2014年八年级英语下册Module 3-4期末复习试题

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
八年级英语第二学期期末复习资料—Module 3-4
班级___________ 姓名_____________ 试卷编号:05
Module 3
一、 基础知识训练
I. 单项选择:
( )1. Would you like ___to the restaurant? I feel like ____ something now.
A. to go, to eat B. going, to eat C. to go, eating
( )2. ---Would you like to go to the restaurant ? ---__________.
A. Yes, I’d like. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. No, I wouldn’t.
* would like 表示邀请时,答应:_____________________ 拒绝:___________________________
( )3. You got up late this morning. So remember __________ late for school next time.
A. not to B. not to be C. to be not
( )4. I remembered _______ an article last year and it was very successful.
A. write B. wrote C. writing
( )5. Sorry !I forgot _____ your money last week. I will give you back tomorrow.
A. borrowing B. to lend C. to borrow
( )6. The idea of visiting the Great Wall _________ good.
A. listens to B. seems C. sounds
( )7.When doing a ______check, they found the girl had a sweet _______.
A. sound, voice B. voice, voice C. noise, sound
( )8.Who is making ________ outside? It is so _______!
A. noise, noise B. noisy, noise C. noise, noisy
( )9. My sister is studying in the room. Could you ________ the TV?
A. close down B. turn down C. turn up
* 开(电器):_________ 关(电器):__________ 开大声点:__________ 关小声点:__________
( )10. He looks very tired. He must stop _______.
A. working B. work C. to work
( )11. He looks very tired. He must stop_______ .
A. resting B. rest C. to rest
( )12.If you enjoy ________the piano, just keep ________.
A. playing, practise B. play, practising C. playing, practicing
( )13. ----Do you know who _____ the first place yesterday? ---Class 2 _______ Class 10.
A. beat , win B. won, beated C. won, beat
( )14. The teacher explained to the students why the earth _______ not round.
A. is B. was C. were
( )15. The teacher asked the boy _____.
A. how old is he B. how old he was C. how old was he
( )16. Could you tell me ____________ tomorrow?
A. where you are going B. where are you going C. where you went
( )17.It is going to be _______. It is not going to _______.
A. sunny, rain B. rain, sunny C. sun, rainy
( ) 18. It’s still early. You _______ hurry back home.
A. need not to B. don’t need to C. don’t need
II. 完成句子:
1. 当心!车来了! _____________! The bus is coming!
2. 过马路时记得小心红灯。
When crossing the road, ____________________red lights.
3. 老师提醒我们注意拼写错误。
The teacher asked us ____________________ the spelling mistakes.
4. 别总向父母要钱。
Don’t always ______________________________.
5. 当别人向他征询意见时,他总是乐于助人。
He was ready to help others when others ___________________.
6. 谢谢你带我们参观了校园。
Thank you _____________________________________ your school.
7. 他好像知道了整件事。
______________________ he knew the whole thing.
8. 我常常一个人回家,但妈妈这个周五下午亲自来接我。
I often go home _____________, but my mum picked me up this Friday afternoon _____________.
____________________, he played the violin ________________________.
10 不要说了,我明白了。
______________________. I see.
11. 如果你累了,就停下来,好好歇息一下吧。
If you are tired, ___________________________.
12. 是什么让你对游戏这么感兴趣?
What _____________________________________ games?
13. 起初我不了解他,最后我们成为了好朋友。
_________________ I knew little about him, but _______________ we became good friends.
154 不要害怕和陌生人交朋友。
Don’t be afraid ______________________________with strangers.
Good evening, boys and girls. Here is our (1)___________ sports news. In the football match this afternoon, Class 1 (2)__________ Class 2. Before the match, Class 1 practiced every afternoon after class. They (3)____________well. At the beginning of the match, Class 2 (4)__________ one goal. But the players of Class 1 didn’t lose their hearts. During the match, they did (5)_________ well that they scored three (6)__________s. In the end, they (7)__________ the match. Although all the students of Class 2 (8)_________ losing, they said that they would keep going. At last, tomorrow’s weather----(9)__________ in the morning, but it will (10)___________ raining in the afternoon. And that’s the end of the news.
Module 4
I. 单项选择:
( )1. It is important ______ the little boy to lift the heavy box.
A. of B. for C. with
( )2. It is kind ______ you to ask me not to read in the sun.
A. of B. for C. with
( )3. It’s clever _____ the boy to refuse it because it’s impossible _____ him to do it.
A. for, of B. to, for C. of, for
( )4. Who have you ____ the book _____? I can’t find it now.
A. lend, to B. borrowed, from C. lent, to
( )5. I forgot _____ your money last week. I will give you back tomorrow.
A. borrowing B. to lend C. to borrow
( )6. The snake bit the man _____ the face, then bit again _______ the hand.
A. on, in B. in, on C. in, in
* 打在柔软部位用介词___________, 打在硬的部位用介词____________.
( )7. Last winter I took some photos ______ the snow ______ my camera.
A. of, with B. for, with C. with, for
( )8. ---Please tell me about the problem which may come up on the radio.
---Ok, if the red light doesn’t come ______, call me at once.
A. up, B. on, C. out
( )9. Who knows _________?
A. how does it work B. how it work C. how it works
( )10. The teacher asked the boy _________.
A. what is the matter B. what the matter was C. what was the matter
( )11. All the doctors didn’t know __________.
A. what it was B. what it is C. what was it
( )12. My father suggested me ______ on Friday, but my mum advised me ________on Saturday.
A. going, to go B. to go, going C. to go, to go
* 建议某人做某事:_________sb. doing = __________ sb. to do
( )13. He was ________ to hear the _______ news.
A. surprising, surprised B. surprised, surprised C. surprised, surprising
III. 完成句子:
1. 谢谢你帮我关了电脑。
Thank you _______________________ the computer for me.
2. 是谁把灯熄了? Who _________________the light?
3. 爸爸在休息,把电视声音关小点。
Dad is sleeping. ____________________ the TV.
4. 如果你要开大点声音,按这个键。
If you want to _____________________, press this button.
5. 谢谢你救了他们。Thank you ______________________________.
6. 作为一个医生, 他已经挽救了很多人的性命。
As a doctor, he has ________________________.
7. 谁也不知道哪里出错了。
Nobody knew _________________________.
8. 你能告诉我他怎么了吗?
Could you tell me _________________________?
9. 我对拍照很感兴趣。I _____________________________________ photo.
10. 我决定给熊猫照张相。I decided to ________________________ pandas.
Let me tell you a (1)_______ story. There was a man (2)_________ Jackson. One day he was working in the (3)__________. A snake came and (4)_________ under a dish from the grass outside. When Jackson picked up the dish, (5)____________ the snake climbed out and (6)__________ him on the hand. After a while he felt uncomfortable and his (7)_________ began to ache. But he stayed (8)___________. His wife (9)____________ him going to see a doctor and he did so at once. (10)____________ it was only an ordinary snake. The doctor gave Jackson the right (11)__________ and he left hospital the next day.
IV. if 专练:X k b 1.c om
( ) 1. If he _____ to a different school, he will not see his friends any more.
A. goes B. go C. will go
( ) 2. Can you tell me if it __________ tomorrow?
A. rain B. will rain C. rains
( ) 3. Don’t worry. If he ______ it, he will tell you.
A. don’t like B. won’t like C. doesn’t like
( ) 4. If it is fine tomorrow, we _________ grandma in my hometown.
A. visit B. will visit C. visits
( ) 5. If you need some help, ________ the policeman over there.
A. ask B. will ask C. asks
( ) 6. I don't know if he_______ tomorrow. If he_______, I'll tell you.
A. will come , comes B. will come , comes C. will come, will come
( ) 7. Can you tell me if it _______ fine tomorrow? If it ________fine , I will go shopping.
A. will, is B. is, will C. will be, is
( ) 8. If he _________ up early, he __________ the early bus.
A. will get, catches B. gets, will catch C. gets, catches
( ) 9. Could you tell me _________ the day after tomorrow?
A. whether he will come B. if he will would come C. if he comes

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/63900.html
