PEP8 Unit1 Part A综合测试题

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
一、单词辩音,选出画线部分读音不同的一个(5%)( )
1. A. point B. bike C. pine ( )
2. A. tall B. toy C. dive ( )
3. A. day B. cat C. date ( )
4. A. coke B. dog C. not ( )
5. A. than B. this C. thank
二、选出不同类的单词(5%)( )
1. A. old B. young C. age ( )
2. A. shorter B. taller C. old ( )
3. A. centimeter B. kilogram C. kilometer ( )
4. A. brother B. sister C. teacher ( )
5. A. little B. brown C. yellow
My name is Sarah. I am 14 years old. I am 161 cm and 40 kg. I _______ a new friend. ______ name is Chen Jie. She is 13 years old. She is one year ______ than me. How _____ is Chen Jie? I am 1 kg heavier ______ her. How ______ is she? And Chen Jie is 160 cm ______. She is ______ than me. Chen Jie ______ long hair. But my hair is _______ than hers.
1. Tom is ________(tall) than Amy. But he is ________(young) than her.
2. Who is ________(strong), Zhang Peng or Mike?
3. The desk is 150 cm ________(long).
4. Wu Yifan runs ________(fast) than Zhang Peng.
五、根据问句,选答句(5%)( )1. Who is younger than you? ( )
2. How heavy are you? ( )
3 Which book do you like? ( )
4. How tall are you? ( )
5. How old are you? A. I’m thirteen years old. B. I’m 35 kg. C. I like the big one. D. John. E. I’m 141 cm tall.六、根据所给的标点符号连词成句, 注意大小写(10%)
1. are, tall, you, how
2. tall, cm, am, 145, I
3. me, you, shorter, than, stronger, are, and
4. Monkey, only, tall, is, little, the, cm, 40
5. you, is, than, who, taller
Height (cm)
Zhang Peng
Mr Lee
1. Line up from taller to shorter. ______________ ______________ ______________
2. Line up from younger to older ______________ ______________ ______________
3. Zhang Peng is 171cm. He is _____________ than Mr Lee.
4. John is _________ cm shorter than Zhang Peng.
5. John is fourteen. He is __________ than Zhang Peng, but he is __________ than Mr Lee.
(1) My name’s Wu Yifan. I’m 13 years old. I’m in Class 2, Grade 6. I have many good friends. John is my best friend. He is 1 year younger than me, but he is 2 years older than Amy. He’s 141cm tall. He’s 5cm shorter than me. He’s 10cm taller than Amy. We like playing computer games. And we often play computer games and watch TV on the weekends. But this weekend we are going to have a picnic in the park. 根据短文的内容, 判断下列各句话的正误,正确的写T, 错误的写F(5%)
1. Wu Yifan is in Class Six, Grade Two. ( )
2. Amy is 10 years old. ( )
3. Wu Yifan is 131 cm tall. ( )
4. They like having a picnic. ( )
5. They’re going to have a picnic this weekend. ( )
(2) Dad: Which monkey do you like, Ben?
Ben: I like the yellow one. Look, it’s taller than the brown one.
Dad: Which monkey is stronger?
Ben: The brown monkey is stronger. But the yellow monkey is taller.
Dad: I like the little monkey. It’s younger and funnier.
Ben: How long is its tail?
Dad: I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. Its tail is about 30 cm long.
Ben: I think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall. h
Dad: The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey is funnier.
( )1. Which monkey does Ben like? A. The brown one B. The yellow one C. The yellow one and the brown one ( )
2. Which monkey is funnier? A. The brown one B. The yellow one C. The yellow one and the brown one ( )
3. How long is the little monkey’s tail? A. 40 cm B. 150 cm C. 30 cm ( )

