Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells 教案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网



Section A: 1a-2c


Section A: 3a-4第三课时:

Section B: 1a-2c


Section B: 3a-4b Self check




教学目标:1.谈论人们做某事持续多长时间. 2.谈论人们的业余爱好. 3.谈论人们收藏某物多长时间. 语言功能:谈论人们做某事持续多长时间 语言结构:现在完成进行时、一般过去是、现在进行时 语言目标:I’ve been skating since nine o’clock When did you start skating ? I started skating at nine o’clock. Students are skating at Hilltop School 重点词汇及短语:since . for. raise .collect foreigner. The Olympic Games. be interested in. would like to do sth a pair of more than go skating quite far from. enjoy doing sth run out of 学习策略与思维技巧:引导、合作





情感目标:通过对收藏的有关讨论,培养学生优良的生活习惯。使学生学会表达自己的爱好和持续的时间及有 多少收藏品。







?教学内容: Section A: 1a-2c

?教学目标: a. 能够掌握基本单词和词汇。

b. 能够运用基本句型进行提问。

学习任务:我的爱好 目的:通过学生小组活动,调查彼此的爱好及持续的时间。学会使用for 和 since表达自己的爱好持续的时间,培养学生应用英语进行交际的能力。 语言技能:listening .speaking .reading and writing 语言知识:现在完成进行时的用法及复习一般过去时 提示词语及句型:skate, collect, What’s your hobby? I like…

How long have you been skating?

I have been skating since nine o’clock/for five years.

How long did you……? When did you ……

l教学重点、难点分析: ?教学重点:基本单词,词汇和句型


l 课前准备


l 教学设计

教学步骤 建议和说明


? Greetings.

? Talk with students about the following:

1. Did you sleep well last night?

2. How long did you sleep last night ?

3. When did you start class today ?

4. How long have you been in class today?

Help the students to answer: I have been in class for…


? Draw a long horizontal line on the blackboard. Say, This is called a time line. It shows the years from 19- to the present. Let’s put some information about ourselves on the time line.

T: Maria, when did you start studying English?

S1: 2005.

T: Maria started studying English in 2005.(Write the words Maria started English above the date 2005 on the time line.)

Maria has been studying English since 2005. (class repeat)

? Repeat the activity using different dates for several other students. Use a different situation, such as When did you start to ride a bicycle? or When did you start to baby-sit? if these questions are more appropriate. Each time ask the class to repeat a sentence, point to the starting date and run the finger along the years up to the present year.

?学生两人一组问答 A: How long have you been…? B: I have been … since/for….

?Work on 1b and 1c

?呈现1a的图片,把话题引到skating 中来,并教学新词:marathon。 work on 1b 学生听录音完成1b。

v Work on 1c Sa: How long has Alison been skating?

Sb: She’s been skating for five hours.

Sa: How long did Sam skate?

Sb: He skated for four hours.

?Work on 2a and 2b

? Work on 2a. Get the students to understand the situation first and then listen and check. v Work on 2b. Listen again and match the questions with answers. w Listen and imitate.

?Role play

两人一组分别扮演记者和Alison 掌握句型,强化口语.

Sa: How long have you been skating ?

Sb:I’ve been skating since I was seven years old.

?Make a survey then report

做法:1.四人小组中相互调查并各自介绍自己的爱好及持续的时间 2.将特别的爱好及持续时间填在表格中 3.每组现在推荐一名代表,在班上做汇报 全班汇总,选出做某事最长时间的人。 Name


How long




Sa: Hello, what’s your hobby?

Sb: I like swimming.

Sa: How long have you been swimming?

Sb: I’ve been swimming since I was a child./for two years.

Homework: oral work: Listen to two conversation in 1b and 2a and imitate

Written work: 1. copy new words

2. Finish off workbook exercise.











第 二 课 时

l 教学内容与分析:

?教学内容: Section A: 3a-4

?教学目标: 从阅读材料中获取信息并能运用这些信息完成任务 l 教学重难点:

?本课重点是掌握并进一步巩固第一课时的句型:要求学生能应用他们在实际情景中自如运用。 ?重点词语及句型:raise several stamp skater What does Bob collect ? He collects kites. How long has she /he been collecting kites? l 课前准备:

?本课时的教学课件。 ?课前发给学生表格 向学生布置任务:在表格中写出自己的爱好及持续的时间。 l教学设计:

教 学 步 骤


? Greet the class and check the homework.

Ask a pair of students to say their conversation.

S1:How long has Victor been skating?

S2:He’s been skating for five hours.

S1:How long did Celia skate?

S2:She skated for two hours.

?Lead-in T: Do you know what they are holding the skating marathon? Collect the students answers and tell them: They are skating to raise money for charity.


?P46 3a. Fast reading. How much money does each student raise for every hour skate? ? Read again and complete the table. ? Finish 3b to check if the students have understood the article well. ? Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. 5 Get the students to make the report according to the form and some key words.

Make a survey (groupwork)

? Name


When started

How long



Eleven years old

Three and a half years

Sa: Yelan, what sport do you play?

Sb: Tennis.

Sa: When did you start?

Sb: When I was eleven.

Sa: So how long have you been playing ?

Sb: Three and a half years.


1)Fill in the blanks with since or for.

1.I’ve been practicing the piano since 10:30.

2.Mario has been running __________ 15 minutes.

3.Sarah has been sleeping __________ 9:00.

4.Dale has been talking on the phone __________ five minutes.

5.Louie has been studying Chinese __________ he was six years old.

6.I’ve been watching you __________ ten minutes.

2)Write the questions.

1.Q:How long has he been standing there?

A: He has been standing there for four hours.


A: I’ve been riding a bicycle since I was ten years old.


A: She has been walking for five hours.


A: I’ve been watching TV since 7:00.

5. Q:_______________________

3)Answer the questions. Use the words in the parentheses.

A: He has been waiting for the train for an hour.

1.Q:How long have you been working in this restaurant?(two years)

A: I’ve been working here for two years.

2.Q:How long has your sister been working here?(June)

A: She has _______________________

3.Q:How long has that man been waiting?(twenty minutes)

A:He has _______________________

4.Q:How long has that woman been sitting there?(8:30)

A: She has _______________________

5.Q:How long has that boy been talking on the phone?(five minutes)

A: He has _______________________

6.Q:How long have you been talking to me?(ten minutes)

A: I’ve _______________________


Oral work: Listen and imitate P46 3a.

Written work: Write a short passage about your partners hobby.
建 议 与 说 明










l 教学内容与分析:

?教学内容:Section B: 1a-2c

?教学目标: 能用所学的目标语言谈论收藏爱好和历史 语言知识:现在完成进行时和一般过去时的用法 重点词语及句型: stamp kite

What does Bob collect? He collects kites.

How long has she /he been collecting kites?

l 教学重难点:

?本课重点是掌握并运用前两课时的句型,要求学生能应用他们谈论收藏爱好和历史。 ?本课时的难点是:理解各种收藏爱好及文化差异,因为学生会大多数没有特别的收藏爱好,所以这个话题可能会使他们泛味,缺少生活经验。因此本课会安排更符合学生生活认知的话题,让他们有参与的兴趣。 l 课前准备:

?本课时的教学课件。 ?请同学们把自己的收藏或收藏品的照片带到班里来。 l教学设计:

教 学 步 骤


? Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

? tongue twist: She sells seashells in the seashore, and the seashells she sells are the seashells from the seashore.


? Show some different kinds of shells and ask: Do you like them? Would you like to collect them/have a collection of them? ? A guessing game: I have a collection. Can you guess what I collect?

?Learn by themselves (Section B 1a. 1b)


?Work on 2a, 2b and 2c

? What do those foreign students Bob, Marcia and Liam collect? Listen and write down “What”. ? Listen again and complete the chart. ? Listen and imitate ?Pairwork (2c)

?Make a survey and report




How long

How many



Sa: What do you collect?

Sb: I collect ------

Sa: How long have you been collecting them?

Sb: I’ve been collecting them since----

Sa: How many do you have?

Sb: I have----

Sa: When did you start ?

Sb: When I was ---years old.

Sa: What would you like to collect?

Sb: I’d like to collect----

? Language Developing

Jim likes collecting many things. Let’s get to know something about him!

A: Hello, Jim. May I ask you some questions?

B: Certainly!

A: When were you born ?

B:I was born 1 February 18,1992.

A: 2 were you born?

B: I was born in England—in a small town in London.

A: How 3 had lived there for about five years.

B: Only five years?

A: Yes, then my 4 moved to America.

B: Why did you move here?

A: Because my father 5 in America.

A: What’s your hobby?

B:I like 6 something like kites. stamps. shells. model cars and theater tickets.

A: What’s your favorite hobby?

B: Of course, shells.

A: 7 8 have you been collecting shells?

B: I have been collecting shells 9 I was five years old.

A: How 10 shells have you been collecting?

B: About five hundred shells.


Oral work: Listen and imitate 2a on P47.

Written work: 1. Finish off workbook exercise. 2. Write a conversation as in 2c.
建 议 与 说 明


让学生猜老师的收藏爱好,这个information gap会激发学生强烈的好奇心,同时,起到复习一些名词的作用。






l 教学内容与分析:

?教学内容:Section B: 3a-4b self check

?教学目标: a:能从阅读中获取相关的信息 b.会根据材料模仿写作 l 教学重难点:

?本课重点是掌握并运用前三课时的句型,描述自己及他人的收藏爱好 ?本课时的难点是:对收藏snow globe这种文化的理解。 l 课前准备:

?本课时的教学课件。 ?相关的录音磁带及录音机。 l教学设计:



? Greeting the whole class as usual。 ? What do you collect? What do you think is the most unusual hobby? What do children or teenagers usually collect?

?Lead-in and reading

? Some chidren like to collect snow globes. Do you know what they are? Teach new words monster.

? P48 3a. Fast reading and find out the answer to this question: When did Ellen first get the snow globe? ? Read again more slowly and match the snow globes with their descriptions. ? Get the students to explain these phrases in English: run out of/store/particularly/collectors’ club/by the way Get the students to finish self check 1 and then make up their own sentences with the words.

?Writing work on 3b on Page 48 Get the students to write the email. Then show some emails to students and correct some mistakes.

?Task招聘广告及求职报告 课前任务:以小组为单位,设计本组的招聘广告。贴在教室四周墙上。 课上任务:1. 学生们在广告上寻找自己想得到的工作,并完成一份自己的求职报告。 2.写好求职报告后在班上做报告。 课后任务:整理自己的求职报告并张贴在教室墙上(设计为手抄报)目的是让学生们相互了解,取长补短。 目的:通过四人小组讨论、合作设计出自己的招聘广告,让学生学会写求职报告并能随时去应聘,找到自己的工作。 语言知识:现在完成进行时的应用 提示词语及句型:be interested in since for How long have you been ?


Homework: Oral work: listen and imitate 3a Written work: finish off the last task and complete the letter to apply the job.

建 议 与 说 明


出示snow globe的图片,或实物更好。(Snow globe就是你用力一摇,里面的雪花就会飘舞的玩具)


让学生模仿self check 2做此活动,如果时间不允许,可以把此写作任务作为今天作业。


l 教学内容与分析:

?教学内容:reading: I’ve been studying history in China

?教学目标: a:培养阅读技巧,提高阅读能力。 b.能就阅读材料展开讨论,发表自己的观点。 l 教学重难点:

?本课重点理解外国人眼中的中国文化 ?本课时的难点是怎样看待和理解国外的文化。 l 课前准备:

?本课时的教学课件。 ?相关的录音磁带及录音机。 l教学设计:



? Greeting the whole class as usual。 ? T: How much do you know about history?

Students discuss the three questions in small groups.

?Lead-in and reading

? Read the title I’ve been studying history in China to the class.Get students to predict what they think the article is about,according to the title.

? P50 Section 2. Fast reading and find out the answer to this question: Where did Leo live before he came to China? ? scan the text for information to complete the sentences in 3a. ? 学生听短文,并跟读,培养学生的能力。





Sa. I’ m going to work in Australia.

Sb. If you do that ,you’ll miss your family.

Sc. If she works far away, she will miss her family.

Sd. Repeat the three sentences.

?Go for it !(Section 4 )

Talk with the class about people moving

If I move to a foreign country……

If a foreigner moves to China…….


Why do we learn foreign languages?

To sum up: we learn English because we need to introduce China and Chinese history to foreingers, and let them know us better. In the year 2008, a lot of foreigners will come to China for the Olympic games. Let’s learn English better to show us to the world.

Homework: oral work: Listen to the article and imitate. Written work: Find out the culture of a foreign country you are interested in and write a short article about it.
建 议 与 说 明




本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/63218.html
