Would you mind turning down the music

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
【课题】:Unit 7 Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ? Section A (1a-2c)
【励志小木屋】:living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.
1)、会写本节课2个生词:task, poster
2)、掌握would you mind(not)doing……?句型结构
3)、掌握Could you please……?句型结构
3.情感价值观目标: 学会如何恳请对方对于某事来表达歉意,培养学生礼貌行为。
预习重点:熟练的掌握和运用would you mind(not)doing……?
Could you please……? have to……
预习难点:Would you mind doing sth ?与Could you please do sth ?的比较运用。
Task 1、 通过自学熟练写出下列单词和短语:
1 . 任务;工作_________ 2 .海报 __________3. 在开会 _________ 4.去购物______________5. 洗餐具 ____________ 6.喂狗 _________ 7.做晚饭_______________8去图书馆 ____________9把书还给图书馆 ________________10. 完成这些任务_________________ 11.去看电影______________12.临时照顾你的小表弟__________________13.制作海报 ________________14.没问题____________________
Task 2、预习3a 。
Task 3 Read 3a and tell T or F
1. Larry’s mother asks him to do many things. ( )
2. Larry’s family has a dog. ( )
3. If Larry doesn’t wash the dishes, he can’t go to the movies. ( )
4. Larry’s mother is reading newspaper at home. ( )
(二)预习诊断. 完成对话:
A: Would you mind _________(起床)?You have to help me ____________(在厨房里) .
B: OK,, I’ll get up _________(立刻).Do___________(我必须洗餐具吗)?
A: ____,and you have to ______________________________(帮我做晚饭).
B: OK. When I finish, could you ________________________(帮我做作业)?
A: Sure .
(三)预习反思 Do you have any questions ?
Step 1 预习交流------精讲点拨
--Yan Ming, could you make some posters ? ---- Sure, that’s no problem.
That’s no problem.可以简化为No problem. 意为“没问题”,用于接收他人的请求(相当于with pleasure.)、谢意(相当于You are welcome.)或歉意(相当于Never mind).
----Could you please pass me an apple?
----No problem.
Step2 Warming-up Step 3 Lead-in
Step4 Pairwork
Step 5 拓展延伸:
Swim, wash, rain, get, clean, play, help, babaysit, bring, make
1.Would you mind ________ the dishes ?
2.I can’t go out today because I have to _______ my little brother.
3.---What were you doing when the bell rang ? ---- Iwas _____ my room.
4.Thank you for ______ me with my English.
5.Would you mind _____ me a cup of tea ?
6.------ What was your mother doing when you got home?
------ She was _____ dinner.
7.He is hard-working. He ___ up very early to read English in the morning.
8.--- What does he enjoy? ---- He enjoys ________ football.
9.It kept ________ for three days and too much rain was bad for the crops.
10._______ is my favorite sport, so I like summer very much .
Step 6 系统总结
三、限时作业 满分 10 分 得分 ________
1. My little sister is sleeping . Would you mind t_______ down the music?
2. Could you please help me w_____ my English?
3. ---Could you please clean the yard? It’s so dirty.
---- Sure, that’s no p_______
4. If you finish these __________ ( 任务), we can go to a movie tonight.
5. _______ (洗) the dishes is my job .
6. Mr. Smith isn’t here. He is at a _______ (meet) .
7. Could you please _______ ( not smoke ) here ?
8. -------Would you mind my using your pen ? -------__________, please .
A. Thank you B. Of course not C. Yes . D. Sorry, I don’t
9.Could you please ___________loudly ?
A. don’t speak B. not speak C. not to speak D. to not speak
10.--------Would you like to go with me ? -------_______________ .
A. OK B. I’d like C. I’d love to D. I’d like it
1.This picture looks _________ (terribly).
2.Li Lei often helps the old man __________ ( carry ) water.
3.Were the teachers _______ the meeting last Friday afternoon?(介词)
4.Could you please pick up the paper ?(同义句)
_______ ______ _______ _______ up the paper?
5.Could you please wash the dishes?(作肯定回答)
OK . _____ _____ ______ right away.
6.Would you mind wearing that old hat?(改为否定句)
Would you _______ ____ ________ that old hat ?

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/67537.html

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