
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网


A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。读一遍。
( )1. What’s the boy’s favourite sport?

( )2. What did Lee probably see during his holiday?

( )3. What does Jack look like?

( )4. How did Sally go to the Palace useu?

( )5. What subject is Andy good at?
( )6. Why does the girl look tired today?
A. Because she went to bed too late.
B. Because she didn’t sleep last night.
C. Because she did hoework all night.
( )7. Who went to the Teple of Heaven yesterday?
A. Lily and To. B. Lily and her cousin. C. To and his cousin.
( )8. What’s the an going to do first?
A. Go out to dinner. B. Write a report. C. Go for a trip.
( )9. What’s the girl’s drea?
A. To travel around the world. B. To clib faous ountains. C. To be a singer.
( )10. What can we learn about Linda’s pencil box?
A. It’s bigger than Ji’s pencil box.
B. It’s like Ji’s pencil box.
C. It’s saller than Ji’s pencil box.
( )11.What’s the an going to do for his holiday?
A. He will be on business. B. He will travel to Nanjing.
C. He will travel to Dalian.
( )12..How long will it take hi to get there?
A. Less than 2 hours. B. Over 2 hours. C. 2 hours and a half.
( )13. What are they talking about?
A.The weather of the weekend B.Going swiing at the weekend
C.Their plans for the weekend
( )14. What will the weather be like at the weekend?
A. SunnyB. RainyC. Cloudy
( )15.What would illie like to do?
A. Go swiingB. Go shoppingC. Stay at hoe
( )16. What will you do in the orning?
A. Do soe exercise B. learn ath C. learn English
( )17. When will they have lunch ?
A. 11:30 B.12:30 C.12:00
( )18. What can they do in the afternoon?
A. They ust learn English B. They take exas C. They are free to do anything
( )19. What can a student take to the exa?
A. a coputer B. A dictionary C. A obile phone
( )20.How long will they wait for the results of the exa?
A. 4 weeks B. 3 onths C. 4 onths
一、单项选择 (15分)
( )1. Lucy didn’t ake istakes in the ath exa. She is _____ in y class.
A. the ost careful B. the ost careless C. ore careful D. uch careful
( )2.He was so __ _when he heard the _______ news that he got the first prize in the contest.
A. exciting, exciting B. exciting, excited
C. excited, excited D. excited, exciting
( ) 3. ---Shall we go to see a fil tonight?---______.
A. Thank you B. That’s a good idea
C. It’s very kind of you D. I have no tie
( )4.He tries to do what he can _________English well.
A. to study B. studies C. studying D. study
( )5.All of us want to do ore work with ________ tie and ________ workers.
A. fewer, less B. less, fewer
C. ore, uch D. less, ore
( )6.________ hard work it is!
A. What a B. How a C. What D. How
( )7.Shanghai is larger than _______ in Japan.
A. any other city B. the other city C. any city D. other city
( )8.Lucy’s sports shoes are _________ yours.
A. like B. alike C. the sae D. different
( ) 9.How any apples did you pick when you were on the far?
--- I picked _______ apples than any other student in y class.
A. any ore B. ore uch C. the ost D. the ost of all
( )10.I run faster than _______.
A. she does B. her does C. hers D. she is
( )11.When he was six, he ________speak soe Japanese.
A. is able to B. can C. could D. ust
( )12 I don’t like the colour of this pair of shoes. Please show e ______.
A. another pair B. another one C. other pair D. the other pair
( )13.Her other looked _______ at that oent when she heard the good news.
A. happy B. happily C. unhappy D. sadly
( )14.Jack with his classates _______play football if it _________toorro
A. are going to , doesn’t rain B. is going to , isn’t; rain
C. is going to, doesn’t rain D. are going to , won’t rain
( )15.Nacny spent half an hour _________ the piano every day.
A. to practice playing B. practising playing
C. practising to paly D. to practise to play

David had a hobby. He enjoyed collecting things of old ties. One day he ____1___a farer owned a bowl with a long history. He drove to the village as soon as he cae into ___2___. In the farer’s hoe, he saw the bowl was on the ground and a cat was ___3__ilk fro it. The farer was lying beside the bowl. David pretended(假装) he didn’t know that the bowl cost a lot, ___4___ he said to the farer in a soft voice. “ I want the cat. Won’t you ___5___it?”
The farer opened his eyes and asked, “How uch would you spend on it?” “20 dollars. Would it be ____6____?” ___7____ inutes later, the farer agreed. After he ___8____ the farer, he said, “ ay I take the bowl ___9___ the cat can have ilk?” The farer said, “ I’ sorry I can’t give it to you. __10____ the bowl, I’ve already sold 20 cats.”
( ) 1. A. heard of B. heard about C. heard D. heard fro
( ) 2. A. his hoe B. the farer’s hoe C. his car D. the farer’s car
( ) 3. A. carrying B. catching C. eating D. drinking
( ) 4. A. so B. because C. though D. until
( ) 5. A. give B. show C. buy D. sell
( ) 6. A. full B. bad C. useful D. enough
( ) 7. A. A few B. uch C. Few D. A little
( ) 8. A. paid for B. paid C. spent D. cost
( ) 9. A. so B. since C. for D. so that
( ) 10. A Thanks to B. Thanks C. Thankful D. Thanked

Peter is eight years old, and he goes to a school near his house. He always goes there and coes hoe on foot. He usually gets back on tie, but last Friday he cae hoe fro school late. His other saw hi and said to hi, “Why are you late today, Peter?”“y teacher was angry and told e to see the headaster after class,” Peter answered.“To see the headaster?” his other asked. “Why did she tell you to see hi?”
“Because she asked a question in class,” Peter said, “And nobody could answer it except e.”His other becae angry. “But why did your teacher tell you to see the headaster then?” she asked.“Because her question was ‘Who put the glue(胶水) on y chair?’” Peter said.
( )1. How does Peter often go to school? .
A. By busB. On footC. By carD. By water
( )2. Why was Peter late last Friday? Because ________________.
A. he had to do his hoework at school
B. his other wasn’t at hoe
C. his teacher told hi to see the headaster
D. his other went to school
( )3. What question did his teacher ask?
A. Who wanted to go hoe early?
B. Who put the glue on ychair?
C. Who was late this orning?
D. Who saw y book?
( )4.Why was Peter’sother angry?Because she thought______ at first.
A. the question had no answerB. the question was too hard
C. the teacher did soething wrong D. the headaster shouldn’t do that
( )5. Peter is _________ .
A. a naughty boy B. good at English
C. angry D. a clever boy
Alice is a young woan. She likes to exercise for her health. She walks five kiloeters before breakfast every orning, and goes swiing twice a week at the swiing pool. She doesn’t soke and never drinks wine(酒). She doesn’t eat chocolate, and she doesn’t eat sweet and fat foods.
One day Alice was on her daily walk when she saw a an sitting in a chair. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking(发抖), but he looked very happy.
He siled at her and said, “ Good orning! Lovely day, isn’t it?”
He was very happy, and his eyes showed his happiness. But Alice saw that he had no teeth.
“Good orning!” said Alice. “Yes, it’s a lovely day.”
Alice thought he was old and clever. She thought he ust be ore than 90 years old. She wanted to ask hi about the secret of a happy old age.
“Excuse e. But what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do when I a your age.”
The an in the chair said, “y secret for happiness? I soke every day, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat haburgers, I eat chocolate and I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit and watch TV all day.”
Alice couldn’t understand. She wanted to know how the an got to be so old when he did everything wrong. She thought he should be sick and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. aybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life without eating well and doing lots of sports.
“How old are you?’ she asked.
“It’s y birthday today.” Said the an, “I a forty-seven.”
( )6. What does Alice like?
A. Soking. B. Drinking wines.
C. Eating unhealthy food. D. Doing sports.
( )7. Which is WRONG about the old an?
A. He didn’t have any teeth.
B. He was ore than 90 years old.
C. He looked happy although he looked thin and weak.
D. He looked very old.
( )8. How often did the old an do sports?
A. Never. B. Often. C. Soeties. D. Every day.
( )9. How did Alice feel when he heard the old an’s secret for happiness?
A. Happy. B. Interested. C. Excited. D. Surprised.
( )10. After the old an told Alice about his age, Alice knew .
A. the an was in good health for his age
B. the an had a healthier lifestyle than her
C. a good lifestyle was iportant for one’s health
D. people could live a long life without a good lifestyle

1.Sandy’s drawing is the best in the drawing ________(竞赛)。
2.________(地理) is y favourite subject.
3.The beef ________(尝起) delicious. Would you like soe?
4.The knife is ade of ________(金属)。
5.There are soe differences between Aerican English and ________(英国的) English.
6. I love basketball very uch,ichael Jordan and Yao ing are y h______.
7.We are now in the West Lake in Hangzhou and really feel the b________of it.
8. If you want to coe, please let us know as soon as p_______
9.There was a lot of t____ on the city roads. Please be careful when you cross the road
10.I a________ the popular singers very uch when I was a child.

1.All of us hope you _________(try) your best to learn English well this ter.
2.Would you please _________(not ake) so uch noise?
3.It ________(rain) hard when I got hoe.
4.y drea is ________(travel) around the world.
5.y teacher invited e ________(join) the school trip.
6. They had a good tie ________(play) football on the playground yesterday.
7.If you take ore exercise, you will feel uch _________(health).
8.Whose shoes are these? They are the ________(run).
9.WeiHua is ________(tall) of the two girls.
10.What’s the ________(long) of your desk? It’s about one eter.

六、 句子翻译 (5分)
Shanghai is ___________________________________________.
I want ________________________________________________
3. 迈克有很好的幽默感,他常让我们大笑。
ike _____________________ and often __________________.
4.我想知道Sion 现在正躲在哪儿。
I _______________________________________.
5. 这支钢笔和我的一样。
This pen _________________________________.

If you go to Egypt, you will see the f____1______ pyraids. The b____2_____ of all is the Great Pyraid. It is about 137 ______3____ high and ade of over two illion big stones. E____4______ stone is about 2.5 tons. It t____5____ ore than 100,000 en twenty years to build. Nobody can tell how the en built it w____6____ our odern achines.
The Egyptian kings had the pyraids built for t_____7_____. They thought they had tobs(坟墓) strong enough to k_____8_____ their bodies well u___9____ they could coe back to life.
But they had never thought that about 5,000 years later their bodies would be o_____10____ show in the useu.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8 9. 10.


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/50173.html
