ) 27. I hope everything ______ well.
A. goesB. go C. gone
( ) 28. The teacher explained it ______ the students carefully.
A. toB. withC. at
( ) 29. Listening to usic is a good way to help us be ore ______ .
A. relaxedB. relaxC. relaxing
( ) 30. Think it over before ______ iportant decisions.
A. to akeB. akeC. aking

Last year an __1__ an cae to visit us. He is Russian Preseident Vladiir Putin. Putin was born in st. Petersburg, Russia’s second 2 city, in 1952. He cae to office in 2000. Four years later, he was a gain the _ _3 .
Putin does a good job _4 __ Russia great. People say that he is serious and capable(有能力的). But young Putin wasn ’t a top student at all. His student’s books and diaries fro 40 years ago show this. At a tie when the top ark 5 five, Putin got three for ath and science. His art was even 6 , only two. He soeties, forgot __7 his ath hoework. Once he forgot to wear school unifor. His teacher had to ask hi to get out of the classroo. But Putin did very well in the oral class(品德). He always got full arks. He also 8 a strong love of Russia at an early age.
other: Kate! It’s late. Why are you still in bed? You ust get up and get ready for 1 . If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late.
Kate: I don’t 2 very well.
other: Oh dear! What’s wrong?
Kate: I don’t __3 . y head hurts.
other: Really? If you are __4 , you’ll have to_ 5 the doctor.
Kate: Can I have soe breakfast first?
other: No, you _6_ eat anything until you see the doctor.
Kate: o, I feel a little __7 no
The following is what Elsa fro the Swedish Rock Band writes about her father.
y father was born in Stockhol in 1948. He 1 there for eighteen years. He was good at languages, 2 he wasn’t good at science. He liked sports, and his 3 sport was football. In 1958, when he was 4 years old, the Football World Cup was in Sweden. He went to see any of the. When he was 1ears old, he started to play for Liverpod—a faous English tea. He et y other in Liverpod, and they got 5 in 1967.
Everyone likes to live in a clean and cofortable environent. If the enviroent is 6 , it will ake us not feel well. Soeties we ay be terribly ill. At that tie we don’t want to 7 , we have to stay in bed and rest at 8 . So the environent is very iportant to us. It is gers(细菌)that akes us ill. There are gers everywhere. They are very sall and we can’t 9 the with our own eyes. To keep us healthy, we should try our best to ake our environent becoe cleaner and tidier. This needs us to act 10 .
()6.A.bad B.good C.nice
()7.A.sleep B.drinkC.work
()8.A.school B.hoeC.hotels
()9.A.feel B.find C.get
()10.A.together B.slowlyC.quietly
y sister is an air hostess(空中小姐).
Yesterday orning y sister was at the back of the plane. She was going to take food and drinks to the passengers. A little old woan cae up to her and said, “Could you please tell e where the Ladies’ Roo is?”
“Certainly, ada.” answered y sister,“It’s right at the other end of the plane in the front.”
The old woan went too far. She walked all the way to the front of the plane, opened the door in front of her and saw the captain (机长)and his workates in the sall roo. They were all busy with their work and didn’t see her. She went out again and cae back to y sister.
“Oh, didn’t you find it?”asked y sister.
“Yes, I did.” said the little old woan,“But there were four en in the Ladies’ Roo watching TV!”
()1. y sister works .
A.in a planeB.in a shopC.in a train
()2.y sister’s duty is .
A.to take food and drinks to the passengers(乘客)
B.to show the toilets to the passengers C.to help the passengers
()3.The old woan didn’t knohere the Ladies’ Roo was because .
A.She travelled by plane for the first tie
B.She wanted to talk with y sister C.There weren’t any toilets in the plane
()4.The old woan went in the .
A.en’s rooB.control cabin(驾驶舱) C.sitting roo
()5.The old woan thought .
A.the four en watched TV in the Ladies’ Roo
B.y sister fooled (捉弄)her C.the Ladies’ Roo was at the back of the plane
aria, Jane and ary
aria was very happy. She was at a new school, and the students were friendly. “Hi, aria!” they said. But soe students said, “Hi, Jane!” aria didn’t understand. She asked another student. “Why do soe students call e Jane?”“Oh,” t he student said, “Jane was a student here last year. Now she goes to a different school. You look like Jane. So soe students think that you’re Jane.”
aria wanted to see Jane. She got Jane’s adderss fro a student and went to Jane’s house. aria couldn’t believe her eyes. She really looked like Jane! They had the sae colour eyes and the sae sile. They had the sae black hair and their birthdays were on the sae day. And they were both adopted(领养)by two different failies.
Later aria and Jane found out that they were twin sisters. Soon after the girls were born, one faily adopted aria, and another faily adopted Jane. aria’s faily never know about Jane and Jane’s faily never know about aria.
aria and Jane’s story was in the newspaper. There was a photo of aria and Jane next to the story. A girl naed ary saw the photo in the newspaper. ary couldn’t believe her eyes. She really looked like aria and Jane! And she, too, was adopted by a third faily.
Later ary et aria and Jane. When aria and Jane saw ary, they were very surprised. ary really looked like the! Why did ary look like aria and Jane? You can guess. aria and Jane are not twins. aria Jane and ary are triplets(三胞胎).
()1. aria was at the new school.
()2.Soe students thought .
A.Jane was ariaB.aria was ary C.aria was Jane
()3.aria saw Jane .
A.in Jane’s house B. at schoolC.in the classroo
()4.ary knew the story fro .
A.the newspaperB.a bookC.other people
()5.aria, Jane and ary were .
A an saw a boy standing beside a lake with a irror (镜子).“Excuse e,” he said, “but could you tell e what you’re doing?”
“I’ fishing.”
“With a irror? Could you tell e how it works?”the an asked.
“OK, but I want five dollars.”
The an wanted to know the secret very uch, so he handed the boy the oney.“Now show e how it works,” he said. “Well”, the boy began, “you hold (拿) the irror towards the water, and when a fish goes by, the sunlight in the irror gives hi a surprise. He stops and doesn’t knohat to do, and then you catch hi at once. ”The an was surprised, “Can you really catch fish with the irror? How any did you catch?”
“You’re the fifth today!” replied the boy.
()1.The an wanted to look at the boy’s irror.
()2.The an gave the boy five dollars.
()3.The boy caught five fish that day.
()4.The boy got fifteen dollars that day.
()5.When the an heard the boy’s words, he would be very happy.
[提示词]Beijing Opera京剧 necklace项链

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/38484.html
