
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
考试时长:120分钟 卷面分:120分
第一卷 (共70分)
Ⅰ. 对话理解 (共10分,每小题1分)
(A) 听小对话,每段对话你将听到前面的1―3句,从每小题的三个选项中选出能完成对话最后一句的最佳答语。
( )1. A. He was fishing. B. Let’s join him.
C. No, he is shouting for help. We must help him.
( )2. A. Mr. Green did. B. Mrs. Green was not at home.
C. I was taking a shower.
( )3. A. Then there were thirteen. B. They were in the garden.
C. They were surfing the Internet.
( )4. A. Let me help you. B. Sure. C. That’s OK.
( )5. A. She is ten years old. B. She is watching TV. C. She is in the room.
(B) 听小对话,根据你听到的内容从每小题的三个选项中选出正确答案。
( )6. Where was the boy when the UFO landed ?
A. In the hospital. B. In the park. C. In the zoo.
( )7. What was the weather like yesterday?
A. It was sunny. B. It was rainy. C. It was windy.
( )8. What were they doing at this time yes terday?
A. They were playing basketball.
B. They were fishing.
C. They were boating.
( )9. Where was the man when it began to rain?
A. In the kitchen. B. In the bank. C. In the barbershop.
( )10. What was the woman doing when the telephone rang?
A. Cooking. B. Washing clothes. C. Watching TV.
Ⅱ. 听力篇章理解 (共10分,每小题1分)
( )11. What did Jack see yesterday?
A. A cat. B. A UFO. C. A robot.
( )12. What did the UFO look like?
A. A boat. B. A hat. C. A dish.
( )13. What did Jack do?
A. He called the police. B. He called the TV station.
C. He called his father.
( )14. What was Mr. Black doing at eight o’clock last night?
A. He was working in his office.
B. He was going home from a meeting.
C. He was watching TV at home.
( )15. How did Mr. Black go back home?
A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By car.
( )16. How long did it take Mr. Black?
A. Half an hour. B. An hour. C. Two hours.
( )17. What did the teacher tell the students to do?
A. Not to keep quiet after class.
B. Not to draw anything on the wall.
C. Not to play with others in class.
( )18. What did David do after class?
A. He went back home. B. He took out a pencil.  
C. He drew a picture on the wall.
( )19. When David saw the teacher coming, what did he do?
A. He stood in front of his drawing.  
B. He cleaned the wall with his hand.
C. He ran away.
( )20. What did David find on the wall after the teacher left?
A. A dog on the wall. B. A picture on the wall.  
C. Nothing on the wall.
( )21.They both landed the moon at the same time
A. in B. on C.on D.at
( )22. There ____ a basketball match and a movie this Sunday evening.
  A. are going to be  B. is going to be  C. are going to have D. will have
( )23. It snows ________ in Beijing than in Wuhan.
A. more often B. often C. most often D. oftener
( )24.---Could you please your clothes ---Certainly, mom
A.to fold B. fold C.make D.do
( )25. ― An earthquake ____ in Turkey (土耳其) on 23rd October, 2014.
― Yes. It was a great disaster (灾难).
A. took B. landed C. got D. happened
( )26. It is hard for them ________ the work in three days.
A. finishB. to finish C. finishing D. finished
( )27.Linda was just going out shopping the telephone rang.
A.while B. when C.after D.before
( )28. ― Do you remember ____ when you heard about the important event?
― Yes, of course!
A. what were you doing B. what you were doing
C. what are you doing D. what you are doing
( )29. ― My best friend Susan always tells lies (说谎). I don’t know ____ to do.
― You had better tell her not to do that.
A. what B. how C. where D. when
( )30. ― I saw a pig climbing a tree on my way home. ― ____
A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. I think so.
C. You’re kidding! D. You can do it well.
IⅤ. 完形(10分)
Wilma Rud olph was a great American athlete. She was from a 31 family. There were 22 children in her family. When Wilma Rudolph was four, she got a very serious 32 . From then on, she couldn’t walk any more. Wilma’s mother was 33 about that. She decided to do everything she could to help Wilma to 34 again. She took Wilma to a hospital to get therapy (治疗) every week, 35 it didn’t help much. Then the doctors told her that she also needed to massage (按摩) her daughter’s legs every day. She 36 the doctors’advice. She also taught Wilma’s brothers and sisters how to do it, and 37 also massaged Wilma’s legs every day. With the help of her 38 , Wilma Rudolph got better and better. When she was 8, she could walk with a leg brace (腿支架). After that, she played basketball every day. Three years later, she could play basketball 39 the leg brace. Wilma Rudolph started to run in high school. In the 1960 Olympic Games, she became the champion and 40 three gold medals. Her unusual experience encouraged many people.
( )31. A. smallB. good C. large D. Bad
( )32. A. testB. problem C. project D. illness
( )33. A. sad B. angry C. tired D. excited
( )34. A. run B. walk C. play D. speak
( )35. A. butB. so C. and D. or
( )36. A. askedB. forgot C. followed D. found
( )37. A. he B. they C. she D. you
( )38. A. classmates B. teachers C. friends D. family
( )39. A. withB. by C. without D. On
( )40. A. lostB. won C. made D. hoped
Ⅴ. 理解(共30分,每小题2分)
( )41. What is the best advice for Eric?
A. Try to relax. B. You could buy him a gift.
C. You could write him a letter. D. Tell him to ask questions after class.
( )42. What’s the matter with Mary?
A. She can’t go to her friend’s birthday party.
B. She has no money to buy a gift. C. She did badly in an exam.
D. She can’t hear the teacher clearly in class.
( )43. ____ is under too much pressure and should learn to relax.
A. Eric B. Mary C. May D. Betty
( )44. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Eric and Mary are the same age.
B. Bet ty lives in England.
C. Lana is very popular.
D. Betty is angry with John because he never returns her books.
A young American doctor was sleeping when suddenly his doorbell began to ring. It was already midnight, but what could the doctor do? He had to get up, put on his coat and go downstairs.
When he opened the door, he saw a man standing with a hat in his hand. “How do you do?” said the man, “Can you come at once (立刻) to a place out of town? It’s quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way.”
“Certainly,” said the doctor, “I’m quite ready. I can come at once.” After a few minutes the car was standing at the front door, the man got into the doctor’s car, and they drove off.
They drove on for a long time. Then the man said, “Here we are. This is my home. Now I can pay you and you can go back to town.”
“I must see the patient (病人). How can I go back without seeing the patient?”
“There is no patient,” explained (解释) the man. “Nobody is ill. I live here, you see, and one must get home from a town, mustn’t he? There are no taxis this time of the night, but a doctor often makes night calls, so excuse me. Here is the money. Thank you, doctor. Good night.”
( )46. The doctor was ____ when the doorbell started to ring.
A. sleeping upstairs B. sleeping downstairs
C. working upstairs D. working downstairs
( )47. The man asked the doctor to _____.
A. go out for a walk B. go to a place out of town
C. see a patient D. lend him a car
( )48. ____ was ill that night.
A. Nobody B. The man C. The doctor D. The man’s friend
( )49. What the man wanted to do was only to _____.
A. make the doctor angry B. live in the doctor’s house
C. give the doctor money D. get home in the doctor’s car
( )50. Which of the following can be the best title for the story?
A. A Cold Night B. A Clever Doctor C. A Clever Man D. An Old Car
Liu Yiting is from Chengdu, China. In 1996, she went to Chengdu Foreign Language School. After she finished studying at that school, she was admitted to (被……录取) Harvard University in 1999. She was only eighteen years old at that time. The university is in America and is one of the most famous universities in the world. She became one of the first Chinese students to go to Harvard University with a full scholarship (全额奖学金). In 2003, she finished studying at Harvard University and began to work in America. After that, she set up (设立) the Liu Yiting After-class Activity Prize at Chengdu Foreign Language School. The prize is to reward those students who do well in after-class activities.
Her mother wrote a book called Harvard Girl Yiting Liu. The book shows how the girl studied and became successful. It is very popular with m any children and their parents. Both parents and children can get a lot from this book.
( )51. Where does Liu Yiting come from?
A. Chengdu. B. Shanghai.C. Beijing. D. Harbin.
( )52. How old was Liu Yiting when she went to Chengdu Foreign Language School?
A. 15 years old. B. 16 years old. C. 17 years old. D. 18 years old.
( )53. How many years did she study at Harvard University?
A. One.B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
( )54. The underlined word "reward"means "_____"in Chinese.
A. 惩罚B. 感谢C. 奖励D. 报复
( )55. The best title for this passage is "______".
A. Harvard University B. Liu Yiting
C. Liu Yiting’s FamilyD. The Book Harvard Girl LiuYiting
第二卷 非(共50分)
Ⅵ. 听力完成任务 (共5分,每小题1分)
56.Where was Mr. Hand last night?
57.When did he come home in the morning today?
58.What was his mother doing when he came home?
59.How old is Mr. Hand’s daughter Ann?
60.Which subject does Mr. Hand’s son Eric think is very important for him?
Ⅶ. 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)
61. The clothes my cousin buys always _________(时髦的). (style)
62. He should_______(付……账) what he ate in the restaurant last night (pay)
63. I’ll _______(打电话给……) Mr. Wang as soon as I arrive in Beijing. (call)
64.I (相处得好) with my classmates.(get)
65.The students in Grade 9 (压力太大)now.(under)
Ⅷ. 短文 (共10分,每小题1分)
My family lives in America. My father was the (66)_______ child of eight in his family. He (67)_______in Sweden. He went to America when he was 20 years old. When I was five years old, I (68)_______ my first trip to Sweden with my family. We visited my uncles and aunts. We (69)_____ with my father’s youngest brother, Bruce. He lived in Karlstad and had a daughter who was five years (70)______ than me. She and I always had a great time together. I remember there was a lake near my uncle’s house. We always went (71)_____ there. We often played outside until very (72)_____ at night. The last time I visited Sweden, my cousin had (73)_______ own (自己的) apartment and I stayed with her. When she was at work, I would (74)_______ around Karlstad and go shopping. My family (75)_______ Sweden again next summer. I can’t wait.
The song Gangnam Style which is sung by South Korean artist PSY has become very popular. It has had more than 808 million(百万) views on the Internet. Many people After it was put on the Internet, the song was more popular than other popular videos, such as Jennifer Lopez’s On the Floor, Eminem’s Love the Way You Lie and LMFAO’s Party Rock Anthem. ②In September, Gangnam Style also became people’s favorite video on YouTube(视频网站). The Guinness Book of World Records(《吉尼斯世界纪录》) said, “③In the past few years it was unthinkable(不能想象的)that so mething would be viewed(观看) a hundred million times, and now the times that its MV is viewed have been more than twice this amount in just three months on YouTube. PSY, your certificate(证书) is waiting for you at our office, ④come and take it any time!”
This song and its MV have been popular in more than 30 countries, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, France, China and Canada.
76. 根据①处的注音写出英语单词:
77. 将②处的划线部分译成汉语:
78. 根据③处的划线句子在下面句子中的每个空白处填入一个适当的词(首字母已给出):
It was unthinkable that something would be w ______ a hundred million times in the l______ few years.
79. 1)在④处的划线句子中找出两个可以连读的词:______ ______
80. 用完整的句子回答问题: Why does The Guinness Book of World Records want to give PSY a certificate?
Ⅹ. 书面表达(共15分)
1. 多锻炼,多喝水,多吃水果、蔬菜和其他健康食品;
2. 不要和人争吵;
3. 避免着急等等。
1. 80词左右;
2. 语句通顺、连贯,可适当发挥。
提示词语:look ... over 检查; follow 听从
Ⅵ. 56. In the hospital 57. At 6:30 58. Readi ng a newspaper 59. Six 60. English
Ⅶ.61.are in style 62.pay for 63.call64get on/along well with 65.are too much pressure
Ⅷ. 66. third 67. was born 68. made 69. stayed 70. older
71. swimming 72. late 73. her 74. travel75. is going to visit
Ⅸ. 76. are crazy about the riding dance 77. 在九月份,《江南style》在视频网站上成为人们最喜爱的视频。 78. watched; last 79. 1) come and/take it2)and
80. Because his song Gangnam Style has been viewed for the most times.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/66569.html
