Will people have robots

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

【题】:Unit 1 Will people have robots? Section A 1a-2c
【预习目标】:1.识记P2-3 单词 2. 学会Will构成的一般将时态,
3.理解并会使用There will be... 和Will there be ...?
【预习重难点】:重点 will构成的一般将时态
难点 There will be... 和Will there be ...?
1.写出下列单词 将;会;要_______ 机器人_______ 每事情 _____纸张_____ 污染 ________数目________ few(比较级)_________
3) 完成1a
3.1) 读2a、2b中的句子,理解There will be...句型
2) There will be...句型 的一般疑问句_________________
3) There will be...句型 的否定句______________________
(二)预习诊断 .
英汉互译1. 一切免费 2. 一张纸
3.在100年之后 4. use money 5.study at home on computers 6. live to be 200 years old 7.他们将会在家用电脑学习。_________________________________________
(三)预习反思 Do you have any questions ?
Step 1 预习交流
Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in Step4 Pairwork
Step 4 精讲点拨
in 100 years “一百年后”, in+ 时间段,用于一般将时,in译为“在……之后,在……之内”He will come back _______________( 两小时后)
Step 5 拓展延伸 用there be or have的适当形式填空
1. an English speech contest tomorro
2 you any questions?
3. I a pet dog when I was seven years old.
4. no schools in this village 20 years ago.
5. She a car and a house in 10 years . But now she nothing because she no money.
6. some students and a teacher in the classroom.
7. In 25 years, __ more robots and humans _ less work to do.
8. They a lot of housework to do every day.
9. a ruler and some books on the desk.
10 more buses in the future ?
Step 6 系统总结 1.more(many, much), less(little) , fewer(few)

2.There be句型的一般将时
There will be/is going to be……

三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分 ________
1. There (be) fewer cars in 100 years.
2. She (be) 20 next month.
3. -- the Browns (go) to Shanghai for vacation?
-- Yes, they will.
4. There will be (few) birds in the future than no
5. ids (study) at home on computers in 100 years.
6. I hope there will be cars and pollution.
A. less; less B. fewer; fewer C. less ; fewer D. fewer; less
7.--Will there be robots in people’s homes?
-- .
A. Yes, there will B. Yes. There be C. No, there will D. No, it won’t
8.How long will the turtle (海龟)live ?
A. to B. to be C. for D. on
9.They are having a meeting no (next month)
10. It rained yesterday.( tomorrow)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/48844.html

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