八年级英语上册Module 12 Unit 3教案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
八年级英语上册Module 12 Unit 3教案
Module12 Traditional life
Unit3 Language in use

1. 知识目标:
(1)情态动词must 和can 的肯定和否定用法。
You must say M r and M rs when you speak to older people
You can use first names with your friends
You mustn’t talk too loudly
能够使用must, mustn’t, can, can’t写出中国的某些风俗。
能够使用must, mustn’t ,can, can’t表达风俗习惯和规章制度
5. 学习策略:
一、Warming up :
Teacher’s activity:
Show the sentences to the whole class.
You must say Mr and Mrs when you speak to older people.
You can use first names with your friends.
You mustn’t talk too loudly.
Students’ activity :
Try to read aloud the sentences.
二、In put
Listening to a teenager talking about life.(Activity 1 and 2)
T: Ask the students to read through the table to themselves so they know what to listen for.
Play the tape through once while they just listen and focus.
S: listen to the tape and comple the table.
T: Play the tape once more for the students to find the answers.
S: listen to the tape and answer the questions.
三、 Practice
T:Ask the students to write some sentences using can ,must ,and,
S: Write the sentences by themselves.
T: Ask the students to work in pairs .
S: Tell each other three things you must do at home and three things you mustn’t do.
T: Read the example with the class.
Ask the students to do this activity individually, and then check with a partner.
S: Call back the answers from the whole class as complete sentences.
四、Out put
Ask the students to do this activity individually, and then check with a partner.
S: Call back the answers from the whole class as complete sentences.
T: Ask the students to do this activity individually and then check with a partner.
S: Do it by themselves and check the answers in groups.
T: Read through the words and expressions in the box with the whole class and have them repeat them chorally and individually.
S : Do the activity individually ,and then check with a partner.
T: Read through the words in the boxes with the whole class and have them repeat them chorally and individually.
S: Do it and check the answers in groups.
Activity 11 Pairwork
T: Ask the students to do it in pairs.
S: work in pairs and check with another pair.
Around the world
T: Read through the passage and explain it for the class.
S: Discuss the contents with the class.
五、Summing up
To summarize the function of using must, mustn’t ,can, can’t to talk about customs and rules.
Complete the sentences with can or can’t
1.You________ drive a car at the age of 16
2.You________ get married at 16
3.You _______can leave china with a passport
4.You ______leave school at the age of 14
5.You_______ have a job at 12
6.You _________ learn English outside the classroom
Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t
1.You _______ be late for school .
2.You________ eat in the library
3.You________ do your homework
4.You________ do your homework
5.You _______listen to the teacher
Complete the sentences with the words or expressions in the box .
Baseball cap chess set chopsticks dictionary present
purse soap
1.Use your to look up any words you don’t understand.
2.She opened her and took out some money to pay the taxi driver .
3.Most Chinese people eat noodles with___________
4.My daughter couldn’t wait to unwrap her birthday__________
5.We use _________to wash our hands.
6.He thinks it’s cool to wear his ____________back to front.
7.Where’s my ________? I want to play a game with it.
七、 教学反思

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/54419.html
