Which sport will you take part in

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 1 Playing sports
Topic 3 Which sport will you take part in?
Section A
The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本重点活动是1a和2a。
Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 目标
1.Learn some useful words and expressions:
foreigner, foreign, e-mail, address, reason, have fun with, lots of, maybe, duck, make friends with, perhaps, coffee
2.Talk about how to apply to join the English club and the reasons for joining it:
(1)I want to join the Ren’ai English Club.
(2)Why do you want to join our club?
3.Practice the Simple Future Tense:
(1)Because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.
(2)Speaking English will help me make more foreign friends.
(3)It will be my first time in China.
(4)I will enjoy lots of delicious Chinese food.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指方案
Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)
1. (复习Would you mind doing…句型,引出生词。)
T:S1, would you mind telling me your favorite sport and sports player?
S1: O. y favorite sport is basketball, and my favorite sports player is Yao ing.
T:Where is Yao ing from?
S1: He is from Shanghai.
T:Oh, he is Chinese.
S2: Would you mind telling me your favorite sport and sports player?
S2: Where is he / she from?
S3: He / She is from…

T:Very good! Do you knoho is my favorite sports player?
Ss: Your favorite sports player is ichael Jordan.
T: Yes. Is he Chinese?
Ss: No, he isn’t.
T:You are right. He comes from a foreign country. He is a foreigner.
foreign foreigner
(老师出示几幅外国人的图片,罗纳尔多(Ronaldo),贝克汉姆(Beckham), 齐达内(Zidane)等。)
T:Look at this picture, who is he?
Ss: He is Ronaldo.
T:Where is he from?
Ss:He is from Brazil.
T:Yes, he is from a foreign country. He is a foreigner.
2. (复习经常做运动的原因,导入新。)
T:Now, who can tell me why you do exercise?
S4:I want to be strong.
S5:I want to be healthy.
S6:I want to be a sports player like Yao ing.
T:Good! Do you knohy I exercise every day? Can you guess?
S8:I think you want to be healthy.
S9:I think you want to keep fit.
T:Yes, you are right. But I do exercise also because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.
T: Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.
T: Great! In this Topic, we’ll talk about the 2008 Olympics.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)[
1. T:We all know, Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics. Do you want to take part in it?
Ss: Yes, of course.
T:Good. You all want to take part in it, what will you have to do?
S1: I have to do the exercise every day.
S2: I will practice running in the morning.
S3: I am going to play soccer every day.
T:Well done! But there is another important thing. That is we must speak English well. Do you think so?
Ss: Yes, we think so.
Ss: Because there will be more and more foreigners in Beijing in 2008.
T:Yes. S5, do you want to speak English well?
S5: Sure.
S5: Because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.
T:Oh, that’s your reason.
T: We all want to speak English well, but how to practice it. I think we should join the Ren’ai English Club.
the Ren’ai English Club
T: S6, do you want to join the Ren’ai English Club?
S6: Yes, of course.
T: Why do you want to join the club?
S6: Because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.
2. (听录音,呈现1a内容。)
T: Boys and girls. You are all very good. Now, please listen to 1a and answer the following questions.
(1)What does Fan Zhiwei want to do?
(2)What does he do?
(3)Why does he want to join the English Club?
3. (独立完成1b。)
T: Read the dialog again, then finish 1b by yourselves.
4. 让学生自读1a,找出1a重难点,教师引导并帮助学生解决重难点。

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)
1. (找几组学生到讲台前表演1a的内容。)
(注:为体现场景的真实性,把教室的一角装饰为the Ren’ai English Club让一学生化妆为司机模样。)
2. (模仿1a,编写对话,完成1c。)
T: Suppose you want to join a club, such as a football club, a basketball club, a music club, an English club and so on. Please make a similar dialog with your partner according to 1a.
3. (根据1b中Fan Zhiwei的信息,写一篇介绍他的小短。)
For example:
Fan Zhiwei is a taxi driver. He wants to join the Ren’ai English Club. Because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics. …
Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (通过谈论到北京旅游,引入2a。)
T:If you travel to Beijing in 2008. What do you want to do?
S1: I want to watch the games.
S2: I want to visit the Great Wall.
S3: I want to see the animals in Beijing Zoo.
T:Yes, when you travel to Beijing, you can visit lots of places of interest. You can also enjoy a
lot of delicious food, such as Beijing Roast Duck.
Beijing Roast Duck
lots of = a lot of = many / much
the places of interest
T:Do you like Beijing Roast Duck, S5?
S5: Yes, very much. / No, I don’t.
T:Boys and girls, we all know, Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics, I think a lot of foreign friends will come to Beijing in 2008, do you think so?
Ss:Yes, we think so.
T:Do you knohat they want to do? Can you guess? When you answer, please use the words “aybe” or “Perhaps”. For example: you can say “aybe / Perhaps they will come to Beijing to take part in the 2008 Olympics.”
maybe = perhaps
S6:aybe / Perhaps they will see a lot of places of interest in Beijing.
S7:aybe / Perhaps they will enjoy Beijing Roast Duck.
T:Good. Now read the four short passages in 2a and check whether you guess right or not.
T:Read the passage again, then finish 2b by yourselves.
2. (根据2a内容改写情景对话。)
T: Work in groups and play the roles of Alex, ozum, Rui or Carol and a reporter, who asks th
em what they want to do in Beijing in 2008. You can do like this:
S9:Welcome to Beijing!
S10(Alex): Thank you!
S9:Could you please tell me your name?
S9:What will you do if you come to Beijing in 2008?
S10:I want… / I think I will…

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Reasons for joining the Ren’ai English Club:

2. Homework:
For example:
I want to go to Beijing most. Because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics. I want to see all the places of interest there. Beijing Roast Duck is my favorite food. I will…
What will Beijing be like in 2008?
Section A
foreign — foreignerWhy do you join our Club?
the Ren’ai English Clubore and more foreigners will ride in my taxi.
Beijing Roast DuckSpeaking English will help me make more
lots of = a lot of = many / muchforeign friends.
maybe = perhapsIt will be my first time in China.
make friends withI think I will have fun with them.
the places of interest
have fun with sb.
Section B
The main activities are 1a and 3. 本重点活动是1a和3。
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. Learn some useful words and expressions:
plant, shall, hole, enough, fill, fill … with …, earth, pick, theater
2. Learn about the Simple Future Tense with “shall”:
(1)When shall we meet?
(2)Where shall we meet?
3.Learn about expressions on making appointments.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:15分钟)
1. (设置一个打电话的小情景,让同学们复习以前学过的打电话的内容。)
2. (复习一般将时,引出shall的用法。)
T:Discuss what you will do for the 2008 Olympics.
S1:I will go to Beijing to…
S2:I will study English well because…

T:Stop, please! What will you do for the 2008 Olympics, S3?
S3:I will practice running because…
T: (指着S3)S4, what will he / she do for the 2008 Olympics?
S4:He/She will practice running because…
T:Good. S5, what will you do for the 2008 Olympics?
S5:I will join the Ren’ai English Club to practice English.
T:Great! You can also say “I shall…” instead of “I will …”. Say it again, please!
S5:I shall join…
T:You are right.
T:(指着S5):S¬6, what will he do…?
S6:He shall join…
T:Boys and girls, we can say: “We shall…” or “I shall…”. But we can’t say “He shall…” ,“You Shall…” or “They shall…”. Do you understand?
(此时,可再让同学们用shall和will分别说出一些句子,以便巩固shall 和will的用法。)
T:O, for the 2008 Olympics, some students want to study English, some students want to… But I want to plant trees.
T:What’s the boy doing?
Ss: He is planting trees.(可帮助学生回答。)
T:Can you plant trees?
Ss: es, I can. / No, I can’t.
T:Why do I want to plant trees, do you know?
Ss: Why?
T:Because more and more foreign friends will come to China in 2008. I want to make our country more beautiful. Do you think so?
Ss: Yes, I think so.
T:O, do you want to plant trees? How to plant trees? In Section B, we will talk about it.
Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)
1. (通过设置与1a有关的情景,导入新。)
T: Boys and girls, we all want to make our country more beautiful. So we must plant more trees. Now, suppose you want to plant trees in Olympic Park with your friend. Please make a telephone call to your partner to invite him to plant trees. Don’t forget to use “When shall we meet?” and “Where shall we meet?” in your dialog.
For example:
S1: Hello, is that…?
S2: Speaking.
S1: Would you like to plant trees in…
S2: Yes, I’d love to.
S1: When shall we meet?
S2: …
S1: Where shall we meet?
S2: …

2. (听两遍1a录音,完成下面表格,用幻灯片展示表格或出示小黑板。)
Where to plant
When to plant
Where to meet
When to meet
1.—Is that ichael?
2.What about another time?
3.Let’s make it half past six.
4.Where shall we meet?
3. (独立完成1b。)
T: Read the dialog in 1a again, then finish 1b by yourselves.
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)
1. (读1a并表演。)
T: Read the dialog in 1a again. I will ask some students to act it out in the front. Go, please!
2. (根据1a内容,写一个电话留言。)
Telephone essage

3. (根据1a对话内容,重新设置一个对话内容。)
T: Suppose you are Wang Lin. You want to invite your friend Li Lei to join the Ren’ai English Club together next Sunday. But Li Lei has to help his mother with the housework on that day. He will be free next Saturday. So you will meet at the school gate at 8 a.m. next Saturday Please make a similar phone dialog according to 1a.
For example:
Wang: Hello, is that Li Lei?
Li Lei: Speaking.
Wang: …
Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (通过多媒体,学习生词,也可用图片展示场景。)
T:Boys and girls, we all know it is important to plant more trees in our hometown. But do you know how to plant trees? Let’s look at the screen.
T:What are they doing?
Ss:They are planting trees.
T:Yes, look at the boy.(呈现一幅一个男孩在挖坑的图片。)
What’s the boy doing?
He is making a hole.
T:Can he put the tree into the hole?
Ss:No, he can’t.
Ss:Because it’s too small.
T:Yes, the hole isn’t big enough.
big enough
T:Look at the picture. Please say some sentences with the word “enough”.
S1: He is tall enough.
S2: He runs fast enough.
T:Now, the hole is big enough for the tree, right?
Ss: Yes, it’s big enough.
T:What will he do next? Look,(屏幕上显示男孩正往坑里填土。)what’s he doing now? Oh, he is filling the hole with earth.(回放填土的动作,最后显示浇树的动作,结束放映。)
fill earth
T:Now I think you all know how to plant trees. Please listen to the tape in 2. Finish it by yourselves.
2. (展示一些表示天气的图片,谈论天气情况和计划要做的事情。)

T:Look at picture 1. What will the weather be like this weekend?
Ss: It will be…
T:What about going…?
Ss: Good idea!/Really? When shall we go?
T:We shall go…
Ss: When and where shall we meet?
T:Let’s meet…

3. (分组对话,参照示例完成3。)
T: Now please look at the three notes in Activity 3. ake a similar dialog according to the example.
pick theater
4. (找两组学生表演对话。)
Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
For example:
It will be sunny this Sunday. y classmates and I will go hiking. We will go to the… . We will meet…
What will Beijing be like in 2008?
Se ction B
plant trees1.Where shall we meet?
big enough2.Let’s make it half past six.
fill… with…3.The hole should be big enough for a tree.
pick apples 4.What will the weather be like this weekend?
go to the movies
climb a mountain

Section C
The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本重点活动是1a和2a。
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1.Learn some useful words and expressions:
the People’s Republic of China(PRC), winner, grass, visitor, improve, environment, ourselves
2.Learn “There be” sentence pattern in the Simple Future Tense:
(1)There will be more roads.
(2)There will be more subways.
3.Talking about the Olympic games:
(1)The People’s Republic of China took part in the Olympics for the first time in 1952.
(2)Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games in the year 2008.
4.Review the Simple Past Tense and the Simple Future Tense:
(1)China won 28 gold medals in the 2000 Sydney Olympics…
(2)Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games.
(3)How old will you be in 2008?
(4)What will you do for the Beijing Olympics in 2008?
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:15分钟)
1. (教师谈论过去发生的事情,引导学生复习一般过去时。)
T:I went to the park last Sunday. What about you, S1?
S1:I went to the zoo last Saturday. What about you, S2?
S2:I watched TV at home. What about you, S3?
2. (引导学生分组讨论将为2008年北京奥运会做些什么,复习一般将时。)
T:What will happen in Beijing in 2008?
Ss: Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.
T:Yes. What will you do for it? Please discuss it.
S1: I will / shall plant more trees.
S2: I will / shall study English well.
S3: I will do exercise often.

S4: S1 will plant more trees. S2 will practice running. S3 will study English well. …
3. (展示一些中国奥运冠军的图片,学习奥运知识和相关词汇,激发爱国热情,从而导入新。)
T:Boys and girls, do you want to take part in the 2008 Olympics?
Ss: Yes, of course.
T:Great! China took part in many Olympic games. A lot of good players won lots of gold medals. Look at these pictures, I will show you some pictures of those good players.

(王军霞) (李宁) (刘翔) ( )
T:Picture 1. Who is she? Do you know?
Ss:She is Wang Junxia.
T:What’s she good at?
Ss:She is good at long running.
T:Look at picture 4. Who is he?
Ss:(因为未注名字,学生可能不知道。) I don’t kno
T:He is Xu Haifeng. He won China’s first gold medal in 1984. So he was the winner of the first gold medal for China in Olympics.
T:When Xu Haifeng got the gold medal, all of Chinese People were so excited because our national flag was first raised in the Olympics. The People’s Republic of China, the name of our country, was first mentioned in the Olympics. We should remember that moment. Here, The People’s Republic of China is the full name of China.
PRC = The People’s Republic of China
T:Boys and girls, I thi nk we all should remember this first winner’s name. But in which Olympic Game did he get the gold medal? Do you want to know? Let’s learn about it in 1a.
Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)
1. (要求学生们有目的地去阅读1a。)
T:Please open your books. Turn to page 21. Read 1a and answer the following questions.
(1)When did China take part in the Olympics for the first time?
(2)In which Olympic Games did Xu Haifeng get the first gold medal?
(3)How many gold medals did we get in the 2000 Olympics and 2004 Olympics?
(4)Which Olympic Games will China host?
2. (再读1a,完成1b。)
3. (通过展示一些与1a有关的奥运会图片,完成1c。)
T:In 1a, we learned about several Olympics. Now let’s talk about them.

T:Please look at the pictures. Do you knohat they are? If you don’t know, you can ask me like this: “Which Olympics is that?” or “What is it?”
S1: Which Olympics is that in picture 1?
T:This is Los Angeles Olympics.
S2: What is that in picture 2?
T:It is Los Angeles Olympics mascot.
Olympics mascot
S3: Which Olympics is this?
S4: This is…
S5: Which Olympics mascot is this?
S6: This is…
T:Good. Now look at 1c, here are five pictures. They are the mascots for the Beijing Olympics. Do you knohat they stand for? Discuss their meanings in groups.
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)
1. (听录音1a,并跟读1a。)
T:Listen to the tape and repeat, pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and stress. When you are lis tening, underline the key words.
2. (复述1a。)
T:Please retell the passage in 1a. The key words can help you.
take part in, first time, Xu Haifeng, won, got gold medals, 2000 Sydney Olympics, 2004 Athens Olympics, host, the 29th
Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)
1. (通过师生对话,引入2a,学习生词及There will be结构。)
T:Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics. Do you want to visit Beijing in 2008, S1?
S1:Sure / Of course.
T:What about you, S2?
S2:Yes, I want to go.
T:Will you visit Beijing in 2008, S3?
S3: Of course.

T:Oh. I think you will become the Beijing visitors in 2008. Can you guess the word “visitor”?
T: When you visit Beijing in 2008, what will Beijing be like? Can you guess? Please say some sentences using the structure “There will be more…”
There will be…
(一开始,学生可能想象不出2008年北京将变得怎样,老师可以给学生一些英语提示,如:What about roads? What about visitors? What about buildings?引导学生。)
T:Who wants to try?
S1: There will be more roads.
S2: There will be more foreigners.

T:Do you think there will be more trees?
Ss: Yes, I think so.
T:Right, I think there will be more grass, too.
T:There will be more roads, more visitors, more buildings in 2008. Then, what should we do for the 2008 Olympics? Please look at 2a, discuss the topics in groups according to the examples.
For example:
T:What will Beijing be like in 2008?
S3:There will be more roads.
T:What should we do in 2008?
S4:We should improve our environment.

Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)
1. (做调查,完成表格。)
T:Now, please make a survey in our class using the questions in 2b, then finish the form.
NameAge in 2008What’s he / she doing now for the Beijing OlympicsWhat will he / she do for the Beijing Olympics in 2008?
Li Wei16learning English wellhelp foreign friends

2. Homework:
What will Beijing be like in 2008?
Section C
win — winner Where will ichael and angkang meet?
Olympics mascots There will be more roads.
improve our environment Beijing will host the 29th Olympic games in the year 2008.
build ourselves up
PRC = the People’s Republic of China.

Section D
The main activities are 1a and 5. 本重点活动是1a和5。
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. Learn some useful words and expressions:
modern, ring, symbol, least, at least, be fond of
2. Review and summarize the Simple Future Tense.
3. Go on learning something about the Olympics.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)
1. (用图片复习,导入新。)
Work in pairs. The teacher shows pictures or phrases to ask the students to answer questions. The teacher can give a model first.
(Show the phrase:Take part in the Olympics for the first time.)
T:When did China take part in the Olympics for the first time?
Ss:In 1952 China took part in the Olympics for the first time.
T:Who won the first gold medal in the Olympics in the history of China?
Ss: Xu Haifeng.
T:Who is he? Did he get a gold medal in the Olympics?
Ss: He is Liu Xiang. Yes. He got a gold medal in Athens Olympics.
(展示悉尼奥运会吉祥物图下注明时间和地点“2000 Sydney”。)
S1: Which Olympics mascots are these?
S2:They are Sydney Olympics mascots.
(展示雅典奥运会吉祥物,图下要有时间和地点“2004 Athens”。)
S3:Which Olympics mascots a re these?
S4:These are Athens Olympics mascots.
S5:Which Olympic mascots are these?
S6:They are Beijing Olympics mascots.
T:Stop, please! Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics. It’s our dream to host the Olympics. Wha t should we do for the Olympics? Please discuss it.
S1:We should build up our bodies.
S2:We should make our country more beautiful.
S3:We should let more foreign people know our country.

T:Good. Do you want to know more about the Olympics? O, let’s talk about it in Section D.
Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)
T: Today we will talk more about the Olympics. Look at the blackboard.(老师在黑板上张贴一张白纸同时在纸上用红色彩笔画上一个环。)
Ss: It’s a…(环)
T: Yes. In English we can call it “ring”.
T: How many rings are there?
Ss: There are five.
T: What color are they?
Ss: They are red, yellow, blue, green and black.
T: Right! Do you knohat they are? They are the symbol of the Olympic Games.
T: But what do the rings stand for? Who can tell me?
T: They stand for five parts of the world. But do you knohat the motto of Beijing Olympics is? You can look at the picture in 2b on page 22. What is it? Who can tell me?
S1: One World, One Dream!
T: That’s right. Do you want to knohen the modern Olympics started? What is its motto? Please listen to the tape in 1a and answer the questions.
(1)When did the modern Olympic Games start?
(2)What is its motto?
(3)What’s the symbol of the Olympic Games?
T: Now open your books, listen to the tape in 1a again and fill in the blanks by yourselves.
at least [:学科网]
Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)
1. (核对1a答案后,给出关键词, 让同学们试着复述1a。)
modern Olympics, started, motto, rings, symbol, stand for, color, at least, every country
2. (再读1a,完成1b。)
T: Now, please look at 1b, complete the reading notes by yourselves.
3. (把1a改编为一个小对话,加以巩固。最好用上本单元topic 2所学的表达请求的句型,如:Would you mind…, Would you please…?等。)
For example:
T:When did the modern Olympics start?
Ss:In 1896.
T:Would you mind telling me its motto?
Ss:Its motto is “Faster, higher, stronger”.
T:Could you please tell me its symbol?
Ss:Five rings.
T:What do they stand for?
Ss:They stand for the five parts of the world.
T:What colors are the rings?
Ss:They are…
Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)
1. (独立完成2,并核对答案。)
2. (老师引导学生用“will”、“shall”复习一般将时。)
T: Suppose we will go to the Olympic village. ake a telephone call to invite your good friends to go with us.
T:Hello, is that…speaking?
T:Will you go to the Olympic Village with me this Saturday?
S1:I’d love to. But I’m afraid I have to …

S2:Hello, is that…speaking.
S2:Would you like to…
S3:Good idea! When shall we meet?
S2:Let’s make it…

3. (放录音3a,跟读。)
T: Now let’s go over and summarize the useful expressions. Then I’ll ask some students to write them down on the blackboard.
4. (为巩固本话题的语言知识,进行单元小测试。)
1)There will be more and more foreign v in 2008.
2)Xu Haifeng is the first w in the China’s Olympic history.
3)When you plant trees, you should dig a hole big e .
4)We should improve our E for the 2008 Olympics.
5)Please fill out your e-mail a in this form.
1)Would you mind (fill) out the form.
2)It will be sunny on Saturday. What about (go) hiking.
3)— When we (meet) tomorrow?
— Let’s make it half past six.
4)He (visit) Beijing in 2008.
5)Beijing (host) the 29th Olympic Games.
(3)Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

1)There will be a party at 24 oaklands park.
2)Tom likes classical music. Will he listen to it on onday?

3)Will you go to watch a wonderful soccer game? Go to on Saturday, July 3.
4)You can watch at the oxie Theater. It will be on show at 8 p.m.
Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:6分钟)
We know the 2008 Olympic Games mascots. Please search the mascots of other Olympics on the Internet. Fill in the form.

OrderYear cityascot
20 th
21 st
22 nd
23 rd
24 th
25 th
26 th
27 th
28 th
29 th
What will Beijing be like in 2008?
Section D
the motto of…The Olympic rings are the symbol of the Olympic Games.
at leastThey stand for the five parts of the world.
modern OlympicsWhy won’t ichael go to plant trees this saturday?
be fond of

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/38743.html

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