八年级英语第二学期Module 7-8期末复习试题资料

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
八年级英语第二学期期末复习资料—Module 7-8
班级___________ 姓名_____________ 试卷编号:07
一、 基础知识训练
( )1.. --- Granny, you look so weak. What’s wrong with you?
--- Terrible. The factory made _________ noises.
I couldn’t sleep well.
A. too much B. much too C. too many
( )2. The computer is ____________ expensive. I’ll think about it.
A. too many B. much too C. too much
( )3. I’m ________ my pen, but I can’t _______________ it.
A. looking for; find B. finding; look for C. look; find out
( ) 4. The children were so afraid that they could _________ speak.
A. almost B. hardly C. nearly
( ) 5 It’s raining outside. I can see anything.
A. hard, hardly B. hardly, hard C. hard, hard
( ) 6. --- What do you think of George?
--- He’s a man of _________ words. He always stays alone.
A. little B. many C. few
( ) 7. The moonlight shines the window into my bedroom.
A. across B. over C. through
( ) 8. --- What did you say just now? --- I asked _____________________.
A. that I could open the door B. how I could open the door
C. how could I open the door
( ) 9. --- Could you lend me your dictionary? I _______ mine at home. --- Certainly.
A. forgot B. left C. lentxk b1 .co m
( ) 10. --- Where’s Mr. Yu, do you know?
--- Well, it’s hard to say. But I heard him _________ loudly here just now.
A. was reading B. reading C. read
( ) 11. --- Where will we meet? --- Sorry?
--- I asked where __________________.
A. we would meet B. would we meet C. we will meet
( ) 12. What bad weather! It is raining ______________.
A. whole the day B. the whole day C. the all day
( ) 13. We success, so we never give up
A. hope for B. hope C. hope to
( ) 14. The twins look very different. One is short while is tall.
A. another B the other C. others
( ) 15. Miss Li told us for school.
A. not to late B don’t be late C. not to be late
( )16. He asked I wanted to go to London by plane.
A. if B. how C. that
( )17. The teacher told us that .
A.the light traveled faster than the sound
B.the light travels faster than the sound
C.the sound travels faster than the light
( )18. ---How was your weekend/
--- .
A. Look after yourselves B. Have a good time
C. We had a wonderful time
2 完成句子 (请在练习下面按顺序写出本模块训练到的短语句型及其中文)
1. 乐从以家具闻名。 Lecong ___________________________________ furnitures.
2. 这道题太难了,没几个学生能回答。
The maths problem is too difficult, ____________________________ can answer it.
3. 鲁迅是中国最著名的作家之一。 Luxun was ______________________________ in China.
4. 刘谦的魔术红遍大江南北。 Liu Qian’s magic is popular ________________________.
5 雨下得很大, 他浑身湿透了. It rained heavily, so he was wet .
6. 今天早上妈妈忘了我起床了。 This morning, my mom ___ ______.
7 .警察查出谁是凶手了吗?
Have the police ___________________________________ who the killer is?
8.学生总是期望更好的成绩。 Students always ___________________________ better results.
9. 黄河是中国第二长的河流。
The Yellow River is ______________________________________________ in China.
10. 不要把他单独留在房间里. Don’t in the room.
二 能力提高训练 (请用所给词汇的恰当形式,每空仅填一词)
Lingling and Sally are in Beihai Park to(1)__________. Beihai Park is so quiet that they can (2)___________ hear the traffic in the street and they can even hear the birds singing. They walk (3)____________the lake, (4)____________ the bridge and_(5)_________ up to Baita. They can see the (6)_________. park from up there because the air is very clear. Sally told Lingling that she had phoned her teacher and told the teacher that her hand and arm (7)_________. Sally’s teacher asked sally if she was (8)___________ too much and told Sally to(9) __________ . For May Day , Lingling and Sally are making plans to go to one of the national park ---Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area. It is (10)__________ for its tall rocks. Some people think they look like (11)___________, and others think they look like animals. Last week we had three days (12)___________ and we took a visit to it. Last night we camped(13) ___ a lake. At midnight we (14)__________ up, because we heard a strange noise from a monkey. Luckily we were with Lingling’s uncle and he told us not to(15) __________. This morning we climbed up to the (16)__________ of Mount Tianzi. Tomorrow we’re going to the second (17)_____________ fresh water lake in China, Dongting Lake. We’re looking (18)_____________ to it!
Module 8
一. 单项选择:
1 单项选择 ( 请在右边的方框处归纳该语言点)
( ) 1. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door _______ we were watching TV.
A. after B. before C. while
( ) 2. We didn’t go home _____________ it stopped raining.
A. while B. until C. as soon as
( ) 3. I ___ to bed until my father went back home last night.
A. went B. didn’t go C. was going
( ) 4. ____________, he said sorry to Granny and got his ball back.
A. In the end B. At the end C. By the end
( ) 5. He spends about half an hour ____________ English every day.
A. to read B. reading C. on reading
( ) 6. Do you often spend two hours _______ your homework?
A. in B. at C. on
( ) 7. We’ll climb the hill if it _____________ tomorrow.
A. won’t rain B. isn’t raining C. doesn’t rain
( ) 8. Saturday is ______ day of a week.
A. the first B. the sixth C. the last
( ) 9. The boy was born _____ 1st May, 1990.
A. in B. on C. at
( ) 10. Could you tell us ________ about it?
A. anything special B. something special C. special something
( ) 11. September comes _______ August and ________ October.
A. after…before B. before… after C. after… /
( ) 12. Let the children ________ during May Day.
A. to enjoy themselves B. enjoy himself C. enjoy themselves
( ) 13. --- The new house is very nice but it is very expensive.
--- I think ________ people have enough money to buy it.
A. few B. a few C. little
( ) 14. I ____________ on line when you called yesterday afternoon.
A. chatted B. am chatting C. was chatting
( )15. He _________ his homework before 11 o’clock.
A. promised finishing B. promised C. promised to finish
( )16. Do you know _________ last night?
A. when your father came back B. when did your father come back
C. when your father comes back
2 完成句子 (请在练习下面按顺序写出本模块训练到的短语句型及其中文)
1 他们刚才决定去野营。
They decided to just now.
2. 直到他妈妈回来, 他才开始写作业
He ______ begin to do his homework his mother .
3. 今天在学校有什么重要的事情吗?
Is there in school?
He is ____________________________________look after ____________________
He can always ____________________________________ whenever I have troubles.
Mum wrote ____________________________________ things for me to buy.
Miss Li asked us________________________________________ from ten to zero.
We will go fishing _____________________________________________ tomorrow.
9. 一下课, 学生们就冲出课室.
The students rushed out of the classroom .
11. 去年中秋我们放了三天假.
We _________ on the last Mid-Autumn Day.
12. 老师问他是否明天与同学聚会。
The teacher asked him if he ________________________________ with classmates tomorrow.
13. 妈妈总是叫我在家务活方面不要依赖父母。
My mother always asks me ____________________________________ parents about housework.
二 能力提高训练 (请用所给词汇的恰当形式,每空仅填一词)
Labour May Day is a (1)_________holiday. People all over the world (2)________ this holiday. But it’s not on the same date. In China, May Day is on 1st May, people have 3 days(3)_______. And people usually do something(4) ____________, for example, they go(5) _____ or have a picnic somewhere nice. New Year’s Eve is an important time for us. We live in New York, and we often go to a big New Year’s Eve (6)___________ in Times Square. We get together with our friends and sing (7)___________ songs while we wait for the New Year. Just before mid-night, the music stops. We all count from ten to zero. Then the (8)__________ begin. I love the bright lights, but the noise makes me jump. We all say“Happy New Year” to our friends. I usually(9)____________ New Year’s Day at home with my family. We write our New Year’s (10)_________ together. We all promise to work hard and help each other more.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/59270.html
