
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
考试时间120分钟 总分120分 请各位同学做完试卷后把答案写在答题卷上。
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A部分(20分 1×20)
一.听句子,选择正确的图片(其中有两项是多余的)。(5分 5*1)
二.听小对话,选择正确的选项。(5分 5*1)
6. What kind of program was Jane watching at eight last night?
A. A game show. B. A talk show. C. A fashion show
7. What does the boy want be?
A. A scientist. B. An astronaut. C. An engineer.
8. What does the man think people will be able to do in the future?
A. To fly the plane. B. To work in the plane. C. To make the plane
9. Why does the boy want to buy a new shirt?
A. His old one is out of style.
B. His old one is too old to wear.
C. He dislikes wearing the same clothes as others.
10. Which subject is the boy good at?
A. English. B. History. C. Math
三.听长对话,选择正确的选项。(5分 5*1)
11. What's the weather like?
A. It is windy. B. It is cold C. It is sunny.
12. What will they probably do ?
A. Go for a walk. B. Go skating. C. Go to study.
13. Why didn't Mike come to school yesterday?
A. He had a cold. B. He had a toothache. C. He had a headache.
14. What did the doctor tell Mike to do?
A. To have a holiday. B. To do more exercise. C. To stay in bed for a day.
15. What is Mike? A. A headmaster. B. A teacher. C. A student.
四.听短文,选择正确的选项。(5分 5*1)
16. What did the girl do last Saturday evening?
A. She practiced English. B. She watched TV C. She listened to music
17. What did the girl like doing at night?
A. Watching movies. B. Reading books. C. Playing computer games.
18. Why was her father mad with her yesterday?
A. Because she bought computer games.
B. Because she didn't finish homework.
C. Because she failed in her English test.
19. What do we know about the speaker's dad?
A. He is strict. B. He is forty. C. He works hard.
20. What does the girl want to tell her dad?
A. She wants to sleep more.
B. She wants to do some fun things.
C. She wants to be a top student.
一.单项选择(15分 1×15)
21. Yang Li wants to be astronaut, and his brother wants to be teacher.
A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a
22. The train will arrive twenty minutes.
A. on B. of C. in D. at
23. My sister wants to work as a(n) . She is active and likes talking to people.
A. engineer B. reporter C. artist D. pianist
24. This question is really . I think every student knows the answer.
A. hard B. difficult C. possible D. simple
25. Could I book(预定) a ticket this tennis match the phone?
A. of; in B. to; on C. to; at D.of; by
26. ---Why is Mary so ?---Her father didn't allow(允许) her to go to the party.
A. relaxed B. upset C. original D. excited
27. Mike's cousin is the same age him. They get on well each other.
A. from; in B. from;with C. as; in D.as; with
28. ---Tom won't go boating with me. ---I won't,
A. both B. also C. too D. either
29. They arrived Paris a winter evening.
A. at; in B. to; of C. in; on D. on; at
30. ---Do you believe there are , Linda?
---Yes, although nobody has seen them.
A. aliens B. stars C. clouds D. robots
31. Tina couldn't find her son . She was nearly crazy.
A. everywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. anywhere
32. ---Would you like sandwich?
---Yes, please. I can eat a lot when I'm hungry.
A. other B. another C. others D. both
33. ---You look upset. What's wrong?
---Lana lost my favorite book and I am very mad her now.
A. to B. at C. for D. on
34. I am always too to speak in the front of the classroom. Mr Green said I was too shy.
A. disappointed B. happy C. surprised D. nervous
35. We can't breathe(呼吸) freely on high mountains because the air is too
A. bright B. heavy C.thin D.fat
二.完型(10分 1×10)
I am a boy in South Korea. My English name is Tony. Recently(最近), a 36 called Engkey became my new teacher.
Engkey teaches us 37 . It can move in the classroom while 38 to students and reading books. It can ask us to repeat(重复)English phrases and 39 us English songs. However, Engkey's voice is not its own. It is controlled(控制)by an English teacher in the Philippines. 40 the help of a special camera in the body of Engkey, the English teacher in the Philippines can 41 us.
My robot teacher doesn't need to have a rest 42 it doesn't feel tired or get ill. It is a robot so it 43 gets angry with us. What's more, it doesn't speak 44 words to us. Everyone likes Engkey. It is very popular in my class.
45 will the students be like if their teachers are robots? I don't know. But students in my class are more interested in English after Engkey became our English teacher.
36. A. woman B. man C. robot D. computer
37. A. math B. English C. art D. music
38. A. sending B. coming C. getting D. speaking
39. A. learn B. hear C. teach D. listen
40. A. With B. Under C. From D. For
41. A. leave B. see C. invite D. stop
42. A. because B. but C. though D. so
43. A. often B. always C. usually D. never
44. A. unpleasant B. beautiful C.same D. different
45. A. How B. What C. Who D. When
三.理解(30分 2×15)
Robots seem very new to most people. But they have a long history. The first one was made by a Greek inventor. You may see robots in some films. The robots in these films are stronger, faster and cleverer than people. In real life, most robots are used in factories. They are used to do many dangerous, difficult or boring jobs. Some people can't look after themselves. and robots are used to help them. For example, some people can't see, many of these people use a dog to help themselves move around. This dog is called a guide dog. Scientists are making a robot to help them. In the future, robot dogs might take the place of(取代)these guide dogs.
Robots are also used in American hospitals. At one hospital, a robot takes meals from the kitchen to the sick people's rooms. It never lose its way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system(系统)
In the future, robots will work in space. But robots will never take the place of human help. They can, however, help us in a lot of different ways
46. Robots have a long history.
47. The first robot was invented by a Greek.
48. Robots can only be seen in films
49. Robots can help some people look after the sick(生病的) people.
50. Robots will take the place of human help in the future
AccidentA car crashed into a tree.
Some people were trapped in the car
Weather conditionsThere was a heavy rain
Date of callJune 3, 2006
Time of call9:30pm
Name of callerMrs Green
PlaceZhongshan Road, Nanjing
Conditions of victimsMr Green hurt his head.
Mrs Green hurt her left leg
Their daughter felt frightened
ActionPoliceman arrived at 9:40pm and sent the victims to Gulou Hospital at 9:45pm
51. What time did Mrs Green call the police?
A. At 9:30am B. At 9:30pm C. At 9:40pm D. At 9:45pm
52. How many people were trapped in the car?
A. One B. Two C. Three D.Four
53. Whose left leg was hurt?
A. Mrs Green's B. Their daughter's C. Mr Green's D. Their friend’s
54. What was the weather like that day?
A. It was sunny. B. It was snowy C. It was cloudy D. It was rainy
55. Which of the follow is TRUE?
A. The car crashed into a wall
B. Their daughter hurt her leg and was sent to the hospital
C. The car accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Nanjing
D. The policemen arrived half an hour later and sent the victims to the hospital
Will you have to do a lot of homework every evening? Will your English classes be interesting? Who will teach you? Maybe you have lots of questions before school starts. Well, I want to give you some good advice about these questions.
First, keep calm(平静). Don't worry about all the questions you have. Put your heart into learning, and you will certainly find something you are interested in.
Second, try your best to finish your homework quickly. Don't spend a lot of time on it. Do as much reading and writing in English as possible. Don't stay up(熬夜) late, or you won't be able to study well the next day
Third, invent your own study methods instead of copying or repeating others'. If you can remember new words in your way, tell your teachers you don’t want to study new words by copying them again and again. If you are sure you can pass the tests well, I think your teachers will agree with you. And they can give some interesting work to do.
The school is really a good place for us to learn in. Believe in your teachers and yourself
56. The writer writes this article to
A. ask students not to do their homework
B. tell students what a good teacher and a good school are
C. give students some good ways of learning
D. ask the students not to listen to the teacher carefully
57. How many pieces of advice does the writer give?
A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six
58. What does the writer say about students' homework?
A. They should spend much time on it
B. Do the homework as soon as possible
C. They should do more reading or writing in English
D. They should stay up late doing their homework
59. What's the third piece of advice about?
A. Study in your own way B. How to get high marks
C. How to get on well with the teachers
D. What kind of schoolwork is better for students
60. According to the passage, students should believe in
A. themselves and their parents B. their parents and teachers
C. their classmates and their friends D. themselves and their teachers
四. 补全对话 从方框内选择适当的句子填入空白处(1分 1×5)
A: Hey, Joe, 61 . You look unhappy.
B: I argued with my parents last night.
A: Why did you argue with them?.
B: You know my clothes are out of style, and I want to buy some new ones. 62
A: Why don't you use your money?
B: 63 .
A: You can get a part-time job to get some.
B: Yes, that's true . 64
A: Maybe you can talk about it with your parents tonight. I'm sure they want the best for you.
B: 65 I really shouldn't argue with my parents. I know they love me.
A.Thank you for your advice.
B.I don't have enough money.
C.Yes, you are right .
D.What's wrong?
E.But they don't want to give me any money.
61. 62. . 63. . 64. . 65.
五.用所给单词的适当形式(10分 1×10)
66. There are many new _________ (build) in our city.
67.We can do the work with _________(little) money and fewer people
than they can.
68. There are _________ (hundred) of people on the ground.
69. His mother wants him ________ (stay) at home every night.
70. He needs _________ (buy) a computer.
71. You should _________ (say) sorry to your sister.
72. We know many ________ (hero) in the movie.
73. I happened _______ (see) my teacher on the way to school.
74.They said they __________ (go) to the beach every Sunday .
75 .She said she __________ (be not) going to have a birthday party .
六.根据汉语完成句子(20分 1×20)
No one knows what will happen in ___76_____ ____77____.
As a reporter , I think I ___78____ ___79______ lots of interesting people
These things were invented ____80____ ____81____ years ago
Her clothes are 82 83
What 84 85 you yesterday.
86 87 balls are round
What 88 they 89 when the teacher came in
Linda said she wasn't 90 91 me any more
The murder 92 93 on a dark rainy night
My sister said she 94 95 three languages
What will your life be like in 10 years? 描述你10年后的生活(如居住环境、生活水平、事业、家庭、爱好等的变化),不少于8句话。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/63721.html
