It’s a nice day isn’t it

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

【题】:Unit 10 It’s a nice day,isn’t it? section A 3a—4
【励志小木屋】:The habit of thinking is the habit of gaining strength.
1. 识记并运用单词: sandy, goodbye ,bookstore ,cross , elevator ,low, slow
2. 理解并运用短语: a little , look through , wait in line
1)----This is great weather, isn’t it? ----It sure is.
2)---Which beach are you going to ? ---I’m going to Today Beach.
Task One 写出下列短语或句子
有点热 __________________ 在电梯里_________________ 在周末____________
浏览____________ 穿过一条繁忙的街道_______________________________
Task Two:Finish 3a
【预习诊断】:How to make conversations in the following situations.
(一)Two people alone in an elevator
A: ____________________________
(二)Two people waiting in line to buy ice cream.
A: ________________________________
B: ___________________________________
【预习反思】 Do you have any questions ?
二.中实施 Step 1 预习交流------精讲点拨
Their prices are really low, aren’t they ?
price 意为价格,提问价格用 What’s the price of ... ? 或How much is /are ...?
价格只能说高 (high)或低( low ) , 物品说贵( expensive)或便宜( cheap )
The price of the house is quite high. The house is quite expensive.
Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in Step4 Pairwork
Step 5 拓展延伸:完成反义疑问句
1.It’s really windy today, ___________ ?
2.He’s been to Beijing many times, ____________________?
3.Today is onday, ______________?
4.The No.15 bus stops here, ________________ ?
5.Let’s go for a walk, ________________ ?
Step 6 系统总结
三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分 ________
1. There are five people in the__________(电梯) no
2 . Two people are looking_________(浏览)books in a bookshop.
3. Two people are waiting to_________(across) a busy street.
4. There prices are really_________ (高),aren’t they?
单项选择 5. Jim speaks English,___________? A does he B is he C doesn’t he D isn’t he
6. Nothing is wrong with the watch,___________?
A is it B are they C isn’t it D aren’t they
7. Let’s be friends,___________? A will you B shall we C do we D do you
8 . Tom enjoys living here,____________? 9. Let us play games,____________?
10. Let’s go to Today Beach,_____________?
1.I always go swimming in hot w_______ .
2.There is l______ water in the bottle, is there ?
3.This bus is too c______ , Let’s wait for the next one.
4.Before answering the questions, we should look t_____ the passage(短) first.
5.The old man lives in the village a_______ .
6.It’s dangerous to c_______ the street when the traffic is busy.
7.We use the e_________ to go up and down the tall building.
8.Be careful while you are walking ________ ( cross) the road.
9.Today is _____ (sun ), but yesterday was ________ (rain ).
10.---- What is it like ? ------ It’s full of sand. It’s _______ (sandy)
11.It’s ____ ____ _____ (有点热) for me. Please open the windo
12.They are talking _______ _______ ________ _________ (低声的).
13.First you must _____ ___________ (穿过)the road.
14.The bus is very slow, ________ _________ ?(不是吗)
15.He is looking _________ the newspaper to find a job. (介词填空)
16.There will be two_____ days next week. A . rain B. raining C. rainy D. rains
17.Don’t forget to give Jim the book, ______ ?
A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won’t you
18. You must be careful when you ____ the street.
A. across B. cross C. go cross D. crossing


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