8A Unit 1 How often do you exercise 教案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
8A Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? 教案
Period4 (SectionB 3a~4)
SectionB 3a~4
1. 词汇:学习并掌握 habit, lifetyle, better, try, although, maybe, look after,the same as, keep healthy, try todo sth, of course etc.
2. 功能句:学习并掌握 How often ...?
1. 运用所学词汇,短语,及句型进行自由交际的能力。
2. 联系实际,运用所学知识阅读和写作的能力。
1. 词汇:habit, lifetyle, better, try, although, maybe, look after,the same as, keep healthy, try todo sth, of course etc.
2. 功能句:How often . . . ?
3. 阅读和写作技能
通过唱歌的形式,在欢快的氛围中复习了健康食品和垃圾食品,然后引导学生了解什么样的饮食习惯才能保持健康的体质。在完成SectionB3a~3b的阅读部分的过程中,教师可以先让学生谈谈各自的生活方式 ,由此引到课文主人公身上,通过比较来提升话题。
Step1. Warming up
Sing a song together. (An apple a day keeps a doctor away.)
T: What songs sings about? S1: It’s about an apple.
S2: Apples are good for our health.
T: What other things are good for us/our health? S1: I think milk is good for us.
S2: Fish is good for our health.
S3: Fruit is good for our health.
T: What about junk food? Is it good for us? Ss: No, it’s bad for our health.
T: How often do you eat junk food? S1: I eat it only once a week.
S2: I never eat junk food.
S3: I hardly ever eat junk food.
T: As for eating junk food, I’m the same as you.(教学词组)
Step2 Review.
T: Today, Dr Li wants to know our eating habits. Can you finish the survey?
How are your eating habits?
Activitiesevery dayThree or four times a weekOnce or twice a weeknever
Eat vegetables 4分3分1分0分
Eat fruit4分3分1分0分
Drink milk4分3分1分0分
Eat junk food0分1分3分4分
drink coffee0分1分3分4分
A. good (16分?20分) B. OK (8分---15分) C. bad (8分以下)
My eating habits are______________.
T: Look, Here are the results of my eating habits, I eat vegetables and fruit every day. I got 8 points. I drink milk once or twice a week. I got 1point. I never drink coffee and eat junk food. I got 8 points. So how are my eating habits?
Ss: Your eating habits are good.
T: Can you tell us your eating habits?
S1: I eat vegetables three or four times a week. I drink milk every day. I never drink coffee. I eat junk food once a week. So I have good eating habits. (S2 S3 S4)
T: How are your eating habits?(one by one).
S: My eating habits are good/OK/bad.
T: Now, Dr. Li know our middle school students’ eating habits. Here’s the result. Can you tell us? S: Most students…Some students….
【设计意图:通过评分的形式来复习学生的饮食 习惯,学生易懂且回评价,让学生觉得有话可说。】
Step3. Presentation
1.T: We know good eating habits are good for our health. What is good for our health?
S: Exercising every day.
T: Look, this is Katrina. What’s the picture about? S:
T: Do you want to read Katrina’s letter?Which one is the theme sentence? S:
T :Open the book, read quickly and find out the theme sentence.
S: I think the first sentence is the theme sentence. …but I’m pretty healthy.
T: Great! It is in the first sentence of the paragraph..
2. According to Katrina’s letter, help her pen pal fill in the chart. Read carefully.
ActivitiesHow often

Eat vegetablesEvery day

T: Can you put them into three parts? S: Exercise, eating habits, sleep
T: What’s the main idea? S: She has a healthy lifestyle.
T: It writes about lifestyle. Katrina’s lifestyle is healthy. What does a healthy lifestyle help us? (Discuss in groups) S: It helps us ….
T: So we should look after our health.
T: Some have healthy lifestyles, but some have unhealthy lifestyles. Bill is unhealthy.
Step4. Practice
1. According to the chart, can you finish Bill’s letter (3b)
2. T: Bill is kind of unhealthy. Now, he is very heavy. He is very sad. Can you give some advice?(Discuss in groups) G1: Bill, you try to exercise every day.
G2: You should eat less junk food.
G3: …
T: What good advice! I think Bill is very thankful.
Step5 Enjoy the passages
T: From these two articles, we know Katrina is healthy and Bill is kind of unhealthy. I like the articles. Like this sentence:
So maybe I’m not very healthy, although I have one healthy habit.
T: And what sentences do you like?
Can you write down? S:_________________________
Read loudly and try to remember. S: __________________________
Step6. Homework
1. Revise the words and sentences in this class.
2. You are a reporter of ‘China Sports’. And now your editor asks you to write an article about Liu Xiang’s lifestyle.你是一名中国体育的记者,现在主编要求你写一篇关于刘翔的生活方式。(上网收集、查找资料。Self check2)

I’m pretty healthy

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/56953.html
