
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网



I、听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图画, 将其标号填入答题卡该题空格内。 每个句子读两遍。(5%)

( ) 1.
A. B. C.
( ) 2.
A. B. C.
( ) 3.
A. B. C.
( ) 4.
A. B. C.

( ) 5.

( )6. A. No, not yet. B. Last week. C. Toorroill be fine.
( )7. A. Be careful. B. He is so noisy. C. That’s all right.
( )8. A. Here you are. B. It is interesting. C. I’ll help you with it.
( )9. A. They are too sall. B. Size 7. C. They are beautiful.
( )10.A. I can’t do that. B. Is that right? C. I couldn’t agree ore.

( ) 11. A. He is a new student. B. He likes travelling. C. He is 23.
( ) 12. A. Beef. B. Chicken. C. Pork.
( ) 13. A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By car.
( ) 14. A. Wash the clothes. B. Water the plants. C. Clean the windows.
( ) 15. A. Dresses. B. Parties. C. The weather.


a big windowopposite the 16.____________
a deskunder the window
a desk lapon the desk
a bookcaseon the right side against the 17.______
a tableon the left side in the roo
a 18._________on the table
a big 19.__________hanging fro the ceiling
a 20.___________on the left side of the door

( ) 1. Noran Bethune trained doctors ______ they could save lives.
A. becauseB. thoughC. so thatD. but

( ) 2. _______ they were watching TV, we listened to usic and sang traditional songs.
A. WhenB. WhileC. BeforeD. After
( ) 3. I will go skating as soon as I _______ y hoework toorro
A. will doB. doC. to doD. did
( ) 4. It can depend _______ the seasons, the oon or the sun.
A. in B. to C. on D. at
( ) 5. I won’t spend so uch tie _______ video gaes.
A. play B. to play C. played D. playing
( ) 6. She told e to look after yself.
A. take care of B. take care C. take of D. take after
( ) 7. _____ you want to know ore about it, please telephone our teacher.
A. When B. Whether C. If D. While
( ) 8. Lily asked e _______ the atter.
A. what was B. was what C. what is D. is what
( ) 9. other told her son _______ in the street.
A. not playB. play notC. to not play D. not to play
( ) 10. I asked the secretary _______ she could coe or not.
A. weatherB. ifC. whetherD. that
( ) 11.Don’t play on the ice. It’s not _______.
A. enough safe B. safe enough
C. enough dangerous D. dangerous enough
( ) 12. -- _____________________?
-- She likes action oves.
A. What kind of ovie does Ea like?
B. Would Ea like to watch a ovie
C. How often does Ea watch a ovie
D. When will the latest ovie be on
( ) 13. Jack’s grandother lived _______ in a sall village, but she never felt_______
A. alone; aloneB. alone; lonely
C. lonely; alone D. lonely; lonely
( ) 14. -- Is _______ here today?
-- Yes, we are all here.
A. soebodyB. nobodyC. everybodyD. anybody
( ) 15. -- _____________________?
-- Yes, I do. I have a collection of staps
A. What’s your hobbyB. Have you collected any staps
C. Do you collect anythingC. Do you collect staps or dolls

II. 口语运用(10%)


A. I hope everything goes well.
B. What should I do?
C. You should go to the Lost and Found to have a look.
D. What’s the atter?
E. Oh, there is soething wrong with y bike.

A: Hi! ike! You look unhappy. 1
B: 2
A: Your bike? Is your bike broken again?
B: No. This tie I lost the key to the bike. _3___________
A: _4___________ aybe it is there.
B: Thank you. I’ll go there no
A: Oh, ike, I think you should look after your things well. Don’t be careless.
B: OK, I will.
A: _5___________
B: Thank you very uch.


I Internet how day through

A: Good orning, Alice.
B: Good orning, Kate.
A: Do you often surf the 1 ?
B: Yes. I like listening to usic, watching fils, chatting and shopping online.
A: That’s great. Can you tell e2 to do soe shopping online?
B: OK. Just enter E-pay. First, you need to apply for a user’s passport. Next, go 3 _ the shopping list.
A: And then?
B: Choose one you like, click on it and follow the instructions. You’ll receive it in a few 4 .
A: Thank you. I’ll have a try 5

Noran Bethune is one of China’s 1 faous heroes, but he wasn’t Chinese--he was 2 . He gave his 3 to 4 the Chinese people.
Dr Bethune worked very hard 5 stopping to rest. Once, he perfored
6 for 69 hours without 7 , and saved 112 people. He continued working 8 spite of cutting his hand during an operation. In the end, he died because he did not stop 9 care of his hand.
Dr Bethune’s work with the Chinese soldiers ade hi a hero in China. There are books and fils about hi, and he is still reebered in 10
Canada and China.
( ) 1.A. ost B. ore C. any D. the
( ) 2. A. Canada B. Canadian C. Canadians D.Canadas
( ) 3. A. life B. live C. lives D. lifes
( ) 4. A. help B. helped C. helping D. helpping
( ) 5. A. with B. without C. to D. in
( ) 6. A. operation B. operated C. operate D. operations
( ) 7. A. stop B. to stop C. stoping D. stopping
( ) 8. A. in B. on C. / D. at
( ) 9. A. to take B. taking C. take D. took
( ) 10. A. all B. both C. either D. between


1. She can c__________ down fro ten to one.
2. Don’t be s____________! You can’t do that.
3. If you tell her the t___________, you’ll prove how honest you are.
4. It’s very ___________ (勇敢的)of her.
5. It’s a story about an old ___________ (船).
6. To likes colleting staps and train tickets. He has a lot of________ (hobby).
7. I’ having the _____________ (treat) for y headache.
8. They decided___________ (visit) Radio Beijing with Sally.
9. If Peter becoe a star, his parents will be proud of __________ (he).
10. They are looking forward to__________ (see) the fil.

V. 理解(25%)
A (5%)
Jaie stood looking at the ap. He turned it around. He looked up fro the ap. He looked back at the ap. He took a few steps back along the path. He put his finger on the ap, and looked up again. “It’s no use!” he shouted. He threw the ap away, and sat down on the ground.
I asked hi what was the atter.
Jaie said, “We’re lost. We ust have taken a wrong turning.”
He didn’t knohere we were. “I’ sorry. I’ sorry,” he said again and again.
I told hi not to worry. “We’ll follow the river,” I said. “The river flows(流动)into the sea, so it will take us back to the coast.” This seeed like a good plan. We set off down the hill. The river was a long way below us. It was getting dark, and it was starting to rain. Jaie started to run. “Coe on!” he called. “In an hour, it will be dark and we won’t be able to see where we’re going.” “Stop !” I shouted. “Don’t run. It’s dangerous!”
As soon as I saw hi fall, I knew he was badly hurt. When I reached hi, he said that his leg and foot hurt. He wasn’t able to stand up. Now, we were lost, we were a long way fro hoe, and Jaie couldn’t walk.

判断正误,正(T)误 (F)
( ) 1. Jaie couldn’t work out where they were.
( ) 2. They thought the river could take the back to the coast.
( ) 3. They decided to walk along the river.
( ) 4. Jaie fell and hurt his ar.
( ) 5. They were a short way fro hoe.

B (10%)
Easter Sunday: a Sunday between arch 22 and April 25.
We call the Friday before Easter “Good Friday”. On Good Friday we eat hot cross buns. Soeties they are cold but we still call the “hot cross buns”! On Easter Day we all have chocolate Easter eggs (sybols of new life). They are lovely!
Halloween: 31 October
People think that ghosts coe out at night on Halloween. At Halloween parties people wear frightening clothes and asks. We ake a face fro a pupkin and put a candle in it. Then we put it in the window to frighten people. In the US, children wearing frightening clothes and asks go fro door to door to get sweets by ringing doorbells and calling out “trick or treat?”
Christas Day: 25 Deceber
On Christas Day we send Christas cards to one another. We put decorations everywhere and we have a Christas Tree with lights. We call 24 Deceber “Christas Eve”. On Christas Eve Santa Claus puts presents in our stockings. On Christas Day there are presents for everyone. We eat special dinner at hoe—turkey, pudding and cake. I love Christas.

Easter SundayHalloweenChristas day
1. Have a chocolate Easter eggs
2. Send Christas cards
3. Eat special dinner
4. Wear frightening clothes
5. Put a candle in a pupkin

C (10%)
Stephen Hawking is probably the world’s ost faous scientist after Albert Einstein. He is an expert on black holes. He has put his life into digging into the beginning and the end of the universe.
“y goal is siple,” Hawking once said. “It is to copletely understand the universe.” Xk b1
Hawking has a bad illness and that stops hi fro oving or talking. For a long tie, he had no way to counicate except by blinking(眨眼).
Now he is staying on a wheelchair with a coputer by his side. To counicate, he is oving two fingers to control the coputer’s ouse. He chooses his words fro the screen, and then a voice synthesizer(语音合成器) reads the.
Although Hawking is a disabled an, he ade great achieveents. He has received any awards and prizes. This includes the Albert Einstein Award, the highest achieveent in the oretical physics(理论物理).


( ) 1. Fro the first paragraph we know that_______.
A. Hawking is ore faous than Einstein
B. Hawking is less faous than Einstein
C. both Hawking and Einstein are very faous
D. neither Hawking nor Einstein is faous
( ) 2.What does Hawking work on? He works on _________.
A. the beginning and the end of the worldB. coputers
C. voice synthesizersD. studying the universe
( ) 3.What does the underline pronoun “it” refer to?
A. The goal.B. The black hole.C. The universe.D. The earth.
( ) 4. According to the passage, which of the following stateents is TRUE?
A. Hawking has received any awards and prices except the Albert Einstein Award.
B. The illness keeps Hawking fro oving and speaking.
C. Hawking counicates with others by speaking.
D. The illness stopped Hawking fro being successful.
( ) 5.Which is the best title for the passage?
A. Stephen HawkingB. The beginning of the universe
C. Live as Hawking doesD. A clever an

VI.书面表达(10%) 请根据下面表格中所提供的信息写一篇以A trip to Guilin为题的短。60 词左右。

ain points(要点)Details (详细说明)

TieLast suerBeautiful hills and clear water
Peopley parents and I
ExperiencePlaces of interestThe Seven Star Park; The Li Jiang River; Die Cai Hill;
ActivitiesTaking photos and going shopping
FeelingsExcited and happyEnjoying the trip and hoping to visit it again

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/45003.html
