
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
I 测试
A) 听录音,从每题A、B、C三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。每段对话听两遍。(5分)
1. A. B. C.
2. A. B. C.
3. A. B. C.
4. A. B. C.
5. A. B. C.
B) 在录音中你将听到一段对话及五个问题。根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题读两遍。(5分)
6. A. Jim’s uncle.B. Jim’s friend.C. Her uncle.
7. A. In Shenyang.B. In Shenzhen.C. In Nanyang.
8. A. By train. B. By plane.C. By car.
9. A. Some cool clothes B. Some warm clothes C. Some expensive clothes
10. A. On Friday B. On Saturday C. On Sunday
11. What does Mr. White do?
A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. A student.
12. What’s wrong with Michael?
A. He is late for school.B. He has a toothache.C. He has a cold.
13. What is Kangkang going to do this Saturday evening?
A. See a film.B. Go to a concert.C . Do sports.
14. Where will the concert be held?
A. In the gym.B. At the theater.C. At the Music Hall.
15. Is Jane going to the concert?
A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isn’t.C. No problem.
听短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、c三个选项中选出所给问题的最佳答案,并标在试题卷 的相应位置。听短文前你有15秒钟时间相关小题,听完后你有10秒钟时间作答。短 文读两遍。(共5小题,计7.5分)
16. Where is the parking lot?
A. In front of the hotel.B. Across from the hotel.C. Behind the hotel.
17. How will the tourists go there?
A. By train.B. By bike.C. By bus.
18. What need the tourists show when they have lunch?
A. A blue card.B. A blue ticket.C. A blue key.
19. What season is it now?
A. Summer.B. Winter.C. Spring.
20. Which of the following is right?
A. The tourists will visit Mount Huang.
B. The tourists will have breakfast at eight.
C. The tourists will get on the bus at the parking lot.
The Program
Morning Section
Monday ~ (21) ___________
8:30 ~11:30? Get to know the new (22) ___________
? Learn some study skills
Afternoon Section
Tuesday ~ Thursday
1:30 ~ (23) ___________? Go on field trips
? Play games
? Visit (24) ___________
? Learn about the (25) ___________at the school
四 听对话,选择正确的选项,完成信息表
Where to go(21)_______________
How to go(22)by _____________
What to take first(23)food and ____________
What else to need(24)_______________
What to wear(25)jackets and _______________
III. 选择 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)
26.?What do you think your life will be like in ten years?
?I just wish there __________ more free time and less pressure.
A. will haveB. will beC. will get D. will live
27. ?Which of the two T-shirts do you like better?
?__________ are OK. I can’t decide.
A. EachB. EitherC. BothD. All
28. ?Can I speak to Mr. Wang?
?Sorry, he is not here. He __________ Hong Kong for his vacation.
A. went toB. has been inC. has been toD. has gone to
29. ?__________ will the foreign students be back?
?In about half an hour, I think.
A. How soonB. How oftenC. How farD. How much
30. ?I’ve lost all my money. How can I __________ for the book?
?Here you are. Is it enough?
A. costB. pay C. spendD. take
31. -Sandy,I called you at 9:00 last night,but nobody answered the phone.
-I’m sorry. We ______ a birthday party _______ Jerry.
A. had; with B. were having; for C are having; for D had ;for
32. -Do you know that there are many different ____ animals in the zoo?
?Yes,I do. And I also know that some of them are _____ scaring.
A. kinds of; kind of B. kinds of; kinds of
C. kind of ; kinds of D. kind of; kind of
33. .-Excuse me.Could you wake me up when my friend ______here?
-Of course. But we still don’t know when your friend ____ here.
A. comes; will come B. comes; comes
C. will come; comes D. will come; will come
34. ?I spent the whole morning __________ the newspaper and magazines.
?So you want a holiday job?
A. looking after B. looking likeC. looking through D. looking over
35. Hi, look! __________ we use the car, __________ pollution there is.
A. The more, the moreB. The fewer, the less
C. The fewer, the moreD. The less, the more
36. ?I’ll be away on a business trip. Could you please take care of my pet dog?
A. Sorry, I’d like toB. OK, I’ve no time
C. No, I won’t do thatD. OK, I’d be glad to
37. Would you please __________ the CDs? The baby is sleeping.
A. turn downB. turn upC. turn onD. turn off
38. ?__________ fun weather it is! ?Let’s go camping.
?I hate waiting for the bus. It’s late again. ?__________.
A. How. So I doB. What ,So do I
C. How a,Neither I amD. What a , Neither am I
39. ?I won’t go back to that store again.
?Me neither. The prices are really __________.
A. expensiveB. cheapC. highD. low
40. ?You’d better not drop the litter everywhere!
?I’m so sorry. I will __________.
A. pick it upB. get it offC. wake it upD. put it out
IV. 完形
As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. In some places we can’t see fish 41 in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink.
Recently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life( 低碳生活) is 42 every comer of our country. The meanings of low carbon are 43 energy and no waste. It is such an important project that I can’t wait 44 my ideas on how to promote it.
First,we should 45 a no-car day every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. 46 the no-car day, neither students 47 teachers are allowed to drive to school. At the same time,just walk or run. Use our 48 and enjoy the fun.
Second, we had better not use plastic bags 49 . No one can stand the “white pollution”, 50 it is wise to use cloth bags which can 51 again and again.
52 ,one thing 53 we should keep in mind is that every big thing comes from the small details. So, as students, we ought to turn 54 the lights the moment we leave, use 55 sides of the paper, and reuse our textbooks and so on.
All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these:no-car days, no plastic bags, and no waste. Let’s do it now.
36 ?40 BADAB 41 ?45 CADAB 46 ?50 BACDA
41. A. swimsB. swimmingC. to swimD. swam
42. A. spreadingB. movingC. livingD. becoming
43. A. belowB. high C. aboveD. low
44. A. to expressB. express C. expressingD. expressed
45. A. set offB. set upC. put onD. put down
46. A. inB. atC. onD. with
47. A. norB. orC. bothD. and
48. A. bikesB. carsC. busesD. legs
49. A. any moreB. no moreC. no longerD. never
50. A. becauseB. so C. butD. although
51. A. reusedB. be usedC. is usedD. use
52. A. FinallyB. FinalC. LastD. Lately
53. A. whoB. what C. that D. whose
54. A. upB. downC. on D. off
55. A. bothB. eachC. everyD. all
VI. 理解
阅读下面短文,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(10分)
On October 25,Liu Xiang picked up a gold medal at the 11th Chinese National Games. He is a first Chinese hurdler to win a gold medal three times. “I,m feeling great,,,Liu said. “I started to take part in the National Games at the age of 18. Now I,m 26. I hope I can run at the Games again in four years. ”
Zhang Lili,a Chinese language teacher in Jiamusi,Heilongjiang province,was run over by a school bus as she pushed two students out of the way. After news of the accident was reported online, micro blogs were filled with concern (关注)and admiration (钦佩)for the teacher,with one netizen (网名)calling Zhang “ the most beautiful teacher in China”.
On November 16,an overloaded (超载)school bus ran into a coal truck in Gansu province. The accident killed at least 21 People?including 19 preschoolers (学龄前儿童)and hurt another 43, mostly children. The nine-seated bus was overloaded with 64 people.
56. The three passages above are most probably taken from.
A. NewspapersB. NovelsC. DiariesD. Books
57. What does the underlined part mean?
A. 拾起B. 恢复C. 顺便学到D. 摘取
58. What can be the best title for the second passage?
A. Two pushed-away students. B. The most beautiful teacher in China.
C. The most beautiful bride (新娘).D. A Chinese language teacher.
59. How many preschoolers were killed in the accident?
A.64. B.21.C.19.D.43.
60. Which is Not mentioned in the passage?
A. Zhang Lili comes from Heilongjiang province.
B. Liu Xiang joined in the National Games when he was 18.
C. The school bus accident happened in Gansu province.
D. More yellow school buses will be seen on the road in China.
For 15-year-old Liu Xingjian, the most difficult thing in life is getting up at 5:50 am every school day.
“I don’t want to get up so early” the eight?grade Beijing primary school student said. “ I want more sleep. Would you mind telling our headmaster about this?” he said to me.
Liu has breakfast at 6:15 am, leaves home with his mother at half past six, and it takes him about 30 minutes to take a bus to school, at last, arrives at school at 7 o’clock.
Like most of his classmates, Liu arrives at school a full hour before lessons start at 8 am.
In a 2009 survey of 2,500 school students in six cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, it showed that about 77 percent of the students were short of sleep.
In a recent survey made by China Daily website, almost 70 percent( 百分) of the 1,130 respondents(回复者) said they agreed with cutting school hours, while 22 percent disagreed and 10 percent had no answer.
Although their children spend long hours at school, many parents arrange (安排) for them to take more studies. Liu’s mother, Mrs Wang,who thinks her son is still not doing enough to win a place at a good quality high school.
“ Of course I want my son to have more sleep, more exercise and more fun,” she said, “But the common saying is that if you give you child a happy childhood, you will give him or her a failed future.”
But her son said, “I can’t stand that. I always feel sleepy in class. Would you mind not giving me too much homework to do”
All of us don’t know who can help the poor child. Maybe, something must be done to change people’s traditional opinions and children should have more time to play, to relax and to do what they like to do.
61 How does Liu Xingjian go to school?
A On footB By bus C By bike D By subway
62 In paragragh 4, the word full here means _________ in Chinese.
A 装满的B 圆的 C 足足的 D饱的
63 In the recent survey, about _________ peolpe disagreed cutting school hours.
A 790 B 250 C 110 D 1130
64 The passage is mainly talked about _________.
A children’s study B children’s sleeping
C parents’ opinions D two surveys
65 Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A Liu Xingjian has difficulty getting up early every day.
B The survey made in 2009 shows many students were short of sleep.
C Liu Xingjian’s mother thinks her son should work harder on his study.
D The writer gives some advice on how to cut school hours
Last Tuesday, a little girl died after eating some fried chicken. Her father bought the chicken for her from a street seller in Fenzhuang Village, Fengtai, Beijing. After testing the girl, the doctor said she was poisoned (中毒) by nitrites (亚硝酸盐). Some experts suggest that we should buy foods with QS signs. They are safer.
After hearing about the accident, many people feel more worried about the food safety because there have been many food safety problems in our country these years. For example, poisonous(有毒的) rice, oil, milk and so on have been found out recently. People feel quite afraid because these poisonous foods are rather bad for their health and even kill them. They want the government to do something to stop such poisonous foods and drinks appearing again so that they can have safe and healthy foods and drinks.
Information Card
66. The little girl died after she ate __________.
67. Some experts suggest that we should buy foods with __________.
68 Many people feel _______ about the food safety after hearing about the accident.
69. The poisonous foods are _________ for people's health and even kill them.
70. The people want __________ stop such poisonous foods and drinks appearing again.
May 20 is National Student Nutrition Day(营养日). Why is student nutrition important?
Just as a cell phone needs energy from charging(充电), we humans need energy from food. While eating food is the only way to (A) 使我们强壮, what we eat and the way we eat it are also very important, because they decide (B) whether we can get good nutrition.
Many of us have bad eating habits. For example, some don’t eat breakfast. Others eat too (C) ________ fast food. These bad habits may cause nutrition problems, which are bad for the growth of our bodies.
A study by the government in 2005 showed that (D) over 20 percent of people aged 13 to 20 have nutrition problems, such as obesity(肥胖) and high blood pressure.
More students of Chinese middle and primary schools are (E) ________ having nutritious meals, such as milk and fruit. This year, the theme(主题) of National student Nutrition Day is “improve the nutrition of students in the countryside”. (F) The government will spend quite a lot helping students get nutritious meals.
71. 将文中划线部分(A)译成英语。
(B) ( D
73.在文中(C)和(E)的空白处分别填入适当的单词。(C) ( E)
74.将文中划线部分(F)改写为:________ will ________ the government quite a lot to help students get nutritious meals.
第II卷 非部分 (35分)
VII. 词句运用
76. My uncle chose to be a tour guide _________________ a painter.
77. It’s impossible _________________ good grades without working hard.
78. Jane, could you help me _________________ when the train will leave on the Internet?
79. Hainan is a very large island. It’s the second _________________ island in China.
80. _________________, he got badly injured in the game .
第二节, 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)
____________________ going to Shanghai Expo in summer vocation?
82. 我希望有一天中国男子足球队也能够参加世界杯。
I hope Chinese Men Football Team _____________________ to take part in the
Football World Cup one day.
83. 如果我们不节约用水,地球的水总有一天会用尽。
If we don’t save water, we __________________________ the last drop of water on the earth.
84. 这些年轻人打算举行晚会为那些贫困儿童募捐。
The young men are going to hold a party __________________________those poor children.
85 所有的学生都反对一年四季穿校服。
All the students the school uniforms all year round.
写作要点: 1.父亲辛勤工作,让我受到更好的教育,过上更好的生活;
Dear father,
Father’s Day is coming, I’d like to say something to you. ________________________________
1 A: What time is it? C
B: It’s seven o’clock. Let’s go to school
2 A: What animals do you like best? A
B: Monkeys because they are cute.
3: A: What’s in front of your house? A
B: There is a big tree and the children like playing under it.
4 A: Where is your pen pal from, Mike? C
B: He is from Canada. He can speak English and a little Chinese.
5 A: How’s the weather today in Jinan? C
B: It was rainy yesterday and today it is sunny.
C) 在录音中你将听到一段对话及五个问题。根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题读两遍。(5分)
M: Hello!
W: Hello, Jim! Its me, Lucy. My uncle has been ill these days. I’m going to see him the day after tomorrow.
M: Oh, really? Where does he live?
W: He lives in Shenyang. And I’m going by train because I don’t like to go there by bus.
M: How long will the journey take?
W: Well, the train leaves at 6 am and arrives at about 10 am.
M: Who will meet you at the station?
W: My aunt. She can drive.
M: What will the weather be like there?
W: Well, it will be quite cold and wet. So I’m going to take some warm clothes.
M: And take your raincoat with you.
W: Oh, yes, thank you. Oh, by the way, what day is it today?
M: Friday. I hope you’ll have a good journey.
W: Thanks a lot, Jim. See you soon.
M: See you.
6 .Who is Lucy going to see? C
7.Where does Lucy’s uncle live? A
8. How will Lucy go there? A
9.What clothes is Lucy going to take? B
10.When is Lucy going to see his uncle? C
听第11段材料,回答第11至12小题。听之前你有5秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有5 秒钟时间作答。
W: Hello! May I speak to Mr. White?
M: Speaking.
W: This is Michael’s mother. I want to ask for two days’ leave for him.
M: Oh, what’s the matter with him?
W: He has a bad cold. I want to take him to see a doctor.
M: Fm sorry to hear that. I hope he will get well soon.
听第12段材料,回答第13至15小题。听之前你有5秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有5 秒钟时间作答。
W:Hi, Kangkang.
M :Hi, Jane.
W : What are you going to do this Saturday evening?
M :Fm going to a concert.
W : How exciting! Who is going to sing at the concert?
M :Xu Song. He is my favorite pop singer.
W : Where is he going to give the concert?
M :In the gym.
W : What time is it going to start?
M : At 7 :30 p. m. Would you like to go with me?
W:Fd love to, but I,m going to visit my uncle.
D) 听短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、c三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案,并标在试题 卷的相应位置。听短文前你有15秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有10秒钟时间作答。 短文读两遍。(共5小题,计7.5分)
Hello,everyone! Here’s some information about our trip to Mount Tai tomorrow. We have a long way to go, so we have to get up early. We will have breakfast at a quarter past seven. Don’t be late,please,as the bus has to leave at eight. When you finish your breakfast,please go to the parking lot. There well get on the bus. The parking l ot is behind the hotel. Well have lunch at a restaurant near Mount Tai and please go to the office to get a blue ticket. You need to show it when you have lunch. Oh, one more thing, I know it’s summer but it can get quite cold in the mountains even in July, so bring a jacket with you. You’ll need one in the evening. That’s all, and 111 see you tomorrow morning.
W: Where are we going for our school trip this year?
M: We are going to the Great Wall.
W: How will we get there?
M: We’ll go there by bike.
W: That sounds like fun. What should we take first?
M: We’ll take food and water.
W: What else do we need?
M: Medicine .We might get ill. And we should wear jackets and sports shoes.
W: You are right.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/68778.html
