If you go to the party you’ll have a great time教案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 5  If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!
jeans   n. 牛仔裤 charity  n. 慈善团体;慈善事业
chance  n. 机会;机遇 injured  adj. 受伤的;受损害的
sincerely adv. 真诚地 lawyer  n. 律师
tonight n. 今晚 organize  v. 组织
clean-up  清除;打扫 flower   n. 花
agent   n. 代理人;代理商 professional adj. 专业的,职业的
against   prep. 反对

1. take away     拿走, 运走,取走 2. all the time   一直
3. make a living    谋生 4. mobile phone  移动电话
5. dining room      餐厅;食堂6. in order to   为了……
7. have a great time  玩得高兴 8. have a party   举行聚会
9. go to college    上大学10.be famous for  因……而著称
11. make money      挣钱 12. in fact     事实上
13. laugh at      嘲笑14. too much       太多
15. get exercise    锻炼16. travel around the world 周游世界
17. work hard      努力工作 18. wear jeans     穿牛仔裤
19. let in  允许……进入,嵌入20. get an education 获得教育
21. stay at home    呆在家 22. help sb. (to)do sth... 帮助某人做某事
23. at the party    在晚会上  24. be/become famous变的有名
25. a professional soccer player   一名职业足球运动员
26. seem like     看起像 27. give money to 捐钱
28. spend time    消磨时间29. get injured    受伤
  1. I think I’m going to the dance with aren and Ann.
  2. If you do, you’ll have a great time.
  3. Are you going to the party? Yes, I am. I’m going to wear my new jeans.
  4. If you do, you will be late.
  5. What will happen if they have the party tomorrow?    
  6. If I don’t clean my room, my mother won’t let me meet my friends.
  7. I am going to the school party.
  8. You should wear your cool pants.
1.If you go to the party, you will have a great time.
  if条句:条句用于陈述语气,表示假设的情况可能发生,其中 if 是“如果”的意思。
构 成 条从句 主  句
时 态 If+一般现在时 主语+shall/will+动词原形
例 句 If he comes, he will take us to the zoo.
  (1)条状语从句通常由连词if引导,意为“如果、假如”,主句不能用be going to表示将,
    而应该用shall,will。 如:If you leave now, you will never regret it.
  (2)if “如果”,引导条状语从句,主句用一般将时,从句则用一般现在时,如:
    If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go there.
  宾语从句中的if与条状语从句if的区别。宾语从句中的if“是否”相当于 whether,引导宾语从句,时态需根据语境确定。如:
  I don't know if it will rain tomorro 我不知道明天是否会下雨。
【考例】 If_________, I will go.
   A. he doesn’t come  B. he won’t come  C. he will come D. he is coming
2.Half the class won’t come.这个班一半的人不能。
  half a; half the; a half 后面都可接名词,表示“一半”。
【考例】I have read _____________ the book..
    A. half of     B. half     C. a half     D. halves
3.I want to remind you of the rules for school parties.
  remind someone (of something), remind someone that ….
  If I forget, please remind me. 如果我忘了,请提醒我。
  Please remind me that I must call him up before noon. 请提醒我中午之前给他打电话。
【考例】The film reminded him________ what he had seen in Paris.
    A. on     B. of    C. in    D. off
4.Don’t wear jeans. If you wear jeans, we won’t let you in.
  if 引导的条状语从句,主句用一般将时,从句用一般现在时。
  If you do, the teachers will take it away.
  If you do, the teachers will ask them to leave.
  If you do, the teachers will call your parents.
  If you do, you’ll have to leave.
  let in  放进,招致(灾害等) let out  放掉,泄露
  例如:Please open the window and let in some fresh air.请把窗户打开,放点新鲜空气进。
   Don’t tell this to Ben. He always lets out our secrets.不要把这个告诉本,他总是泄露我们的秘密。
【考例】Windows let _______light and air.
     A. on    B. of    C. in    D. off
5.If you do, the teachers will take it away.
  take away  拿走,使离开
【考例】Please take that cat____________. I hate animals.
    A. away    B. off    C. in     D. go
6.Others don’t like to spend time away from their families.
  spend time away from family 指“不能和家人一起共度时光”。比较常见的用法是spend time with someone “和某人一起共度时光”。
  例如:I like to spend time with my friends, just hanging out or reading together.
7.If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. 如果你出名了,人们会一直关注你,并且会到处追随你。
  all the time   总是;一直 follow v. 跟随, 追随, 理解, 遵循
  Conditions are changing all the time. 情况一直在发生变化。
  Spring follows winter. 冬去春。
  He followed the speaker's words closely. 他仔细听演讲者的话。
8.I think you should go to college. 我认为你应该上大学。
  go to college  上大学
9.If you do, they’ll laugh at you. 如果你那样做,他们就会嘲笑你。
  laugh at...  嘲笑……
10.any professional athletes get injured. 许多专业的运动员受伤了。
  get injured  受伤;  get此处是系动词相当于be。
【考例】 Professional athletes are easy to get __________.
    A. injured  B. injure   C. injuring  D. injures 
  1. if条句:条句用于陈述语气,表示假设的情况可能发生,其中 if 是“如果”的意思。
构  成 条从句 主  句
时  态 If+一般现在时 主语+shall/will+动词原形
例  句 If he comes, he will take us to the zoo.
2. 用法:
  (1) 条状语从句通常由连词if引导,意为“如果、假如”,主句不能用be going to表示将,而应该用shall,will。
    If you leave now, you are never going to regret it.  (错误)
    If you leave now, you will never regret it.  (正确)
  (2) if “如果”,引导条状语从句,主句用一般将时,从句则用一般现在时,如:
    If it rains tomorrow, I shan’t climb the hills.
    I don't know if it will rain tomorro 我不知道明天是否会下雨。
  1. 用be doing表示将:主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词,如:go,come,leave,arrive等, 也可用于其他动作动词,如:
  We are having fish for dinner.我们晚饭吃鱼。
  We are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorro后天我们会去另外一个旅馆。
  A: Where are you going?
  B: I am going for a walk. Are you coming with me?
  A: Yes, I am just coming. Wait for me.
2. 现在进行时表示将和用be going to 表示将意思比较接近,但是现在进行时更强调事先已安排好,即将去做的事情, 而be going to 一般只表示打算做某事,有做某事的意图。我们看两个例子:
  She is having a meeting at 9 tomorro她明天早晨9点有个会。
  We are leaving for London next week.我们下周出发去伦敦。
1. The football match will be put off if it ________.
   A. will rain   B. rains    C. rained   D. is rained

2. There ________ a basketball game this afternoon.
   A. is going to have   B. will be  C. is going to play   D. will play
  3. This work is ________ for me than for you.
   A.difficult     B.the most difficult
   C.most difficult     D.more difficult
  4. I'll catch up with Lucy before she ________ the finishing line.
   A.reach   B.is reaching   C.reaches in   D.will reach
  5. Excuse me. Could you tell me ________?
   A.where's the post office  B.where's post office
   C.what's she doing    D.where the post office is
 6. I won't go if it ________ tomorro
  A.rain   B.is raining   C.rains    D.will rain
 7. Liu ing is good at ________ English.
   A.speak    B.speaks   C.speaking  D.spoke
 8. You'd better ________ your coat. The room is too hot
   A.take off   B.put on   C.take out   D.take care
 9. In the race Wu Dong ran fastest. No one could ________ him
   A.get on with   B.hurry up    C.give up   D.catch up with
10. Watching TV ________ is bad for your eyes.
   A.much too   B.many too   C.too much   D.to many
 Ⅰ. 仔细阅读对话,选择恰当的答语。
  1. If I see him again, I ________ (tell) him what you said.
  2. What _________ (happen) if they don’t agree with each other?
  3. If you give me time, I ________ (find) the solution.
  4. What will he say if he ever ________ (discover) the truth?
  5. If the train ________ (be) on time, it will be here in ten minutes.
Ⅱ. 连接句子。
  (  ) 1. … get a speeding ticket.
  (  ) 2. …have to leave the room.
  (  ) 3. …look like a rock star.
  (  ) 4. …feel sorry.
  (  ) 5. …pass the examination.
  (a) If your dad drives too fast, he’ll…
  (b) If you don't come to the party today, you’ll…
  (c) When you study hard, you can…
  (d) If you chew gum in class, you’ll…
  (e) When you dye your hair green, you…
  Ⅲ. 用括号内所给动词的正确时态填空。
  1. I’m afraid I ____________ (get) a cold tomorro
  2. There ____________ (be) a film tomorrow morning.
  3. Look! The children ____________ (swim) in the river.
  4. --- What time ____________ she ____________ (leave) home every day?
    --- At 8 o’clock.
  5. We hear he ____________ (return) next month.
  Ⅰ. 单项选择
1. I _______ to bed until my granny came back home.
  A. didn’t     B. went      C. had gone    D. have gone
2. I’ll let you know as soon as he __________ back.
  A. comes      B. will come    C. is coming  D. come
3. We will have a sports meeting if it _________ rain tomorro
  A. won’t     B. isn’t       C. don’t  D. doesn’t
4. You are sure to pass the exam ________ you study hard.
  A. if       B. though       C. that   D. because
5. Betty didn’t go to see the film yesterday _________ she was ill.
  A. because     B. but        C. until   D .if
6. y brother is younger than I. But he is not so tall ________ I.
  A. to        B. than       C. as    D. that
7. Li ing didn’t know anything about it _______ I told him.
  A. after       B. until      C. if   D. because
8. The old man was ______ weak ______ he couldn’t get on the train.
  A. so, that     B. very, that     C. too, as D. too, to
9. He is rich, ______ he isn’t happy.
  A. or        B. so        C. and    D. but
10. We won’t go to the Great Wall if it ___________ the day after tomorro
  A. won’t rain    B. is raining    
C. rains  D. doesn’t rain
11. I will give the message to him __________he comes back.
  A. before     B. since   C. as soon as    D. until
12. He is listening to the music _______ he is washing clothes.
  A. after     B. before      C. that    D. while
13. I’ll write to him _____.
  A. as soon as possible          B. as soon as he can
  C. as quick as possible          D. as quick as I can
14. I will _____ a message on his desk.
  A. put     B. give     C. leave    D. take
15. I was _____ tired, so I went to bed early.
  A. a little    B. a bit    C. much    D. too
Ⅱ. 完形填空
  When a friend was visiting David, it began ____1___. So David told him____2____that night. “You may stay here_____3_____the night,” he said. “O,” answered his friend.
  But_____4____minutes______5______, the friend went out. He didn't tell David where_____6______going nor(也没有)did he ask for an umbrella.
  When David was about_____7_____, his friend____8_____. He was all wet through.
  “Where____9___you_____9_____?”asked David.
  “I have been______10_______,”answered the friend, “to tell my mother that I'll not go home tonight because of the rain.”
  1. A. raining    B. to rain    C. rain    D. rains
  2. A. to go not home   B. don't to go home
    C. not to go home   D. doesn't to go home
  3. A. for       B. to       C. of     D. up
  4. A. few       B. little     C. a little  D. a few
  5. A. late      B. after      C. lately   D. later
  6. A. is he      B. was he     C. he is   D. he was
  7. A. to go to sleep   B. to go to bed 
    C. going to bed     D. go to bed
  8. A. returned    B. returns     C. to return  D. returning
  9. A. have…gone     B. have…been to
    C. has…gone       D. have…been
  10. A. to home    B. home to     C. home    D. homed
  Ⅲ. 阅读理解
It was Jimmy's birthday, and he was five years old. He got a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful drum(鼓).
  "Who gave him that thing?" Jimmy's father said when he saw it. "His grandfather did," answered Jimmy's mother.
  Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible(可怕的) noise with it, but his father didn't mind(介意). He was working during the day and Jimmy was already in bed when he got home in the evening, so he couldn't hear the noise.
  But one of the neighbors(邻居) didn't like the noise at all, so a few days later, she took a sharp(锋利的) knife and went to Jimmy's house while he was hitting his drum. She said to him, "Hello, Jimmy, there is something very nice inside your drum. Here is a knife. Open the drum and let's find it."
1. Jimmy got a lot of nice presents from his ________.
  A. classmates  B. friends C. teachers  D. family
2. Who gave Jimmy the drum?________.
  A. His father   B. His mother   
C. His neighbor   D. His grandfather
3. Why didn't Jimmy's father stop him from making noise with the drum? Because________.
  A. he liked Jimmy very much
  B. he didn't hear it
  C. Jimmy was in bed
  D. Jimmy only played in the evening
4. One of the neighbors________.
  A. liked Jimmy very much
  B. enjoyed listening to the sound of the drum
  C. wanted to show Jimmy a sharp knife
  D. didn't like the noise at all
5. What did Jimmy's neighbor really want him to do? To________.
  A. stop him making noises
  B. make a noise on his drum with a knife
  C. show him how to hit the drum
  D. find something nice in his drum
  There is a farm near my home. The farmers there grow rice and wheat. They have many animals on the farm. But they don't use them to do farm work. They use a tractor. We often go to the farm after school. We can play with the animals, walk, read books or help the farmers pick corn there. I like walking or doing some reading on the farm because the air there is nice and clean.
  You can see a lake on the farm. There are many fish in the lake. We often go fishing on Saturdays and Sundays. We often swim in the lake in summer and skate on it in winter, too.
  (  ) 1. On the farm near my home, farmers use animals to do farm work.
  (  ) 2. I like reading books on the farm because there is a lake on it.
  (  ) 3. The air on the farm is very clean.
  (  ) 4. On Saturdays and Sundays, we often swim in the lake.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/44524.html

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