
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网


姓名_________学号_______ 分数______

( ) 1 .What will the weather ______like toorrow?
A is B be C are D was
( ) 2. There are about five ____ young trees on the hill.
A hundred B hundreds C hundred of D hundreds of
( ) 3. Shanghai is very beautiful and I _ it.
A. fall in love with B. fall in like with C. fall in love in D. feel in love with
( ) 4. If you want to talk to your teacher , you should _ _first.
A. called to her B. called up her C. call her up D. called her up
( ) 5._ _there be ore people in 10 years? No , there_ _.
A Have, haven’t B. Will , won’t be C. Are , aren’t D. Will, won’t
( ). 6. Could you give e__ _?
A . an advice B. soe advice C. any advice D. soe piece of advice
( )7. If you want better grades , you _ _ watch so uch TV.
A .shouldn’t B .should C. could D. ust
( ) 8. y friend has the sae haircut _ I do.
A. as B. like C . with D . than
( ) 9. I’ very ___ because y best friend didn’t invite e to coe to his party.
A . popular B. happy C. late D . upset
( ) 10.There are any faous predictions that never____.
A. coe in B. cae true C. coe into D. coe out
( ) 11. I never think about _______ to Aerica.
A. goB. to goC. goingD. went
( ) 12. While you were at the ______, I was going to school.
A. doctorB. doctorsC. doctor’sD. docots’
( ) 13. They planted _____trees have been today.
A. Thousands of B. ThousandsC. Two thousands D. Thousand of
( ) 14. We’ll have a picnic if it ______rain toorro
A. don’tB. doesn’tC. won’tD. isn’t
( ) 15. y other always tells e ______y classates at school.
A. don’t fight withB. not fight withC. not to fight withD. not to fight and
( ) 16. The hard work ade the woan ______very tired.
A. feelB. feltC. fellD. to fell
( ) 17. I couldn't find y dictionary _________.
A. soewhere B. anywhere C. nowhereD. everywhere
( ) 18. Your answer _________ right.
A. becoes B. seesC. hearsD. listens
( ) 19. ost of us are ad ______Jay, the faous star.
A. atB. toC. inD. about
( ) 20. To _____hoework with e at 9:00 last night.
A. doB. to doC. was doingD. does
( ) 21. ---Do you know ________? ---Next year.
A. when he coe hereB. when did he coe here
C. when he will coe hereD. when will he coe here
( ) 22. Where’s Lily? We are all here _______her.
A. besideB. aboutC. exceptD. with
( ) 23. Beijing 2008 Olypics will be one of the ost iportant _____ in Chinese history.
A. things B. eventsC. activitiesD. accidents
( ) 24. Alan, can you _________ soe usic CDs to our party this Sunday?
A. bring B. carry C. pass D. take
( ) 25. Can you _____this word _____English?
A. say, inB. speak, inC. speak, withD. say, with
rs Brown had a sall garden in front of her house. She 1 soe vegetables in her garden and 2 the well. When suer cae, the 3 look very nice. One evening rs Brown says to her son, “Toorrow I a going to 4 the vegetables for you.”
But the next orning she 5 that her neighbor's ducks 6 her vegetables. rs Brown 7 and was 8 at her neighbor. Her neighbor was very sorry for that. On Christas Day, the neighbor 9 rs Brown a beautiful, fat roast duck, and said, “rs Brown, please 10 your vegetables no”
( )1. A. planted B. put C. took D. sent
( )2. A. watched B. cared for C. looked at D. kept
( )3. A. ducks B. gardens C. vegetables D. houses
( )4. A. sell B. cook C. water D. pick
( )5. A. found B. knew C. watched D. looked
( )6. A. was picking up B. was eating up
C. was taking off D. was pulling up
( )7. A. shouted B. siled C. spoke D. talked
( )8. A. sorry B. happy C. surprised D. ad
( )9. A. borrowed B. brought C. showed D. threw
( )10. A. cook B. pick C. enjoy D. grow
三.阅读理解( 20分)
The Blacks and the Whites are good neighbors. They know each other well. Soeties they have dinner together.
Yesterday, rs. Black invited the Whites to have dinner again because it was her birthday. In the afternoon, she cae hoe fro work early. On the way hoe, she went to the arket and bought a lot of food. First she bought soe beef because r. Black liked it best. And she knew that r. White liked chicken and rs. White’s favorite food was fish. So
She bought chicken and fish. She also bought soe vegetables and fruit. She wanted to get everything ready for the dinner.
When r. Black cae back hoe, rs. Black was busy cooking. “Happy birthday!” r. Black said and brought her a bunch of flowers. “Oh, thanks. What beautiful flowers! Would you please put the in the sitting-roo? I’ busy no”
“OK,” said r. Black. “And I can help you put the candles on the birthday cake.”
“A birthday cake?” rs. Black said, “ I forgot to buy it.”
“Never ind. I’ll buy it no I’ll be back in a few inutes.” r. Black said while he was running towards the door.
Just then, the doorbell rang. They were the Whites. In their hands there was a big birthday cake.
1. The Black faily and the White faily_____________.
A. live next door to each other B. live in different cities
C. live in the sae house D. are going to the park
2. It was ______ birthday yesterday.
A. r. White’s B. rs. White’s C. r. Black’s D. rs. Black’s
3. rs. Black bought _______ but she forgot to buy _______.
A. a lot of food, fruit B. everything, vegetables
C. a lot of food, a birthday cake D. soe flowers, eat
4. What present did the Whites bring?
A. A bunch of flowers. B. A big birthday cake.
C. A box of fruit. D. A lovely dog.
5. Why did rs. Black coe hoe early?
A. Because she had to get everything ready for the dinner.
B. Because rs. White told her to do so.
C. Because she wanted to go shopping with rs. White.
D. Because she was ill.

r Brown is one of y friends. He can run very fast and likes to show people how fast he can run.
One day, a thief(小偷)got into his house, took soe of his things and ran out of
the house fast.
r Brown found it and ran after hi, and shouted, “Hey! Don’t you know you can’t get away fro e.”
But the thief ran uch faster, r Brown got angry and ran faster, too. He was soon a few kiloeters away fro his house, he was running hard when he et e. “Why are you running so fast?” I asked. “I want to catch a thief,” said r Brown. “But where is the thief?” I asked. “Kiloeters and kiloeters behind,” said r Brown proudly, “He thought he could run faster than e, but you see he is wrong.”
6. Did the thief steal(偷)anything fro Brown’s house?
A. Yes, he has.B. No, he wasn’t.C. Yes, he did.D. No, he didn’t.
7. Who ran faster, r Brown or the thief?
A. No one.B. The writer.C. r Brown.D. The thief.
8. Did r Brown catch the thief?
A. Yes, he did.B. No, he didn’t.
C. Yes, but he let hi go away.D. No, but his friend did.
9. What did r Brown do when he found the thief?
A. He ran after hi.B. He was angry with hi.
C. He caught hi.D. He stayed far behind hi.
10. What does the word “proudly” ean? It eans __________.
A. 自豪地B. 难过地C. 兴奋地D. 不慌不忙地
(C )
Television is good. You’d like to watch it all day and all night. But too uch TV is a very bad thing. Scientists found that kids who watch too uch TV ay have ore trouble learning to read. They can’t focus (集中)on their work.
Kids learn language skills best by reading, talking and playing with others. If they spend too uch tie watching TV, they’ll have less tie for those things.
Watching too uch TV is bad for people’s health. People don’t ove uch while watching TV. What’s ore, they ay eat a lot of food while watching. This can ake the fat. We call these people couch potatoes?.
Fighting on TV is a big proble for kids. Young people are good at following. Scientists have found that those who watch a lot of fighting shows are ore likely to fight.
( ) 11. Scientists say if kids watch too uch TV, they will ______.
A. learn language skills ore easily B. be healthier
C. find it hard to learn to read D. eat less food
( ) 12. Kids learn language skills best by ______.
A. reading B. talking
C. playing with others D. all of the above
( ) 13. While watching TV, what DON’T people do?
A. Eat a lot of food. B. Have less tie for reading.
C. Hardly ove. D. Focus on their work.
( ) 14. Which of the following is true?
A. An Aerican child will watch 12,000 fighting acts on TV a year.
B. It’s good for kids to learn fro fighting acts on TV.
C. Too uch TV is good for people’s health.
D. It’s easy for kids who watch a lot of fighting shows to fight with others.
( )15. Couch potatoes are people who watch to uch TV and becoe____.
A. thin B. fit C. fat D. strong
Lucy and Lily had a good tie last Sunday. They got up very early. After breakfast they went to a park.
In the park, they saw a lot of flowers. Lucy wanted to pick one of the. But Lily stopped her. Then they went to the river. By the river they found a sall boat. They got into (进入) the boat and started boating on the river. Two hours later, they left the boat and began to clib the hill near the river. They reached the top (?部) at half past eleven. There they had their lunch. What did they have for lunch? Eggs, bread and soe oranges.
In the afternoon, they went hoe.
Their other asked the, “Did you enjoy yourselves?”
“Yes, very uch. ” They answered.
( )16.Lucy and Lily went to a park last Saturday.
( )17.In the park, Lucy picked soe flowers.
( )18.They had lunch before they started to clib the hill.
( )19.They had eggs, bread and soe oranges for lunch.
( )20. They had lunch in the boat .

四. 用括号词的正确形式填空(10分)
1.They’re _____________(argue) the pollution with their teacher.
2.I heard hi _______________(cook) soething in the kitchen last night.
3.She told e that she ____________(get) high grades in the ath test.
4.It began to rain outside while To ____________(eat) supper.
5.We _______________(watch) the ovie when the electricity was off.
6.I was ____________(surprise) to see you in this such party.
7.y ___________(fly) to New York was very exciting last weekend.
8.We students can study in the classroo in _____________(silent) without teachers.
9. What ________he __________(do) when his grandother fell down?
10.What about ______ (clib) the ountains ?
五. 单词拼写(10分)
1.I was ______________(惊讶) at what you said.
2.A fourteen-year-old boy ___________(谋杀) his other in yesterday’s newspaper.
3.The bad earthquake ______________(毁坏) all the houses of two provinces
4.That piece of news was really ___________________(失望的).
5.All of us felt ____________(紧张) during the horrific oive.
6. _____________(信封) are used for sending letters.
7. What do you often do when you are ________ (独自) at hoe ?
8. You can _______(想象) how strange it was .
9. I think we should have _______(污染) and keep the air clean .
10. There will be ore tall b_______ (楼房)in our cities .
六. 根据汉语意思,完成句子。一空一词。(20分)
1. 书籍会仅在电脑,而不在纸上。
Books _____ only _____ on coputers, not _____ paper.
2. 今后在这座城市将会有更多的树木,更少的污染。
There will ____ ____ trees and _____ pollution in the city in future.
3. 十年后他会成为一名宇航员。
He will be _____ ______ _____ ten years.
4. 昨天To与英语老师争辩。
Yesterday To ________ _________ the English teacher。 5. 你看上很累了,应该休息一会儿
You look very ______, and you should _____ ______ _______.
_____ do you think your friend will _____ _____ ten years?
7 他们不会去野营。我确信他们将参加我们的聚会的。
They _____ go caping. They _____ coe to our party, I’ sure.
8 你认为在城市里有更多的污染吗?
______ you think _____ ______ _____ _____ pollution in the cities?
The students _____ ______ _____ will study _____ ____ on coputers.
She had an _______ ________ last Sunday .
七. 句型转换。(10分)
1. They will have an English exa in a week .(就划线部分提问)
______ ______ _____ they have an English exa ?
2. I was having lunch when the UFO landed.(变一般疑问句)
______ _______ ______ lunch when the UFO landed ?
3. “I will go to Shanghai .” He said to e .(合并为一句)
He told e that _____ _____ go to Shanghai .
4. He goes to school on foot every day .(同义句)
He ______ _______ school every day .
5. It took To an hour to write to his friend . (同义句)
To ______ an hour ______ to his friend .
Translate the following letter into English. 把这封信译成英语。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/43980.html
