
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分)
( ) 1. There ______ a pair of sport shoes under the bed.
A. are B. is C. have D. has
( ) 2. There are many trees on _______ sides of the road.
A. each B. every C. both D. all
( ) 3. We ______ 1000 English words since we ______ to this school.
A. learn, come B. have learning, came
C. have been learning, come D. have learned, came
( ) 4. We have run _______ rice, we will have to buy some this afternoon.
A. out B. of C. out of D. out to
( ) 5. He is interested in _______ English songs.
A. to collect B. collect C. collecting D. collected
( ) 6. The child _________ trees for the whole four hours with his parents.
A. plants B. have been planting C. has been planting D. has been planted
( ) 7. The big tree in front of my house is _______ years old.
A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundreds D. one hundred of
( ) 8. Yesterday I ________ when I was cooking.
A. had my finger cut B. had cut my finger C. had my finger cutted D. had my finger to cut
( ) 9. My bike doesn’t work. I will _______ this afternoon.
A. make it mend B. have it mended C. have it mend D. have it to mend
( ) 10. Have you ever ________ the Great wall?
A. been to B. gone to C. go to D. been
( ) 11. We like those who have only one idea but make it ______.
A. to work B. working C. work D. works
( ) 12. In Great Britain it isn’t polite ______ from each other’s plate.
A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. for eating
( ) 13. That bag isn’t mine. It may be __________.
A. somebody’s B. somebody else C. somebody’s else D. somebody else’s
( ) 14. They have been skating __________.
A. for three hours ago B. since three hours ago C. three hours ago D. since three hours
( ) 15. _______, what’s your hobby?
A. In the way B. On the way C. To your way D. By the way
Ⅱ. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)
1.I got the pen on my ________(twelve) birthday.
2. Our English teacher is the _____(funny) teacher in our school.
3. Thank you for ___________ (help) me with my English.
4.Mary was ______(interest) in science when she was very young.
5.She ____(taste) the soup to see if it was too salty.
6._______(lucky), I found my lost watch. So I could know the time.
7.My brother’s hobby is _____ (collect) shells.
8.Tom has been _______(skate) this morning.
9.Tom was the first student ____(get) to schol every day.
10.He comes from Australia. He is an ____(Australia).
Ⅲ. 按要求变换下列句型。(15分).
1.They have been talking for the whole three hours.(一般疑问句)
_________________ they __________________ for the whole three hours?
2. Li Lei told me he did well in the final exam.(同义句)
Li Lei ______________ me ______________ he did well in the final exam.
3. To spit in public places is not polite.( 同义句)
______________ isn’t polite ______________ spit in public places.
4. We have been playing football for two hours. (对划线部分提问)
_____________________ have you been playing football?
5. you , pictures , with, them , do, the , books , in , like (连词成句)
通读全文, 掌握其大意, 然后选择最佳答案填空。
Answer the Telephone
The telephone rang and the secretary(), Miss Simpson answered it.
“May I 1 to Mr. Calder, please?” a man said.
“Who is 2 , please?” Miss Simpson asked.
“Mr. Bright.” the man answered. Mr. Calder was in the office at the moment. Miss Simpson put her hand 3 the mouthpiece(送话器) and 4 to him.
“ 5 Mr. Alan Bright, sir.” she said. “He wants to 6 to you.”
“What? Again!” Mr. Calder exclaimed (惊叫). “He wants to sell us a kind of new typewriters, 7 he?”
“Yes, sir,” Miss Simpson said. “He 8 yesterday.”
“And he rang up five 9 last week. We don't 10 new typewriters. I told him that yesterday.” Mr. Calder said angrily.
“Then what shall I 11 , sir?” she asked.
“Tell him I'm not 12 the office.” Mr. Calder said.
Miss Simpson spoke 13 the mouthpiece, “Mr. Bright,” she said. “I'm afraid you 14 speak to Mr. Calder now. Mr. Calder 15 that he is not in his office now. ”
( ) 1. A. ask B. speak C. talk D. tell
( ) 2. A. said B. saying C. spoke D. speaking
( ) 3. A. on B. in C. over D. with
( ) 4. A. spoke B. speak C. speaks D. asks
( ) 5. A. He's B. That's C. It's D. This is
( ) 6. A. tell B. say C. ask D. speak
( ) 7. A. does B. doesn't C. don't D. isn't
( ) 8. A. call B. calls C. called D. calling
( ) 9. A. hours B. times C. time D. minutes
( ) 10. A. need B. use C. have D. sell
( ) 11. A. ask B. speak C. say D. tell
( ) 12. A. out B. on C. off D. in
( ) 13. A. in B. into C. to D. over
( ) 14. A. couldn't B. don't C. can't D. wouldn't
( ) 15. A. says B. said C. say D. told
When you are ill, you should go to see a doctor. After the doctor looks you over, he will write you a note to take to the chemist for some medicine. Chemists are usually good at reading doctors’ notes. But sometimes doctors write too badly and even the chemist can not read them.
One day a woman wrote to a doctor to invite him to have dinner with her family in the restaurant. The doctor wrote an answer, but he wrote too badly and the woman could not read it. “What shall I do?” she asked her husband, “I don’t know whether he is going to come or not. I don’t want to call and say that I don’t understand him.”
Her husband thought for a few minutes and then he had an idea. “Take it to the chemist,” he said, “He will be able to read it for us.”
“Thank you,” the woman said, “That’s a good idea.” She went to the chemist’s shop and gave the doctor’s note to him. The chemist looked at it for a long time.
“Could you wait a moment, Miss?” he said, Then he went to the back of the shop. After a few minutes he came back, carrying a large bottle. He gave the bottle to the woman.
“Take one spoonful(一匙) every day.” He told the woman.
( ) 1. What did the doctor do when he was invited to have dinner in the restaurant?
A. He said he could come on time B. he wrote the woman an answer
C. he was very glad to come D. He wrote a note to the chemist
( ) 2. Why couldn’t the woman understand the “note”?
A. Because the doctor wrote badly. B. Because the woman didn’t know much about medicine.
C. Because the doctor didn’t like to go D. Because the woman never went to school.
( ) 3. The husband wanted his wife to _______.
A. call the doctor or have dinner with them. B. go to the chemist and get some medicine.
C. take the reply to the chemist for help D. read it again
( ) 4. In the story, the word “chemist” means “______’ in Chinese.
A. 护士 B. 化验师 C. 药剂师 D.药房
( ) 5. What did the man in the chemist’s shop give the woman at last?
A. A piece of good advice. B. The right idea of the doctor.
C. An invitation from the doctor. D. A bottle of medicine.
An important question about eating out is who pays for the meal. If a friend of yours asks you to have lunch with him, you may say something like this, “I’m afraid it’ll have to be someplace cheap, as I have little money.” The other person may say, “Ok, I’ll meet you at McDonald’s.”
This means that the two agree to go Dutch, that is, each person pays for himself. He may also say, “Oh, no, I want to take you to lunch at Smith’s,” or “I want you to try the Chinese dumplings there. They are great.” This means the person wants to pay for both of you. If you feel friendly towards the person, you can go with him and you needn’t pay for the meal. You may just say, “Thank you. That would be very nice.”
American custom about who pays for dates (约会) are much the same as in other parts of the world. In the old days, American women wanted men to pay for all the meals. But, today, a university girl or a woman in business world will usually pay her way during the day. If a man asks her for a dance outside the working hours, it means “Come, as my guest.” So as you can see, it is a polite thing to make the question clear at the very beginning.
( ) 6. The passage tells us _______.
A. how to eat out B. where to eat out C. what to eat out D. who pays for the meal
( ) 7. If you have little money,_______.
A. you’ll have a cheap meal B. you’ll borrow some from others
C. you’ll ask your friend to pay for your meal D. you will not want your friends to ask you to dinner
( ) 8. “Go Dutch” in this passage means ________.
A. 去饭馆 B. 就餐 C. 订餐 D. 各自付款
( ) 9. Sometimes your friend takes you to lunch. It means _______.
A. he’s going to lend you money to you B. he’s going to pay for your meal
C. he’ll be angry with you D. he can’t understand you
( ) 10. In America, some girls and women _______now.
A. ask men to pay for their meals B. try to pay for the men’s meals
C. try to pay for their own meals D. never have anything outside
1. 谢谢你送给我的邮票。
Thank you _______________________________me the stamps.
2.?你做了多长时间的作业了? ?两个小时了。
?How long _______________ you _________________________ your homework?
?______ two hours.
3. 自从她六岁以来, 她一直弹钢琴。
She has been_________________________ since she ______________ six years old.
4. 那使我想起了美语和英语的不同。
That _______ me of _______________between American English and British English.
5. 我的头发太长了, 明天我将去理。
My hair is too long, I________________________ it _________________ tomorrow.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/54630.html
