
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
( ) 1. His story is so funny that it makes everyone _________.
A. laughing B. laugh C. laughs
( ) 2. I love seeing films, _______ Harry Potter and Caribbean Pirates.
A. such as B. for example C. as well as
( ) 3. The singer is famous _______ his songs. Many people love him.
A. as B. of C. for
( ) 4. Hurry up! There is ________ time left.
A. a little B. little C. few
( ) 5. Your room is dirty. You should _________.
A. tidy it up B. tidy up it C. tidy them up
( ) 6. There is ____ in today’s newspapers.
A. new something B. anything new C. nothing new
( ) 7. It’s difficult for us ______ that we shouldn’t spend all our time on hobbies.
A. to remember B. remember C. remembering
( ) 8. He was ill in hospital. ________, he couldn’t go to school.
A. As well as B. Such as C. As a result
( ) 9. On Sunday I usually ________ two hours doing my homework..
A. spend B. take C. cost
( ) 10. The book is very ________. I am so _______ in it.
A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interest
In western countries, collecting Barbie Dolls is a popular hobby for girls. Many of them collect Barbie Dolls for fun. A Barbie Doll looks like a teenager. Girls can buy clothes for her. They can also buy a house and a car for her. Girls can collect all the things about Barbie Dolls.
Barbie Dolls were first made in 1959 by an American toy company. Now, they have become the most popular toys in the world. At first, Barbie Dolls just had blonde hair, and were Americans. Now they look like people from all over the world. There is an Indian Barbie, a French Barbie and a Chinese Barbie! And Barbie Dolls have over 108 careers. She can be a doctor, a policewoman, a lawyer and a teacher.
I spent many hours playing with Barbie Dolls when I was a child. Now my daughter has all kinds of Barbie Dolls. She also has a great time playing with her Barbie Dolls.
( ) 1. Barbie Dolls is a popular hobby for ___________.
A. boys B. girls C. men D. women
( ) 2. A Barbie Doll looks like a __________.
A. teenager B. boy C. girl D. woman
( ) 3. At first, Barbie Dolls were __________.
A. Chinese B. French C. Indian D. American
( ) 4. The underlined word “career” means _______.
A. 衣服 B. 采访 C. 种类 D. 工作
( ) 5. _____________ has all kinds of Barbie Dolls.
A. My daughter B. I C. My son D. My husband
Pets can help to reduce(减轻) our stress. We are always very busy in this modern world. It is not easy to do with our worries and stress. However, spending time with pets can make us feel better. How do pets help us to reduce our worries and stress?
Many people like talking to their pets. It is good because they can tell their pets about their problems. This helps to reduce a person’s stress. Pets can be our good friends. They help us to stop feeling lonely when we have troubles.
Spending time with pets can help us to be more active. We will stop worrying about some things and work happily. Some people play games with their pets. When they play with them, they can relax. Playing with pets can also give us confidence(自信) to get over our troubles. Pets can help us to think more about the good things in our lives.
Playing with pets can help to reduce our worries and stress in many situations. We can have a happier life by keeping pets.
( ) 6. Pets can help people to ___________.
A. reduce our stress B. feel lonely C. get busy D. become stressed
( ) 7. Talking to pets is good because they can tell their pets about ____________.
A. their happiness B. their problems C. their work D. their study
( ) 8. When we have troubles, pets can help us to stop ____________.
A. feeling lonely B. feeling happy C. working happily D. worrying
( ) 9. Spending time with pets can _____________.
A. help us to be more active B. make us feel relaxed.
C. give us confidence. D. all the above (以上皆是)
( ) 10. By keeping pets, we can ________.
A. learn how to play with pets B. work happily
C. be more active D. have a happier life
Before the exam: ( 1 ). Find out when and where it will be held at first. ( 2 ). Don’t bring wallets, mobile phones or electronic dictionaries( 电子词典). But you can bring your own stationery(文具) such as pencils, rulers and erasers. If you bring things that are not allowed, the teacher won’t let you take the exam. ( 3 ). Bring your ID card. If you don’t have an ID card, the teacher won’t let you in.
During the exam: ( 1 ). Don’t be late. If you arrive 30 minutes late for the exam, you can’t take the exam. ( 2 ). Don’t speak to another student. If you do, the teacher will ask you to leave.
After the exam: ( 1 ). Don’t leave the room during the first 30 minutes. That is not allowed. ( 2 ). Don’t take away the exam paper and the answer paper.
( )11. Before the exam, you need to ____________ at first.
A. look for your wallet B. buy pencils and erasers
C. find out when and where it will be held D. check when you can leave
( )12. You can bring your _____ to the exam.
A. stationery B. computer C. wallet D. mobile phone
( )13. If you arrive _____ minutes late for the exam, you can’t take the exam.
A. 5 B. 15 C.25 D. 30
( )14. After the exam, you can not __________.
A. leave the room during the first 30 minutes B. take away the exam paper
C. take away the answer paper D. all the above(以上皆是)
( )15. The information is mainly about _______ rules.
A. exam B. class C. writing D. party
( )16.Sorry may be the hardest word--but scientists claim it could be one of the healthiest since it may help women live longer, the Daily Mail reported. Researchers claimed they have discovered that women who received an apology for hurtful behavior suffer less stress than those who don’t.
( )17.According to an online survey by Sohu.com for International Sleep Day (March 21), many Chinese young people don’t sleep well. Around 1/4 of the surveyed say they sleep fewer than 7 hours a day and 66% say they have too many dreams. College seniors especially have sleep problems.
( )18.A robot waiter served food to customers at Hajime Japanese restaurant in Bangkok April 1, Reuters reported. At Thailand’s first Japanese robot restaurant, Where all the servers are robots, customers mechanical server will also dance and automatically collect empty dishes at the customers’ table.
( )19.I’ve known her for four years and I really like her. But she always copies everything I do. If I buy some new clothes, the next day she’ll go out and buy exactly the same ones. It’s the same with music, films, even my friends! What should I do?
( )20.Australia’s seasons are the opposite of the Northern Hemisphere (半球)—summer starts in December, autumn in March, winter in June and spring in September. The best time to go there is September or October. It’s warm enough to go to the beach. But this does depend on which part of Australia you go to.
Everyone has hobbies, especially _______1______. Some hobbies are relaxing, ____2_____ as reading, singing and collecting stamps. Some are________3_______, like painting and writing. Some are exciting,for example, mountain biking, playing _____4_____, sailing and going camping.
I’m interested in animals and I enjoy looking _____5_____ them. Although my hobby takes up most of my free time, I think that it’s very _____6________. My friend Daming likes reading. His favourite magazines are Reader as ____7_____ as English Salon. As soon as they come _____8______ every month, he buys them immediately. As a ____9_____, he has lots of magazines at home. Daming’s parents have warned him that he ___10_____ spend too much time or money on his hobby.
1. ________________ 2. ______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________5. ____________
6. ________________ 7. ______________ 8. _______________ 9. _______________10. ____________
1. 她参观了很多城市,如广州、北京. She visited a lot of cities, _______________ GZ and BJ.
2. 他的小说在2014年出版。 His novel ______________________ in 2014.
3. 她一直弹钢琴和听音乐。She played the piano and listened to music ________________________.
4. 他起床迟了, 结果迟到了。 He got up late. ______________________, he was late for school.
5. 除了游泳,我还喜欢唱歌。 I like singing ________________________ swimming.
6. 爱好会占去了我们的学习时间。Hobbies will ________________________ our time for study.
7. 我们一直是好朋友。 We are good friends __________________________.
8. 她对运动很感兴趣。 She was ____________________________ sports.
9. 我妈妈在收拾房子. My mother is _____________________ our house.
10. 昆明因为好天气而闻名。 Kunming _____________________________its good weather.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/65896.html
