
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

时间:100分钟 满分:100分
第一卷 (,共计60分)
1.Look,Tina is waiting ______ the bus stop.
A.for B.at C.in D.to
2. ---Have you ______ Beijing?
---Yes,and the ______ the Great Wall is wonderful.
A.visited; visited to B.visited to;visit to
C.visited; visit to D. visit to; visit
3. Opposite _____ a large house _____ a beautiful garden.
A.has;w ith B.has;has C.with;has D.is;with
4. ---It’s half an hour’s walk fro here to the bus station.
---Don’t worry.I’ll _____ you there.
A.bring B.get C.carry D.take
5. The Chairan ao eorial Hall is _____ the Great Hall of the People _____ the useu.
A.fro;to B.both;and C.between;and D.not only;but also
6. I felt very _____ when I heard his pet dog died last night.
A.lovely B.excited C.nervously D.sorry
7. The flowers in the garden ______ sweet.
A.sound B.taste C.becoe D.sell
8. Soe people talk _____ but do little.
A.a lot B.a little C. lots of D.a bit
9. Let e ______ Tony and Daing ______ you.
A .introduce; to B. to i ntroduce; for
C. introduce; for D. to introduce; to
10. ---What does he look like?
--- ____________.
A. He looks strong B. He is kind
C. He likes chocolate D. He is friendly
11. The boy _____ theselves last night, did they?
A.enjoyed B.didn’t enjoy C.haven’t enjoy D.have enjoyed
12. How long ______ your factory ______?
A.has;opened B.has;been open C.did;open D.had;opened
13. ______ of years have passed and soe anials have disappeared fro the Earth.
A.Hundred B.Five illion C.Thousand D.illions
14. --- Would you like to go shopping with e?
--- Sorry, I have a lot of work ______.
A.to do B.did C.do D.to be done
15. --- Sa, would you ind if I open the windo
--- __________.
A.Of course not; go ahead B.Yes, please
C.Of course, do as you like D.No, you’d better not
Once there were soe anials going to a town to have a party. The ___1___ was like a fireball in the sky. There was not any cloud and no ___2___ was blowing.
Little Pig and Little ouse cae to the bus stop to wait for the bus. They were sweating. They thought how __3___ it would be if the wind ble Then Yellow Dog and Little Cock cae,too. Oh, how cool it would be if it rained, they thought. Now Little Panda and Little onkey also cae to ___4__ for t he bus. They thought how good it would be if the clouds blocked the sun.
At that tie Big Elephant was coing fro the river. Oh, he was here to wait for the bus, too. Big Elephant stood in ___5__ of the Little Panda.“Big Elephant, please stand behind us.You ust wait for your turn.”the anials said. But Bid Elephant didn’t ___6__. Everyone was unhappy, and no one was ___7___ enough to push hi away.
“Ah!The sun was blocked!”they raised their heads and found it was the elephant.“Oh,it was raining?”No, it was the ___8___ fro the elephant’s nose.Then the elephant’s ears bleind. They all felt cool no
The bus cae. Big elephant said,“I didn’t stand in
line.After you.”The anial got on the bus,but the big elephant
was ___9___ at the bus stop. When the bus left, they saw Big
Elephant walk back to the river. They ___10___ and said,“Thank
you,Big Elephant.”
1. A.apple B.sun C.bird D.ball
2. A.rain B.snow C.wind D.ice
3. A.cool B.wet C.hot D.shy
4. A.look B.pay C.run D.wait
5. A.front B.left C.right D.back
6. A.know B.ove C.eat D.read
7. A.happy B.young C.strong D.fat
8. A.ilk B.fire C.oil D.water
9. A.still B.really C.already D.just
10.A.cried B.listened C.went D.understood
One day,I was cooking with y friend Sandy in the kitchen.Suddenly, Sandy cut her finger. I went to her quickly.But to y surprise, I saw coputer chips in her finger.
“Now you know y secret,you have to die!”Sandy said and picked up the knife.“No,please,Sandy.Aren’t we good
friends?”I shouted.But berore Sandy could say anything, she
“Oh,Sandy,”I took her to hospital in a hurry. After a doctor
checked her ,he said,“I’ afraid we can’t help her.Why don’t
you take her to a robot center?”
I hurried to a robot center. A few days later, Sandy was
well.She asked,“ary,why did you save e even after I tried
to kill you?”
“Because I’ sure you are y friend.Can you tell e where
you are fro?”
“I’ fro another planet.It’s far fro here.Thank
you,y friend.Now I see how friendly people are on the Earth.”
Two days later,a UFO cae and picked her up.Since
then,I’ve never seen her.
1.What was Sandy doing when she cut her finger?
A.She was watching a fil naed UFO.
B.She was cooking in the kitchen.
C.She was getting ready for the coing party.
D.She was doing soe shopping with her friends.
2.What did Sandy want to do when her friend knew her secret?
A.She wanted to kill her friend.
B.She wanted to run after her friend.
C.She wanted to go to the hospital.
D.She wanted to play with the knife.
3.Who saved Sandy’s life in the end?
A.The writer and the police. B.The doctors in the hospital.
C.The doctors and the robots.
D.The writer and experts in the robot center.
4. Where was Sandy fro?
A.Another country B.A robot center
C.Another planet D.A hospital
5. According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?
A.Finally,Sandy told the writer her secret.
B.At last,Sandy thought the people on the Earth were friendly
C.Sandy went away by UFO.
d.Sandy has returned to the Earth several ties.
The Beets were a new couple.The things in the roos,such as the television,the coputer,the fridge,furniture and so on,were all left by their parents.They only paid soe oney for their food and clothes.But they tried their best to save oney.If they had soething iportant to tell their friends,they preferred to go to visit the rather than call the.
One day,it was a quarter past nine.r.Beet didn’t coe back.His wife was a little worried.The supper was cold and she had waited for two hours and a half.She was sitting by the table in the dark roo.
Suddenly the woan heard soeone coing upstairs.It was her husband’s step.She hurried to open the door.In the dark she could hear his deep breathing.As soon as he sat down,she turned on the light and found he looked very tired.“Why do you coe back so late,dear?”asked the woan.“Haven’t you caught a bus?”
“Yes,but I didn’t take it.”
“Why not?”
“I ran after it so that I saved two dollars this evening.”
“That’s great!”the woan said happily.“Run after a taxi next tie and you’ll save ore tie and oney!”
6.The supper was ready at _______.
A.6:15 B.6;30 C.6:45 D.7:15
7.rs. Beet sat in the dark because_______.
A.she wanted to save oney
B .she didn’t like the bright light
C.she was afraid to be seen.
D.she wanted to have a good rest
8. r.Beet went back on foot because_______.
A.he didn’t like catching the bus.
B. he wanted to do ore exercise
C. he didn’t want to get hoe early
D.he hoped to save two dollars.
9. When r. Beet got hoe that evening_______.
A.his wife was angry with hi B.he was very tired
C.he was too hungry to say a word
D.his wife felt sorry for hi
10. rs. Beet hoped______.
A.her husband went hoe by bus the next tie
B.her husband could keep on doing exercise
C.her huaband could be stronger and stronger
D.her husband could save ore oney and tie
iss Grey lived in a sall house. She was old and did not like
noise at all, so she was very pleased when her noisy neighbor
oved out. A young an oved in and iss Grey thought the
an seeed to be quiet.
But at three o’clock the next orning, the noise of a dog woke her up. She thought she had never heard a dog there before. It
ust be the young an’s dog. So she telephoned the young an,
said soething bad about the dog and then hung up the telephone before he could answer. Nothing ore happened until three o’clock
the next orning. Then iss Grey’s telephone rang, and when she answered, a voice said, “You telephoned e twenty-four hours ago.Now I’ve rung you up to say that I haven’t a dog.”
1. iss Grey felt sorry when her noisy neighbour oved out.
2. iss Grey’s new neighbour was as noisy as the old one.
3. Soe noise woke her up in the early orning.
4. She thought the new neighbour had brought a dog with hi.
5. The young an rang up iss Grey in the early orning,because he wanted to punish(惩罚) her.
A: Hi,Linda.You are reading the novel again.
B: Yes,Tony.It’s so interesting and I like it very uch.
A: _____1_______.
B: Three ties.Every tie I read it, I can always learn soething ne
A: Really?____2_____
B: ark Twain. I think he was a gr eat writer.
A: ay I have a look at it?
B: OK,here you are.
(two days later)
B: Hello,Tony._____3_____
A: It’s exciting._____4_____
B: In the Goodbook Bookshop.
A: ______5______
B: You can take the No.2 bus fro here,and get off the bus at the third stop. The bookshop is next to the bus stop.
A: Thank you. I’ll go and buy soe books there.
A.Where did you buy it?
B.How can I get to the bookshop?
C.How any ties have you read it?
D.What do you think of y book?
E.How long have you had it?
F.Who wrote it?
G.Which book do you like best?
第二卷 (非,共计40分)
Ⅴ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.(每小题1分 ,共10分)
1.How do you get a_______ with your lessons?
2.I like usic ,e_______ pop usic.
3.any t______ visit the ountain every year.
4.His Chinese has iproved very q_______.
5.The ooncake t______ sweet.
6.I hope you will r________ e in the photo.
7.I’ afraid to speak to s_______.
8.I’ too e_______ to say a word.
9.I often go to the countryside so that I can get ore f_______ air.
10.You can see any beautiful pictures in the g________.
1.Lin Tao goe s to the country to see his grandparents ______ (two) a onth.
2.His father is ill. He feels _______ (badly).
3.Sion has ________ (little) orange juice than illie.
4.It’s a book about a girl _______ (call) Alice.
5.I heard she had an accident on her way to school._______ (luck), she didn’t hurt herself.
go straight ahead; be afraid to; get ready; shake hands; be proud of
1.I ________________ go there by yself.
2.We are __________________ for the coing exa.
3.Chinese people ____________________ Yang Liwei.
4.It’s polite ___________________ in western countries.
5._______________.It’s opposite Tian’anen Square.
1.It sees that he is happy.(改为同义句)
He _______ _______ _______ happy.
2.y teacher is friendly.(对划线部分提问)
_______ is your teacher ________?
3.I hope I can go to the Gre at Wall soe day.(改为同义句)
I hope ______ ______ to the Great Wall soe day.
4. Take the fifth crossing on the right. (改为同义句)
_______ _______ at the fifth crossing.
5. I take the bus to get to the Forbidden City. (改为同义句)
I ______ ______ the Forbidden City ______ ______.
Ⅸ. 书面表达.(10分)
参考词汇:invite; go into; walk straight; cross the river; turn left; the other side of the hill;in the open space.
Dear Rose,

第一卷 (选择题,共计60分)
Ⅸ. 书面表达.(10分)略

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/39318.html
