
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分 考试形式:闭卷)
第一部分 (,共55分)
A. 听对话 下面你将听到10小段对话,请根据所听到的对话,选出正确的选项,将其序号填入题前的括号内。每段对话读两遍。
( ) 1. What does the boy want to learn?
A. B. C.

( ) 2. What is To’s favourite pet?
A. B. C.

( ) 3. What is Betty doing?
A. B. C.
( ) 4. Which boy is Daniel?
A. B. C.
( ) 5. What do you think Peter is going to do?
A. He is going to chat with his friend.
B. He is going to end his bike.
C. He is going to use his coputer.
( ) 6. What do you know about the woan’s daughter?
A. She is shy. B. She’s polite. C. She’s friendly.
( ) 7. What are they doing?
A. They’re having a rest. B. They’re shopping. C. They’re having dinner.
( ) 8. Which outdoor activity does the boy think is the ost dangerous?
A. Skiing. B. Caping. C. Diving.
( ) 9. Hoill they go to the party?
A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By taxi.
( )10. Whose dog is it?
A. It’s Andy’s father’s. B. It’s Andy’s grandfather’s. C. It’s Andy’s.
B. 听下面的对话和一篇短,每段对话和短后有几个小题,请根据你所听到的内容。从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个适当的答语,将其序号填入题前的括号内。每段对话或短读两遍。
( )11. What’s wrong with David?
A. He has no tie to play coputer gaes.
B. He can’t understand his other.
C. He has probles with his ath hoework.
( )12. Why does he have such a proble?
A. Because his teacher is not good at all.
B. Because he spends too uch tie on coputer gaes.
C. Because he doesn’t like ath at all.
( )13. How old is Peter?
A. 12. B. 14. C. 15.
( )14. What do we know about To?
A. He is clever. B. He is polite. C. He always does his hoework well.
( )15. What does Peter do in his free tie?
A. He plays tennis. B. He plays basketball. C. He goes to the fil club.
( )16. Where did the speaker learn the story of Wang Ling?
A. On TV. B. In the newspaper. C. Over the radio.
( )17. When did the accident happen?
A. On 2nd October. B. On 2nd Septeber. C. On 2nd Noveber.
( )18. What was wrong with the old an?
A. He hurt his feet. B. He hurt his hands. C. He broke his leg.
( )19. What did the old an recoended Wang Ling for?
A. A study award. B. A youth award. C. A bravery edal.
( )20. What kind of person is Wang Ling?
A. Sart and hard-working.
B. Honest and shy.
C. Brave and helpful.
( )21. Sa doesn’t like playing ______piano, but he likes playing _______basketball.
A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; /
( )22. A plane is like a bird. Its two ________help it fly high in the sky.
A. necks B. feathers C. wings D. tails
( )23. ---Look, Sion and Ji are helping rs. Li clean the house.
---Yes. __________children!
A. How helpful B. How a helpful C. What helpful D. What a helpful
( )24. y dog will ________if a stranger coes. He is a good guard(守卫).
A. sile B. sing C. bark D. iaow
( )25. ---_________I play coputer gaes now, u?
---Sorry, dear. You _______finish your hoework first.
A. Can; can B. Can; ust C. ust; can D. ust; ust
( )26. --- Could you help e ______this ath proble, Lin Tao? It’s too hard for e?
---OK. Let e have a try.
A. look after B. work out C. think of D. put on
( )27. I think Kate is better at playing basketball because she is ______than Jenny.
A. shorter B. quieter C. taller D. fatter
( )28. aria is______ geography, but she can get better results if she does her best.
A. interested in B. good at C. weak in D. fond of
( )29. ---Which season do you like_______, autun or winter?
A. well B. better C. best D. the best
( )30. The sweater is too sall. Could you show e ______ one, please?
A. another B. the other C. others D. other
( )31. ---________does ary go to the Bubby Club?
---Once a week.
A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How uch
( )32. Look out! The knife is very sharp. You _______ cut your finger.
A. ust B. need C. should D. ay
( )33. Kate always wears a sile _______her face and looks happy.
A. in B. on C. at D. over
( )34. Both Li Lei and ike are thirteen years old. Li Lei is _________ike.
A. the sae age as B. not as old as C. older thanD. younger than
( )35. ---Peter is the fastest swier of us here.
---________. Sion is.
A. Yes, I agree B. I don’t know C. I don’t think soD. Of course
Dear Editor,
I a a reader of your agazine and I need help. I a very ___36____ these days because I have soe probles with y new school.
I a a Grade 8 student. I just oved to Beijing with y parents two onths ago. Now, I a ___37____ at a new secondary school in Sunshine Town. It is bigger than y old school.
I do not know the new school very well ___38____ I have no friends here. I do not know ___39____ to talk to y new classates. ___40___, I a very nervous and I cannot answer their questions. I feel really uncofortable when they talk to e. ___41____ lunchtie, I always sit alone in the playground and ___42___ books. I hope they will not ___43____ because I feel so shy when they try to talk to e.
I ___44___ y old classates very uch, but I really want to ake friends with y new classates. I do not knohat to do. I hope you ____45___ give e soe advice.
( )36. A. afraid B. sorry C. unhappy D. worried
( )37. A. studying B. working C. teaching D. learning
( )38. A. so B. and C. but D. or
( )39. A. what B. when C. where D. how
( )40. A. Soeties B. Soe tie C. Soe tie D. Soe ties
( )41. A. After B. Before C. During D. For
( )42. A. watch B. look C. see D. read
( )43. A. coe back B. coe out C. coe over D. coe on
( )44. A. iss B. forget C. reeber D. share
( )45. A. ust B. can C. need D. should
Once upon a tie there was a poor faily in a sall village. The faily had a son called Jackson. He was a kind boy. He always saved his pocket oney to help pay for his sister’s school fees.
One day, they had no food to eat. Jackson’s other asked hi to go fishing. So he went to the nearby river. He waited for a long tie and caught a cod(鳕鱼)at last. The cod said to hi, “If you don’t eat e, I will give you a pair of agic scissors(剪刀). And you can use the scissors to cut anything you want.” Jackson believed it and got the scissors.
When he got hoe, he told his parents and his sister about the agic scissors. They cut soe food, and the delicious food was on the table. Then they cut a house, and they had a new house. They were very happy, and didn’t worry about the food any ore.
( )46. There could be _______people in Jackson’s faily.
A. two B. three C. four D. five
( )47. Jackson saved his pocket oney because _________________.
A. he wanted to buy a coputer
B. his sister needed oney to go to school
C. his other told hi to do so
D. he wanted to buy a pair of agic scissors
( )48. Jackson’s other asked hi to go fishing because _____________.
A. he was good at fishing B. he wanted to eat fish
C. he enjoyed fishing D. his faily had no food to eat
( )49. The underlined phrase “school feed” eans “__________” in Chinese.
A. 学籍 B. 学分 C. 学科 D. 学费
( )50. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Jackson’s sister wasn’t old enough to go to school.
B. The cod gave Jackson a pair of agic scissors.
C. Jackson put the cod back into the river at last.
D. Jackson’s faily had a new house after getting the scissors.

第二部分 (非,共45分)
Yesterday orning when I opened y eyes, it was half past six already. I got up quickly and ran to the bus stop without having breakfast. As soon as I got on the bus, it started raining. “I a sure I can get to the school on tie,” I thought. Suddenly, the bus stopped. There was soething wrong with the bus. The driver asked us to wait for another one.
“I can’t wait. The school is not far. I can run to school,” I thought. Then I began to run, but it began to rain hard.
I reached the classroo, but I was all wet. The ath teacher, r. Li, was in the classroo. We were afraid of hi and I didn’t like his ath lessons. I said, “I’ sorry, r. Li. I’ late.”
“It’s you again, Wang Bin. I told you not to be late, but you…” He suddenly stopped and looked at y wet clothes. Then he took off his jacket and gave it to e.
“Now, take off your wet coat and put this one on,” he said kindly.
I went to y seat, wearing r. Li’s jacket. It was too big but I felt very war in it. I found, for the first tie, that ath was very interesting, so I learned a lot that day.
51. When did Wang Bin get up yesterday orning?
52. If there wasn’t anything wrong with the bus, could Wang Bin get to school on tie?
53. Why didn’t Wang Bin like ath lessons?
54. What kind of teacher do you think of r. Li is?
55. Why did Wang Bin find ath interesting at last?
A. 根据句意和括号内所给单词的适当形式写出单词
56. The light is red. You ust wait. It’s _______(danger) to cross the road.
57. What’s the _______(ean) of this word, do you know?
58. Jenny is very kind. She often shares her ______(toy) with her friends.
59. y roo is not as big as y ________(brother).
60. Your sister is too young to dress ________(she). Please help her, Ann.
B. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词
61. Look at the picture. Lucy has ______(少) toatoes than illie.
62. This ter we have two days _______(休息) every week. We all feel very happy because we have ore tie for our hobbies.
63. ---What will the weather be _______(像) toorrow?
---Another sunny day, but a little cold.
64. Ji has a good sense of huour. He always akes us _______(笑)a lot.
65. ike likes _______(收集)all kinds of staps.
C. 根据句意和首字母提示写出单词
66. To is very helpful. He often gives his s_______ to the old people on the bus.
67. The flu(流感) is big p________ in the world no We ust be careful.
68. We all like our English teacher because she is always w_______ to help us.
69. ---What do you want to be in the f_________?
---I want to be a singer because I like traveling.
70. The a________ by the 15-year-old girl are very popular aong the young people no
71. 今晚上电视上播放什么节目?
What ____________________________________tonight?
72. 去年Sandy不会划船,现在会了。
Last year Sandy__________________________________.
73. 他们十年前认识对方的。
They got ________________________________________.
74. 你不应该把宠物单独留在家里太长时间。
You shouldn’t____________________________________.
75. 后请和你的同学练习这个对话。
Please _________________________________after class.

A. 听对话 下面你将听到10小段对话,请根据所听到的对话,选出正确的选项,将其序号填入题前的括号内。每段对话读两遍。
1. W: r. Zhang, can you teach e how to play the piano?
: No proble. Let’s practice every Saturday afternoon.
2. W: Hi, To. What’s your favourite pet?
: I like goldfish best.
3. W: Dad, where’s Betty?
: Oh, she is watering the flowers in the garden.
4. W: Look, isn’t that Daniel? He is running fast to catch the bus.
: No, you’re wrong. That an is so tall. Daniel is short and thin.
5. W: Hi, Peter. Can you coe and chat with our e-friend on the Internet?
: I’ afraid I can’t. y bike is broken and I need to use it toorro
6. W: When y daughter speaks to others, her face always goes red.
: Oh, what a shy girl.
7. W: What delicious food! Would you like soe ore?
: No, thanks. I’ full.
8. W: Which do you think is the ost dangerous, skiing, caping or diving?
: I think diving is the ost dangerous of all.
9. W: Coe on, dear! We will be late for the party. How shall we get there, by bike or by bus.
: We don’t have tie no Let’s take a taxi.
10. W: What a lovely dog! Is it yours, Andy?
: No, it isn’t. It belongs to y grandfather.
B. 听下面的对话和一篇短,每段对话和短后有几个小题,请根据你所听到的内容。从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个适当的答语,将其序号填入题前的括号内。每段对话或短读两遍。
W: What’s going on, David?
: I’ having probles with y ath hoework.
W: How coe?
: I don’t kno I just can’t reeber the rules at all!
W: That’s very strange. You are good at ath!
: I know, but I like playing coputer gaes no
W: Hey, aybe you’re getting worse at ath because you’re playing those coputer gaes all the tie.
: u, that’s crazy. Why would coputer gaes ake e worse at ath?
W: Because they take up uch of your tie. That’s it.
W: There is a new student in y class. He’s Peter. His other is French and his other is Italian.
: Ah, his brother To is in y class. He’s 12. How old is Peter?
W: He is 14.
: What does Peter look like? Tall and sli like his brother?
W: Quite tall.
: I see. His brother To is very clever but soeties a bit lazy. He never does his hoework. What is Peter like?
W: He’s clever, too. And he always does his hoework well. And you know…he always says “please” and “thank you”.
: He’s polite, then. His brother is soeties rude. What does Peter do in his free tie?
W: Well… he’s in soe school clubs.
: Does he go to the fil club?
W: No, he doesn’t. He likes sport.
: Does he play tennis, like To.
W: He doesn’t like tennis. He plays basketball when he’s free.
Hello. I a a student fro Sunshine Secondary School. I alost cried when I read the story of Wang Ling in the newspaper. She is a very helpful girl—she always likes to help others. On 2nd October, she saved an old an in a traffic accident. Wang Ling’s legs were hurt but she did not ind it. She was sorry for the old an because he broke his leg in the car accident. The old an was grateful to Wang Ling for saving his life. He recoended her for a bravery edal. Wang Ling set a good exaple for us. That’s right. Helping others is to help ourselves.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/48293.html
