
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网

1.see / hear / watch / feel / notice sb. do sth.
看见/听见/看/感到/注意到 某人 做完 某事
see / hear / watch / feel / notice sb. doing sth.
看见/听见/看/感到/注意到 某人 在做 某事
2.on the islands of Hawaii 在夏威夷群岛
3.be famous for sth. 因……而著名 / 出名
be famous as sth. 以(某种身份 / 职业)而出名
4.be known for sth. 因……而著名 / 出名
be known as sth. 以(某种身份 / 职业)而出名
5.a number of + pl.n 一些……
a large / great number of + pl. n 大量的……
= large / great numbers of + pl. n 大量的……
plenty of …. 大量的……
a lot of … = lots of … 许多的……
a great deal of + 不可数名词 大量的……
a great / good many + pl. n 大量的……
6.all the year round = the whole year 一年到头
7.No matter what / who / which / when / where / how … 无论是什么……
= Whatever / whoever / whichever / whenever / wherever / however
8.ride the waves = surf 冲浪
9.There is a big difference between …and …
10. if possible 如果有可能
as……as possible = as ……as sb. can 尽某人可能
11. a 21-year-old boy 一个21岁的男孩
12. give sth. up 放弃……
give up doing sth. 放弃做某事
13. ever since = from then on 自从那时起
14. work as …= serve as… = act as… 做……样的工作
15. have a night off = take a night off 休息一个晚上
= take a night leave
16. leave some time for doing sth. 留下某段时间做某事
17. make sth. fit 使某人健康
18. in the competition 在比赛中
19. * It seems to me that …… 在我看来……
1.It’s such great fun. 真是一种乐趣。
2.need more practice 需要更多的练习
3.Time flies ! 时光飞逝。
4.go to s.p. on business 因事务/生意而去某地
5.travel to s.p. 旅游到某地
6.* ask for sick leave 请病假
7.reach sb. by phone 打电话给某人
1.as ……as sb. can/could 尽可能……
2.try to do sth. 努力做某事
3.a 12-year-old boy 一个12岁的男孩
4.come true 成为现实; 实现
5.set off ( for s.p.) = set out ( for s.p. 出发
= start out /off ( for s.p.)
6.slow down = slow up 减低速度; 慢下来
7.go on doing sth. 继续做(原来的事)
go on to do sth. 继续做(另外一件事)
go on with sth. 继续做某事
8.a crowd of sth. / sb. 一群的……(短语做主语时,谓语
a big crowd of …… 一大群的……
crowds of …… 一群群的……
9.wait for sb. / sth. 等待……
10. be proud of sth. / sb. 为……而 / 感到 骄傲
11.. take pride in sth. 以……为荣; 为……感到自豪
12. speak highly of sb. / sth. 高度赞扬……
13. speak well of sb. 对……评价很好; 说某人好话
14. speak ill of sb. 说某人坏话
15. not only …but ( also ) … 不仅……而且……
16. * a well-kept city wall (一堵)保护很好的城墙
17. win the competition 赢得这场比赛
18. keep warm 保暖
1.a paper factory 一家纸厂
2.pour sth. into s.p. 把某物倾倒到……
3.Greener China 绿色中国组织
4.do something useful to do sth. 采取有效措施做某事
5.the TV station 电视台
6.the newspaper 这家报社
7.be afraid of sth. 害怕……
be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事
8.be afraid to do sth. (因害怕而)不敢做某事
9.have been a member of ……( for …/ since…) 加入……(多久了)
10. have been in ……( for…/ since…) 加入……(多久了)
have been at ……( for / since …)
11. have joined sth. 已经加入了……
12. * make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友
1.take care of the environment 保护环境
2.protect the environment 保护环境
3.improve the environment 改善环境
4.harm the environment 给环境带来危害 / 危害环境
5.sth. come to one’s ears ……传入耳中
6.pick sth. up 拾起;(非正规地)学会;
(顺便)买; (顺便用车)来接; 好起来; 上升
7.collect ( the ) rubbish 收垃圾
8.collect waste paper or bottles for recycling
9.throw the rubbish into a dustbin 把垃圾扔进垃圾箱
10.throw the litter onto the ground 把垃圾扔到地上
11. throw some rubbish in 把一些垃圾扔进去
12. produce a piece of music 奏出一段音乐
13. help ( to ) keep the classroom clean and tidy
14. around / in our neighbourhood 在我们的社区
15. near our neighbourhood 在我们社区附近
16. draw pictures on public walls 在公共场所的墙上乱涂鸦
17. spit on the street 在街道上吐痰
18. cut sth. down 砍倒某物
19. plant trees 种树
20. pick flowers in the park 摘公园里的花
21. waste paper 废纸
22. in a public place 在公共场所
23. make a contribution to sth./ doing sth. 为……做贡献
24. as soon as ……= the moment …… 一……就……
25.* the rubbish truck 垃圾车
1.The 比较级…, the 比较级 … 越……, 就越……
比较级 and 比较级 越来越……
2.join with sb. in sth. 参加某人的某种活动
3.join in sth. = take part in sth. 参加某种活动
4.work on a boat 在一艘船上工作
5.* No spitting. 请勿随地吐痰!
6.No smoking. 请勿吸烟 !
7.No graffiti. = No scribbling on the wall. 请五乱涂乱画 !
8.No littering. 不要乱扔果皮 !
9.No talking. 请勿交谈 !
10. No photos. 请勿拍照 !
11. No parking. 禁止停车 !
12. No garbage here. 禁止倒垃圾!
13. Post no bills. 禁止招贴 !
14. No admittance. 禁止入内 !
15. No thoroughfare. = Closed to traffic. 禁止通行 !
16. Keep away from the grass. 请勿践踏草坪 !
Don’t step / walk on the grass. 勿踏草地 !
17. Don’t cut casually. 请勿乱砍乱伐 !
1.keep plants at home 在家种养(供观赏的)花草
2.litter things about 随处扔东西
3.do well in sth. / doing sth. 在(某一方面)做得好
4.do OK in sth./ doing sth. 在(某一方面)做得好
5.need to do better in sth. / doing sth. 在(某一方面)需要做得好
6.make sure that…… 确信……
7.take sth. away 拿走某物
8.* close to s.p. 靠近
9.hear of sth. 听人说……
1.speak to sb. ( about sth. ) 跟某人讲(有关……)
talk to sb. talk with sb. 与某人交谈
2.leave a message to sb. 给某人留言
leave a message for sb. 替某人留下口信
3.take a message for sb. 替某人留言
1.How do / did you find it ? 你觉得怎么样?
= How do / did you like / enjoy / feel it ?
= What do / did you think of it ?
I think / find /feel it very ……
2.many other places of China 中国其他的许多地方
3.a rushed trip 一次匆忙的旅行
4.have a wonderful ( train ) trip to s.p. 到某地的一次非常愉快的旅行
( wonderful / great / happy / good / nice / pleasant / enjoyable )
( trip / journey / visit / ride )
5.go on to s.p. 接着去另外一个地方
6.take a taxi / a bus / a train to s.p. 乘出租车/公共汽车/火车去某地
7.Beijing West Railway Station 北京西客站
8.take ( sth. ) on the train 带上火车
take ( sth. ) off the train 从火车上拿下来
9.get on / off the train 上/下 火车
10. sleeping car / bag / pill 卧铺车 / 睡袋 / 安眠药片
swimming pool 游泳池 living/sitting room 客厅 dining-room 餐厅reading room 阅览室 waiting room 候车室 playing field 运动场 cooking oil 食用油 drinking water 饮用水 filling station 加油站
washing machine 洗衣机 washing line 晾衣绳
singing competition 歌咏比赛
11. keep doing sth. 坚持/不停 地做某事
keep on doing sth. 反复不断地 做某事
keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
12. offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb. 提供某人某物
offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事
13. practise doing sth. 练习做某事
keep / enjoy / finish / mind / give up doing sth.
14. sleep late 很迟睡
15. fall fast asleep 睡熟了
16. wake up 醒来
wake sb. up 叫醒某人
17. last long 持续很久
last ( for ) a week 持续一周
1.go on a trip 去旅行
2.What a pity ! 多可惜!
3.in one’s life 在某人的一生中
4.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物
5.The score of the football match is 3-2. 足球赛的比分是3比2。
6.take a photo / picture = have a photo / picture taken 照像
7.* as long as …… 只要
8.There goes the bell. 铃响了。
1.the bank of China 中国银行
2.get sick 得病
3.because of … 因为……
1.come on 快点;快来;加油;得啦
2.have a family meeting 开家庭会议
3.go for a / one’s holiday 去度假
4.go to s.p. for a holiday 去……度假
5.decide to do sth. 决定做某事
6.go somewhere warm = go to some warm place 去个暖和的地方
7.go scuba diving / fishing/ shopping/ swimming / skating / skiing
/ boating / running / dancing / sight-seeing 去潜水
8.be away ( from s.p.) ( for some time ) 离开…(一段时间 )
9.be out of s.p. 离开了……
10. look for / find some information about sth. on the Internet
11. some / a little / much / a lot of / a piece of / little / no information
一些/一点/许多/许多/一个/没有 信息
12. search the Internet 上网
13. search s.p./ sb. for sth. 在……搜寻……
14. look at the Internet 上网
15. do sth. by oneself 独自做……
16. double left click on the Internet icon 用左键双击因特网图标
17. left click on sth. 左键单击……
18. type in sth. (用键)输入……
19. press the enter button 按回车键
20. at the top of … ( opp. At the foot / bottom of …) 在……的顶上
1.on Hainan Island 在海南岛上
2.the capital of Hainan Island 海南岛首府
3.in the northeast of the island 在这个岛的东北部
4.the second largest island in China 中国的第二大岛屿
5.have a population of … 有……的人口
6.have a large / small population 人口多 / 少
7.What is the population of ……? ……的人口有多少?
8.Hainan is the place to be. 海南是 要去/值得去 的地方。
= Hainan is the place where we will go.
9.whether … or … 无论……还是……
10. whether … or not 是否
11. no matter if …… 不管是否……
12. be famous for … = be known for … 因 ……而著名
= be well known for …
13. Tianya Haijiao = the edge of the sky and the rim of the sea 天涯海角
14.* sign contracts 签合同
15. have a business meeting 开一个会议
16. learn a trade 学手艺
17. enter a college 进入大学
1.fly to s.p. 飞往……
2.fly to s.p. in a plane = go to s.p. by plane 乘飞机去……
3.a ticket from … to … 一张从……去……的票
4.a ticket on November 26th 一张十一月二十六日的车票
5.a ticket returning from … to … 一张从……返回……的车票
6.a one-way ticket 一张单程车票
7.a round-trip ticket 一张返程车票
8.check the computer 电脑上查一下
9.book four tickets 预定四张车票
10. the instructions for … ……的说明
11. 0700 hours = 7 a.m. = seven o’clock in the morning 早上七点
12. at the airport 在飞机场
13. show one’s ticket 检票
14.*take No.201 flight 乘坐201航班
15. the flight out of Beijing 飞离北京的航班
1.think about sth. 考虑;回想;想起;认为
2.think about doing sth. 打算做……
3.Our family is going on holiday soon. 我们家很快要起度假。
4.get a chance to do sth. 获得一个机会做……
5.take a chance to do sth. 抓住机会做……
6.have scuba diving lessons 培训用水肺潜水
7.That sounds really cool ! 那听起来真棒!
8.a fast / slow train 快车 / 慢车
9.call s.p./sb. by the number on the brochure
10.* book a room / a table by telephone 电话预定一个房间/一桌菜
11. a single room / a double room 单人房 / 双人房
12. What’s the price of sth. ? = How much is …… ? ……的价格是多少
13. the coming weekend 即将到来的周末
14. type out sth. on the computer 在电脑上打出……
15. give sb. the chance to do sth. 给某人机会做某事
16. hold the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 举办2008年北京奥运会
17. non-stop flight from … to … 从……到……的直达航班
18. tourists from home and abroad 国内外的游客
1.sth. happen to sb. 某人发生了/出了…事
2.call the police 报警
3.* send a letter to sb. 寄给某人一封信
4.hear from sb. 收到某人的音信
5.get a letter from sb. 收到某人的一封信
6.enjoy one’s trip 旅途愉快
1.this is because …… 这是因为……
2.allow doing sth. 允许做某事
3.allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
4.sb. make it possible by doing sth. 某人通过做某事使得它成为可能
5.be interested in sth. / doing sth. 对某物/某事感兴趣
6.use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事
7.make a video 制作电视节目 / 拍电视
8.take pictures of …… 把……拍成照片
9.take videos of …… 把……拍成电视
10. make a TV show 制作一个电视节目
11. run for 8 years = last/ go on for 8 years 持续八年
12. as a boy 当(某人)是个小孩时
13. be amazed at …… 对……感到惊奇
14. save the environment 挽救环境
15. all over the world 全世界
16. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事
17. take ( an active ) part in sth./ doing sth. (积极)参加……
18. make a list of …… 列出……
1.as long as two hours 长达两个小时
2.That’s / It’s a deal ! 好, 就这样说定了!
3.*go on a business trip 出差
4.live a quiet / happy life 过着平静 / 幸福的生活
1.have been around = have been living 生存至今
2.have many differences from sth. 与……有很多不同
3.for one thing 举个例说;首先;例如
4.Not all sharks are alike. 不是所有的鲨鱼是一样的。
5.come in different sizes 出生时大小不同
6.feed on sth. 以……为食
7.It is said that … 据说 ……
8.warn sb. of / about sth. 提醒某人注意/当心 ……
9.warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人不要做某事
10.* pass the math exam 考数学及格 / 通过数学考试
11. deal with sth. 处理/利用……
12. have other choices 有其他的选择
1.try to do sth. 尽力做某事
2.get sb./sth. to do sth. = ask / tell sb. to do sth. 让/叫某人做某事
= let / make / have sb. do sth.
3.fix sth. = repair sth. = mend sth. 修理某物
4.be able to do sth. = can do sth. 能做某事
5.Good question. 问得好!
6.come up with sth. = think of sth. 提出/想出(计划、答案、理由等);赶上
7.sb. need to do sth. 某人需要做某事
8.sth. need doing = sth. need to be done ……需要(被)做某事
9.give sth. up 放弃…
10. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事
11. give up to do sth. 放弃后去做某事
12.* call sth. … for short 把……简称为……
13. sth.(1) be short for sth.(2) (2)简称为(1);(1)是(2)的简称
1.be always doing sth. 总是/老是做某事
2.try out new ideas 试验新的设想
try to do sth. 努力/尽力做某事 try doing sth. 试做某事
try / do one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大能力做某事
try sth. on 试穿…… try for a job 谋/试找一份工作
try for college 努力上大学 have a try 试一下
3.be in school = be at school 在求学;在上学
4. so many / few / much / little + ( n. ) 那么多 / 少的……
5.have nothing to do with sth./sb. 与……无关
have something to do with …… 与……有点关系
have much / a lot to do with …… 与……有很大关系
have a little to do with …… 与……有点关系
have little to do with …… 与……没有什么关系
6. find sb. ( to be … ) sth. 发现/觉得某人/某物……
7.be / become interested in sth./doing sth 对/逐渐对……感兴趣
8.have some interest in …… 对……有一些兴趣
9.take / feel ( great / much ) ( an ) interest in …… 对……有很大兴趣
10. show a little / little / no interest in ……对……有点/没什么/一点也不兴趣
11. at the age of 12 在12岁时
12. too……to do sth. 太……而不能做某事
13. too good / glad / happy / kind / easy / ready / eager / willing / anxious to do sth.
非常 + adj. + 做某事
14. be frightened by/at sth. 对……感到恐惧/害怕
15. carry sb. to safety = carry sb. to a safe place 把某人带到安全的地方
16. rush out 冲出去
17. send messages by telegraph 发电报
18. become good at / in sth. 逐步精通……
19. be good at / in sth. 擅长做……
20. be weak / poor in / at sth 在……做得差
21. do well / badly in sth. 在……做得好/很糟
22. make money from sth. 从……挣钱
23. open up one’s own lab 开设自己的实验室
24. most of one’s lifetime 某人一生中的大部分时间
25. think much of …… 看重某人
26. think well of …… 认为……很好
27. think poorly of 认为……不怎么样
28. think ill of …… 不看重……
29. think little of …… 不看重……
30. think badly of …… 对……印象坏
31. speak highly / much of …… 高度评价……
32. speak badly / ill of …… 对……评价极差
33. *Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
34. work hard doing sth. 努力做某事
1.graduate from …… 从……毕业
2.turn sth down / up 把……声音调小/大
3.turn sth. on / off 把……开起来/关掉
4.keep sb. busy 使……忙
5.learn as much as sb. can / could 尽可能学
1.improve oneself in sth. = make progress in sth. 在……方面提高自己的水平
2.It’s not a very good line. (电话的声音)听不太清楚。
3.The line is bad. (电话的声音)听得很不清楚。
4.feel like doing sth. 觉得想做……
5.* make a plan 做个计划
6.bring sb. close to the right answer 使某人更快找到正确答案
7.sooner or later 迟早
8.one’s college entrance exams 大学入学考试 / 高考
9.take an active part in doing sth. 积极参加做……
10. hate sth. / doing sth. 不喜欢做……
11. recite sth. from memory 背诵……
12. wish success to sb. 祝某人成功
13. be surprised to do sth. 吃惊地做……
14. send for a doctor 叫人去请医生
15. need an operation 需要手术
16. operate on sb. 给某人动手术
17. sth. be worth sth. 某物值……
18. sth. be worth doing / to be done. 某事值得做。
1.come to s.p. for a holiday 来到……度假
2.on Christmas Day 在圣诞节
3.at Christmas ( time ) 在圣诞节期间
4.during the Christmas season 在圣诞节期间
5.in the Spring Festival 在春节
6.( be ) out of s.p. = ( be ) away from s.p. 离开……
= ( be ) from inside of s.p. 从……里面或某种状态中走出
7.come true = realize 实现; 变成现实
8.come on = come along 来吧;快;加油;得啦
9.a lot of / much / great fun 很有趣; 很好玩; 玩得高兴
10. do sth for fun 开玩笑地做……; 不是认真地做…..
11. make fun of sth./sb. 取笑……;开……玩笑
12. That sounds like fun. 那听起来真有趣。
13. What do you mean by sth. ? ……的意思是什么 ?
14. What does sth. mean ? ……的意思是什么 ?
15. What’s the meaning of sth. ? ……的意思是什么 ?
16. put sth. up 把……挂起来
17. at the top of sth. 在……的顶上
18. on top of each house all over the world 在全世界每幢房子的屋顶上
19. pass sth. ( back ) to sb. 把…...传( 回 )到……
20. What goes on top of the tree ? 树上放着什么?
21. the whole tree 整棵树
22.* in the future 在将来
23. from now on 从现在起
1.get together ( for sth. ) 集聚在一起
2.go from house to house 挨家挨户
= go from door to door 从一家走到另一家
3.on Christmas Eve 在圣诞节前夕
4.Father Christmas 圣诞老人
5.as well 也; 同样
6.as well as …… 和……一样; 除……外,还……
7.go to sleep 入睡
8.fill sth.(1) with sth.(2) 用(2)装满(1)
9.be filled with sth. = be full of sth. 装/挤/坐…满了……
10. in a single night 在一夜间
11. be based on sth. 基于……; 根据……而写
12. in history 在历史上
13. the poor 穷人(们)
14. It is said that …… 据说……
15. It is reported / believed / expected / supposed that ……
16. even though = though 即使……然而……
17. live on 继续活着;
18. wake up 醒来
19. wake sb. up 把……叫醒
20. can’t / couldn’t wait to do sth. 迫不急待地想做某事
21. greet sb. / each other 给某人打召呼 / 互相问候
22. *in Western countries 在西方国家
23. such as …… 例如;好象
1.in different ways 以不同的方式
2.* write a note to sb. 写一张纸条给某人
3.go window shopping 浏览商店的橱窗
= look at goods displayed in shop-windows
1.tell s.b. of / about sth. 告诉某人有关……的事
2.once upon a time = long, long ago 从前; 很久以前
3.years later 多年以后
= many years later = a lot of years later
4.be to do sth. 要做某事
5.give birth to sb. 生孩子; 孕育
6.this very special boy 正是这个特别的小孩
7.* go to a movie / film 去看电影
8.set off firecrackers 放鞭炮
9.have a big dinner 吃一餐丰盛的晚餐
10. have a large celebration on New Year’s Day 在元旦举行盛大的庆祝活动
11. at the moment of the coming of the New Year 在新年到来之际
12. come back to life 苏醒过来; 复活
13. dress in sth. 穿起……(衣服)
14. go to church 去祷告
15. It is / was + 被强调部分 + that / who(m) + 主句. 是/就是 ……
1. What is this called in English ? 这个英语叫什么?
2.What is the English for this ? 这个英语叫什么 ?
3.be made of … 某物用……制成
4.be made from … 某物用……制成
5.be made in … 某物在……制成的
6.be made into… 某物被制成了……
7.be made up of ……由……组成
8.be used for … ……被用来做……
9.be used as … ……被用作……
10. be used to do sth. ……被用来做…..
11. have / take / make a try 尝试一下
12. in pairs 两人一组地
13. keep warm 保暖
14. keep sb./ sth. warm 使某人/某物保持温暖
15.* keep off the rain 避免淋雨
1.more than 100 100多的
2.100 or more 100或更多
3.a group of …… 一组/队/群的……
4.the number of …… ……的数量
5.a number of …… 一些的……
6.a large / great number of … 大量的……
7.a small number of … 少量的……
8.something else 其他的一些东西
9.many other countries 其他许多的国家
10. in the modern world 在现代世界里
11. sell sth. to sb. 把……买给……
12. buy sth. from sb./s.w. 从…..买来……
13. around the world 全世界
14. all over the world 全世界
15. make a telephone call ( to ……) 打电话给……
16. three quarters 四分之三
17. one / a quarter 四分之一
18. one / a half 一半的…… / 二分之一的……
19. half of …… 一半的…… / 二分之一的……
20. on the Internet
1.make a mistake 犯错误
2.build up one’s confidence 树立信心
3.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
4.make noise 吵闹
5.opening-up policy 开放政策
1.in the science museum 在自然博物馆
2.in town 在镇上
3.on show 在展览中
4.on display 在展览中
5.hundreds of 几百的……
6.thousands of 几千的……
7.millions of 几百万的…….
8.* ancient China 中国古代
9.Han Dynasty 汉朝
10. hold water 盛水
11. test earthquakes 检测地震
12. in the clouds 在云中
1.a visit to s.p./ sb. 参观某地 / 拜访某人
2.pay a visit to sb. / s.p 拜访某人 / 参观某地
3.pay sb. a visit 拜访某人
4.be on a visit to sb. / s.p. 正在拜访某人 / 正在参观某地
5.the museum of natural history 自然历史博物馆
6.in the 1990’s / in the 1990s 在二十世纪九十年代
7.long long ago = once upon a time 很久很久以前
8.long before 早在……之前
9.be covered with sth. 覆盖着……
10. the feathered dinosaur 长有羽毛的恐龙
11. in the future 在将来
1.in the museum 在博物馆里
2.look sth. up in a dictionary 在字典里查……
3.No smoking. = You can’t smoke here.
4.No parking. = You can’t park your car here.
5.No photos. = You can’t take any photo here.
6.No spitting. = You can’t spit here.
7.No littering. = You can’t litter your waste here and there.
8.This side up. = You shouldn’t put this side down.
9.Business hours. = The shop is open. You can buy anything in the shop.
10. Entrance = You can enter through the door here.
11. Exit = You can go out through the door here.
12. Pull = You can open the door if you pull it.
13. Push = You can open the door if you push it.
14. Fragile = It’s easy to break. You must be careful.
15. Danger = Don’t touch that. It’s not safe.
16. Keep away from the grass. = You shouldn’t walk on the grass.
= Keep off the grass.
1.that cup with three legs 有三只脚的杯子
2.in the old days 在过去; 在旧社会
3.drink wine 喝酒
4.serve wine 上酒
5.keep the wine warm 温酒
6.be filled with sth. 充满……
7.learn a lot ( from … ) 从……)学到了很多
8.* in the market 在市场上
9.on weekends 在周末
1.in one’s old clothes 穿着旧衣服的…
2.Tree Planting Day 植树节
1.in … clothes / a skirt / a hat / shoes 穿着……
2.dressed in …clothes 穿着……衣服
3.Tree Planting Day 植树节
4.around the lake 在湖边上
5.What has happened to sb. / sth. ? 某人发生了什么事/ 某物发生了什么?
Something must have happened to sb./sth/ 某人/某物一定出了毛病/问题。
= Something must be wrong with sb./sth.
= There must be something wrong with sb./ sth.
= Sb. / Sth. must have gone wrong.
happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事
6.neither … nor … 既不……也不……
7.just right 正好合适
8.It’s best / better to do sth. 最好做……
= sb. had better do sth.
9.in spring / summer / autumn / winter 在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天
10. knock sth. into s.p. 把……敲进……
11. make sure of sth. / that … 查清楚/弄确实……
12. Be sure to do sth. 务必/一定做某事
13. next to … 在……的隔壁
14. so that … 以便……
15. push sth. down 把某物往下按/踩
16. put sth. back 把……放回去
17. tie sth. to sth. 把……绑到……上去
18. keep sth. straight 把……扶直
19. do sth. as … as possible to do sth. 为了做……而尽可能……地做……
1. hear of sth. 听说……
2.hear from sb. 听到/收到……的音讯/来信
3.know about …… 了解……
4.keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止……做……
= stop sb. ( from ) doing sth.
= prevent sb. ( from ) doing sth.
5.keep sb. doing sth. 使某人一直做某事
6.keep sth. from sb. 不让某人知道某事
7.in the forest 在森林里
8.wash sth. away 把某物冲刷走/冲跨
9.run away 流失;逃跑;逃走
10. in this way 用这种方法
11. be ……long / wide / deep / high / tall / away 有……长/宽/深/高/高/远
12. on the Great Wall 在长城上
13. The more, the better. 越多越好。
14. in a few years’ time = in a few years 在几年的时间里
15. in five days 在五天里/过五天
= within five days = in five days’ time 在五天里
16. point to sth/ sb. 指向……
17. point at sb./ sth. 指着……
18. a school far away from the village 一所远离村庄的学校
19. thanks to … 多亏了……
= because of = with the help of
20. be covered with / by …… 覆盖着……
21. produce more food to feed more people 生产更多的食品养活更多的人
1.at the right time 在恰当的时候
2.speak English in or out of class 在课上课下讲英语
3.hand sth. in 上交某物
4.walk side by side 肩并肩地走; 并排着走
5.the things on display 展览中的物品
1.more or less 差不多;大体如此; 或多或少;多少有点
2.fill in sth. with sth. 用……来填充……
3.That’s done. 做好了。
4.have a drink 喝一点水
5.at Grand Concert Hall 在大音乐厅
6.the notice to the audience 听众须知
7.in the theatre 在剧院里
8.children under 1.2m in height 1米2以下的小孩
9.keep off the mobile phones 关闭手机
10. keep sb. off 不让某人靠近
11. in the concert hall 在音乐厅里
1.check one’s emails 检查邮件
2.send an email/a telegram/a letter/a package to sb.
send sb. to another place 派/打发某人去另一个地方/某个地方
send sb. to bed / another room 叫某人去睡觉/去另一个房间
send sb. in / out / back / away 叫某人进去/出去/回去/离开
send one’s love to sb. 向某人问好
send ( sb. ) for a doctor 派人去请医生
3.receive a letter 收到一封信
hear from sb. 收到某人的音信
4.a computer fan 电脑爱好者
5.a list of 一张……的菜单; 一系列
6.put information into the computer 把信息输入电脑
7.connect sth. to / with sth. 把……与……连接起来
8.provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物
1. The universe means the earth, the sun, 宇宙是指地球、太阳、月球、
the moon, the stars and the space between them 恒星和他们之间的空间。
2.The moon travels / goes / moves / turns around the earth. 月球绕着地球转。
3.in space 在太空中
4.send sth. up into space 把……送入太空
5.send sth. to s.p. 把……寄到某处
6.so far = up to / till now 到目前为止
7.learn about …… 学习有关……的知识
8.with the help of …… 在……的帮助下
9.on the other side of the world 在世界的另一面
10. one’s knowledge of the universe 对宇宙的认识/了解
11. all the time 一直
12. Thanks to = with the help of …= because of … 幸亏 / 多亏了
13.*living creatures 生灵
1.How many kilometers by train is it from s.p. to s.p.?
2.make rules for …… 给……制定规则
3.turn off the light 关灯
4.shut down the computer 关闭电脑
1.work around the house 在房前屋后劳动
2.spend time with friends 花时间和朋友在一起
= spend time in staying with friends
3.spend time alone 独自一个人过
4.put sth. in order 把……按顺序排好
5.set one’s mind to do sth. 一心一意做……
6.make up one’s mind to do sth. 决心做……
7.pu sth. off 推迟……;……延期
1.What’s the population of……? ……有多少人口?
2.a city with a population of …… 有……人口的城市
3.… … have a large / big / small population ……人口多 / 少
4.for the size of …… 对于……的面积来说
5.How large / big / small is the population of the city ?
6.China has a population of 1,4000,000,000.
7.The population of China is 1,400,000,000.
1.slow …… down 降低;放慢;下降
2.make room for sb. 给某人腾出个地方
3.There’s no room/space for sth. 没有地方放……。
4.increase by 增加了……
5.multiply …… by …… ……乘以……
6.on the earth = in the world 在世界上
7.on earth 在世间;在世上
8.in the earth 在地里
9.hour after hour 一小时接一小时;连接不断地
10. the challenge of …… 对……的挑战
11. at the beginning/start of …… 在……开始的时候
12. at the end of …… 在……结束的时候
13. in the beginning 在开始阶段
14. by the year 2003…… 到2003年为止
15. one square kilometer 一平方公里
16. the more developed countries 较发达国家
17. the less developed countries 较不发达国家
18. the developing country 发展中国家
19. the developed country 发达国家
20.* do something/nothing/everything to do sth.
21. carry out the one-child policy 实施独生子女政策
1.agree with sb. 同意;赞同
2.agree to do sth. 同意做……
3.prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁可做……而不做……
4.prefer sth. to sth. 比……更喜欢……
5.buy sth. for some money 花……买……
6.be worth some money / a visit / anything …… 值……;值得参观;值……
7.be worth doing ……值得做
8.be worth to be done ……值得做
1.make a travel plan 做个旅行计划
2.start / begin with …… 从……开始
3.end with …… 以……结束
4.make a chart 制作一个图表
5.draw a diagram 画个图表
1.be excited at / about sth. 对…感到激动/兴奋
be excited at sth. 因…而兴奋/激动
be excited about sth./ doing sth 因听到/看到……而兴奋不已
be excited to do sth. 激动地做某事
2.wear sth. out 把……穿旧了/磨坏/拉坏
3.what size of shoes 几号的鞋
4.a pair of shoes in size 38 一双38码的鞋
5.a 38 in this colour 一双这种颜色38码的鞋
6.in the back 在柜台后面(的储藏室里)
7.try sth. on 试穿……
8.even though = even if 即使;尽管
9.dark blue 深蓝
10.light green 浅绿
11. a warm colour 暖色
12. Have you got any other color / size / kind ? 你有其他的颜色/型号/种类吗?
13. That’s a bit / little expensive. 那有点贵。
14. I’ll take it. 我买了。
15. Yes, do please. 请(做…)吧。
16. be sold out 买完了
17. depend on sth./sb. 依靠……
18. look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子
19. give / make / allow sb. a 10% discount 给某人打折10%
20. fit sb. well 穿着合身
21. look nice on sb. 某人穿着很好看
1.sth. of one’s own = one’s own sth. 某人自己的……
2.buy sth. online 从网上买某物
3.shop online 网上购物
4.take a picture / photo of sb. / sth. 拍一张……的照片
5.have a picture / photo taken 照一张照片
6.live out in the country 住在偏远的乡下
7.an ad for sth. ……的广告
8.as well 也;一样
9.check sth. out 核对;检查;清点
10. make a decision ( without delay ) (马上)决定
11. seem to do sth. 似乎要做某事
12. at the best price 以最优惠的价格
13. order sb. sth. = order sth. for sb. 给某人订购某物
14. give sb. an order for sth. 向某人订购某物
15. fill in the form 填表格
16. type in sth. 输入……
17. Congratulations on sth. 祝你……
18. congratulate sb. on / upon sth. 向某人祝贺……
19. by the time sb. did sth. 到某人做某事为止
1.go over sth. = review 复习……;检查……;(从头至尾)看一遍
2.again and again = over and over 再三地;反复地
3.get wet in the rain 被雨淋湿
4.keep sb. off the rain 不被雨淋湿
5.make a mistake 犯错误
6.begin as follows 以下面的(句子)开头
7.break into one’s house 闯入某人的房子
8.That’s too bad. 那太糟糕了。
1.put sth. in the right order 把……按正确的顺序排好
2.put / list sth in order of( age/time/year )按……的顺序排……
3.drop sth. off 卸下某物;放下物品
4.sound reasonable 听起来合理
5.Tian’anmen Square 天安门
6.close to s.p. 靠近……
7.the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂
8.the Palace Museum 故宫博物院
9.Beihai Park 北海公园
10. the Summer Palace 颐和园
1.win the match 比赛赢了
2.beat sb. ( 5-3 ) 以5比3赢/打败某人
3.lose the basketball match to sb. 某人在这场篮球赛中输给了某人
4.think of 想到…/想一想/想起/打算做/
5.think about …… 想到……/ 考虑……
6.by the time that-clause 到……为止
7.* congratulations to sb. 祝贺某人
8.congratulations on ( doing ) sth. 祝贺……
9.congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人……
10. win ( the ) first place in the league 在联赛中取得第一名
1.make a good player 造就一名优秀的运动员
2.in a surprising result 以令人吃惊的结果
3.used to do sth. ( 过去 )经常做……
( didn’t use to do sth. / usedn’t to do sth.)
( Did sb. use to do sth. ? / Used sb. to do sth. ?)
( be used to sth. be used to doing sth. )
( get / become / grow / seem used to sth./doing sth.)
( be used to do sth. )
4.help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事
5.in an exciting match 在一场激动人心比赛中
6.deserve to do sth. = be worthy of doing sth. 理应/应该/应受/该/值得 做某事
deserve to be done = deserve doing
7.start / begin well for the boys 男队开局打/踢得好
8.score a goal = kick a goal 踢进一球
score the first goal 踢进第一个球
make the score 5-3 把比分改写为5比3
make the final score 5-3 最终把比分定格在5比3
make the score 5-3 with a beautiful shot 用一记漂亮的抽射,球从男队球门
into the top right-hand corner of the boy’s goal 的右上角飞入,使比分改写为2比1
score a game 胜一局
score a goal 进一球
score a point 得一分
win sth. by a score of 5-3 以5比3的比分赢了……
What’s the score of the match ? 这场比赛的结果怎样?
The score is 5-3. 比分是5比3。
9.at first 起初
10. just before half time 就在上半场结束之前
11. in the first half ( time ) 在上半场
12. in the second half ( time ) 在下半场
13.* lose three goals 被踢进了三个球
14. think ( of ) sth. as sth. 认为……是……
15. The excellent shot went into the middle of the doal.
16. Another great shot went low to the left of the girl’s goal.
17. A beautiful shot went over Jiang mei’s head to the top right-hand corner of the
1.be pleased with sb. / sth. 对某人/某事感到满意
be pleased at ( doing ) sth. 因(做)…… 而高兴
be pleased about sth.       高兴/乐于做某事   
be pleased to do sth. 高兴/乐于做某事  
2.be good at ( doing ) sth. 擅长/善于(做)某事
be good for sth.  对……有利;适宜做某事
be good to sb. 待……好
3.be sure of ( doing ) sth. 相信/确信/自信(做)某事
be / feel sure about sth.       对……有把握
be sure to do sth. 一定做某事
4.be strict with sb. 严格要求某人
be strict in sth.          对某事要求严格
5.be tired of ( doing ) sth.       因(做)某事而厌烦
be tired with / from ( doing ) sth.   因(做)某事而疲倦
6.be angry with sb.          对某人生气
be angry about sth.         因某事而恼怒
be angry at one’s words       因某人的言语而生气
be angry with/at sb. for doing sth. 因某人做了某事而生气
7.That’s a pity.           太可惜了!/真可惜!
8.That’s amazing.          太不可思议了 !
9.That’s a big score. 那可是个大比分。
10. Never mind. 不要紧!/ 没关系 !
1.keep a diary 记日记
2.as a result 结果是;因此
3.as a result of = because of 由于;作为……的结果
4.expect sth./sb. 期待某人的到来
expect to do sth. expect sb. to do sth. expect + that-clause
e.g. Li Lei got to school earlier than we had expected.
Li Lei got to school earlier than expected.
5.have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事
6.at half time 在中场休息时
7.from now on 从现在开始
8.from then on 从那时开始
9.write a reply 写一封回信
10. be against / for sth. / sb. 反对/赞同 某人/某事
11. play for sb. 为……而战; 支持……
12.* during the past year 在过去的一年中
13. be top 获得冠军
1.Hands up! = Put your hands up ! 举手
2.shoot sb. / sth. 打中/射中某人
shoot at sb. / sth. 朝……射击
3.work at / on the computer 用电脑工作
4.feed sth. to sb. = feed sb. on sth. 喂养/给……吃……
5.* say ……in a low voice 低声地说……
6.have some cash on hand 手头上有提些现金
7.have a day off 放假一天
1.ask ( sb. ) for help ( 向某人 ) 求助
2.a detective film 一部侦探电影
3.watch a film on television 看电视播放的电影
4.the missing / lost necklace 丢失了的项链
5.The necklace is lost / missing / gone. 项链丢了。
1.* taste a bit like sth. 尝/吃起来有点象……
2.the World Trade Center 世贸中心
3.a passenger plane 客机
1.break the window 打破窗户
2.* a crowded bus 一辆拥挤的公共汽车
3.one by one 一个接一个
4.do sth. in turn 轮流做……
5.make a noise 发出响声 / 吵杂声
6.in the dark 在黑暗中
7.turn off the light 把灯关掉
8.make a mistake 犯错误
9.take sb. as … 把某人当作……
1.the bad traffic 拥挤的交通
2.before long 不久之后
3.look at the time 看一下时间
4.be busy with sth. 忙于做某事
be busy ( in ) doing sth.
5.so that … 以便于……; 因此/结果
6.* lose one weight (身体)瘦了
7.( can ) afford sth. = ( can ) buy sth. (能)买得起某物
= ( can ) pay the money for sth.
8.give sb. some advice ( on sth ) 给某人提一点建议
9.follow one’s advice ( to do sth. ) 听从某人的劝告
1.a team of …… 一队的 ……(人)
2.climb up towards the top of the mountain 朝着山顶爬去
3.disappear into the mist 消失在雾中
4.* a mountain climber 一位登山者
1.hate to do sth. 不喜欢做……
hate doing sth.
2.buy sth. online 网上购物
3.* make / find / push / fight one’s way to some place 走出/打出/杀出一条路
4.make a trip to s.p. by train 乘火车到……旅行
5.travel to s.p. on a train 乘火车到……旅行
6.give sb. a haircut 给某人理发
7.mail sth. by EMS 用特快专递寄某物
8.instead of …… 代替……
9.pretty expensive = quite expensive 十分/非常 贵
1.fail ( in ) the exam 考试不及格
2.make up one’s mind to do sth. 下决心做某事
3.in the Himalaya Mountains 在喜玛拉雅山脉
4.fall short of … 不足/达不到(预计,需要等)
5.take away from …… 有损于……

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/69197.html
