Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived 教案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?教案
Period One (Section A 1a-2c)
New words:UFO,barber,bathroom, alien,kitchen,bought, land, got, while
Key phrases: get out, take off
Key sentences:
⑴.―What were you doing when the UFO arrived?―I was cooking dinner in the kitchen.
⑵―What was he doing when the UFO arrived?―He was sleeping late when it arrived.
⑶The girl was shopping when the alien got out. ⑷While the girl was shopping, the alien got out.
学习重难点:◆重点 掌握过去进行时态的用法。◆难点 掌握when和while的用法。
1. A: What are you doing now? B: I am doing my homework now. They are having an English lesson.
2. A: What were you doing at 9 o’clock last night? B: I was doing homework.
A: What were you doing when your mother came back yesterday?
B:I ______________________________________(我正在讲电话).
I Jim They
4: 00 pm last Sundaycutting hair walking down the streetplaying tennis at the playground
when the UFO landed getting out of the library making a milk shake sleeping late
例如:A: What were you doing at 4:00 last Sunday afternoon? B: I was cutting my hair.
A: What _____ you _________ when the UFO landed? B: I ________ the library..
A: What _____ Jim ______ 4:00 last Sunday afternoon? B: He _______________ the street.
A: ______Jim doing ___________?B: He ________________.
A: What _________ they doing _____________? B: They ____________ at the playground.
A: ______ they _______ when the UFO landed? B: They ______________________________.
通过以上的练习你能归纳出过去进行时 be 动词的规律吗?
I/He/She + _______ + doing They/You + _______ + doing
三.A.将下面的句子翻译成中文,并仔细观察进行比较。1. The boy was walking down the street when the UF O landed. 2. The girl was shopping when the alien got out.
3. While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed. 4. While the girl was shopping, the alien got out. 总结:When 与while: 都是 “ 当……的时候”, 但如3.4句,后接的动词用过去进行时,多选用____; 而后接的动词用一般过去时态时,用_____.
B.根据句意,选词填空 1. She was watching TV___ (when/ while) her mother came in.
2.____ (When/ While) the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.
3. What ______ (was happening/ happened) while they______ (were swimming/ swam) in the river.
4. It _______ (was raining / rained) hard at 9:00 pm last night.
5. Helen ________ (was reading/ read) under the tree when the UFO__________( was landing / landed).
I翻译下列短语 1)理发店__________2)在图书馆前边 3)做饭 4)做奶昔 5)打电话 6)洗完澡出来 7)理发 8)航空博物馆 9)从飞碟出来 10 ) 起飞_________11)电视台_____ 12)报警_____13)沿着街走____________14)睡过头________
II Matching 1a合作探究:Task 1 Listening & speaking. (1b& 1c)Task 2 Listening & speaking(2a-2c)
达标拓展: 1、写出本课的主要语法结构:过去进行时构成---__________________________
2、本课的when 和 while 的用法:(1 )when 引导的从句时态多为______和___________
(2)while 引导的从句时态多为_________________.
3、arrive,get和reach的区别。三者都有“______”之意,但arrive表“到达某地”时,后面必须跟介词____或____; get后跟地点名词时要加介词______; reach后则可直接跟地点名词。如:get to Beijing=_______/______ 温馨提示:get home/there=arrive home/there=reach home/there
评价:I.用when和 while填空
1.My mother was doing the housework______I was doing my homework.
2.______my father came back, I was watching TV.3.______ ___he went out, it was raining.
4.______Tom was cleaning his room, the telephone rang.5.We were playing outside______it began to rain.
6. 你什么时候来我家?________will you ________ to my home?
7. 昨天上午,我在家做作业,我的弟弟在玩电脑游戏。
I was doing my homework at home yesterday ________ my brother ________ computer games.
8. 他们到的时候天正在下雨。It was raining___________ they arrived?
9. 他听着收音机睡着了。He fell asleep__________he was listening to the radio.
10. 他上班时一边开车一边听音乐。He listens to music __________driving to work..
II.选择题1.The alien__ the UFO when I saw him. A.was getting out B.was getting out of C.is getting out of
2.What____you__________at this time yesterday?A.did, do B.are, doing C.were, doing
3.________Tom was playing computer games, his father came in. A.When B.While C.Until
4.―Where is Mr Brown?―He is___________. A.at the doctor B.at the doctor’s C.at doctor
5.They______ Paris on the morning of March 10th. A.got B.reach C.arrived in
III. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.When the teacher came in, the students _______ (talk).
2.He_______(do) his homework at two yesterday afternoon.
3.The students __________ (read) English in the room now.
4.At that time the boy _____(play)football with his friends.
5.While I _______ (talk) with Mr. Li in English, he called me.
Period Two (Section A 2a-4)
New words:experience, imagine, follow, strange, amazing , kid
Key phrases: follow sb. to do sth, have an unusual experience
Key sentences: ⑴ You can imagine how strange it was!⑵ Isn’t that amazing?
1). While I was driving to the airport, the plane ______________(起飞) .
2). Mr Smith ___________________(fly) a kite with his son at this time yesterday. Now he ___________ (read) a book in his bedroom.
3). When I got out of the shower, my little brother _____________(clean) his room.
4). My mother ______________(buy) me a pair of new shoes.
5). While I _______________(cut) my hair , father ______________________(在通电话) with his friend.
2翻译句子,注意when、while 的正确使用。
1). 当UFO着陆的时候,那个男孩正在街上走着
2). 女孩正在买东西的时候,那个外星人出来了。
3). 昨天晚上我在看电视的时候你在干什么?
4). 当我给警察打电话的时候,我看见那个外星人在买纪念品。
1经历,体验______________2想象,设想___________3 奇怪的,陌生的___________
4 跟随,追随_________________5 令人惊异的_______________6 开玩笑,戏弄________
1 一个非常不寻常的经历________________________2 在星期天________________
3 在早晨_________________________4 正好 着陆在我前面_________________________
5 走进一个礼品店__________________6 给警察打电话___________________________
7 离开商店_______________________8 参观飞行博物馆__________________________
9 在博物馆________________________10 给电台打电话___________________________
1你能想象一下那是多么奇怪呀! ______________________________!
2太令人惊奇了! _________________________________________________________!
3 跟随某人做某事_________________________
4 当它走进一家礼品店的时候我感到非常惊讶。___________________________
1)When did the UFO land ? what was the writer doing ?
2) What places did the alien go ? what did they do ?
3) Did the alien buy any souvenirs in the shop ?
4) What did the writer do while the alien was in the museum ?

in front of 与in the front of的区别。
两者都有________________________之意,但in front of是指____________________,in the front of指______________________。
⑴How cold it is today! 今天多冷啊!⑵How beautiful the flower is! 多么美丽的花啊!
⑶How heavily it is raining ! 雨下得多大啊!
⑴What a cold day it is! ⑵What beautiful flowers they are! ⑶What delicious food it is!
1.____fine weather! Let’s go for a walk. A.What a B.What C.How
2._____surprising the news is! A.What a B.What C.How
3.There are many flowers and trees _____our classroom. A.in front B.in front of C.in the front of
4.Nancy is standing _____the classroom to sing for us. A.in front B.in front of C.in the front of
5.―Would you like to follow me_____English? ―Sure, I’d love to. A.learn B.to learn C.learning
1.The students____________(play) basketball on the playground from 3 to 4 yesterday afternoon.
2.While my mother_________ (cook)dinner, my father_____________(watch)TV at this time yesterday.
3.I’m very amazed at the_________________(令人惊异的)news.
4.She wrote a lot about her__________(经历) as a country teacher.
5.You can’t ___________(想象)what he did just now.

Period Three (Section B 1a-2c)
New words:scared, climb, jump, shout,rode
Key phrase: in a tree
学习重难点:while when 引导的时间状语从句
buy,call the police,ride a bike, amaze ,get out of ,take, cook
1 My brother ___________________to school every day .
2 We visited the Great Wall and ______________some photos.
3 I _________________when I saw a thief in the supermarket.
4 The news is ________________. I can’t believe it.
5 We saw an alien____________the UFO.
6 He _________some fruit from the fruit shop yesterday.
7 The girl ___________dinner when her father came back..
8 It’ s dangerous for you______that tall tree. A.climb B.to climb C.climbing D.climbed
9 The little girl is scared______in the dark room. A.of stay B.to stay C.to staying D.of stayed
10 I was taking a walk______I saw a friend of mine. A.when B.while C.after D.before
11 When the bell _____,I was washing clothes。 A.rings B.rings C.rang D.was ringing
12 While I was watching TV,my father_____newsp aper. A.read B.reads C.was reading D.has read
3 给电视台打了电话__________________________4拍了照片_______________________
5 骑了他的自行车_____________________________
1 他是可怕的。_______________________________.
2 它正在爬树。____________________________________.
3 它正在往下跳。__________________________________.
Match the sentences with the pictures.
Listen and fill in the blanks.
John saw a cat in a tree while he was_______to school. The cat was really_________.John wanted to_________the tree to get the cat, but a man saw him. He_____________at John and John stopped climbing. While the man was calling the police, a woman called the newspaper. Then John_______down from the tree,and the cat jumped down too.
1. be scared/afraid of (doing)sth/ to do sth
2. Scared可置于名词前作定语,而afraid无此用法。
1)许多人害怕狼。Many people are_________ _________ wolves.
2) 那个小女孩晚上不敢出门。The little girl is _________ _________ go out at night.
3) 那个受惊的小孩任然在苦。The _________ child is still crying.
In a tree/on the tree
1.There is a bird _________ the tree. 2) There are some apples _________ the tree.
She is shouting。
shout动词,意为“呼喊,大声说”;名词,意为“呼喊;喊叫声”。短语shout to sb 意为“向某人大喊”;shout at sb意为“向某人大喊大叫”如:
I can hear you .You needn’t shout.我听的见你说话,你不必嚷嚷。
I heard a loud shout.我听见一声大叫。
You shouldn’t shout at your parents。你不应该对父母大喊大叫。
1. My grandfather like reading _________(newspaper)
2. He got on his bicycle and _________ (ride) quickly down the street.
3. While I was _________ (take) a walk in the park, I _________ (see)some birds in the tree.
4. The little child is _________ (scare) of dogs.
5. Look! She is _________ (shout) to her friends.
II. 完成句子
While I was _________ under the tree, I _________ a car _________ the tree.
2.当我在爬山时,我听到有人朝我喊。While I was ______ _______ the hill, I heard someone shout to me.
3.他昨天发生了什么事?What _________ _________ him yesterday?
4.我朝树上爬时,那只小猫跳下了树。While I was climbing up the tree, the cat ________ _____ the tree.
5.当他在拍照时,小猫跑掉了。While he was _________ _________, the car ran away.

Period Four (Section B 3a-4)
Newwords:ran, met,happen,anywhere
Key phrases: train station, run away,come in, think about doing sth.
Eve: Where _______(be) you when the UFO _______ (arrive) yesterday?
Joe: I ______(walk) to the post office.
Eve: What did you _______ (see)?
Joe: Well, the UFO _______ (land) right in the middle of the street.
Eoe: What _______ (happen) next?
Joe: One alien ________ (get) out of the UFO and _______(go) into the post office.
Eve: Then what did you ________ (do)?
Joe: While the alien ________(buy) stamps, I called the news reporters.
1 上个星期六_____________2 在火车站________________3 从---出来_______________
4 喊某人的名字______________________5 在火车站的外面________________________
6 在...周围走____________7一场交通事故___________
8去纽约的航班 ____________________
9 起飞__________________________10在诊所___________________________
Task Read and answer.
⑴What was Linda doing when Davy ran away?_____________________________________
⑵Why couldn’t Linda see Davy?_____________________________________
⑶Where was Davy while Linda was looking for him?__________ ___________
⑷What happened while Linda was looking for him?____________ _______________
⑸What was Davy doing when Linda finally saw him?____ _____________________
…,the dog got out of the box and ran away ----.只狗冲出了箱子跑掉了。
Run away 意为“逃跑,跑开”,away 为副词,意为“离开,远离”。
He was jumping and running with another dog.正和另一只狗跑着跳着。
1 another 此处作形容词,意为“另一,再一,别的”通常作定语。
如:There is another seat。I can’t sit over there。还有一个座位,我可以坐那边。
2 another 还可作代词,意为“又一个,再一个”,表示三者或三者以上中的另一个。
如:I don’t like this pen .lease show me another.不喜欢这只钢笔,请再给我拿一只看看。
3 another 后常接单数名词或代词,常有“another+基数词+名词复数”的形式,意为“另外几个,再有几个”,与“基数词+more+名词复数“同义。
如:“我想再买两本书”。可表达为:I want to buy another two books. I want to buy two more books.
这双鞋子太大了,我还想要另外一双。The shoes are too big ,so I’d like to try a_______pair。
What happened while Linda was on the telephone?当琳达打电话时,发生什么事了?
1 happen为动词,意为“发生,偶然发生”,常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的事件的“发生”。 主语常为“事或物”。如:
A bad traffic accident happened yesterday.昨天发生了一起严重的交通事故。
2 如果表示“某人发生某事”,常用结构“某事+happened(s)+to +某人。”如:
What happened to her ?她怎么了?
3 sb happened to do sth“某人碰巧做某事”。如:
I happened to meet my English teacher on my way to school.在上学的路上我碰巧遇见了我的英语老师。
take place /happen
Take place表示按照预先计划、安排某事发生。
Happen 往往表示偶然性的、没有预料的事情“突然发生”。
如:The May 4th Movement took place in1919. 五四运动发生在1919年。
How did the accident happened?这次事故是怎样发生的?
I. 翻译句子:
(1)当Linda 在买报纸的时候,那只狗从盒子里出来然后跑掉了。
(2). Linda 哪也找不到它。 .
(3). 他没有想过去火车站
外看看。 .
(4). 当Linda最后看到她的狗的时候,它正在和另外一只狗在那又跳又跑呢。
(5). 有一个警察站在他们旁边。_______________________________________
II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
1). He thinks Ted is __________(kid) about it.
2). What _______ you ________ (do) at this time last week.
3). Look ! Jim ________ (clean) his new car in front of the building.
4). My son often _______ (sleep) late on weekends, but last night he ________(sleep) early.
5). I can’t imagine(想象) what ______________(happen) in the future?
6). The girl _____________(shop) when the thief got out.
7). The thief __________ (run) away before they ________(call) the police.
8). Did you look for it ___________(到处)? Yes , I did. But I couldn’t find it ____________(到处)。

Period Five (Reading)
New words:heard,modern,kill, rang,murder, bright,playground,bell,told,close,hero,
silence,recent,destroy, terrorist ,meaning, became,flight,earth,flew
Key phrases: hear about, take place, as…as,in silence,for the first time,have meaning to sb.
1、在现代美国历史上 2、最重要的事件之一
3、听说 4、要求某人做某事
5、在沉默中 6、发生
7、不是所有的 8、在月球上散步
9、在太空中 10、围绕地球的飞行
11、民族英雄 12、全世界
(1)Although some people may not remember who murdered him, they remember what they were doing when they ________ _________(听说)the event.
(2)School closed for the day, and Robert and his friends walked home together_______ ________(默默地).
(3)Dr Martin Luther King’s murder ________ ________(发生)about thirty years ago, before many Americans were born.
(4)Even the date ― September 11, 2001 ―________ _________(对…有意义)most Americans.
⑸______ _______ (并不是所有的)events in history are ____ _________ ____(一样可怕) this, of course.
1、Dr Martin Luther King was murdered. September 11,2001
2 、Yang Liwei flew around the Earth. April 4,1968
3、The World Trade Center was destroyed in New York. July 20,1996
4、Man walked on the moon for the first time. March 15,1979
October 15,2003
I Read the passage. Find out the details to tell T or F.(判断下列句子的正误。)
( )⑴. The writer writes one of the most important events as an example in Paragraph 1.
( )⑵.The writer says People will forget some everyday activities when they heard the important news
( )⑶.The writer gives the event that happened in recent times in Paragraph 3 .
( )⑷.The writer gives out some more terrible events in Paragraph 4..
问题一、Read the passage and find out the main ideas from each paragraph。(读文章,找出每一段的主题句。)
Reading strategy(阅读策略):
It is a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read.
问题二、独自完成下列问题,小组订正答案。Answer the following questions:
⑴Why do many people remember what they were doing on April 4, 1968?
⑵ What was Robert Allen doing when he heard the news?
⑶ When was the World Trade Center in New York destroyed by terrorists?
⑷Why did Yang Liwei become a national hero in China?
1. as……as 的用法as 与 as 之间加词形容词或副词的原级,其否定用法为:not as……as……或not so……as…… I think math is as important as English. You are not so tall as me. He is not as lazy as her..
2. Happen / take place 都有“发生”的意思。
happen 有“碰巧发生,偶然发生”的意思。固定词组为“happen to sb.”,
如:What happened to him ? He had an accident yesterday .
take place 往往表示必然性的发生或计划内安排的发生。
如:It will take place sooner or later(迟早)。
教学评价 I用所给动词的适当形式填空。
1.The boy _________(look) out of the window when the policeman came.
2.While they _________(play) soccer, we were watching TV.
3.My father was reading a book when I _______(get)back.
4.The weather ______(be) fine while we were in Beijing.
5.The girl was really _____ (scare) when she saw the snake.
II完成句子。 1.正当琳达买报纸的时候,狗从箱子里出来然后跑掉了。
While Linda was buying a newspaper, the dog ___ ___ ___the box and___ ____ .
2.格林一家人正在考虑去长城。The Greens are ______ _______ going to the Great Wall.
3.汤姆发生了什么事? What _______ ______Tom?
4.对我来说,学开小汽车很难。It’s ________ for me ____learn to drive a car.
5.我在学校外面遇到了一位老朋友。He met an old friend______ _______ ________ .
6. 当你听说这件事时,你在干什么? you when you the event?
Liu Xiang a gold medal Athens Olympic Games in 2004.
8.长城闻名全世界.The Great Wall is famous .
9. 这座建筑物被一些恐怖分子毁坏了。
This building some .
1._____ I was cooking, Tina called me. A. Why B. While C. After D. Before
2. We can see a big tree in _____ front of the classroom. A. its B. that C. the D. /
3. She hoped nothing bad would ________ him. A. happen B. take place C. happen to D. take place of
4.―Did you see him come into the building? ―No, I ____ a football game at that time.
A. watch B. was watching C. watched D. am watching
5. When his mother got home , he _____ comput er. A. plays B. playing C. is playing D. was playing
Period Six (Self check)
1. barber ________ 2. bathroom _________3. kitchen ________4. alien _____________
5. land _______ __ 6. while ____________7. experience ______8. imagine __________
9. follow _________10. a mazing _________ 11.strange ________12 scared. ___________
13.climb _________14. jump ____________15.shout_________16. anywhere__________
17.happen________18. accident__________ 19.plane__________
4.进来____________5.某人发生某事_________________6.有一次不寻常的经历 _________________
7.考虑做某 事_____________8.上车(飞机)_____________9.在树上_______________
10.在…的前面______________11.跟着某人做某事 ________________12.对某人大喊_____________
1.UFO到来时你在做什么?What _______ you _______ _______ the UFO arrived?
2.那个男孩正在街上走时,UFO着陆了。The boy ______ _______ down the street when the UFO landed.
3.你能想象它有多么奇怪!You can imagine_______ _______ _______ was!
4.这是美国现代史上最重要的事件之一。This was one of _______ _______ _______ _______ in modern American history.
5.当然,并不是历史上所有的事情都这么可怕。_______ _______ events in history are _______ terrible _______ this, of course.
1)含义及构成 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行或发生的动作,其结构为______________
2)用法 1 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行或发生的动作。at 3:00 yesterday afternoon, in those days, at this time yesterday等。 2 表示过去某一动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行,持续时间长的动作用过去进行时态,常用于while引导的时间状语从句中。
(2)I _______ (play) computer games at nine o'clock last night.
(3)They _______ (have)an English class at this time yesterday.
(4)The man _______ (walk)in the park when the UFO arrived.
(5)While the alien _______ (visit) the museum, the boy called the TV station.
(6)He said he was _______ (leave)for Shanghai soon.
3)过去进行时否定结构:_____________________ +v-ing 一般问句结构:_______ +主语+v-ing +其他?
1 He was playing the guitar when his mother came back.(否定句)
2 She was babysitting her sister at this time yesterda y.(一般问句)
3 They were having a party when I knocked at the door.(就划线部分提问)
1.What were you doing _______ your teacher came into the classroom.
2._______ I was walking to the supermarket, I met my friend Jenny.
3.I was sleeping late _______my cousin came to see me.
4._______ my father was reading a newspaper, my mother was watching a TV play.
5._______ the alien was in the shop, the girl called the police.
1.The boy _________(look) out of the window when the policeman came.
2.While they _________(play) soccer, we were watching TV.
3.My father was reading a book when I _______(get)back.
4.The weather ______(be) fine while we were in Beijing.
5.The girl was really __ ___ (scare) when she saw the snake.
1.正当琳达买报纸的时候,狗 从箱子里出来然后跑掉了。
While Linda was buying a newspaper, the dog _ __ _ the box and_ _ __ .
2.格林一家人正在考虑去长城。The Greens are __ ___ __ going to the Great Wall.
3.汤姆发生了什么事? What __ _____ _____ _Tom?
4.对我来说,学开小汽车很难。It’s ____ for me __ __learn to drive a car.
5.我在学校外面遇到了一位老朋友。He met an old friend___ ____ _ ____ .
1._____ I was cooking, Tina called me.A.Why B.While C.After D.Before
2.We can see a big tree in _____ front of the classroom.A.its B.that C.the D./
3.She hoped nothing bad would _______ him. A.happen B.take place C.happen to D.take place of
4.―Did you see him come into the building?―No, I ____ a football game at that time.
A.watch B. was watching C.watched D.am watching
5.When his mother got home , he _____ computer. A.plays B.playing C.is playing D.was playing

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/68816.html
