新目标八年级英语下册Unit7 Section B导学案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网


Unit 7  Would you mind turning down the music?
(Section B)
教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy.有个好习惯,事事皆不难。
1) 单词与短语stamp, kite, monster, globe, anyone, store, cake, particularly, collector, common, run out of, by the way
2)目标句型:1. What do you collect?
2. When did you start?
3. How many do you have? 
4. What do you like to collect in the future?  
   5. What is the most common/unusual/interesting hobby?
3) 语法 1)ake requests.
2) Apologize.
1.重点:Would you mind doing…?和Do you mind doing…? 用于询问或请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。
2.教学难点:Would you mind doing…?和Do you mind doing…? 用于询问或请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。
Could / Can / Will / you please do…? 请求别人做某事
Could / Can / I do…? 请求许可。
1. 组长带领组员复习Would you mind doing…?用法。
2. 组长带领组员通读本from page 55 to 56, 理解其含义并完成表格。
3. 组长带领组员熟读3a,并指定堂朗读人选。
4. 组长带领组员找出本(from page 55 to 56)的重要短语、句子。 并指定堂展示人选。
5. Language points:
1) I can’t stand it.
stand (1)vt. 忍受、经受、顶住。
  I can’t stand the noise/pain/your new haircut.
 (2)位于、座落 There stands a tall tree on the hill.
2)annoy v.使恼怒、使生气
 (1) annoy sb. 使sb.恼怒、使sb.生气
The news annoys me.
What annoys /annoyed you?
 (2) annoyed / annoying adj.
I’m /get annoyed. The news is annoying.
  I get ______ to hear the _______ things. (annoy)
3) line 队、列、排
be in line 排成一队,成一直线;join the line排队
wait in line = wait in a queue 排队等候
stand in a line 站队
cut in line = jump the queue插队
4) polite adj. be polite to sb. 对sb.有礼貌
It’s polite of sb. to do sth. It’s very polite of us to help others.
5) happen to sb.
What happened to him? = What was wrong with him?
6) try (not) to do sth. I should try not to be so polite.
try / do one’s best (not) to do sth.尽某人最大努力做(不做)某事
( )1. — ay I help you? You have lots of things to carry.  
    — Would you mind ______ for me?
A. carrying these booksB. carry these books
C. to carry these booksD. will carry these books
( )2. — Will you come to the net bars(网吧)with me?
    — Sorry.y mother always tells me ____ there. 
   A.not go   B.go   C.not to go  D.to go
( )3. If that _____ , I won’t go back to the shop again.
A. happens B. happening C. happened D. to happen
( )4. —I _____ an English-Chinese dictionary. When ___ you ___ it?
—Yesterday afternoon.
A. bought,did ,buy B. buy, do, buy
C. bought, will, buy D. buy, have, bought
( )5. Where are you going? I’m going to the library to ___ the book.
A. return back B. get back C. take back D. give back
( )6. Can I use your bike to go to school? ____ . But you must return it tomorro
A. It doesn’t matter B. No problem C. Sorry D. I’m O
( )7. I get ____ when my parents turn off the TV.
A. annoyed B. annoy C. annoying D. to annoy
( )8. It’s not polite to ___ when people stand in front of you.
A. cut in line B. cut line C. cut a line D. cut in lines
( )9. When did you ____ Shanghai last night?
A. arrive B. reach C. get D. go
( )10. Oh! It’s so loud. Zhou Xin, please _____ the music.
A. turn down B. turn on C. turn up D. turn to
1. I had a bad cold. I c_____ a lot last night.
2. Be a good child means you must be p_______ to other people.
3. I left my umbrella in the library. I must r_____ to get it back.
4. ary works as a w____ in this restaurant.
5. There are so many people. We have to wait in l____ to buy tickets.
6. Don’t f_____ me around. I’m annoyed.
7. A strange thing h_____ in the village last month.
8. The pen I bought last week didn’t w_____ . I’m very angry.
9. Would you mind not __________(讲) so loudly? I’m doing my homework.
10. You must wait in __________(队伍) when you buy the tickets.
11. Could you please __________(close) the door? It’s cold outside.
12. Would you mind my __________(park) the car here?
13. If someone throws litter in the classroom, you may __________(polite) stop him.
14. I don’t want the shop assistants to f__________ me around while I am shopping.
15. She got very __________(annoy) when the boy broke her dolls.
16. Would you m______closing the door?
17. You should be more __________(care) to make fewer mistakes.
18. What is the w__________ to solve this problem?
19. Eating with chopsticks is very common in some A__________ countries.
1. I’ve been swimming since two hours ago. (就画线部分提问)
_____ _____ _______ you been swimming?
2. He came to China five years ago. (改为同义句)
He ____ _____ ____ China for five years.
3. Would you mind cleaning your room? (作否定回答)
No, ____ ____ _______.
4. She needs some help. (改为否定句)
She ______ _____ _____ help.
5. Do you need any help? He asks. (合并为一个复合句)
He asks ____ ____ ____ some help.
( )1. Would (A) you mind (B) do (C) the dishes (D)? 改为 _________
( )2. This shirt is (A) too big. Could (B) you give (C) me a small (D) one? 改为 ___
( )3. What (A) annoy (B) you, Li Zheng? Please tell (C) me (D). 改为 _______
( )4. They’ve been (A) staying (B) there for (C) five years ago (D). 改为 ______
( )5. How long (A) have (B) you bought (C) your car (D)? 改为 ______
A: ay I help you?
B: Yes, please. I 1 this pen here just now, but it doesn’t 2 no
A: What’s the 3 ?
B: I don’t kno Would you mind 4 me a new one?
A: No, 5 at all. 6 a new one.
B: Can I try 7 here right now?
A: Sure. You can write on this 8 of paper.
B: What do you think 9 it?
A: I think 10 O. Thanks.
1. 年轻人学好一门外语很重要。
It’s _____ _____ young people to learn a _______ _______.
2. 如果我们不排队的话,别人会生气。
If we don’t _____ _____ ____, others will be angry.
3. 从现在起,我必须尽力不再迟到。
I must try ___ ___ ___ ____ again from now on.
4. 昨天我的电脑坏了。
There was _______ _______ ______ my computer yesterday.
5. 你的理发师给你理了一个难看的发型。
Your barber ______ you a ____ ______.

1.Sorry, I’ll do it __________.
2.I have to ____________every day.
3.O. I’ll __________ another pair of jeans.
4.I’ll __________ in a minute.
5.Could you ______________ for our company?
6.y mother told me to ___________ after dinner.
7.Her aunt asked her to ____________ last Sunday morning.
8. Would you mind __________ to me? I want to go to my friend’s party.
9. Would you please __________? Linda is answering the telephone.
10. I often __________for my parents because I’m good at cooking.
《同步练习册》Unit 7 SectionB部分.

二、1.coughed 2.polite 3.return 4.waitress 5.line 6.follow 7.happened 8.work9.speaking
10.line 11.close 12.parking 13.politely 14.follow 15.annoyed 16.mind 17.careful
18.way 19.Asian
三、1. How long have 2.has been in 3.not at all 4.doesn’t need any 5.if I need
四、1. C, doing 2.D, smaller 3.B, annoys 4.D, five years 5.C,had
五、1. bought 2. work/write 3. matter/trouble 4.giving/changing 5. not 6.Here’s
7.it 8.piece 9.of 10.it’s
六、1. important for foreign language 2. wait in line 3. not to be late 4. something wrong with 5. gave terrible haircut
七、1.right away2.clean my room 3.put on 4.get out of the bathroom 5.make some posters 6.wash the dishes7.babysit her little cousin 8.lending your car 9.turn down the TV 10.make dinner

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/49820.html
