Whwt should I do

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

八年级下英语 学案第7时
【题】:Unit 2 Whwt should I do ? Section A 1a---2c
【励志小木屋】:Perfection does not exist---- you can always do better and you can always gro完美并不存在---你总可以做得更好,总是可以成长。
1.识记P10-11 单词 及短语。
2. 运用What’s rong? y clothes are out of style.谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的麻烦和问题。
3.会 使用What should I do ? You should ... 提出相应的建议。
【预习重难点】: 重点 目标2 难点 目标3
(一)预习任务 1.写出下列单词
播放 _______ 争吵________ 错误的_______ 票________使惊奇________
2 英汉互译
1 .想让某人做某事_______________ 2.足够的钱__________
3.和某人争吵__________________4 .使某人吃惊_____ 5.out of style ___ 6.keep out _____
7. call sb. Up___ 8.on the phone
(二)预习诊断 从方框中选择适当的词补全对话。
maybe , enough , wrong, are , should .
A: What’s ___1____ ?
B: y clothes 2 out of style .
A: 3 you 4 buy some new clothes .
B: I don’t have 5 money .
B: That’s a good idea .
(三)预习反思 Do you have any questions ?
Step 1 预习交流------ 精讲点拨
1.I don’t have enough money .
enough 修饰名词时置于名词前,修饰副词时置于副词后。
I have enough time . He is busy enough .
2. What’s wrong ? 怎么了? 此句常用于询问某种情况,与 What’s the matter? What’s the trouble ? 同义。What’s wrong with you ?
Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in
Step 4 Listening practice 1b Step5 Pairwork (practice 1c)
Step 6 Listening practice 2a 2b Step7 Groupwork
Step8 拓展提升( 改错 )
1.The match is over . Don’t talk it about in the class .
2. You shouldn’t to ask your parents for much money .
3. She’ss enough old to go to schol.
4.Could you please give me some advices ?
Step 7系统
三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分 ________
1. You are playing your radio too l_______ . Could you please turn it down 、
2. y clothes are out of s_______ .
3.---- I a_______ with my best friend yesterday , nm .
--- Oh, I think you s_______ say sorry to him .
4.Gina’s birthday is coming ; We’ll give her a gift and s______ her .
5.-----What’s w______ with him ? -----He doesn’t have enough money .
6.I want to buy a t________ to a basketball game .
7.----- ______________ ? ------ y computer doesn’t work .
A. what should I do B. What’s wrong C. what’s the matter D. B and C
8. The computer doesn’t work . There is ________ with it .
A. wrong something B. something wrong C. anything wrong
9. I have many good friends , but Bill is my _______ ( good ) friend.
10. He often _______ (play) his CDs too loud.
Homework 1. What are they arguing ______ ?A. with B. about C . to
2. ----- _______ you should buy some new clothes .
----- _________ I don’t have enough money .
A. ay be , But B . aybe ; But C. aybe ; And
3. You really _______ __________ . 你真的太让我惊讶了。
4. You could _____ ______ ______ _________ . 你可以给他写信。
5. There is _______ _______ for each child .(足够的水)
6. Please ______ _____ _______ . 亲给他打个电话。
7. I don’t want to _____ _____ it _____ ____ ________ . 在电话里谈这个问题
1.What’s wrong ? A. aybe she should buy a new one.
2.I want to make money. B. You should practice English more.
3.y English isn’t very good. C. y watch doesn’t work.
4.He’s often late foe school. D. aybe you should get a part-time job.
5.Gina lost her pen. E. He should get up early.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/43737.html
